The Angel's Gift (Indefinite...

بواسطة nuttylettuce

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Savanna and Lindsey are two ordinary teenage girls, or so they thought. After moving to a new school in a new... المزيد

School of Secrets
Reality Anyone?
I Need Him Anyway
Stolen Night
Break From Reality
We Have to Leave
Help Me
Sam and Kodie
Does it Mean Something?
The Girl in Black
How I'm Here


805 14 0
بواسطة nuttylettuce

CHAPTER 11! There aren't words 4 how grateful I am tht u take the time 2 read this! Thanks so much!!!! I've had major writer's~block 4 the past week so I'm so srry if this chapter stinks! But, anywho ~ EnJoY! :-D




~Savanna POV~

I awoke to a loud, annoying beeping noise. I was faintly aware of the hand resting lightly on my lower stomach and something hard moved steadily underneath my pounding head. With a load groan I peeled my drowsy eyes open and drank in my surroundings. The large room seemed somewhat familiar but my mind was in a blur and I couldn't focus on how I recognized it or how I got here.

I was curled up perpendicular to Will's sleeping body and, realizing the steadily moving surface beneath my head was his chest, I raised myself into a sitting position, which instantly set cruel cannons off in my head and I gasped with pain. Rubbing my temple with one hand, I smacked the'off' button on the stupid alarm clock and began to turn to wake Will when the hand that had previously rested on my stomach but now lay on my lap wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me back down gently. Resting my head back down onto his chest obediently I looked up into his sleepy ultramarine eyes that pierced into me lovingly.

"Morning, Beautiful," He whispered, leaning his head forward and kissing my forehead, where his soft lips lingered for a moment, smiling against my skin. I grinned blissfully. He glanced over at the clock situated on the black nightstand and cursed, abruptly tossing the blanket off of us, gathering me into his arms, and hopping off the bed. He cradled me bridal-style to the door as I groaned, my head splitting from his sudden movement. "Sorry about this but my dare last night was to get you to school on time." Stumbling down the stairs, obviously not hurrying too much but not taking his own sweet time either, Will growled lowly and winced as he leaped the last five steps "Damn hangover."

Boy, did I feel his pain. Burying my face in his bare shoulder, my skull throbbed harshly as I recognized the lower floor of the mansion. This was Jensen's house. A few blurry memories flooded back to me of the hot tub and truth or dare but I was still oblivious to how I had ended up in bed with Will. Not that I'm complaining about waking up next to a gorgeous werewolf in just swim shorts. That had frickin' made my day. I came to the conclusion that I had probably passed out downstairs and he had carried me back upstairs to a bed. This obvious solution popped into my hungover brain a little belatedly but better late than never I guess.

I yawned as he set me down to my feet and dashed up the staircase, disappearing into the fifth door to the left of the stairs. I stretched my sore muscles and rubbed the sleep out of my face. A few moments later, Will exited the room and rushed down the steps, taking three at a time. He was now wearing a fresh pair of jeans and an ebony jumper and holding a a bundle of smaller clothes which were apparently for me. Holding up the pumpkin-orange off-the-shoulder shirt, a black cami to wear underneath, a denim mini-skirt, and combat boots, he raised an eyebrow for approval of Annie's clothes. I shrugged and snatched the clothing from him, wobbling over to the bathroom to change.

Will continuously shouting at me to hurry up so he wouldn't be declared a chicken for not completing his dare, I hastily changed out of my swimsuit and groaned at the rash it left from sleeping in it all night. Pulling my hair back into a quick and messy bun, I highly doubted we were going to make it to school in time, it already being ten minutes until the bell rang for first class and Will lost the dare. He would have to speed like a demon to get there on time.


Will grabbed my waist and lifted me off the motorcycle hurriedly. I was still pale as a sheet and in shock from how fast he had sped through town, running every red light and swerving in and out of cars, screaming, "You drive like my grandma! Move your ass to the slow lane!" at them as he flew by. Setting me down on my feet, I wobbled for a minute, my head throbbing as I attempted to compose myself but Will apparently didn't have time for my head to settle down. Snatching my hand, purposely choosing my right one, in fear that my left wrist was still sore from Ren's stupid failure. It didn't hurt anymore but I smiled internally at how careful he was with me.

He dragged me through the school's large double doors and dashed through the hallways, where I caught sight of a clock hanging on the wall as we sprinted by. 6:44. One minute until the first bell rang. Even though I was ready to rip his throat out for waking me up so early with that dumb alarm clock and rush me to school all for a stupid dare, I marveled at how fast he had gotten us here, at least three times faster then any normal person could arrive.

He ripped the door to room 22 open and everyone snapped their heads in our direction, surprised. The class was completely full, everyone already in their seats as we bounded to the back of the room, where or empty seats sat, Mr. Melvan glaring at us disapprovingly. Letting go of my hand, Will pushed my shoulders down, plopping me down into my seat just as the loud 'ding dong' signaled 6:45.

