
By SusanGarod

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This is the sister book to Compulsion. Captivation presents Caitlin's and Jared's story. The man walking be... More

Captivation Introduction/sample
Captivation Part 2
Captivation Part 3
Captivation Part 4
Captivation Part 5
Captivation Part 6
Captivation Part 7
Captivation Part 8
Captivation Part 9
Captivation Part 10
Captivation Part 11
Captivation Part 12
Captivation Part 13
Captivation Part 14
Captivation Part 15
Captivation Part 16
Captivation Part 17
Captivation Part 18
Captivation Part 19
Captivation Part 20
Captivation Part 21
Captivation Part 22
Captivation Part 23
Captivation Part 24
Captivation Part 25
Captivation Part 26
Captivation Part 27
Captivation Part 28
Captivation Part 29
Captivation Part 30
Captivation Part 31
Captivation Part 32
Captivation part 33
Captivation Part 34
Captivation Part 35
Captivation Part 36
Captivation Part 37
Captivation Part 38
Captivation Part 39
Captivation Part 40
Captivation Part 41
Captivation Part 42
Captivation Part 43
Captivation Part 45
Captivation Part 46
Captivation Part 47
Captivation Part 48
Captivated Part 49
Captivation Part 50
Captivation Part 51
Captivation Part 52
Captivation Part 53
Captivation Part 54
Captivation- Epilogue- Part 55

Captivation Part 44

127 4 0
By SusanGarod

Caitlin and Jared were oblivious to everything around them as the kiss grew bolder by the second and their hands and mouths roved without limitation and increasing boldness. Not surprisingly neither Jared nor Caitlin heard the car approach on the gravel driveway.

But they registered the headlights instantly. The car's headlights threw them into silhouette and illuminated Caitlin and Jared with all the impact of stadium floodlights.

Automatically and instinctively Jared spun Caitlin around as he unconsciously tried to shield her from the occupants in the car. He would wonder about his instinct to protect her later, when he had time to think about the fact that despite everything he was still putting her welfare, her reputation, first.

The headlights remained on. A glaring light that felt abrasive as it threw a spotlight on what had been a passionate but private moment. Then the car door opened and they both heard the feet on the gravel, though they couldn't make out the face.

"Caitlin?" Questioned a voice he remembered from the club house. "Is that you?" The voice sounded hesitant, as if the questioner really did not want his conclusion to be accurate.

With a stifled curse, and with sheer luck given her fingers were shaking, Caitlin adjusted her skirt and stepped from behind Jared. Of course she recognized the voice. And she knew that things were about to go pear-shaped. Everything that had felt perfect a few moments ago vanished with the intrusion of unwanted observers.

"Uncle Neil." She gave a quick clearance of her throat when she realized her voice sounded far too husky. But that was the trouble, she still felt as if she was in Jared's arms. Or at least that is where she wanted to be. But without observers around. She coughed quietly again to clear her throat and then attempted to speak again. "What are you doing here?" As if that really mattered. But she hoped it would distract Neil.

She was also relieved. At least her voice sounded nearly normal. Her heart was still hammering, her nerves still fried, her thoughts scattered. She ran clammy hands down her short skirt and hoped she was straightening it out. The last thing she needed was for Neil to lecture her on the state of her attire. She wanted what she'd just shared with Jared to retain that magic, and being lectured about her state of dress by Neil would destroy all vestiges of that magic. It would make it seem seedy and sordid. When in reality it was thrilling, wonderful and unexpected.

"Tricia called." Neil scowled when the scene he'd stumbled on kept replaying in his head. Caitlin was with that man! Jared! What the hell was the matter with her? Didn't she know Jared had a reputation? Neil was tempted to growl at Caitlin. He came a step nearer, recognised the look in Jared's eyes and frowned. Jared was far from pleased to find Neil had no intention of just walking on. Neil had no intention of walking away and leaving Caitlin with this man, without making sure she knew what she was getting into. "More to the point what are you doing with him? Or is that a stupid question .."

"It isn't what it seems." Caitlin mumbled and then wished she hadn't tried to excuse her behaviour. It was exactly what it seemed in terms of she had been kissing Jared. But Neil was making it appear seedy. Caitlin wished she wasn't caught in such a compromising position. Wished that kiss had been allowed to continue. Wished she could look at Jared and see if he felt as shell-shocked as she did.

"Really?" Neil came closer. His body language it did not bode well. A fact confirmed by his next remark, "Either you two were celebrating your engagement or..."

Caitlin reared back as she took on board his insinuation and his intended command. Caitlin was not about to be intimidated, she interrupted Neil before he could complete the statement. "I am way over the age of consent Neil!" She tried to keep it flippant, even as her heartbeat continued to thunder loudly. She would think about the fact she had practically had intercourse standing up and in a public space! That wasn't like her! Not like her at all. She was confident but she wasn't promiscuous. However, she wished she had had a moment to talk with Jared. She wished they hadn't been interrupted before they had talked, just the two of them, to see what they both intended to do about that kiss. But as that word kiss registered in her brain she wished they hadn't stopped. Public or not. She wished they had not been interrupted.

