Angel from Devil's Pit {Super...

By FugiCutie

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Olivia Bayani definitely doesn't have a normal teenage girl's life. She ends up falling in love with one of... More

1: That Could've Been Better Planned...
2: Well That Was Unexpected!
3: I Guess I Can Get Used to Them
5: 1 2 3 4 to the 5 Baby, I'm Counting on You
6: Friends Come and Go...
7: It Almost Was the Perfect Date
8: Let's Look in Their Perspective
9: And Then Life was Good

4: Tough Talks and Fair Fun

497 9 3
By FugiCutie

I sat on my bed with my laptop on while I brushed my hair thoroughly. I gazed at the small screen intently as Pewdiepie attempted to play Slenderman, the Swedish man only on his first page. I laughed as he stupidly turned around and found Mister Slendy creeping behind him. He let out such a girly scream! It’s probably a lot shriller than mine. It’s so good to just lay back and watch my favorite Youtubers from time to time. But c’mon, let’s be honest. If I ever met Slenderman, I wouldn’t be half as scared as most of these players that attempt the game. There are far more terrifying creatures lurking in the night.

Knock, knock, knock!


I paused the YouTube video when I darted my eyes over to the closed bedroom door. “Come in!” I called out while straightening up on the bed. No need for any of the guys in this house to see my true sloppiness. Dean popped his head through the crack of the door once opening it. He gave me a little wave before fully entering my bedroom. “Hey Dean, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” Dean replied in that type of tone that I know of so well because he has used that on people before. I instantly caught onto his suspicious attitude. “Just want to talk about your hang out with your buddies.” This is so typical of Dean. He’s probably asking me because my dad told him to.

“Look, Green Eyes, nothing happened,” I huffed at him with a roll of my eyes. I don’t understand why he doesn’t seem to believe me. Does he not understand that I’m not a complete hormonal teenage girl?

“Ollie, you know you can tell me anything. I was like you once. I was young and free to do anything since I was a teenager. I wasn’t all about hunting.”

I gave him a once over. I wasn’t completely sure if I believed that statement entirely. I knew Dean can be such a party boy that likes his intake on alcohol and he’s not the “cleanest” I’ve ever met but he was strictly dedicated. How did I know this? I have a good memory of fresh out of high school Dean and his father coming around to our house years ago to accompany my dad on a hunt. So the statement he just told me was quite contradicting.

“Dean, I’m not like that,” I stated.

I can tell he felt my attitude towards that and held his hands up in defense. “I know you’re not.”

I eyed him longer. He’s not totally onboard, is he?

“D*mn Dean, you caught me!” I groaned, deciding to play dumb a bit. “I’ve been doing all these drugs, drinking all this alcohol, and sometimes screwing over my guy friends is my favorite hobby!” I don’t care I was being overdramatic but this was proving my point. “You might as well lock me in this room forever, Mother Gothel.” I held my wrist outs to him as if offering im to put cuffs on me.

Dean gave me a long, cold stare, obvious that my little charade was bullsh*t. “Haha, funny,” he muttered emotionless. He lay against the wall across from where I was sitting. “Olivia, I was just worried. Plus you think I wouldn’t catch a glimpse of Mister Bubblegum Pop’s car outside this house once he dropped you off? It wasn’t as discreet as you may thought because, trust me, I can be sneakier.”

I could feel the color leaving my face at the whole confession. Maybe, I should play dumb again? No. That’s stupid. Dean knows better to fall for any attempt of an immature lie. And it’s true; it wasn’t like I was trying to make Louis a secret… Firstly, why should I make that a secret? It’s not like we’re dating or anything! He’s just a normal boy with the only exception that he’s worldwide known. I was literally speechless. What can I say?

“Olivia…” He murmured, eying me down with those famous emerald eyes of his. God, I never knew green eyes can look so horrifying.

“Ok, so what if I hung out with a certain European boy band?” I mumbled. I was suddenly interested at staring at my twiddling fingers.


