Finally Found Home (All Time...

By musicsaves

4.5K 74 11

Carrie has been through a lot her entire life. When she gets the chance to meet All Time Low secrets start to... More

Just The Beginning
Just For Tonight
Let me know
You're a fake
Please trust me
Breaking through
Starting over
New start
Never Good Enough
Old Habits
Building You Back Up
Could It Be
Starting Slow


734 10 4
By musicsaves

Carrie's POV

Hey I'm Carrie I'm 17 and I'm from the UK. I moved to America, Maryland to be exact, about two years ago with my dad. He was offered a higher position in his company and after finding out that my mom had an affair he had no trouble leaving. So I guess he's not really my dad but I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world. I didn't blame him for leaving, I myself never had a good relationship with my mom. We would always fight and she'd tell me I wasn't good enough and would abuse me. It wasn't anything too horrible but it was enough for me to leave without feeling guilty. I missed England but I never really felt like I belonged there. I had two best friends that I missed terribly but we promised to keep in contact and we have.

I'm currently a senior in high school and I will be graduating in a couple months. I'm excited because I will finally get to visit England again and get away from the people who make my life harder then it already is. I don't really fit in much. I'm the weird girl who listen to emo/scremo music. But I'm proud to say those people were and are my heroes. They have gotten me through my darkest times. Especially recently when I found out that one of my best friends Hailey from back in England was found dead. I had flown out for a couple days because I refused to miss Hailey's funeral. My dad understood, he was the best. I could talk to him about everything. He never judged. In my eyes he is the only dad I will ever need. No one really knew what happened until a couple weeks ago when my other best friend Brooke found her suicide note. Now more then ever music was my savior.

Its Friday and I'm sitting in math class bored. My best friend Lauren isn't in school and I hate being in school without her. We have all the same interest and she was the only one other then my dad and Brooke who understood me. I'm also upset because one of my favorite bands All Time Low are in town and the tickets sold before I got the chance to buy mine. It didn't surprise me though seeing as Baltimore is there home town. I was spaced out doodling in my binder when the teacher called my name. I slightly jumped at his voice and looked around to see people staring at me. I shook it off and look at him.

"Yes?" I questioned. "Your dad is here to pick you up, You may leave but don't forget to write down the homework assignment." he said. "Okay, thank you." I said confused. As I wrote down the assignment and packed my stuff I wondered why my dad was here. I started to worry but I calmed myself down before I could start panicking. I grabbed my bag swung it over my shoulder and heading down the hallway. Thankfully the office wasn't far from the classroom or else I would have started coming up with horrible scenarios in my head.

I reached the office quickly and spotted my dad. Reading his face carefully to see if it would give me any clue as to why he was here. Nothing, he wasn't sad but he didn't seen happy either just calm. I walk up to my dad.

"Hey dad." I said as I raised my eyebrow at him. "Hey honey." He said as he pulled me into his side quickly kissing the top of my head before leading me out of the building. "Why did you decided to take me out of school?" I asked eager to know. "What, a father cant spend some time with his little girl?" He stated fake hurt as he put his free hand up to his chest. I chuckled and he released me because we had reached the car. That's when I noticed someone in the backseat. I stared confused till she got out of the car and then I realized it was Lauren. She had the biggest smile on her face as she hugged me.

I was so confused. "Why were you not in school, and what the heck is going on?!" I slightly raised my voice as I looked in between my dad and my best friend. They looked at each other and laughed. "What?" I asked getting slightly annoyed. Lauren look at my dad for approval before she began to speak. "Well your dad has a surprise for you and asked me to help and I agreed!" She sounded excited. "So? What's the surprise?" I asked anxious. She looked at my dad for approval again and he nodded. She looked at me and practically scream "We are going to the All Time Low concert tonight, your dad got us tickets!" Her huge smile plastered on her face again.

I stood there shocked before I blurted out "What? Dad is this true?" I asked hoping they weren't lying to me. "Yes honey its true." He said as he pulled out a pair of tickets and handed them to me. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Before I could say anything else he started talking. "There is one more surprise." He said as I looked to Lauren but she gave me a look which meant she didn't know what it was. He started pulling something out of his jacket. He handed it to me and I looked down to see two meet and great passes. I was speechless and so was Lauren. I jumped into my dads arms and started crying. "Thank you so much dad, you're the best!" I managed to choke out between tears and Lauren joined in and said her thank you's.

A/N So I decided to try writing a fan fiction. Lets see how it goes. If your reading, thank you! Let me know if you want more!

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