You're Not Different

By jooseyo_

180K 7.1K 2.9K

Oh Haru is different. Like, really different. It's her eyes. One is blue, one is brown. She's been hurt, avoi... More

Intro to The Characters:
You're Cool
You're Cute
You're Sleepy
You're Secretive
You're Hungry
You're Weird
You're Dreaming
You're Beautiful
You're Cold
You're Touched
You're Stunned
You're Sick
You're Happy
You're Shy
You're Memorable
You're Skipping
OST Mini-List~
You're Concerned
You're Terrified
You're a Liar
You're Falling
You're Decided Pt. 1
You're Decided Pt. 2
You're New
You Feel Better Now?
You're Replacing it With Another?
You've Been Seen
You're Caught in the Act
You're Running
You're Leaving
You're Parting Away
You're Shocked
You're Tricked
You're in Danger
You're Mine
You're My Everything
You're Not Different
You're Done: My Final Note
4K? 4K! WTF?

You're... Is This Real?

3.1K 137 50
By jooseyo_

Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelt. It will be a turbulent ride.



Haru said nothing. She stood frozen. Hyuk darted his eyes from Haru to Jimin.

"Oh Haru?" Jimin said again, gripping to ID tightly.

"I don't know---"

"Don't lie! It's you! Isn't it!"

Haru looked at the ground. "No."
She left the snacks and grabbed Hyuk.

Hyuk catched on quick. He also left the snacks and left.

Jimin dashed behind them, he sprinted in front of Haru, "Look at me." He grabbed her shoulder

Hyuk pushed his hand away, "Don't touch my friend."

Jimin glared at Hyuk, "This is none of your business."

"Yeah it is. Now leave us alone." Hyuk snapped back

Jimin ignored him, "Haru, please tell me it's you. It's me, Jimin. Park Ji---"

"I know who you are. You think I forgot?" She scoffed, "Why are you here? I don't want to see you." She pushed him away.

Thunder rumbled above. Drip. Drop. It started to pour. They all stood there.

"I missed you. Everybody did." Jimin croaked, he was crying.

"No you didn't." Haru said flatly

"Yes I did. Haru, I searched. I waited."

"No. You. Didn't! If you did, then you wouldn't have another freaking girlfriend!" She spat.
"Let's just go." She walked away, "Go away, Jimin. Don't follow."

"Haru..." He called desperately

She didn't wait for Hyuk. She ran home by herself.

''There you are!'' N said as he ushered Haru inside.

Leo scrambled to get towels, he wrapped one around her shoulders. Hyuk came in moments later.

''What happened? Is everything okay? Haru, why are you crying?'' Ken panicked

Haru sighed and got up. ''Just let Sanghyuk explain. I'm going to bed.''

Everybody heard the door slam.

''So... What happened?'' Hongbin asked

''Well in my view, it seems like that Jimin guy found out. We bumped into him while we were at the store. Blah blah blah, he seemed sad, blah blah blah, he missed her... Etc..''

Ravi scoffed, ''Wow. Should we do something?''

''I think it's best to give her air.'' N agreed



''Jimin!'' Yoonji dashed over

Jimin was miserable. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bottle his tears up.

''Why are you crying?" Yoonji said

''You really want to know?'' He rubbed his eyes

Yoonji nodded, bracing herself for anything.

''I found her. Haru.''

Yoonji knew this day came. Yoonji smiled sadly, ''You found her. Congrats.''

''She didn't come to me though. Yoonji, she... She hates me!''

She comforted him. Even though every word about Haru impaled her painfully. ''No, I bet she doesn't. I think she's just the same as you. Sad, confused, surprised, shocked.''

''She was the waitress at the café. God, why didn't I confront her earlier?! I saw her with this other boy.''

''Are they dating? There's a chance that they're just friends, Jimin.''

''I don't know why I'm like this right now. You're such a good person, Yoonji-ah.'' He weakly grinned.

Yoonji smiled and hugged him. ''Get better. I know you can. You wanna head back?''


Jungkook and Mihi almost collapsed at the news.

''Haru?!'' Mihi screamed

Jungkook ran his hands through his hair, ''It was right in front of our noses. What the hell...''

''We're going back there tomorrow.'' Mihi said, ''But right now I need to clear my head. This is just too much.''

[Next Morning]

It took 5 tries getting Haru out of bed and to work. ''Damn it...'' She cursed as she wrung the towel out in anger.

Besides Hongbin, the rest of Haru's friends stuck around the café, just in case if Jimin ever showed up. And he did.

Mihi made a mad dash to Haru, squeezing her in a hug. Haru pushed her away. ''Get off!''

Mihi was shocked, ''H-Haru?''

Hongbin pushed Haru behind him. ''Excuse me, but, please leave. We aren't open yet.''

''Who are you?'' Mihi snapped back

''He said to leave. He also said that the café isn't open yet.'' Hyuk stepped in

''Who are you to tell me? You don't even work here besides Haru and him.'' Mihi pointed to Hongbin

''I'm telling you as Haru's friend. Close friend.'' Hyuk grit his teeth

Haru patted Hyuk's arm, ''It's fine.''

Hyuk stepped away slowly. Haru looked at Mihi.

Mihi smiled softly, ''Hey. Haru.''

''I thought I told you guys to never come back.''

''Why? Haru, don't you want to see us? It's been like, a year and a half almost.''

Haru scoffed and looked at everybody, Jungkook, Jimin, Mihi and even Yoonji who she didn't know.