“Dean!” I reciprocated his whiny tone, shooting my head up to look at him. Why does this guy have to be a pain in the *ss most of the time? I admire him, sure, but I’d rather not have another person baby me! I get enough of that from Papa. Like seriously, on most days when I go out for whatever, I’d have to lie to get his approval. We are f*cking hunters for goodness sakes! Why do we have to have a curfew? I’m sure demons don’t have a particular bedtime. “I am eighteen years old. I’d like a bit of freedom.” By saying this, I was reminded of the conversation I had with Sam earlier today. He was the one to tell me to live my life. And here I am, following to what Sammy has told me. At least, to the best of my abilities. “I’m not like those kinds of girls who party and have sex whenever they can. I’m the kind of person that would probably rather read a book than to go to this stupid club-”

“Olivia, stop. I know you’re not like that,” Dean told me.

“Then why are we having this conversation?” I asked him quite angrily for getting me worked up for possibly over nothing.

He glanced down for a moment to collect the right words to say. He stared at him to see if he would spit out whatever he’s trying to tell me. “I just want you to be careful.” I narrowed my eyes a bit, wanting more of an explanation. “This group is well known, right? And if you get caught in any of those pictures, some monster can find you and hurt you.”

He’s seriously worried over that? “Dean, I can take care of myself, you know. I learned from the best,” I said, giving him a grin.

He returned it and nodded. “I know,” he smirked. “You are a decent hunter-”

“Decent?” I spat out, giving him a look of disbelief.

“You are better than most hunters,” he corrected himself. I shrugged, accepting the somewhat good comment. “But your dad, Sam, and I would like it if you don’t get caught, ok? We don’t want anything bad happening to you and you’re off somewhere within our reach.”

I nodded at him. “If anything, I always have my hunting equipment whenever I leave the house.”

“Good,” he responded.

After a few seconds of silence, I piped up, “So are we done here, Green Eyes?”

“Yeah, we’re done.” He walked over to me and left a soft kiss on the top of my head and left my room. I kept my eyes glued to the door for a couple seconds, thinking over what Dean just told me. Something doesn’t seem right to me.

I closed my laptop and decided to snuggle up into my bed to sleep.

Gotta get back to Hogwarts, gotta get back to school. Gotta get myself back to Hogwarts, where everybody knows I’m cool…”

I swiftly grabbed for my phone from the bed side table to stop it from ringing, despite how much I enjoy Darren Criss’s voice. I let out a sigh and rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes. Whoever texted me at this time of the morning must be important!

L: Morning Olivia! :) You want to come with us to that fair today?


The feeling of electricity surging through my body, at least that’s what it exactly felt like, made me wide awake. I sat up and grinned uncontrollably at the text message. I flipped my phone up to the keyboard and speedily typed out my response.

O: Sure, I’d love to! :D


L: Alrighty, we’ll come around to pick you up around half an hour


Once reading it, I hopped off the bed and zoomed over to my closet. They really aren’t giving me much time, are they? I looked through my clothing, which wasn’t a whole lot. I decided to go with my usual look rather than dressing up for the occasion. I chose to wear my white Beatles shirt, my black ripped jeans, and classic high top chucks. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and applied my basics of makeup, which was a bit of powder, eyeliner, and my chap stick (would that be considered as makeup?). I snatched my bag still filled with my items from yesterday and left my room. While making my way through the hallway, I passed by the guest room. Gus looked so peaceful snoozing away as what I could see through the slightly opened door. Also, while examining the bulky man closer, he was wearing one of my anti-possession necklaces. One of the boys must’ve given that to him to wear. I haven’t used that necklace for some time ever since Papa decided I should get the tattoo since it’s permanently on my skin. I guess Gus was able to take care of himself without one for so long but the demon caught him off guard.

I continued down the hallway and trotted down the wooden stairs. At the last step, I stopped. The smell of breakfast wafted through the air and made my stomach lurch for some food. I followed the fragrance into the kitchen. Sam was sitting at the table sipping some orange juice with a half-eaten pancake and his laptop in front of him. Dean was over the stove making even more pancakes and bacon.

