You've Got That One Thing [On...

By Mental_Directioner

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"Some people have secrets that remain unknown while some have secrets kept in their open book. Everyone has a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The Grand Competition
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note

Chapter 16

486 27 17
By Mental_Directioner

Howdy! SUMMER IS HERE. In my country we're having a one month holiday so we'll be updating more often. But it may not necessarily be this story though.. I'm not going to bore you my boring life. Or should I? *Claps hands together and grins wickedly* 

So I've been thinking.. I have very few comments in each chapter. So how about we boost this up a little? PLEASE do comment and vote! I seriously love reading your comments and replying. So for every chapter I'll give you a word OR phrase.. and you make a funny sentence okay? FUNNIEST SENTENCE GETS A SHOUT OUT AND A DEDICATION. 

Word is: NINJA

So for this chapter... This quote really fits well don't ya think? The quote is:

Patience, Persistence and Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

Napoleon Hill.


Chapter 16

 “So what did you solve yet?” Louis asked me for the seventh time. I sighed and composed my anger . Breathe in, Breathe out. I was sure anger and pure annoyance was visible in my eyes as Zayn took over my answer and just slapped Louis at the back of his head for the tenth time. Or is it eleventh? Its probably the twelfth one. Thankfully Zayn is the one hitting him. If it was me, I would have gone total ninja. Have I ever mentioned I’m a secret nin- Back on topic.

“Fine. Geez woman...Sorry! But Zayn, you hit like a girl” Louis said, smirking. WHACK! He deserved that.

“OW!” Louis whined.

“I do not hit like a girl!” Zayn screeched. He proved his point with yet another whack.

“Do to!”

‘Do not!”

“Do to!”

“Do not!”

“Do t-” Louis was interrupted when Zayn rolled above him and started to tickle him.

‘SAY IT! Say I don’t hit like a girl!”

“N-n-never!” Louis panted out. Now, you might be wondering what I was doing. By now, I had opened my secret stash of oreos and had started to much, watching the crazy scene unfold before me. What? I have a secret stash of oreos. OREOS are my babies! Don’t judge me. Here’s a twilight book. Now... go along now and judge it, not me.

“Aaargh! Fine! ZAYN YOU DON’T HIT LIKE A GIRL” Louis screamed. Zayn smirked. That’s my boy, fighting like a pro - tickling.

“How about we start from the first letter? It was on your 10th birthday right?” Zayn questioned. Finally, something that actually made sense! I nodded handing them the letter.

Dear Eliana,

It has been two years since you have been living with this couple. They are really good friends of mine. Happy Birthday sweetheart. You have turned ten today. Along with this letter, you’ve probably received a charm bracelet. Wear it with you at all time. It will remind you of me. As you can see, there are two charms. Only two. As you grow up, I want you to fill the bracelet with more charms as you’ll receive each birthday till you become an adult - 18.. The first locket, is a heart. Symbolising that I’ll always be there for you, through thick and thin. The second one is a traffic light with the green light on - symbolising you to go. Why ‘Go’? You’ll find out soon my dear. 

I’m sure you’d want to know a few answers. I want to tell you a secret. Why did I leave you with them?

I know that you hate me for what I have done to you. But the reason is that, I had cancer. It was the final stage. Remember that night when I came home very late? It was the day I realised that I was going to die. I just couldn’t let you see me die. What kind of father would I be? By now, I would have been gone. Long gone. The fact is that I will always be with you. Right by you through everything. Whenever you look at the stars, remember that I am the brightest one there. You will always be my little princess. 

I hope that you will accept this couple as your family. It is my last wish. Lead a happy life dear. I will miss you. Forever and always.


Your dad. 

“Wow.. Ellie, I’m really sorry. We’ are really sorry! Come here you..” Louis mumbled, eyes glistening with tears. I sniffled. I’m going to be strong. No tears today. No more. I crawled over to Zaynie and Lou.

