Fifth Harmony Imagines

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Imagines about Fifth Harmony. Daha Fazla

The Hotel Room.
Straight Outta Compton.
The Hotel Room. (Pt. 2)
The Assistant.
Breaking Up Is Hard.
Straight Outta Compton. (Pt. 2)
Finding Out.
Finding Out (Pt. 2)
i'm taking requests!!
Trouble. (Pt. 2)
Finding Out. (Pt.4)
Happy Thanksgiving
Trouble at Thanksgiving
Trouble (Pt. 4)
Trouble (Pt. 5)
Group Chat!!!
New Story!!
Apartment 5H: Dinah
Requests Anyone?
Valentine's Day: Dinah
I Can See: Lauren

Finding Out (Pt. 3)

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CMH727 tarafından

Lauren's POV

"Mommy when is mama coming?" Maxwell asked as played with his race car.

"Soon baby, now hurry up and finish your breakfast before she gets here." I said.

Ever since I told Max Y/N was coming to pick him he hasn't stopped asking me about her. I think it's was great that Y/N and Max are spending the day together, it's the perfect opportunity for them to get to know each other.

There was a knock at the door and I automatically knew it was Y/N. Y/N couldn't just knock on the door like a normal person, she had to make a beat when she did it.

"Mama's here!" Max yelled.

Maxwell jumped out of his chair and ran to the door, when he opened the door Y/N scooped him up in her arms and peppered kiss all over his face. "How's my little man doing this morning?" Y/N asked.

"Good, even better now you're that here." Max said.

Y/N gave him another kiss on the cheek and ruffled Max's hair, "We gotta do something about this hair kiddo. I'm taking you to see my friend Normani so she can give you a haircut."

"Okay mama." Max said.

Y/N walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. My cheek started to tingle a little from where Y/N kissed me. "How are you this morning?" I asked.

"I'm really good, I'm really looking forward to spending the day with Max. I think he'll like the day I have planned for us." Y/N said.

"Ooh what are we doing mama?" Maxwell asked.

"For starters we're getting your haircut, then we're going to go shopping, grab a bite to eat and just chill out for a while." Y/N said.

Y/N put Max down and he ran into his room. I started to clear the table because I had to leave for work soon. Y/N walked over to me and pushed against the refrigerator, she leaned closer and pressed her soft full lips against mine. Those lips though.

"Now that's what I call a good morning kiss." I said.

"Yeah, so what are your plans for today?" Y/N asked.

"Work then come home and make dinner." I said.

I got a job as an assistant manager at Urban Outfitters, it's not the best job in the world but it pays very well so I can't complain about that.

"How about I cook dinner for you tonight." Y/N suggested.

I gathered the dishes off the table and took them to the sink, "Y/N you know damn well you can't cook."

"For your information Lauren, I've upgraded from ramen noodles and hot pockets thank you very much. I promise I'll make you the best dinner you every had." Y/N said.

"Alright here's my spare key, so you can let yourself in before I get home." I said as I handed her the key.

"Mommy I'm ready to go." Maxwell yelled as he ran out of his room.

Max looked adorable in his polo shirt shirt and khaki shorts, he was also wearing his cute little black and white converses. Y/N and Max almost looked like twins with their matching outfits, I thought it was kinda cute.

"Mama can you help me tie my shoes please?" Maxwell asked.

"Sure thing buddy." Y/N sat Max in the chair and helped him tie his shoes. "Is he allergic to anything?" Y/N asked.

"Nope he's good, just don't give him a lot of sugar because he gets a little crazy." I said.

"Don't give him a lot of sugar, got it. I will make sure he eats as much ice cream as his little belly can handle." Y/N said.

I playfully punched her in the arm which caused Max to giggle at us. I looked at my watch and it was almost time for me to go. I picked Max up and said, "Be good for your mama, have fun, and I will see you when I get home okay."

"Okay mommy, love you." Max said.

I kissed him on the cheek and said, "Love you too baby."

Y/N kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'll see you at dinner mama." Then she winked her eye at me.


"You ready to get your hair cut champ?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm ready." Max said excitedly.