“Good morning, Ollie,” Sam greeted me without straying his eyes from his little screen. Dean turned over, gave me a nod and a half smile, and went on to cooking again. I noticed the stacks of pancakes and piles of bacon sitting on a couple of plates next to him.

“Just so you know, I’m making sh*t loads because Gus is a heavy eater,” Dean said, answering the question in my mind. “Go ahead and sit down. I was actually about to wake you up for breakfast.” I sat into the empty seat next to Sam with no hesitation because I will admit I was starving. And bacon is one of my favorite things!... and pancakes too. This guy just knows!

I glanced over to Sam’s laptop screen and noticed it’s on a picture of a newspaper of yesterday. It was about the One Direction concert mishap. I frowned a bit. I remembered yesterday when I met Liam when he had his hand wrapped up. I didn’t give it much attention but I saw it. I didn’t want to ask the One Direction boy about it because maybe, he might remember what could’ve happened to him.

“Why are you looking through that?” I asked him, a bit agitated that he’s still going into the situation that should be long done and over with.

“Because something doesn’t add up. That one demon that we have killed first mentioned something else. When Dean and I were tied up and you weren’t there yet, she said her partners in crime,” Sam replied.


Partners. There’s more than one.”

“You got to be kidding me. Are you sure?”

“Not entirely but that’s definitely what she said. Right, Dean?”

Dean came to the table giving me a plate of food and a glass of milk. “Yeah, she definitely said partners,” Dean confirmed, placing down breakfast in front of me. I picked up one of the bacon and started to munch off it. “So if anything, there’s a demon out there somewhere ready to strike for revenge.”

“Where was this demon when we sent all those demon babies back to h*ll?” I asked, swallowing down some food.

“We don’t know. This demon might have known the plan wasn’t going to work so he bailed,” Sam input. I rested my head into the palm of my propped up hand. To be honest, I wish I didn’t know this. The possibility that a demon is running around and bound to ruin people’s lives is a day ruiner.

The rest of the time, I ate my breakfast, Sam still searched through the internet and Dean was finishing up with the food for himself and Gus. As I was close to done with my food, I hear a groan and footsteps gradually getting louder. “Good morning, Gus!” I piped up as he entered the kitchen.

“Morning everyone,” he muttered out.

Ding dong!


I stood up abruptly from my seat. “I got it!” I practically shouted. I smiled at the boys that stared at me in confusion. I sped off and made it to the front door. I swung the door open to see Louis, Violet, and Artemis on my porch. “Hi you guys.”

“Cool house, Olivia!” Artemis commented first, her blue eyes glancing around in awe.

I grinned at her. “Thanks Artemis.”

“Well, you ready?” Louis asked me sweetly.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. I’m sure I’d say something stupid if I opened my mouth. “Let me go get my bag then we can go,” I told them.

I went back inside and went into the kitchen where I left my bag on the chair. All I see was Gus eating away his pain. He gave me a nod and continued… Where are… Oh god.

I went back to the door with my bag strapped onto my shoulder. Dean and Sam were interrogating the three of them and it seems like they’re more onto Louis than the girls. I rushed over and squeezed in between the boys and the door so they can have a distance away. “Ah, yall met my… cousins,” I covered up, giving the Winchesters a glare. Both of them gave me innocent expressions. Artemis looked dazed as she stared at the boys. Oh jeez, don’t tell me she thinks they’re cute. Been there, done that.

“Well go on ya crazy kids. We’ll see you later Olliepop,” Dean said. Louis, Violet, and Artemis started to turn away to go back to the black SUV parked outside the fence. I felt a strong grip on my forearm and I winced at the act. “Going to the fair?”

“Yes,” I simply answered.

“Be careful, ok, now that you know there’s a demon still walking around somewhere,” Sam told me.

“I will, I have all my things,” I reassured the both of them.