No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong.

No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong. No tears, stay strong.

As they engulfed me into a bone crushing hug, the waterworks began. I was crying.

“So much for staying strong..” I thought as I let a few tears escape. Minutes elapsed. As we let go, Zayn decided on reading it again. “El, can I have a piece of paper and a pen?” I nodded. I got off the bed and ransacked my table in search of the two items. I ended up with an unused purple A5 sized notebook and a set of coloured pens. I shrugged. That would do. I handed them to Zayn. 

“Great! A whole new book. This could be the book where we write all the clues and the letters!” Zayn said, bouncing with excitement. Louis eyes danced with excitement. I don’t really think it was worth jumping on my bed and almost breaking it with excitement. My poor bed.

Zayn uncapped the colourful markers and decorated the front of the plain notebook. He wrote the words “In search of El’s family” in a beautiful cursive handwriting. “You’ve got nice handwriting!” I smiled. Lou blinked at me.

“Puh lease woman! You haven’t seen anything!” He laughed, slapping Zayn on the back. I smiled.

“Anyways. Are there more letters?” Louis said trying to get hold of the oreo I was about to eat. I swatted his hand away. He pulled on those pathetic yet super cute puppy dog eyes. I hissed. Ain’t nobody gonna get my food - Especially not my oreos!  I shoved it in my mouth and smirked at him. Too bad too sad.

“Every year on my birthday from my 10th one,  he gave me a letter so I think the one I got today is the ninth and the last..." I murmured.

“Before we move on, why don’t we write all this down on the notebook?” Lou questioned. Wow,  that’s actually a great idea! Zayn and I said our agreements. Immediately, Zayn started writing. He copied the first letter, in his beautiful cursive handwriting, ever so neat. Next I handed him the pictures that came along with the letter. You see, along with each letter, my father gave a few pictures usually 2 or 3. These pictures depicted the memories we had together. We always travelled a lot. Each memory her showed was in a different country, never the same. It always made me wondered why have all this pictures...?

The pictures for the first letter was an image of me, when I was roughly 5 or so and my father. He had given me four pictures along with the first letter. It was when my father and I had spotted both Jupiter and Saturn through the telescope.

Yes planets. I remembered how my father had once said, “Starts wink. You see those extra bright starts that don’t blink? Those are planets.” I recall how one day, he was slightly late than usual. He had gone shopping for a telescope. Every night we would set the telescope at our backyard and look out for planets. Not one of those cheap ones you see at ToysRus. The one he bought was a powerful one which was surely super duper expensive. I loved it so much I would bring it along with me to every country we visited. “Who knows? I might see all the other 7 planets from different places on Earth,” I had thought. Till now, I still had the telescope carefully wrapped and placed in my suitcase which I had used for my father and I’s many travels. It was placed there alongside with the various souvenirs I had bought at each place. Believe it or not, my suitcase is overflowing. In fact... there are two suitcases filled with various souvenirs. I never had the heart to throw any of them away. It felt like a pieces of my father with me. Thus, I would always, without fail, keep it with me till I die.

I remembered the specific location and moment where I my father had snapped those pictures. It was a chilly night...


“Daddy bunny! Daddy bunny! It’s time.” I squealed like the little girl that I was. It was roughly 8 o’clock at night. My father had arrived home from work a good hour and a half ago. After a jolly good dinner of McDonald’s take away, we were lazing around on the ‘L’ shaped sofa. Or rather I was lazing on the sofa, watching the reruns of spongebob.

Along with the many things my father bought for me, TV shows were one of them. He would by all the seasons of my favourite shows on CDs: Phineas and Ferb, Dibo the gift dragon, Bob the builder and of course, Sesame street. He would buy all the CDs after work as small gifts for the day. He would make sure I had a wonderful childhood. I would watch them with Nanny Nancy and my dad. Nanny Nancy was a nanny my father hired to look after me in the day time.