"Consent is one thing." Neil glared at Jared placing the blame for the current situation firmly at his feet. He looked at Jared and stated flatly, "I assume you are going to do the decent thing." Neil knew he sounded pompous when he announced it as baldly as that. He folded his arms, squared his shoulders and lifted his chin in defiance. Jared might be a good few inches taller, and quite a bit fitter, but that did not mean that Neil intended to be cowed.

Jared, like Caitlin was not about to be intimidated by Neil's posturing. "And what would that be?" Jared asked quietly, knowing exactly what Neil was hinting at.

"Marriage." Neil barked. Jared straightened at that blunt response. Caitlin frowned taken by surprise at her uncle's audacity. "You've compromised Caitlin's reputation!" Neil thundered.

"He's done no such thing." Caitlin contested hotly, her eyes flashing with annoyance and ire as she added, "We kissed, that's all. I kissed him!" Caitlin was beyond incensed. A few moments ago she was within touching distance of heaven. Now that moment seemed a life time past because her uncle was making it appear tawdry.

"You were practically having sex standing up." Her uncle boomed. His voice drew the attention of the three girls who were returning from smoking out in the garden. The sound of an argument had them changing direction as they came in search of details.

Caitlin was oblivious to the fact that they were about to treble their audience. "We were not! In any case, it's none of your business!" Caitlin all but screeched at Neil as she glanced around to see if they had attracted any unwanted attention. The girls were still out of sight, hidden partly by the large box bushes. Caitlin tried to calm down, knowing that if she continued to screech someone no doubt would hear them! Then dragging in a breath she added, "And people do have sex without marriage in this day and age. Just because two people were kissing does not mean they have to get married!" Caitlin told her uncle bluntly.

Caitlin through the corner of her eye took note of Jared's reaction. She could see that Jared was far from pleased to have her uncle dictate terms. Caitlin wasn't all that happy either. Neil's intervention took what she thought was probably one of the most special moments in her life and Neil was now dragging it through the mud as if it was nothing but a blip on her landscape.

Neil was far from appeased by Caitlin's response. "Yes, but we both know you don't even kiss on your first date, so what I saw was clearly..."

"Now, just a minute..." Caitlin felt she was being steamrollered into a corner. And worse still, Neil was ruining what was a special and spectacular moment in her life. Not just ruining it, but making it sound as if it was reprehensible. Jared no doubt would not be in any frame of mind to discuss that kiss and what it meant, not after her uncle's interference. Caitlin knew enough about Jared to know that his pride would kick in. And given Neil's meddling, Caitlin knew that Jared would retreat if Caitlin attempted to talk to Jared now about that kiss. Let alone what that kiss meant to both of them.

The three girls came round the corner to find Caitlin, Jared and Neil totally oblivious to the presence of the three girls. It looked as if something was about to go off! The two men looked ready to fight, which was interesting, given the three girls knew that the other much older man stood no chance if he took on Jared. Caitlin looked furious too and she had taken up a position between the two men, as if she knew both were close to coming to blows.

Neil looked over the top of Caitlin's shoulder and glared with open hostility at Jared. "You owe my niece your name." Neil stated bluntly and firmly.

Jared's shoulders squared. His years of being ordered around were long past. He knew what he wanted. That did not mean he was going to settle for being ordered to do it! "When I give my name it will be to a woman I love, respect and want." Jared hoped that Caitlin knew he was talking about her. He looked directly at Neil and added, "It will not be given at a time and place that you decide. It is my decision to make!" Jared said softly.

"You're saying Cait's good enough to fool around with, but not to marry." Neil yelled completely oblivious to the fact they now had an avid audience.

Of course Caitlin was going to be his wife. But Jared was not one to take orders and he certainly was not going to allow her uncle to make it feel as if Jared had no choice. No woman wanted to receive a marriage proposal that was made under duress. When he proposed to Caitlin she would know that it came from the heart, and wasn't a consequence of being ordered to propose. "I'm saying I will not be bullied into proposing to Caitlin here and now." When he did propose it would be on his terms and it would be a special event, not some rash announcement to appease her uncle.

Caitlin spun around to face Jared, her eyes full of fury. "No one is bullying you into doing anything." Caitlin glared at Jared. It was then that Jared saw her reaction to his words. And at the same time he heard the reaction from the three girls who stood listening avidly to the argument. Caitlin and Neil both turned toward the three girls.

Great! Caitlin wanted to scream. She fought for composure, then she stepped past the small group and walked off without saying another word to anyone. She was close to tears. What a moment ago was practically heaven now felt like a living hell.

"Fuck!" Jared muttered and ran his fingers through his hair, while Neil glared at him.

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