“There’s something about that Violet chick that’s throwing me off. Keep an eye on her too, alright?” Dean said.

“Fine, now can I go?” I questioned him, pulling on my prisoned arm. Dean let go and I caught up to Louis, Violet, and Artemis. The three of them smiled at me as I was now walking along with them.

“This is going to be really fun! I’ve never been to a legit fair before!” Artemis squealed, skipping along while tugging on Violet’s arm playfully. You can clearly see that Violet wasn’t appreciative over Artemis’s over joyous mood. “And, oh my god, your cousins are hotties! Right Vio?”

Violet expression didn’t change when the blonde gal said this. She gave me this look. “They weren’t half bad but then again, I’m already taken.”

I smirked over at her. “Please don’t ever mention Dean and Sam as hotties again. Please. For my sanity.”

We made it to the SUV. The windows were rolled down to reveal Liam at the driver’s seat, Niall in the passenger’s seat, Zayn in the middle by his lonesome, and Harry in the back row. Violet and Artemis already squeezed into the middle row. This left me to sit at the farthest right with Louis in the middle and Harry on the other side of him. “Well hello again boys,” I greeted them once I got my seatbelt on.

“Hi Olivia!” They all chorused. Was I going crazy or did their voices blend together well in harmony? I must be crazy, I am a fangirl afterall.

We were a few minutes into driving towards the fair and were all already being goofy, singing along to popular eighties music on the radio. I couldn’t help but notice Liam using mostly his injured hand on the wheel. “Liam, should you really be using that hand to drive?” I asked over the loudness of everyone chattering. The noise has toned down, although they still talked to one another.

Liam’s eyes flashed onto the mirror to look at me and he gave me one of his friendly smiles. “It’s ok, love. I can drive just fine,” he replied. For some odd reason, his eyes widened for a moment, he blinked a couple times, and then turned his focus back on the road. I furrowed my eyebrows at what just happened but that was until I was interrupted by my thoughts by Louis singing obnoxiously to Madonna’s Like a Virgin. I laughed and then I joined in with him, back to our crazy antics. The rides consisted of more singing, Violet shouting at each of us singing to shut up, and more conversing on the most random ideas. I never knew so quickly how close we can all be.

For a few more minutes, we made it to the fair. We parked into a valet parking lot. Before we left, the boys had to put on sunglasses, hats, and other things that make them not look like themselves. But who were we kidding? I’d still notice them a mile away! “Ok, before we leave, we all should be in small groups so it’ll be harder for people to realize that One Direction is here,” Harry suggested. We all nodded in agreement since that sounded like a good idea. “Ok, so I think it’d be good if we pair off into two groups, me, Olivia, Niall, and Liam while the two girls go with Zayn and Louis.” Everyone already agreed before I can have a say in this. I don’t want to sound greedy or anything but I would like to hang out with Louis a bit. I had no say in this apparently because I was already being torn away with the boys as Zayn, Violet, Artemis, and Louis waited in the SUV a bit so it doesn’t look suspicious to people passing by our car. I shrugged it off and strolled with the three boys. I was hanging with 3/5 of One Direction, I should be complaining at all!

“So what shall we do first?” I asked, trying to make myself comfortable with the group. I may have had dinner with these boys yesterday but sometimes my nervousness gets the best of me. We finally entered the area where the fair was set up. It all looked amazing! Then again it was all too familiar because my parents and I have gone to this fair hundreds of times when I was younger… when Mama was still alive. I guess that’s why I am so close to those Winchester boys.

I shook off the thoughts and looked at the boys as they pondered on what we should do first. “You’ve been here before, right? Maybe you should recommend something we can do first,” Liam offered.

I thought for a moment and smiled. “Rides! Definitely rides! Because if we don’t get to them now, we’ll have to deal with time to get on them later on in the day and the wait can be quite lengthy. Plus, it’d be best not to go onto the rides with all the fatty foods they have here.”