Now, my father was in the dining room, using the dining table as his study table.

You see, in our own house in London, he had his own study room for his work. Now, we weren’t in our home. We were in my father’s close friend - Henry’s house. We would be staying here for a week as my father completed his work assignment. Henry, now, was out at a business party, leaving the house in my father and I’s hands.

As I looked out the window, I saw the many winking stars in the ashen black sky. I knew it was time. Time for stargazing. Ever since he bought the telescope a month ago, he and I would always spend an hour or so stargazing. It was a father-daughter moment I cherished and looked forward to everyday. I called out to him once again, using the nickname I grew ever so fond of - Daddy Bunny. To him I was Ellie Lily. It was a way we called each other.

“Why hello there Ellie Lily. I see you have the telescope all set up today? By yourself!” my father grinned, tapping me on the nose before he carried me to the telescope. I had indeed set it all up by myself, in Henry’s backyard. I giggled as my father decided to pretend he was the pilot while I was the plane as he carried me high above his head. I giggled and squirmed till he put me down.

As he put me down, I was confused. Confused because my father was staring off in the sky. I tugged on his fingers . He snapped his attention back to me. He smiled. Gesturing the the telescope and the sky, he had said, “Ellie Lily, today, I’m sure we’ll see a planet.” He exclaimed. I grinned excitedly. I plopped down on the soft grass and I looked through the lens of the telescope. My smile faltered... Where is the planet?

I twisted and turned the telescope as I searched for a planet. Then I realised.. I didn’t know what a planet looked like. I turned to my father who seemed to have read my mind. He pulled me onto his lap as he took over the telescope. I sat there, staring at him as my father searched for the planet. “Eureka! I found it!” He shouted as I giggled. I leaned in toward the lens and looked. Through it, I saw a ball no bigger than a single water droplet . “Is that a planet Daddy Bunny?” I asked, questioningly. He answered by the simple nod of his head. I looked through the lens again. However, I had accidentally hit my elbow against it and it was now facing a good two feet away from its original direction. As I looked through the lens, I saw yet another tiny ball. This time it had a slight circle around it like a ring. I gasped. It looked beautiful!

“Daddy..what is that?” I asked. He looked through the lens and gasped.

“Sweetie! You’ve found another planet. The previous one is called Jupiter. This one, with the ring is called Saturn! C’mon I want to capture this moment!” He laughed running in and coming out with a digital camera.

He positioned me next to the telescope. He angled the camera such that both planets were visible in the background. I struck a princess pose - a hand on the hip the other above my head - as if I was a ballerina princess. After he snapped the picture, it was his turn, I snapped the picture of him doing a macho man pose - both arms flexing the muscles. The last picture was both of us. This time, the pose was simple - him grinning while I was on his back putting my fingers like bunnies on his head.

Soon after, we entered the house to develop the pictures. I remember him explaining to me about the solar system too. Lastly, as he set me down on the guest bed in Henry’s house, I asked, “Daddy Bunny, how did you know just by looking at the sky that there were planets?

He looked at me and grinned, “Starts wink. You see those extra bright starts that don’t blink? Those are planets.”

That was my favourite day in the week we stayed at Manchester. Sometimes, Henry would stargaze with us too. On the last day of our stay, my father took a picture of Henry, himself and I in front the house as a memory. Memory that would be etched in my heart forever. Those were the four pictures he gave me. Till now, I always look at the sky and look out for planets with the tip my father had told me.

*Flashback end*

While the flashback played in my head like a scene from a movie, Zayn had finished copying whatever he wanted to. I handed him the pictures. “These are the picture he gave me with the first letter. We can staple with the letter and put in a file...” I suggested. He nodded, while taking note of the picture and describing them. Lou and I, on the other hand, searched the room for a spare file to put the letters.

