Three Little Wolves Part 2

By Kianteeee2015

876 1 4


The Lone Wolf
New Wolf In Town
Broken and Healed
Seeking A Friend
The Truth About His Parents
One's a incident, Two's a coincidence, Three's a pattern
The Worm Moon
It's Alive
Voluntary Apnea

To Save or To Kill a Kanima

83 0 1
By Kianteeee2015


I was kidnapped after the game. Next thing I knew, I was being thrown down stairs. I heard a whimpering sound. I looked for a light switch and I saw 2 people I hadn't seen in a very long time; Erica and Boyd.


"If he answers his phone, texts, anything, if anyone of you guys see him, please let me know." Sheriff said. "We'll make sure to call you first." Isaac said. "We'll find him." Scott said.

Everyone was out of the locker room. Scott, Sam, Isaac, Eli, and I used every single thing of Stiles' possession to try and find him. "How come Riley gets a shirt and I get his stinky shoe?" Isaac asked. We turned around to see Derek. "We need to have a talk." He said. "All of us." Peter said. "You're alive again?" Sam asked.


I tried getting them down but I couldn't; it was electrified. "They were trying to tell you it's electrified." I heard Gerard say. "What are you doing with them? Let them go." I said. "At the moment, just letting them hang." He said. "No point in torture. They won't tell me where that damn Derek is." He added. "So why am I here?" I asked. He walked over to me and backhanded me. Then, started punching me.


"What in the hell is this?" I asked. "You know, I thought the same exact thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station." Derek said. "Okay, hold on, he threatened to kill my mother. I had to get close to him anyway." I said. "I'm gonna go with Scott, have you seen his mom?" Peter said. "Shut up!" Derek, Scott, Sam and I said all together. "Who's he?" Isaac asked me. "Peter. Derek's uncle. A few months ago, he tried killing us all and we set him on fire and Derek of course, slashed his throat." I said. "Hi." Peter whispered. "Well that's good to know." Isaac said. "How is Peter alive?" I asked. "Just know that he knows how to stop Jackson." Derek said. "Well that's very helpful, except for the fact that Jackson's dead." Isaac said. "What?" Derek said. "Yeah he died on the field." Riley said. "Why is this not being taken as good news?" Isaac asked. "Because if Jackson is dead, it did just happen, Gerard planned for it to happen." Peter said. "But why? Why let Jackson die?" Derek asked. "That's what we need to figure out." Peter said. "And this window of opportunity is closing very fast." He finished.


We left the school and I met up with Cole and Alice. I sent Alice off with my brothers and Cole came with me to Stilinski's place. I opened the door and Sheriff Stilinski looked at me. "I'm just looking to see if he was here. Maybe there was some sort of clue he left." I said. "I'll help." He said. "Dad, you're stressing yourself out enough." I said. "Riley, I'd do the same thing if it were you or one of your brothers." He said. I sighed and he came along. "I'm not finding anything." He said after about an hour. He called my mom and told her to let him know if she sees him.

"Stiles?" I said as I heard his heartbeat. They turned around to see a beaten and bloodied Stiles. "Dad, it's okay. I'm okay." Stiles began as Sheriff Stilinski started walking towards him. They started arguing and I fought back tears. Someone did this to hurt us. And it wasn't going to stop here. Once the sheriff left the room, I tended to Stiles' wounds. I touched the wound on his cheek and I saw it. It was Gerard, and he had Erica and boyd in the basement of their house.

