My Best Online Friend

By InnocentMirror

78.3K 2.6K 2.7K

A Jacksepticeye x Reader fan fiction. My first story. :D YOU- You're moving to Ireland with you best friend a... More

Making A Move
Double Date
Thank You!


5.2K 205 227
By InnocentMirror

Thank you guys so so much for over 100 reads! This is my first story I published and I never thought that I could get over even 20 reads. I'm grateful and hopefully you all stay! :D
--Sean's Perspective--

She was pretty light. Not like skinny light, but easy to lift like you'd lift her all day if you could to get plus one biceps. It made me want to romantically pick her up and have her wrap her legs around my waist and we would touch foreheads like a cute couple. I realized that I needed to be with someone who made me happy and that I could see a lot.

That wasn't happening in my past relationship, but it felt like it with YN.

We spent a while at the park just horsing around, swinging, jumping all around the playground until the sky had turned a dark shade of orange, blue, and yellow mixed together.

"Sean, I should probably go before my roommate thinks I've died again."

"OK. I'll walk you home." I was always walked people home. No matter if they were my friends or family. It feels like your responsible and protective which makes both of the people involved presumably happy.

"Sounds like a game plan." She looked at me and flashed a smile that could probably put together any broken heart.

As I followed her back to her home, I could see her begin to slightly shiver. Which happened to be a dead giveaway that one, she was cold, and two, she's not originally from Ireland. Neither of us brought gloves. So I just grabbed her hand. YN didn't flinch or anything, as a matter of fact, her hand just naturally linked with mine. During that, we didn't even make eye contact, we just kept talking about how ridiculous the whole Plain Red Christmas Starbucks Cup Controversy thing was. And let me tell you, we could go on for hours.

After about 20 minutes of warm hand holding, we arrived at her front door. Her friend, YBFN was in the window just staring at us as I walked YN to the door. I don't think she knows I know. YN knocked ever so lightly on the door so soft, even I couldn't hear it.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today, Sean." She smiled again as she decided to connect our line of eye contact.

"It's no problem really. I had fun. Thank you too." I want completely sure what I was thanking her for, but it was mainly was because she suggested the park in the first place.

I guess she was still cold because she hasn't let go of my hand the entire time. But she wasn't shaking either. Finally, after like 12 years, her friend came down and opened the door, releasing heat onto my pale skin.

"Hello! You must be Sean! Nice to meet you."

I shook hands with her presumable bestie and met YBFN formally. For a few seconds we sat in silence as YBFN looked at our hands, still intertwined with one another's. Out of embarrassment, we both kind of simultaneously unattached our fingers. A nervous laugh and a hug later, I said goodbye to YN and began walking home.

+-Time Skip to Sean's Home-+

It was pretty late and I had already uploaded my scheduled videos, so I and nothing to do. I want tired, in fact I was craving some hot coffee right now. I quickly made some and took a seat at my desk to chat up with Mark on Skype.

"Hey markimoo!"


"Lol so what are you up to?"

"Just surfing.....the internet"

"Stop with the puns. It hurts Mark."

His laugh over Skype sounded fine in videos with the mic and all, but when it was his plain headset, he sounded like a squeaky lumberjack. Literally no other way to describe it. All of a sudden he got a bit serious.

"Hey jack?"

"Yea murk?"

"Wanna go on a date?"

WHAT?! Is this a joke? Is he serious? I mean he sounded it, but um.


Now I could breathe fine.

"Of course. But with who."

Sooner or later, we had it all figured out. We would take them to the movies in two days, then propose to the both of them. Just kidding. Were not proposing to them. It was going to be fun. After planning it all out, Mark got off and I was heading to bed.

As I lay in bed, I can't get these thoughts out of my head. They're good and happy and overwhelmingly positive. They kind of caused a delay to my beauty sleep, but eventually I was able to drift off.

I had one of the best dreams ever.

"Here take some of my heat."
I put my hands on her face and couldn't resist how amazing it felt to hold her head in my hands. Before I realized I was pulling her in, our lips collided. It wasn't too long, nor too short, but one thing it was, was magical.

You know how you somehow wake up the slightest bit but don't open your eyes? Well, that happened to me, and I could feel the smile on my cheeks form.

I wanted YN to be my one and only.


Aaaaand scene! Once again, thank you for 100+ reads and a few votes and comments! Glad I could get the chance to write this for you all and I have got a ton of more things to come! Stay tuned.

smiles for miles :D

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