“I, THE SUPERMAN, HAVE FOUND WHAT YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR!” Lou screamed. I shook my head while laughing as I snatched the file from his grasp.  The file was a perfect one. It had 15 folders, slightly more than needed but good enough. I decided against stapling as I slot the pictures and letter into the first pocket.

 I turned to Lou and Zayn who were looking through the notes. “What are looking at?” I asked, scooting over to the other side of Zayn.

“We need more information about the picture...” He sighed.

I grinned and answered, ‘Well then.. its time for storytelling eh?” Lou and Zayn immediately piped up and got comfortable as I related to them my flashback. Between the story, no one interrupted, everything was so quiet you could here the writing of information by Zayn. At the end of the story, Zayn smirked, “Now we have enough info for the first letter. I’ll just add the details about the two charms then we’ll move on to the next letter eh?

Lou and I nodded. Suddenly, the sound of rumbling filled my ears. “Wow..seems like a storm in coming..” I sighed. Lou chuckled.

“No Ellie Bear...I’m just hungry...” Lou muttered, touching his rumbling stomach. Zayn and I exchanged glances before we guffawed. And there I was thinking there was a storm!

“You two are evil! EVIL I TELL YOU!” Lou pouted. I ruffled his hair as I took out my secret stash of chips from under my bed. Seems like I need to change my secret location...

I handed the chips to Louis whose eyes light up like the christmas lights. Really, Louis William Tomlinson is seriously a child as heart!

“That’s all? I’ve written the letter, description and information about the pictures and what the two charms refer to...” Zayn trailed.

“Yea.That’s all for the first letter.” I replied.

“Okay then, second later?” Zayn whispered to me.

“Why are you whispering? Is something wrong and are you talking about a ninja attack you are planning? Are you planning on letting my brains be eaten by zombie-ninjas?” Louis questioned, mouth full of chips. Firstly, I felt like flipping a table on his head. I mean zombies? Ninjas? What the Katy Perry? Secondly.. That’s a very gross sight - mouth full of tiny half chewed chips. Ew.

"Yes. You’re aware then... Of ninjas and zombies which could magically appear from nowhere and flip a table on your head." I replied, making my eyes big, warning him. I'm such a comedian. Really. I could win an Oscar for best comedian.

I heard Zayn chuckle. Louis shivered with fear. Zayn sneaked over behind Louis. He pulled on the black gloves he wore for ice skating. I mentally laughed. This is going to be good! Did you know that ninjas always wear black?

Zayn wore the gloves on his fingers and slowly finger by finger inched his way to Lou’s neck. I pulled on my most afraid face and pointed shakily behind Lou. “L-l-lou? Th-There’s a-a n-nin-ninja behind you!” I exclaimed, jumping off the bed. Sometimes.. I think that I am an oscar winning actress! Just as I said the last word, Zayn shouted “Hiiiiyyyyaaaa!” and did a karate chop on Louis’s back.

Guess what happened next? Louis screamed. Like a girl. Zayn and I hi-fived each other as we guffawed. 

"Stop laughing! I totally knew it was Zayn!” Louis whined.

“Sure you did.” Zayn muttered, sobered up.

I smiled as I ruffled Lou’s hair, “Its okay to be scared of fake ninjas, Louis”

“Geez. I swear, you two just love picking on me...” He pouted. “So, how about the second letter eh?”

I nodded, opening the second letter. This was the one I received when I turned 11. When I officially gave up princesses and pink and went for sneakers and roller skates.

I cleared my throat as I began to read the letter:

Dear Ellie Lily,

Hey big girl! Turning eleven aren’t you?  Happy Eleventh Birthday. May you have an exciting and wonderful day with your foster family. Remember to live your life to the fullest. As I always quote, “Life doesn’t have rewind buttons. Live like there’s no tomorrow.”

This is the second of 10 letters that you’ll be receiving. Keep all of these letters, pictures and charms safely. Soon, you’ll find meaning from all this and will set out on a journey. Enough about the future now and present now. Let’s focus more about the past alright?