I got an urgent call from Scott. Apparently, there was something going on with Jackson's body. We went in and Scott and Isaac were already there. "What's happening?" Scott asked. "I thought you knew." My mom said. Jackson's body jerked. We all backed up. "Mom, can you zip up the bag please." Scott said. Scott got on the phone with Derek. We had to do something because Jackson was turning into something way worse than what he is now. Cole, Scott, and Isaac picked up the body bag and carried Jackson out to my mom's car. But of course, my brain dead brother dropped the bag. I saw a car pull up and it was a man I didn't expect; Mr. Argent. "You're by yourself." Scott said. "I'm alone more than you know." He said. Alex got out of the car and came over to me and hugged me. "I'm glad you're safe." He said. "What do you want?" Isaac said. "We don't have much in common boys, but at this moment, we have a common enemy." Argent said. "That's why we're trying to get him out of here and save him." Scott said. "Not Jackson. Gerard has twisted his way into Allison's head. Just like Kate." Argent said. "I'm losing her. And I know you and Riley are losing her as well." He said. "You're right." I said. "So can you trust us to fix this?" Scott asked. Argent nodded. "Then let us go." Scott said. "No. My car's faster." Argent said. We loaded Jackson in the car and Argent took us to the old Ironworks factory. "He stopped moving." Isaac said. "Where is Derek?" Argent asked. Derek came running in. He walked over to me. "I'm here for Jackson. Not you Derek." Argent said. "For some reason, I don't exactly find that very comforting." He said as he hugged me. He shook Cole's hand. This is a very extremely awkward situation. "Where's my sister?" Cole asked. "She's with Mrs. Mccall." Derek said. "And my brother?" I asked. "Right here behind you." Sam said. "Get Jackson inside." Derek said. Cole, Isaac and Scott carried Jackson inside. "Where are they? Shouldn't they be here by now?" Scott asked. Derek looked around. "Who are you talking about?" Derek asked Scott. "Peter and Lydia." Scott said. Derek opened the bag. "Derek, stop." I said. "You said you know how to save him. Stop." Scott yelled. "We're past that now." Derek said. "Think about it! Gerard controls Jackson now. He's his own personal guard dog. He's too dangerous. He set all of this in motion so that Jackson can gain more strength and more power." Derek said. "If Jackson's a dog then he's gone mad. And my father wouldn't let a mad dog live." Argent said. "Why of course I wouldn't." Gerard said. One of his hunters dragged 2 people in. "Let me go!" One yelled. I knew that voice. I knew the other's scent. The hunter threw him on the ground. "Max?" I said. "Riley?" He answered. "Caught him sneaking around outside." Gerard said. "Leave him out of this." I demanded. The other; Eli. "Anything as dangerous and as out of control as him, is better off dead." Gerard said. Derek went to kill Jackson, but Jackson but his claws through Derek's chest. "Derek!" I screamed. Jackson threw Derek across the room. "Riley, I'll be fine. Get the human somewhere safe now." Derek said through our Imprint. "Well done Scott. Like the concerned teenage friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek in hopes that he'd be saved. You just didn't know that you were bringing Derek to me." Gerard said. Scott ducked and Isaac was impaled with an arrow. "Isaac!" I ran over to him. "Allison?!?!" Scott said. Scott lifted Isaac up and helped him move. I ran for Max. "Riley, what's going on?" He asked me frantically. "No time for questions Max." I said as I carried him. Argent and Alex were shooting at Jackson. I took Max and put him behind a concrete wall. "Max, stay here. I promise I will tell you everything, but right now, you must stay out of the way." I said. He nodded. I ran out and caught up with my brothers and Isaac. "Showtime?" I asked. "Showtime." Scott said. We shifted. Time to take Jackson down. We charged towards Jackson. It seemed like the more we fought, the less amount of damage we were doing. Allison shot an arrow and Jackson deflected it and it hit Max. "Max!" I screamed. Cole went to him. Derek was cut across his stomach by Jackson. Isaac went to go help him when Allison came in front of him. Using her daggers, she cut him. "Allison!" I screamed as she went towards Derek. Jackson grabbed her arm with one hand and her throat with the other. "Not yet Allison." Gerard said. "What's going on?" She asked. "He's doing what he originally came here to do." Scott said. "So you know?" He asked. "What is he talking about?" Allison asked. "It was the night outside of the hospital. When I stabbed you and threatened your mother." Gerard said. "I knew it was something in your eyes. You could smell it." He said. "He's dying." I said. "I am. And I have been for a few years now." He replied. "And sadly for me, science has not made a cure for cancer yet." He added. "But the supernatural does." He said. "You're a monster." Argent said. "Not yet, but soon." Gerard said. "What are you doing?" Allison cried. He looked at Jackson and he tighten his grip on Allison's neck. "You're going to kill her too?" Argent cried. "When it comes to survival, I'd kill you Christopher Argent!" Gerard spat. "Scott?" He said. Scott started walking towards Derek. "Scott don't!" Cole yelled. Scott grabbed Derek by his neck. "Scott don't." Derek said. "you know he's going to kill me." He said. "He'll be an Alpha." Derek finished. "True, but I think he knows that. And I'm sure he doesn't care." Gerard said. "He knows that the prize is Allison." He finished.

He made Derek show his fangs and Gerard put his arm in Derek's mouth. Gerard screamed as Derek bit down. Derek fell to the ground and Gerard held his arm up, so proud of his bite. Too proud to notice it bleeding black. "What the hell is this?" Gerard asked. "What did you do?" He demanded. "Everyone always said Gerard had a plan." I said as I walked towards Scott. "We had a plan too." Sam said as he walked behind me. "We switched his normal pills, with capsules filled with Mountain Ash." Scott said. Gerard's nose started bleeding black and his eyes did too. He started throwing up black liquid. Scott shielded my eyes with his hand. Gerard fell to the ground. "Why didn't you tell me?" Derek asked us. "Because you might be an Alpha, but you're not ours." Scott said. gerard started crawling on the ground. "Kill them. KILL ALL OF THEM!" He yelled. Just then, an all too familiar Jeep bursted through the doors;

and hit Jackson.