Max may have not been nervous but I sure as hell was. Dinah's probably told all of our friends that I have a kid and then I'm going to be faced with a game of 21 questions. After I got Max out the car we walked towards Normani's shop. I looked in the window and Mani was sweeping up and getting things ready for the day. I knocked on the window and she came and opened the door. "Y/N what brings you by here this morning?" Normani asked.

"My son needs a haircut." I said.

Normani stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around, she looked down at Max who had his arm wrapped around my leg. She looked at me, then at Max, then back at me and said, "You and Lauren make some cute little babies."

"What's your name handsome?" Normani asked.

"Maxwell, but you can call me Max pretty lady." Max said.

Mani giggled and picked him up, "You are too cute. But you might not want to flirt with me baby I'm a married woman."

"I don't see your husband around so he doesn't have to know you got a new man." Max said.

"He is truly your son Y/N." Mani said.

I sat down in the chair and spun around in it. When I came to a stop Normani had Maxwell in the chair and she was putting a cap around his neck. "Whose the pretty lady in the picture Mani?" Maxwell asked as he pointed to the picture on the wall.

"That's my wife Zendaya." Mani said.

Everyone always said Normani and Zendaya would be the first ones to get married and they did, right after graduation. At the end of last year they adopted a beautiful three year old girl named Maya.

Maya came from a bad situation, she lost both of her parents to a tragic car accident and had no other relatives to take care of her. Maya was very shy at first but after she got used to everyone we couldn't get Maya to slow down.

"How do you want me to cut his hair Y/N?" Mani asked.

"I want it short but not too short. Like I want to be able to comb it and style it." I said.

"So you want him to have that Justin Timberlake 20/20 Experience look?" Mani said.

"That's what I'm talking about." I said.

Mani took Max over to the sink and washed his hair. I pulled out my phone and check my missed messages. I had messages from Tori, Jasmine, Shay, Ashley and Natalie. I just ignored all of them.

"So when we're you planning on telling me?" Mani asked.

"I was going to tell you but figured Dinah was open her big mouth and spill the tea." I said.

"Nope this is my first time hearing off or seeing this little cutie pie right here." Normani said.

Break out the champagne and call the strippers because Dinah actually kept a secret. Everybody knows Dinah couldn't keep a secret even if you paid her.

"How are things with you and Lauren?" Normani asked.

"It was a lot for me to process and first and I kinda shut down a little bit. But I thought about how my life was and I don't want Max to go through that."  I said.

Normani smiled and continued to cut Max's hair. I expected Max to be a little antsy once Normani started working on his hair but he took it like a champ. When Normani was done she sprayed a little hairspray on Max's headed and brushed the hair off his cape. "You ready to see your new cut Maxwell?" Normani asked.

"Yeah!" Maxwell screamed.

Normani spun his chair around so he could see himself in the mirror. He smiled and said, "I look good mama."

"You look very good Maxwell." I said. I reached in my pocket to pull out my wallet but Normani stopped me.

"The haircut is free and don't try to argue with me either." Normani said.

"Aunt Y/N is here!" I heard a cute little voice yell.

I turned around and Maya was running toward me, I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her on the cheek. "How's my little dancing machine doing?" I asked.

"I'm good, mama taught me how Nae Nae." Maya said as she did the dance in my arms.

I put her down and Zendaya tapped me on the shoulder, "When are you and Lauren going to have another one?"

"Z we are taking things very very slow. There will be no baby making anytime soon." I said.

Zendaya scoffed at my remark and said, "You say that now Y/N. But on some serious ish, I'm happy for you. Max seems like a good kid and you are going to make a great parent."

I gave her a hug and said, "Thanks I really appreciate fam."

"Don't even sweat it, even though we're not blood related I'll always considered you family. And you know that we're going to help you with this little guy anyway we can." Zendaya said.

I looked over at Maxwell and he was in a cute little stare down with Maya. He was blushing and his little dimples were showing, he obviously got those from me. Maya was standing there giggling and stuff, it was just so freaking cute.

"You have a really nice haircut." Maya said.

"T-Thanks your ponytails are pretty." Maxwell said.