Along with these letters are two pictures. Remember the time in Doncaster when you first got  that official “Junior Swimmer” certificate? Those were the times. You were so happy you photocopied three more copies of it. One which you kept. Another which I kept. The third kept framed up in the Doncaster Swimming Complex, along with the other junior swimmer certificates. And the last one, the original, framed and kept nicely, hanging in the hall of our house. I was very proud of you - passing the Junior Swimmer test after only two months of swimming lessons - 2 per week which equals to a total of 16 lessons. Surely, that’s some kind of achievement for a five year-old. I was indeed proud of my little girl.

Remember my Ellie lily, at night.. when you see the brightest star, even brighter than the planets, you’ll know that I’m watching over you and protecting you. I love you.

Love You to the moon and back,

Daddy Bunny.

As I read the letter, I noticed the faint ink smudges here and there. That was proof enough that as my Dad wrote this letter, he was crying. Remembering the memories we had together. The happy memories we both shared. As I noted how Zayn and Louis were both copying down the letter into the A5 sized notebook, the memory of the pictures in the letter came back to me.


“Welcome to your last lesson, Ellie!” My swimming instructor welcomed me with open arms. Today was the last week we are staying in Doncaster. We’ve stayed here for nearly 3 months, including this week. Daddy Bunny had completed his assignment from work a good two week ago. However, with no other impending assignments, my father decide I could complete my Junior Swimmer course before heading to our home in London. Currently, we were staying in a 4-star hotel: Happy Hotel.

At the beginning of our stay at Doncaster, while my father was at work, I was watching the TV with Nanny Nancy. Nanny Nancy was a nanny who would look after me in the morning and tutor me. She made sure I was up-to-date with lessons even while travelling around. Nanny Nancy is like a private tutor slash babysitter who travels with us but lives separately in her own accommodation. I was happily munching on oreos as I watched TV. As the commercial came on, I watched as a child advertising ‘Nutella’ ate a few nutella sandwiches before her swimming competition. I watched as I saw how she jumped into the pool and swam like a dolphin. I watched as she won the first prize. Swimming just won my five-year old brain’s attention. That night, as we devoured in homemade pasta - credits to Nanny Nancy who had already left - I told Dad about swimming.. and how I wanted so badly to learn swimming.

From that say on, Nanny Nancy would bring me to the Swimming Complex in Doncaster every Monday and Thursday each week for the 16 lesson Junior Swimmer course.

That day, was my last swimming lesson. Later, after the 2-hour lesson, there would be a 15 minute interval for me to rest a while before I do the test. What is this test for a 5-year old? This test will give me a certificate to certify me successfully completing the Junior Swimmer course. I came here with Nanny Nancy. My father had a last minute conference with his boss. But, on the brighter note, he did promise to come and support me for the test. I looked forward to see my father cheering me on.

Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Soon enough, my last lesson was over. My instructor, Coach Isa, a lady in her late forties, decided to release me 5 minutes earlier - leaving me with 20 minutes rest time. According to Coach Isa, another instructor, Coach Marcus would be overseeing me for the test. In this test, I would have to pass a total of 5 stages. A lot for a five year-old right? Wrong. This test was super duper simple and easy, just right for a five year-old’s standard.

15 minutes had passed into my relaxing time. Still, there was no sign of my father. “Maybe’s he’s a little too caught up in work.” I thought.

“Ellie? Time for the test. You’ll do fine.” Coach Marcus said as he gave me an encouraging smile. I gave him a tiny smile as I prepared myself. Suddenly, as I was about to do the first stage, 20 seconds of holding the breath, I heard tyres screeching and the banging of the door. Most probably a car door. The sounds of footsteps grew louder as the person who created such loud noises came nearer. As the person came into view, I squealed with joy. My father was here! My daddy bunny was here to support me! Now surely, I knew I had to pass with flying colours. I looked at Coach marcus as if asking permission to talk to my father. He smiled and gave a go ahead signal. I smiled as I ran off to my father.