Jensen looked amused at Will actually taking the dare seriously and Lindsey and Annie giggled at us and our entrance.

"Yes! Who's your king now?!" Will celebrated, punching the air as he did a small victory dance before settling into the seat beside me happily, a smug grin slapped onto his face. Glancing over at me as I slumped my aching head in my hands, cursing him under my breath, he added, "Sorry Babe, but this was essential to my pride."

Softly laughing at my misery, Lindsey whispered, "Wow."


I spent the rest of science sulking angrily as my head screamed for pain killers. Stupid arrogant jerk for dragging me in here. I felt a small tinge of satisfaction as Will rubbed his eyes sleepily and groaned whenever Mr. Melvan made any loud noise, rubbing his forehead. Good. Let him suffer.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell shrieked once again, causing me to growl softly. I stood slowly, purposely stomping on Will's foot as I walked by. I noticed many angry glares directed at me, which I instantly returned to each of the people sending them. I had no idea what I did to make them mad but right now, I could care less.

Mr. Melvan called to me as I exited the classroom, "Ms. Roberts?" I turned and glared at him. Fear seeped into his authoritative expression at my angry gaze, but he quickly recomposed himself. "Um, you have detention after school today for not bringing your textbooks to class." I turned away, waving my hand dismissively over my shoulder as I marched away. I got my History books from my locker and made my way to the second class.


Midway through the most boring class ever invented, the door was slammed open. "I'm here!" Interrupting Mrs. Smith mid-sentence.

A tall girl with short silvery blond hair entered and her bright grey eyes scanned the room, resting on Steve, who was sitting three seats in front of me. He glanced over and his features darkened noticeably and he mumbled "Crap."

The girl grinned widely and dashed to him at full speed, arms spread out wide. He rose from his seat and began backing away but she caught hold of him, pulling the resisting boy into a huge bear-hug, screaming "Oh dear brother! How I've missed you so!" I winced as her shrieks pounded through my head, but the pounding was beginning to hurt less as the day had carried on. 'It's about time,' I thought. I began to piece the meaning of her hollering together. Steve's sister, huh? Didn't see that one coming. They look absolutely nothing alike. Steve growled at her warningly and pushed her away but she was definitely persistent. Pinching his cheeks like a grandmother would a child, she cooed, "My baby's all grown up!" As if speaking to an infant.

"Miss Carrel, I presume?" Mrs. Smith growled agitatedly at the blond girl.

Releasing Steve's blushing cheeks, she glanced over at the fuming teacher and smirked. "That's my name. Try not to wear it out!"

"MADDIE!" I heard two familiar voices call from the door in unison. Will and Jensen came bounding in the door and into the classroom and wrapped their arms around the tall girl, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hey guys!" She exclaimed, squeezing them back. Letting go of Maddie, Will craned his neck around her to smirk at an angry Steve.

"Reunited with the lil' bro, then?" He teased, speaking to Maddie but still looking at Steve, who growled once again but louder and more frightening this time. Maddie snorted and nodded happily.


I felt like I was about to hack up a lung from laughing so hard as Maddie finished her story about Steve when they had been nine years old. Will looked at me pointedly, and I immediately attempted to snap a frown on my face which didn't turn out as I had hoped, for I was sure it looked just as fake as it felt. I was still pouting at him but it was hard to stay mad at a face like his. Finally giving up on my scowl, I shook my head at him and he smirked as I sipped my Cherry Coke.

"So . . ." Jensen began seductively out of the blue after a long pause, smiling goofily as his gaze shifted from Will to me. "How was your night?"

My drink caught in my throat as I gasped, instantly sending me into a hardcore fit of choking and coughing. My cheeks flamed as I gained enough control over myself to choke, "Are you trying to kill me?!"

Will cracked up at my reaction and replied to Jensen, "Wonderful."

"Shut up!" I screeched, outraged as Annie, Jacklyn, Mike, Lindsey, and Will roared into laughter at my expense, Maddie narrowing her eyes and grinning.

"Am I missing something important?" She waved her eyebrows and nudged me playfully.

"NO! You aren't missing anything! Nothing happened!" When they continued denying that I was telling the truth and just kept laughing, I scowled added, "You suck." Under my breath to no one in particular and turned on my heel, stomping away from the school's steps we had been standing by. They need to learn how to mind their own flippin' business, the idiots. I desperately needed to let off some steam. A few moments later, i sighed loudly as I heard the sound of footsteps chasing after me, I snapped loudly without turning to face my pursuers, "Cooling down is supposed to be a lonely process."

Maddie, Lindsey, Annie, and Jacklyn all snickered, catching up to me. "We made the guys stay though. Doesn't that count for anything?" Jacklyn pointed out.

Groaning, I muttered, "Fine."