He held out his hand and said, "My name is Maxwell, what's your name?"


"Okay lover boy it's time for us to get going. Maybe you and Maya can have a play dates sometimes." I said as I picked him up.

We told everyone goodbye and then we got in my car and drove to the mall. When we got to the mall I decided to spoil my little man just a little bit. I bought him clothes, shoes, toys, whatever he wanted I bought it. Before we left Max saw a photo booth and suggested we take some pictures

We took a few silly pictures then some cute ones. One the last picture Max puckered his little lips up and kissed me on the cheek. That was probably my favorite picture.

On the way back to the car Max said, "Mama shopping was cool but food is better. Can we get some food now?"

"I was thinking the same thing buddy, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Grandma and grandpa's diner." Max said.

Before I started the car I turned around and asked, "How'd you know my folks own a diner?"

"When mommy and I first got here we ate lunch there and nana gave me a free milkshake." Max said.

"Interesting." I said then I started my car and made my way to my grandparents diner.


I walked into the diner with Max in my arms and we took a seat on one of the booth. There's was no point in me looking at a menu because I knew what I wanted. My grandma walked over to us and gave Max and I kisses on the cheek.

"What can I get for you guys?" Nana asked.

"Double cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, and Coke. What about you Max?" I said.

"Can I get a cheeseburger and a vanilla milkshake please?" Maxwell kindly asked.

"Yes you can sweetheart." Nana said as she pinched his cheek. "I'll be back with your food soon.

I pulled out my phone to send Lauren a text to let her know everything was okay.

Me: hey I just wanted to let you know everything is going great and I'm having a good time with Maxwell

Lauren: that's great, I'm glad you two are bonding ☺️

Me: what about me and you?

Lauren: what about us?? 💁🏻

Me: when are me and you going to get some time to bond?

Lauren: soon

Me: don't make me wait forever okay 😌

Lauren: I won't, I've got to get back to work so I'll see you at dinner.

Me: alright babe ❤️

I put my phone away and turned my attention back to Maxwell. "So Maxwell tell me a little bit about yourself." I said.

"My favorite color is blue, favorite food is cheeseburgers, favorite superhero is Iron Man, and I really like music and I really like sports too." Max said.

"Pretty interesting stuff kid. No will tell you a few interesting things about myself. I can play the piano, drums, and the guitar. I'm scared of snakes, i didn't meet my grandparents until I was fourteen and I really love sneakers." I said.

Maxwell giggled and said, "You're pretty cool mama, I like hanging out with you."

I smiled at him and my grandma bought us back our food. Before I took a bite of my burger I made sure I picked the pickles off my burger. What I didn't realize is that Max was doing the same thing. "You not a big fan of pickles either." I said.

"Ewww no they taste funny and I don't like them." Max said making a cute little disgusted face.

After we ate our burgers and stuff, I had to run by the grocery store and pick up a few things for dinner. I should've taken Lauren's advice and not let Max get that milkshake because he was all over the place. "Y/N is that you?" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Tori.

Shit! "Hey Tori how's it going?" I asked."

"I'm good." She looked down at Max and he was just in a state of shock.

"You're Tori Kelly I saw you on the tv!" He said.

"Yeah that's me kiddo and you're handsome." Tori said to Max.

"Thanks and you're hot." Max said.

I scratched my head and said, "Tori I'll have to talk to you later, my son and I have to getting going. Bye."

Maxwell and I walked the opposite direction toward the registers. "Mama how do you know Tori Kelly?" Maxwell asked.

"Mama and Tori used to play together."


My feet hurt, my back hurts, and I'm hungry as hell. Y/N said she was cooking dinner for me but I do have my doubts. So just in case this dinner of hers is a disaster is I got the Pizza Hut on speed dial.

I open the door to my apartment to find Y/N sitting on the couch and Max sitting in her lap watching tv. "Hey guys." I said.

"Hey mama." They both said.

I sat next to them on the couch and gave Max a kiss in the cheek and ran my fingers through his hair. Normani did a really good job on his hair, I guess we've found him a new barber.

"Did you have fun today Max?" I asked.