“Daddy! You’re here!” I practically screamed as I jumped into his open hands.

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss my little girl’s swimming test for the world!” He chuckled.

“But.. d-daddy, I’m n-nervous!” I mumbled, pouting slightly.

“Look at me Ellie Lily... You’re the youngest girl to try out for the Junior Swimmer test. Achieving success is not what that matters. Its the effort one puts in that matters. Okay, sweetheart? Go out there and do your best!” My father encouraged as he gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. That’s my father, always believing in me and encouraging me.

I nodded my head and walked back to Coach Marcus and said that I was ever ready. Get it over and done with right?

Soon enough,I had completed the test. As I dried myself, I grew increasingly nervous.Then, my father came to me and told me how no matter what, he was proud of me. I felt slightly reassured by that. Then, I was called by Coach Marcus. My father slipped his hands into mind and walked with me towards him. I gave him an uneasy smile.

“Well...” Coach Marcus paused, creating more tension. Suddenly, his face broke into a wide smile and he congratulated me for completing the Junior Swimmer Course and said that I indeed had passed. The joy I felt at that moment was indescribable. My father immediately pulled me into a hug. As a celebration, my father brought me to McDonald’s for a happy meal.

That night, as I layed in my bed, I made my father pinky promise - To photocopy and frame the certificate. One which I kept, proudly in my file. This file was one which had all my certificates and achievements which till now, I’m updating and adding new ones. Another which my father kept in his study room back in London. The third kept framed up in the Doncaster Swimming Complex, along with the other junior swimmer certificates. And the last one, the original, framed and kept nicely, hanging in the hall of our house.

My first ever certificate.

*Flashback End*

I took the two pictures in my hand. One was of me and my father in front of the framed certificate in our house. The other was a picture of my father, Nanny Nancy, Coach Isa & Marcus and me standing in front of the grandly framed certificate in the Doncaster Swimming Complex. I smiled. My father had always wanted to snap pictures of all our ever so wonderful memories. I relayed the memory and the pictures to Louis, who was now the note taker.

“I miss Doncaster..” Louis said. I smiled. I do too Louis, I do too.

“So what about the charms..? Are there any charms for this letter?” Zayn questioned.

Ooopsie Daisy! Totally forgot about the charm. Now.. where was it?

I nodded as I handed over the charm that came along with the second letter. It was a magnifying glass. Louis and Zayn took turns looking at the charm. It was a normal magnifying glass with a black handle and a silver border around the glass.

“So what does this signify?” Louis asked, scratching his head.

“I’m not sure Louis, it doesn’t state in this letter. But according to my father..It means something.” I shrugged.

“I know. It means... Magic.” Louis said as he jumped on my bed.

“Wow. that could be so true. My dad relates me to magic fairies.” Note the sarcasm.

“Okay then. Ignoring that moron...Since we’re already ankle deep in this mystery, Let’s go further! Now.. Letter number three please!” Zayn said in a posh accent.

“I swear you two hate me! WHY GOD DOES NO ONE LOVE ME?” Lou cried.

“Don’t you guys have to go home and sleep?” I asked.

“Nope. This is way better than sleep.” Zayn and Louis high-fived each othew. Zayn THE person who would do anything to sleep is giving it up for this mystery!  This should come out in the front page of every newspaper seriously!” Louis laughed.

 Well...This is going to be a long night!


Well? Two letters in one chapter. Pretty long eh? So remember the quote earlier? Whenever you do a test, exam anything that questions your abilities.. Remember it.  

Don't forget the tiny comment contest.

WORD: Ninja

Funniest comment = Shout out for their story and a dedication for one of our stories. (You get to choose!)

Vote and comment too! 15 Votes and 10 comments to the next chapter! :) 


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