Fake Behavior (A Mindless Beh...

By wxldfire

635K 6.7K 1.2K

"My best friend, paparazzi, undivided attention, and -- hmm, a fake relationship? Seems pretty fine to me." T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

6.1K 345 125
By wxldfire

Kaelynn's POV

"Roc?" I half-yelled through the studio, feeling my impatience rise by the second as I awaited for him to arrive. A few minutes earlier, I received an unexpected text message from him asking to meet here -- pronto. A slight piss off, considering that I as one of the main choreographers only had a few, limited hours of rest -- but what could I do? Roc's my friend, and if he needed something, I'd be there within a split second.

When I noticed a familiar stature of 5'5'' appear through the already opened doors, I slightly smiled. In his hands were Colby's, a tough-witted chick I had met a few weeks earlier.

Noting their now public romance made me realize how one can easily gush over it. Since their establishment, I have been all smiles around the two, in spite of the fact I had no intimate feelings for Roc whatsoever. I guess it was the fact that I've known Roc for quite a few years now, and never has he been tied to a girl for more than a week. It was quite a shocker that Colby Neal, a regular fan, turned out to be a game changer.

"Hey, Kaelynn," Roc greeted once he approached me. With her free hand, Colby waved me a "hello." 

I bobbed my head up at the two, not so interested in the small talk. "Look," I stated in a sassy bold tone, "not trying to be mean or anything, but this is killing my 'me time.' The show is in a few hours, and I need to get back on that lovely couch of mine, next to that lovely televsion set of mine, playing that lovely T.V. show Pretty Little Liars before Walter kills this fine ass of mine."

Colby giggled, knowing I was slightly playing. Honestly, I wasn't even sure if what I had said made the least of sense, but it amused me knowing I got a laugh out of it. I heard Roc chuckle as well, but I wasn't so sure if he meant it or not.

"Whatever," he said. "Kay, Colby has something to tell you."

I directed my tiresome brown eyes at her. She cleared her throat, then said with a wholesome smile, "We got Nicole to come to the show tonight!"

Taken aback, I successfully hid my normal retaliation -- disappointment. Although I was indeed apart of this operation, a huge part of me thought that it would completely fail. I mean, seeing the way Nicole retaliated on Ellen, as well as what I have been informed of by Prodigy, the slight chance of her actually communicating (and maybe even getting back together) with him seemed slim -- almost non-existant.

I only took part in this plan to see Prodigy smile again. Since the day we were all informed of the crime he had committed, his positive demeanor completely vanished. Perhaps the fans weren't able to notice, since his on-stage acting is spot-on, but I could see right through him. That was one of the perks of loving himI could comprehend his hidden emotions with ease. He was mourning, perhaps even depressed. And the only reason why I say "perhaps" is because I hoped he isn't.

I've known for the longest that he's been in love with Nicole. On the boys' previous tour, I've witnessed multiple encounters of them goofing off over the most idiotic things, create an abundant number of inside jokes between the two of them (even when I or the other boys were in the same room,) and even notice him get side tracked from my own voice due to Nicole's beauty. Those things were enough to force me to realize it; despite the fact that each time those little encounters happened, it chipped pieces in my heart. But if bringing his lover back to him was what he wanted, regardless of my soon-to-be completely disposed feelings, then so be it.

Putting on a half-forged smile, I tried my best to display my widest one, showing off my radiate whites. "Now, I understand why the two of you are holding hands out in the open." I said, trailing my eyes to their little PDA hand-lock.

I knew Colby was more upset of hiding her relationship from Nicole than Roc was, as well as her act of being entirely furious at the woman (she got over it a few days later,) but it was what they had to do. It was human for one to feel vulnerable when one was greatly closed off from the world, especially when that person ranked #2 as prey for the paparazzi, right under the Kardashian family. 

Roc seemed to notice Colby's change of mood, and protectively tightened the grip on their hand hold. In a meaningless split second, he looked at her with sorrow, and Colby exchanged him a look  practically saying "There was nothing we could do about it, anyway." 

I kissed my teeth, feeling the emotion of impatience reach its limit. "Is that all you had to tell me?" 

Roc nodded. "I guess so. Just tell Prod and the rest of the gang that the plan's ending tonight."

I scoffed, feeling vexated. I barely had any motive in this plan, yet it seemed like I was doing most of the work. "Roc," I whined, "why didn't you just fucking text me?"

He sighed, a tone of annoyance in his breath. "Kay, you know how sly Princeton is," Roc warned, inching closer to me. His defined muscles, which were revealed through his plain wife beater, as well as his skyscraping height was completely nerve-wrecking. "If he even traces a single clue to what we're doing, then we basically lost the entire plan."

After releasing another whole heartedly sigh, he continued, "I know how you and Princeton are on pretty good terms compared to the rest of us, so if he even sees us communicating," he brought his index finger up to point repeatedly at the both of us, "then we're doomed."

Princeton wasn't always like this. In fact, he used to be a pretty mellow, down-to-earth individual. In fact, he was once my role model. He was charming, intelligent, good looking, and he could dance. If I could be any of the first three aspects, maybe I could've won Prodigy's heart instead of Nicole. Maybe, she would've stayed in her place: being his best friend.

Things swerved when Prodigy and Nicole 'established.' Prince's positive attitude, as if, flipped. He was unhappy, terrifying, and secluded -- where Prodigy was now. Besides the obvious fact that we were still 'friends,' in spite of the fact that he currently frightened me, Prodigy suggested that continuing my friendship with him was the best idea. In this way, he wouldn't suspect nor discover a single piece of the plan. I wasn't so sure, but hell, even God knew I'd do anything for Prodigy.

Bringing myself back to reality, I glanced upwards to meet Roc's face. In his chocolate eyes, I could grasp the sadness he obtained when discussing Princeton. Of course, I wasn't the only one who missed the 'old' Princeton. From way back when, Roc and Prince used to basketball buddies.  

"Yeah, I understand," I uttered, backing away from Roc's intimidating presence. "I'll talk to Myles, too."

Roc nodded in understanding. "Thanks for your contribution," he stated with a grin. "Hopefully, we can stop this bullshit once and for all."

The couple turned around to head towards the exit. I faced the other way to walk towards the studio, since Prodigy always seemed to keep himself there as long as possible. I remember the first time he did that. It was the night after the Ellen show, where Ray noticed that he wasn't nowhere to be seen. We couldn't find him for a mere hour, and Walter was stressing out that the boys lost their lead singer. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Walter thought he had committed suicide -- Prod had motive to.

It turns out that Prodigy literally locked himself in the studio, surrounding his being with the multiple tunes and rhythms in the atmosphere. It was then evident that he had lost his entire positive demeanor, thus resulting for Roc to create this 'mastermind plan.' He had majority of the people here provide their limited efforts into this scheme, discluding Walter, Keisha, and of course, Nicole. 

Surprisingly, a grin carved onto my lips as I knocked on the studio door, regardless of the fact that I could have lost my lover to another girl within a few meaningless hours. I guess it was because I had an excuse to talk to Prodigy, as well as be the messenger to bring him such ecstatic news in his eyes.

Prodigy opened the door, a half smile appearing on his face. Although I could tell he attempted to lift his own spirits for me, I noticed the stained tears traveling down his cheeks. 

"Come in," he uttered, opening the wooden door wide enough for myself to enter.

A lot of women wouldn't dare match their lover with another woman, but I knew that I, Kaelynn Harris, wasn't like any other woman. I'm different, but if I was happy about it was the awaiting question. And honestly... I'm not so sure.

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