“And she has spoken! Rides it is!” Harry proclaimed.

“Last one to that ride,” Niall said, pointing over to the one where the cars do a lot of spinning, “Is a rotten deep fried corn dog! I promise we’ll go easy on you, Ollie.”

I gaped at the boys. “Because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I’m slow, Horan! You are going to eat your words.”

“Sounds like a bet coming on,” Liam muttered unsurely.

I flash him an evil smirk and he knew he was right. “Alrighty bet it is. The last one to make it to Pandemonium has to get the deep fried butter stick and eat it all,” I wagered.

“They actually have those here?” Harry questioned with a disgusted expression on his face.

I nodded my head at him and held my hand out, palm facing down in front of me. “We have a deal?”

“Do I have to be part of this?” Liam mumbled out.

“Yes. And I thought you were quite a runner, Payne,” I chuckled. Liam took this as a challenge and put his hand on top of mine. Without reluctance, Niall smacked his hand down on top of his. Harry’s green eyes darted to each of us and sighed. He has finally placed his hand down into the pile. “Good, may the loser have good luck with that butter. Ready?” The three boys took their starting poses, which all were ridiculous. I had to laugh out loud at them. Niall specifically because he was stretching all over the place like as if he was entering some Olympic race rather than some silly little run to a ride. In a dramatic voice, I started to count down, “10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5…4…3…2…1GO!” I sprinted off after, leaving the boys slightly confused at my countdown. They didn’t realize that my instant ‘GO’ truly meant go! They all ran after me, already at my tail. I wavered through the sea of people. Before I know it, Liam was at my side. I frowned immensely as he was the first one to make it. At least I was second with Harry third and Niall in last place. “You wanted to have this race in the first place and you made it here last?”

“The fact that you brought in food into this really did motivate him to lose,” Harry piped up for the Irish boy.

“Niall, its deep fried butter!” I retorted, looking at him in disbelief.

That blue eyed boy just shrugged, adjusted his snapback to cover some of the blond strands poking out and grinned at me. “I can’t miss out on trying deep fried butter!”

“Ew,” Liam, Harry, and I muttered in unison. Niall laughed and pulled me towards the shortening line.

“C’mon, before it starts filing in!”


I am pretty sure we gotten onto most of the rides here at the fair, and actually there really wasn’t a lot. Afterwards, we all went to the concession stands because we were all hungry, or what Harry said in his deep British accent ‘peckish’. We remembered to buy Niall’s butter after we gotten the food of our choices. We decided to get Niall some of the fresh popcorn they had here and creamy chocolate ice cream because we weren’t cruel people. You should’ve seen our faces, including the loser’s, when he took his first bite of the deep fried butter. The absolute crunch into that first bite was completely audible and butter sputtered out and dribbled down his chin. To my surprise, he seemed to be enjoying that fried stick of butter.

“Your cholesterol must be through the roof with that one bite,” I remember Liam commenting while giving Niall a napkin. The blonde just kept on going, taking more bites off it.

Once he was done, he wiped off his greasy lips with the napkin that Liam handed him and went for the ice cream. My god, the kid didn’t stop! I didn’t know he truly was a naturally hungry person.

After that, the four of us walked around the fair to see the attractions they had here. There were plenty enough to keep us highly entertained throughout the day. When the time reached around five and the temperature was getting hot, we went off to find our other half. It felt good to hang out with the three boys most of the day. I got to know them personally and I feel they felt the same way about me. We bonded and what more can I ask?

Before I knew it, we see Zayn, Violet, and Artemis at one of the booths for candy. We strolled over to them. “Where’s Louis?” I asked curiously.

“He went to the loo,” Zayn answered, popping in a gummy bear into his mouth. “No worries, he’ll come back and the two of you can finally hang out.” He gave me a wink to complete the sentence. My body felt like it was burning.