''Don't you get it? I hid from you all because I wanted to leave all of my past behind. I was successful until you showed up.''

Jimin was hurt. ''You really mean that?''

''Yah, just get out.'' Hongbin gathered them and opened the door

''Wait--- Please, she's my friend.'' Jimin pleaded

''Yeah well she's my friend too. I think it's best if we let Haru breathe. Right now it's burdening.''

''Hey, I heard Jin hyung is in town too. Let's go visit him.'' Jimin announced

Jimin took one last glance at Haru. Haru had mixed emotions. Should I just let him speak?

The café was peaceful once again when Jimin and the rest left. Haru wiped her forehead as she finished cleaning the pots and floors.

''We're going now!'' N announced, ''Contact me if anything comes up!''

''Yes...'' Haru chuckled

''Wah, he's seriously turning into a mom. It's kinda scary.'' Hongbin leaned on his broom

''Obviously. I'll get going. Remember to shut the front lights off.'' Haru slung her bag over her arm.

''Yes, yes. It was that one time.''

''Still. The manager is so picky.''

''Whatever. Goodluck!'' Hongbin called after her

''Thanks! I'll be needing it.''

Haru had an interview for a place in a big tech company, Motron. She was one of the ten people chosen to replace the CEO's assistant.

Haru checked her appearance before stepping inside the all-marble building. The floors were so shiny, you could see the sole of your shoe when you walk.

''May I help you?'' A lady behind a huge desk asked

''Uh, i'm here to see the CEO, Mr. Lee. I have an interview scheduled.''

''One moment please. Oh Haru?''


''Okay then. May I please have some ID and proof of your interview request?''

Haru sat down in a chair near the window. Her hands were shaking. She was really nervous. A man in a black suit came.

''Mr. Lee may see you now. Please follow suit.''

Haru walked stiffly. One huge mahogany door stood in front of her. Here we go!

The man in the suit opened the door for her. She saw nothing but a back of a chair.

''Sit. Please.'' A voice spoke from behind the chair

She did. Haru swallowed her saliva that was threatening to spill out.

The chair finally spun around. Revealing a really young man. For a CEO? This young? She thought

He flashed a bright smile, ''Hello. You must be...''

''Oh! S-sorry! I'm Oh Haru. S-sir---''

''Lee. Mr. Lee Jongsuk.''

''M-Mr. Lee.'' Haru corrected herself, ''Sorry for not introducing myself earlier.''

She was expecting a serious gaze, but Mr. Lee's was... How did she put it, comfortable?

''Ah, it's fine! We all forget once in a while!'' He laughed, ''Shall we get right down to the topic?''

Haru nodded, ''Yes sir.''

''Please, call me Jongsuk. I'm not that old. Am I?'' He smiled brightly

Haru shook her head, ''No, s--- Jongsuk.''

He chuckled, ''Ah, okay. So, you are currently studying as a university student?''

''Yes, first year. But right now i'm working temporarily at a café.''

''Really? Such a hard worker then. That's nice. You're still keeping up with your studies?''


Jongsuk nodded approvingly. ''Well done. And just for a 17 year old too. Did you know you're the youngest applier here at this company? Not many can get through.''

Haru blushed and looked down at her lap.

''My secretary did a good job. Oh, speaking of my secretary,'' Jongsuk dialed a number on his phone, ''Yep. Please do... Okay. Mm hm... Of course! Yes, send Seokjin in.''

Seokjin?! Haru was alarmed, please no... She crossed her toes, fingers, everything.

She heard the door open behind her, ''Jongsuk! You are needed of assistance?'' Seokjin said

''Nothing really--- oh, here. I want these sent out all to the 7th floor employees, printed. And excellent job choosing Miss. Oh here. I think we just found our new assistant.''

Haru's ears perked up. ''H-huh?''

''Done! Welcome!'' Jongsuk stuck out his hand, ''Welcome to Motron!''

''W-what?! Just like that? Sir--- Jongsuk, what about the other people?''

''Haru, I just have this feeling that you're really something. It'll be fatal if I let you go. So, i'm going to keep you.'' Jongsuk got up from his seat and patted Haru on the back.

Haru was amazed how this worked out so easily. She looked upwards to her new boss. He was damn tall. ''U-Uh thank you...''

''Thank you. I think the company has just become better!'' Jongsuk looked behind him, ''Seokjin, come here. Meet your new partner in crime!''

Haru's eyes widened, she froze on the spot.

Seokjin did too.


Seokjin was curious what this new female assistant looked like. Is she pretty? Nice? Smart?

''Seokjin, come here. Meet your new partner in crime!'' Jongsuk called him over.

Seokjin strode over. He froze. Haru? Her eyes... Oh my god.

Seokjin had to look professional still. ''Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Seokjin.'' He introduced

She bowed her head, ''Hello. I-I'm Oh Haru.'' Does he recognize me? Yeah, he does. Haru thought.

''Well, i've got work to do. Haru, did you eat yet?''

Haru was about to say something when Jongsuk spoke again, ''Seokjin, use the company card to take our new member here out. Fill her in on the info. You know, the usual.''

Seokjin nodded, ''Of course Jongsuk. It's the same. C'mon Miss. Oh. I know a really nice place.''

Haru walked 3 feet behind Jin. Her hands were clammy.

Why is this all being shoved at me? What did I do to deserve this? All I wanted was to move on!

Her past just had to follow.


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