After a long pause as we walked aimlessly away from the building, Maddie said, "Well, I'll be the mature one who is now changing the subject and breaking the awkward silence. I'm Maddie, Stevie's older step-sister, shape-shifting tiger, eighteen years old, had to leave boarding school because I accidentally changed and attacked the art teacher, causing Principal Nichols to flip and demand me to come back here where not everyone's stupid clueless humans, no offence to you."

I cracked a grin and replied, "None taken."

Maddie chuckled sweetly but quickly cut herself off as she caught sight of something to our left. Following her troubled gaze, I saw four guys sitting under a tall birch tree, all glaring at us angrily. "What's your problem?" I hollered at them.

They all scowled at me as the biggest one with the shaved head yelled back, "This is all your fault." As he pointed a sausage finger at Lindsey and I. "Nichols should have just killed you the second you found out, the tool. You're the reason we're being threatened."

"What the hell are you on about?" I demanded, patience wearing thin as paper.

"The Kenzisia," He barked back in a 'duh' tone that licked at my refinement. "They have been threatening the school and everyone in it because two stupid humans found out about us. The only reason you two aren't dead is because Jensen is too attached to you and won't let Nichols lay a hand on either of you and apparently our principal is too 'sweet'," He sneered the word as if it was the most disgusting term on the planet, "To go against his son. I can't believe we have such a soft leader . . ."

Lindsey stiffened beside me and I thought over this for a moment. The Kenzisia was that government thing Will had told me about. The one that didn't allow humans to know about the supernatural. But Lindsey and I were an exception, right? We were supposed to frickin' unite all their sorry butts! But then again, no one really knows that we are the ones the prophecy is referring to, so I guess Lindsey and I are just regular humans to the Kenzisia. Regular humans that know too much. And now they're threatening the entire school?!

"Just come on," Jacklyn grumbled, grabbing my arm and tugging me along as Annie dragged Lindsey away. "Don't listen to them."

"Why didn't anyone tell us you were being threatened?" Lindsey whispered, and the tinge of betrayal in her voice was enough to break my heart.

"It's not a big deal," Annie explained softly, but she is definitely not the best liar in the world. It obviously is a big deal and I could tell Lindsey picked the untruthfulness up as well. The school's being threatened all because of me!

Guilt seeped into my voice as I murmered, "It's all our fault. It's all because of us . . ."

"Don't talk like that!" Jacklyn exclaimed. She then lowered her voice to the point of only us five being able to hear, "You had to find out anyway, considering you two are the Uniters! They don't know anything. We'll find a way out of the Kenzisia's threats. So shut up and don't say stuff like that." Apparently Maddie had somehow already been informed of me and Lindsey's duty and exactly what we are because she didn't looked surprised at all.

"Fine." I whimpered. Maddie then rapidly changed the subject once again and I found myself halfway forgetting about the earlier discussion, but it was still haunting the back of my mind, never truly forgotten. This whole thing had gone way farther than I had ever imagined. As if discovering that vampires, werewolves, witches, and shape-shifters existed wasn't enough, now I'm being pulled into their world because of that stupid prophecy.

"Earth to Savanna!" Maddie sang while waving a hand in front of my face. Snapping out of my jumbled thoughts, I blinked several times and looked up at Maddie's sparkling grey eyes, "You missed the story and now I'm too lazy to tell it again. Great going."

I giggled and replied, "Sorry."

"Whatever." She sighed.

Just as I was about to dribble crap of an excuse for not paying attention, I felt warm hands slither around my waist and a familiar sexy voice whisper in my ear, sending sparks of excitement through my body. "Still pouting?"

I looked up at an amused Will and sighed, "I guess not." He smirked triumphantly. "And your ego sky-rockets." I mumbled, a grin spreading across my lips. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Lindsey blushing and looking away as the others just smirked. 'Good to know I at least have one respectful friend,' I thought but didn't really mind.

"It just seemed wrong to leave while you were still mad, but, now that my conscience is cleared, I gotta go to work, see ya tomorrow." And with that, he pecked my forehead gently and dashed off to the black truck that Mike was idling nearby and honking loudly for Will to hurry up, leaving me feeling empty and alone.

Snapping out of my loneliness, I realized that school had been out for almost an hour now and ruffled through my black clutch and eventually found my phone inside the clutter. Glancing at the time, I gasped. "Crap! I gotta go!" After exchanging a quick goodbye with the girls, I sprinted for my red pick-up parked in the far end of the lot, yelling, "I'll give you your clothes back tomorrow!" Over my shoulder at Annie. Aidan would flip if I skipped work, considering that I had swore I would actually be on time today.

Once in the car, I rummaged through my backpack, praying that my uniform was still stuffed in here from last week. Sighing from relief as I caught sight of the bright red and black mini-dress, I stuck my keys in the ignition and sped off.

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