D.Gray-Man Emotions Drabbles

By ayabean

113K 3.3K 152

Emotions are what we feel, so why not put them individually to see what happens? Reader X D.Gray-Man Charact... More

1. Happiness [Allen Walker]
2. Sadness [Kanda Yu]
3. Hope [Kanda Yu]
4. Embarrassment [Lavi]
5. Amusement [Bak Chan]
6. Pleasure [Tyki Mikk]
7. Hurt [Allen Walker]
8. Agitation [Kanda Yu]
9. Gaiety [Lavi]
10. Jealousy [Allen Walker]
11. Gladness [Lavi]
12. Contentment [Lavi & Allen]
13. Rejection [Kanda Yu]
14. Surprise [Lavi]
15. Infatuation [Allen Walker]
16. Torment [Tyki Mikk]
17. Alarm [Komui Lee]
18. Anxiety [Lavi]
19. Dread [Cross Marian]
20. Loneliness [Lavi]
21. Annoyance [Kanda Yu]
22. Unhappy [Allen Walker]
23. Agony [Allen Walker]
24. Frustration [Tyki Mikk]
25. Dislike [Komui Lee]
26. Insult [Kanda Yu]
27. Eagerness [Komui Lee]
28. Relief [Lavi]
29. Enthusiasm [Allen Walker]
30. Disappointment [Kanda Yu]
31. Grumpy [Kanda Yu]
32. Triumph [Allen Walker]
33. Anguish [Lavi]
34. Fondness [Tyki Mikk]
35. Amazement [Lavi]
36. Displeasure [Tyki Mikk]
37. Liking [Lavi]
38. Enjoyment [Allen Walker]
39. Guilt [Kanda Yu]
40. Homesickness [Allen Walker]
41. Passion [Allen Walker]
42. Compassion [Kanda Yu]
43. Pity [Tyki Mikk]
44. Desire [Lavi]
45. Attractiveness [Tyki Mikk]
46. Adoration [Lavi]
47. Grouchy [Kanda Yu]
48. Regret [Lavi]
49. Loathing [Lavi]
50. Outrage [Allen & Lavi]
51. Delight [Lavi]
52. Uneasiness [Lavi]
53. Isolation [Allen Walker]
54. Insecurity [Kanda Yu]
55. Arousal [Tyki Mikk]
56. Suspense [Lavi]
57. Aggravation [Kanda Yu]
58. Shock [Allen Walker]
59. Gloom [Allen Walker]
60. Dejection [Tyki Mikk]
61. Excitement [Lavi]
62. Bitter [Kanda Yu]
63. Wrath [Kanda, Allen, Lavi]
64. Tenderness [Kanda Yu]
65. Resentment [Allen Walker]
66. Anger [Allen Walker]
67. Hatred [Lavi & Kanda]
68. Humiliation [Kanda Yu]
69. Misery [Tyki Mikk]
70. Spite [Cross Marian]
72. Vengefulness [Kanda]
73. Scorn [Kanda]
74. Glumness [Allen]
75. Depression [Lavi, Kanda & Allen]
76. Panic [Lavi]
77. Fear [Tyki]
78. Longing [Lavi]
79. Remorse [Allen]
80. Crosspatch [Kanda]
81. Defeatism [Lavi]
82. Dismay [Tyki]
83. Melancholy [Allen]
84. Apprehension [Cross]
85. Glee [Allen]
86. Joy [Tyki]
87. Thrill [Lavi]
88. Elation [Kanda]
89. Jubilation [Lavi]
90. Exhilaration [Tyki]
91. Rapture [Allen]
92. Zeal [Kanda]
93. Enthrallment [Allen]
94. Astonishment [Tyki]
95. Exasperation [Kanda]
96. Lust [Lavi]
97. Optimism [Allen]
98. Envy [Tyki]
99. Suffering [Lavi]
100. Zest [Allen]
101. Pride [Allen & Kanda]
102. Irritability [Lavi]
103. Shame [Tyki]
104. Sympathy [Timcanpy]
105. Distress [Lavi]
106. Nervousness [Lavi]
107. Disgust [Tyki]
108. Revulsion [Tyki]
109. Contempt [Tyki]
110. Neglect [Allen]
111. Alienation [Allen]
112. Despair [Kanda]
113. Grief [Kanda]
114. Sorrow [Allen & Lavi]
115. Rage [Cross]
116. Woe [Allen & Kanda]
117. Jolliness [Komui]
118. Fury [Kanda & Lavi]
119. Hostility [Tyki]
120. Ferocity [Lavi]
121. Horror [Allen]
122. Joviality [Lavi]
123. Terror [Tyki]
124. Euphoria [Allen]
125. Bliss [Allen]
126. Fright [Lavi]
127. Affection [Allen]
128. Ecstasy [Kanda]
129. Satisfaction [Tyki]
130. Hysteria [Lavi]
131. Cheerfulness [Allen]
132. Love [Lavi]
133. Mortification [Kanda]
134. Sentimentality [Tyki]
135. Caring [Allen, Kanda & Lavi]