"Yeah me and mama did lots of stuff. We went shopping, then we took pictures, after that we ate lunch, we went food shopping, and I helped mama cook dinner." Maxwell said.

"Sounds like a good day buddy." I said.

Y/N looked at me and asked, "And how was your day mama?"

"Exhausting, I'm ready to eat and relax." I said.

Y/N and Maxwell took me by my hand and lead me to the dining room. Maxwell pulled my chair out before taking his own seat. Y/N walked over to the stove and pull a large tray of lasagna out of the stove. It looked really good and smelled amazing. The real question was does it taste good?

Y/N fixed all of us a plate then sat down, before Y/N could put the fork in her mouth Max said, "I didn't say grace yet mama."

Y/N put the fork down and said, "Oops my bad, go ahead bless the food Max."

Max grabbed both of our hands and said a short sweet prayer. After taking the first bite of Y/N's lasagna I fell in love. I was quiet for the rest of dinner because this food was really good, "Mommy guess who I met today?" Max said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Tori Kelly. Mama said she used to play with her."

"Well son mama had a lot of friends she used to play with, from what I hear she still plays with some of them." I said looking directly at Y/N.

Y/N just dropped her head and played with the tomato that was on her plate. Max then asked, "Did you and mama play together?"

"Son me and your mother played a lot....sometimes for hours nonstop." Y/N said.

Okay...that turned me on a little bit.


After having that awkward conversation at dinner, I volunteered to get Max ready for bed while Lauren did the dishes. Once Max was done taking a bath and had his pajamas on he was ready for bed. While I was pulling the covers on Max he grabbed my left arm. "Mama why do you have so many scars on your arms?" He asked.

"When I was younger I used to get hurt a lot and it would make me really sad. And each time I got hurt I got a scar." I explained.

"What stopped you from getting hurt?" Maxwell asked.

"Your mommy, whenever I felt sad or felt like I was going to get hurt I would talk to her and she would make me feel better. If I didn't have your mommy in my corner..." I got choked up and tears in my eyes, Maxwell reaches up and wiped the years away.

"If I didn't have your mommy in y corner I probably would've died, she saved my life and I'll always love her for that." I said.

Max sat up and gave me a hug, "I'm glad she saved you mama. I love you."

I said I wasn't going to cry today but damn it I couldn't help it. This moment was too special and I didn't want to ruin it. "I love you too son."

Maxwell laid back down and drifted off to sleep. I closed his and went looking for Lauren, she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. I opened the door to Lauren's sitting on the bed crying.

Why the hell is she crying again?

"Babygirl why are you crying?" I asked as I sat next to her on the bed.

"I just....I regret not telling you sooner. Seeing how you and Max interact with each other it's amazing. It's like you've know each other your whole lives. But I'm scared Y/N." Lauren said.

I turned Lauren's body so that we were facing each other and asked, "What are you scared of Lauren?"

"I'm scared of losing you again. One day you're just going to decide that being a parent is too much and your going to abandon me and your son." Lauren said who was now an emotional mess.

"Listen to me babe, I'm not going anywhere. You were there for me when I needed you now it's my turn to do the same. Lauren, I don't want these any of these other girls I just want you." I said rubbing her cheek with my hand.

Lauren scooted closer to me and whispered, "I want you too papi."

I gave Lauren a soft kiss on the lips and we climbed into bed. For the rest of the night we just talked and cuddled until we both fell asleep. Even though we could've had sex, we chose not to because we weren't at that point in our relationship yet and Maxwell's room is right next to Lauren's.

I've learned from past experiences that Lauren can get pretty loud and we wouldn't want to scare our son. 😉


See what had happened was... I didn't plan on it being this long. Like at the last minute I came up with a bunch of ideas and decided to put them in there. But I hoped you enjoyed it! ☺️☺️

Also if you have an idea or a suggestion for an imagine, PLEASE don't be afraid tell me. I will do my best to get it done!

Love you guys!! ❤️❤️

Oops one more thing, if you think I should bring Skittles into my imagines say HELL YEAH in the comment section. (I'm being dead ass serious lmao) 😂😂

Okumaya devam et

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