The boys and girls giggled at my reaction. I glowered over to Violet and Artemis since they were probably the ones to say something about me liking Louis to the boys. “Aren’t you all leaving tomorrow?” I questioned, attempting to wipe those annoying smiles off their faces. I succeeded. I was now feeling sad myself because it was true. And they’re leaving in the morning. They only stayed in this town because of the disaster at the concert and they couldn’t find a plane ride to another town until tomorrow. This was one of the conversations from the dinner yesterday I paid close attention to. “It’s not going to work. I don’t like long distance relationships anyways.”

Agitation boiled within me as I stared at the group incredulously. It’s like they’re taunting me! Ok, I have a celebrity crush on Louis and it may have grown from the past couple of days but it was never going to work out!

At precise timing, Louis was coming back to us with his phone pressed to his ear. We all stared at him, wondering who he can be possibly talking to. “Yes, thanks. Yup, three days. Bye.” He glanced up at us and smiled. “Guess who will be staying here for a few more days.”

“You’re kidding!” I muttered with a sudden wave of happiness coursing through my body. Louis nodded. I couldn’t help it; I tackled him into a hug. I quickly pulled away once I realized what I done. I didn’t fail to glare over to the giggling girls behind me. Out of the blue, Louis leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“We’re not ready to leave you just yet,” Louis whispered to me. I completely melted! “So, our schedule now is to go to a couple interviews tomorrow but the day after, maybe you would like to go somewhere with me…”

“As in a date?” I squeaked out.

“Mhm,” he said, smiling down at me.

“Sure,” I responded. Did this really happen? Is this a dream? Someone pinch me! I pinched myself to make sure. Ouch! Oh yeah, it’s real. Definitely all real. I can’t believe this is happening.

Then, to ruin the moment, someone knocked into me quite roughly but all it did was knock my bag to the ground. I went to pick it up but see Violet kneeling down and counting the specs of salt that managed to spill out. It wasn’t a lot that fell from my bag but Violet seemed to be counting each one individually. I gasped as I realized why Violet seemed different to me.

Zayn picked her up to her feet and whispered something into her ear. She seemed strained that she didn’t finish counting the salt. “Let’s go,” Zayn said, pulling Violet away to the small mess of salt.

“You carry salt around?” Niall asked me.

“Yeah, sorry it’s a bit weird. But you don’t know whenever you have a crisis of food needing salt,” I covered up. “I’ve learned the tragedy of tasteless food in school.” Harry, Liam, and Niall nodded, understanding my situation although how strange it sounded. Louis just grinned at me and placed his arm around my waist. My heart beat faster to his simple touch.

            “Here let me hold your purse, must be a drag carrying that around all day,” Louis offered. In my defense, it does hold a bit of weight with all the stuff I carry.

            “Lou, I don’t want you to carry this thing,” I pouted a bit.

            “It’s only to the car anyways, love.” He took he bag off from my shoulder and wrapped it around himself. “Besides, I think I look fabulous.” I laughed and we all walked back to the SUV.

            The ride to my house consisted of Louis and I cuddling in the back seat and Harry groaning on how disgustingly cute we were being. I was able to smack him a good couple times. When we make it to the house, Louis was the only one to bring me to my front door. You never would’ve believed how tightly I was holding the strap of my bag. I felt my heart was going to jump out of my chest at this point. We said our goodbyes and again, Louis kissed my cheek.

            I waved my farewells to everyone in the SUV. Louis joined them and they all left, yelling out the windows how they’ll see me later. The door swung open and I see Dean and Sam standing there.

            “Well hello there,” I greeted them a bit too happy for their tastes.

            “Are you two dating now?” Sam asked me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged at him and squeezed between them to get into the house. I breathed in the air of my home and sighed. I guess I’m extremely love-struck right now.

            “Did you get information on that Violet chick?” Dean questioned before I can make it to the stairs.

            I turned around to face the Winchesters with a look of acknowledgement crossing my face. “Oh my god, yeah. Violet is a fairy.”


A/N: Yo, I'd like to thank @SamanthaRideout and @Vicky16Glossy for being super awesome :)

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