71. Worry [Allen]

699 30 0
By ayabean

Theme: Worry

Person: Allen Walker

[Name]'s [Eye Colour] eyes fluttered open, seeing a dark ceiling in a dimly lit room of only one candle. She remembered the night before, when her best friend Allen Walker saved her from a random level 4 akuma that had just appeared. He came at the last second, protecting her from a blow that would've killed her if he didn't come. After that, though, she forgot what happened. All [Name] remembered was that she blacked out from the loss of blood.

"Al...len...?" [Name] said, her voice sluggish and soft. There was no reply. She called again, carefully putting her into a sitting position. There was no reply.

Had her best friend gone somewhere else? She slowly stood up and began to walk into a random part of the place, but stopped short when she heard deep low voices.

"Do you know where the girl is? Noah-sama asked us to find her, since the level 4 didn't finish her off..." One voice said.

"I sense someone in there." Another voice spoke. "I think us level 3 will be able to take her on. She'll be gone in no time."

[Name] stood, frozen and still, as she heard the crunching of stones against their feet, the sounds getting nearer and nearer.

The first instinct that [Name] would've done would have been to destroy the akuma.

Shoot...I don't think I'll be able to fight.

But that idea was soon thrown out the window.

Where was Allen when she needed him?! She was scared as hell, her thoughts on what the two akuma had said. They were after her – they wanted her dead. She didn't even know why. Did she do something to make that happen?

"There's a light here." The first voice spoke.

[Name]'s eyes shifted around and tried to find where to hide, and in the end just went to the nearest wall, hugging her knees and trying not to make a sound. She was so hopeless, being injured and all.

"Allen..." [Name] whispered absentmindedly, the boy on her mind.

The sound of the two akuma was so close to her now. They had found her.

"OHO! What do we have here...?" The second voice asked his companion. "The girl is there."

[Name] saw a bony purple finger point out from the shadows. Her breathing hitched and she held her breath, trying to camouflage.

"Sorry, you can't take her!"

Suddenly, screams were heard, then the sound of something hitting the ground, echoing loud in wherever [Name] was held. [Name] heard footsteps walking towards her. She kept still, like before, her eyes wide and open. She saw a slight shadow, then saw the person who emerged from it.

It was Allen.

"[Name], are you alright?" He asked, walking to her and putting his swords back into his arm. He kneeled down to her eye level and looked at her.

[Name] managed to nod, but just barely. Allen saw it though, so it was alright.

"I heard you call my name, so I wondered if you were awake...or if it was just my imagination. I'm sorry I took so long. I was getting some food." Allen reached for something in his back pocket, taking it out. "They only had berries in the forest..." Allen sweat-dropped, his features curling up into a smile.

Seeing Allen's smile, it made [Name]'s worries vanish. She forgot she was holding her breath the whole time, and ended up on the ground, trying to take back the oxygen she forgot to breathe in...

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