"Did I get him? Please tell me I got him" Stiles asked. Jackson jumped on top of the Jeep and of course, Stiles screamed like a girl. Lydia, Alice, Anna, and him got out of the car.

"Jackson!" Lydia yelled. She held up something. "Lydia!" Stiles screamed. Scott grabbed him. Jackson looked at the key. "Alice, go help your brother." I told her. "Got it." She said. I don't know what Lydia did, but Jackson started turning back to a human. He took the key from Lydia and started backing away. Derek started standing up. Jackson looked at Derek and held his hands out. Derek and Peter put their claws into Jackson, and I'm sure he's going to die. Scott held me in his arms as I fought back tears. Yeah I hated Jackson, but he was a part of my first experience here. A life without Jackson just doesn't seem right. They finally took their claws out of him and he stood there, choking on air. Lydia ran to him. "Do you still love me?" Jackson asked her. "I do. I do still love you." She said. I looked at Stiles and he looked hurt. Lydia laid Jackson down on the ground and cried. "Where's Gerard?" Alex asked. "He can't be too far." Argent said. I started hearing a scratching sound. Almost like claws on concrete. Jackson slowly stood up and he roared. He was finally the werewolf he wanted to be. Lydia saw him and hugged him.

I went to go find Max. "Max are you okay?" I asked him. "I'm fine Riley." He laughed. "Get Max to my mom and Eli to Deaton." I told Alice and Cole. Cole grabbed my arm. "I love you." He said. "I love you too Cole." I told him.

We left the Ironworks. "Allison, I have something to show you." I said. "What is it?" She asked. I walked towards her. "Riley, what are you doing?" She asked. "Just stand still." I told her. I held my hand to her cheek and I showed her what happened the night her mother was bitten; I showed her what her mother did. She gasped as I took my hand away. She hugged me as tight as she could. "Riley, I'm so sorry for everything I've done. You're my best friend and there's nothing I'd do intentionally to hurt you." She cried in my ear. "I know Allison. You're forgiven." I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. I left her and went to go find Derek. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "I have to tell you about something." He said. "What is it?" I asked. "When I was unconscious, after Peter came back to life, I had a vision that you had a kid; that we had a kid." He said. "What?" I said. "Anastasius Romeo Santiago McCall Hale." He said the name. "Derek, I'm not ready for any kind of parenting. I'm not even 16 yet." I said. "I know. I just thought I should tell you." He said. I walked away and I found my brothers. I hugged them both. "Are you ready for your trip?" Sam asked me. "I am now. Knowing that Beacon Hills is safe once again, I'm good." I laughed. Stiles came up behind me. "Be safe kiddo. I expect a phone call everyday." Stiles said. "Okay Stiles." I laughed.


Peter , Derek and I were walking up to the Hale house. "You haven't told Isaac everything yet have you?" Peter asked Derek. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build a pack?" Peter asked. "As a new Alpha, people take notice to things." He finished. "People like who?" I asked. "What is this? What's it mean?" I asked. "It's their symbol Isaac. And it means they're coming." Derek said. "Who's coming?" I asked. "Alphas. A whole pack of them." Derek said. "And they aren't coming, they're already here." Peter said.


Alex, Allison, Argent and I had been in France for a few weeks now, and I loved every bit of it. I called Scott and the rest of the gang when I could, I had fun with the Argents, I loved training with the archer. I was happy. After all of the Kanima mess, it was good to just kick back and relax. But eventually, something bad is bound to happen.

After I got out of the shower, I got on Skype and did a group video call with Scott, Stiles, Sam, Cole, Alice, Max, Eli, Lydia, Anna, and Derek. After 3 and a half hours, I called it a night. I said my goodbyes and goodnights. I laid on the bed and allowed my slumber to take me under. But then, I had a nightmare. One by one, all of my friends died. My mom, Sam, Scott, Stiles, everyone was dead. I woke up screaming. Alex, Mr. Argent and Allison came through the door. "Riley what's wrong?" Alex asked. "This can't happen." I cried. Mr. Argent sat on the bed and put his arm around me. I cried into his chest as Allison played with my hair and Alex rubbed my back. They weren't safe in Beacon Hills, and I can warn them.

This is the end .

For now .

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