By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

Best Birthday Ever

3.1K 87 39
By Mintyhippo95

Jack's POV

Elsa and I are just getting back home from our 3 day vacation in the Caribbean. I can still can't feel my legs, and I feel so drained. Like half of the stuff we did there, I'm pretty sure she invented, it was so insane!

While I was gone, I had Eugene and Hiccup do some work for me. Together, they were able to track down that doll!

Hiccup wasn't a fan of using the agency resources for finding a doll, but Eugene blackmailed him with the time he used the agency computers to look up porn. After that Hiccup was more than willing to help.

Again, poor Hiccup, although he has a crush, isn't going to get anything for years to come.

Elsa and I were in my car, and we drove back to our place.

"God Elsa, that was an amazing weekend." I said pulling her close to me and kissing her head.

"Jack, stop and look at the road." she giggled pushing me away from her.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Don't do that. You have already seen enough of me this weekend. Pretty sure you can last 5 minutes"

"I'm never going to see enough of you Elsa." I said sincerely, "I don't think there will ever be a time where I will not want to see you."

"Cheesy boy." she said rolling her eyes, but she had a smile on her face.

"You made me like this woman." I chuckled, "And look, we're here." I said parking my car.

"Jack, Manny is here." she said, and pointed to his car.

"So...... what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"I have an idea in mind." she smirked, "How exactly are those legs feeling?"

"Numb, but I like where this is going."

"Alright then. I know Manny usually hides in a dark corner, and waits till you call him out so he can scare the shit out of you. Let's scare the shit out of him." she smirked.

I chuckled at her, then led her up to the apartment. Moment we entered and locked the doors, she jumped in my arms, and started making out with me. I carried her into the bedroom, and dropped her down on the bed. I crawled on top of her, and removed her dress, then Elsa flipped us over so she was on top.

"Well, isn't someone getting excited." I chuckled.

"Nope, I am the leader here." she chuckled, "Now, lets see after all of those workouts I gave you, are you on my level." Then she proceeded to unbutton my shirt using her teeth.

"Oh God woman! I love you." I said pulling her up towards me, and I was about to take off her bra, then Manny ran out.

"Dear God! NO!!!!" he yelled while having his eyes covered.

Elsa and I busted out laughing, and Manny uncovered his eyes and was glaring at us.

"Told you we could scare him." Elsa said.

"Yep." I chuckled, then started tickling her. She busted out laughing and twitching around like crazy, until she fell off the bed.

I looked down at her smirking, but she stuck her tongue out and gave me a playful glare. I chuckled and picked her up, and sat her down in my lap covering her up with the blankets.

"Alright Manny, what do you want." I said.

"Umm..........." he stuttered out still in shock.

Elsa chuckled at his lack of words, and I pulled her deeper into my chest.

"Manny, seriously. I have stuff planned for this evening." I said.

"Right..... maybe we should talk in privet." Manny said.

"Fine." I grumbled, "Elsa, I want you to get dressed. Meet me in the park, we're going out to celebrate your birthday."

"Okay, how should I dress?"

"Something that will leave me speechless."

"So my birthday suit." she asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it is for your birthday, so..................." I trailed off when she playfully punched me, "I'm kidding. It doesn't matter how you dress. You are always beautiful. Besides, no one will be looking at your clothes." I said.

She blushed and smiled at me. I gave her a kiss, then sent her into the bathroom to shower and get ready.

I slipped on a tux, then walked out with Manny.

"What?" I asked.

"I have your results back, and Elsa and you are the leaders of the group."

"Wait, leaders? What? Elsa is more than qualified to be the leader, why do you need two?"

"Although Elsa is qualified and scored higher than all of you, there is the issue of her actions. She has a violent outlook, and some qualities of antisocial personality disorder. If she had to blow up an entire city to destroy the Nightmares, she would. If Eugene is right and you are like a drug to her that calms her down and makes her think logically, then you need to by her side." he said then handed me her written test. I read all of the answers, and was shocked. Technically they were all right and would work, but they were very violent, and only focused on getting the job done and showed little care for civilians.

"See, she is everything we asked for maybe a little too much. She lacks empathy except when around you. That is why you are the other leader, to keep her in tabs and make sure she doesn't take over the planet." Manny said.

"Okay, but I still think she can do this on her own." I said.

"I know, but I'm not willing to take that chance." Manny said. After that Manny left, and I left to the park and smiled. Everything was set up, and it was all perfect!

The guys did a really good job!

Elsa was going to love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elsa's POV

I walked into the restroom, and got ready. I showered, put on light makeup, and styled my hair so it was all elegantly draped over one shoulder. After that I ran into the closet, and picked out a dress. It was a blush high low dress with cap sleeves. I slipped on these cute gold heels with bows on them and a gold bracelet, then I grabbed a gold clutch and went outside. (Elsa's outfit in media section.) It was already dark, but there was a trail of white rose petals and white Christmas tree lights starting from the door, and it went on forever.

"Are you Agent #1?" someone from the agency asked.

"Yes." I answered, and he handed me a white rose and a letter.

I thanked him and opened the letter. It read.

Dear Snowflake,

You often ask me what I see in you with all of your imagined or exaggerated imperfections. My love for you is like rain, washing away all of the passing flaws like paper cups and gum wrappers coursing towards the sewer. Caressing and polishing what is permanent, solid, and pure. Clean and obvious as the lights and rose petals you see lighting up the darkness you see right now.

No Elsa, my love isn't blind and I don't see the flaws. It pulls away as far as the clouds from the sidewalk, and gains perspective.

Now follow the trail love, and I'll see you soon.

Jack :)

I smiled and started following the trail, every 50 feet, there would be another agent who handed me a white rose and another sweet love letter. When I reached the entrance to the park, I had a huge bouquet of white roses and a ton of those letters that I kept in my purse. The park was even more stunning than the path. All of the bushes had those white Christmas lights, the trees were twinkling with fairy lights, there were white rose petal along the trails. The small stream they had had floating candles slowly trailing by, and the entire place smelled of wild flowers. The park seemed to chase away the darkness and any fears that I had deep in my mind.

I followed the trail down the directed path, until I came towards the round circular section in the middle where I saw Jack waiting for me in a tux with a huge smile on his face. There was a small table for two there, an orchestra, it looked like cooks, and Jack staring at me with so much love and awe it was insane.

I covered my mouth, and felt tears slipping down my cheeks for the first time in 3 years. No one, and I repeat, no one has ever done anything like this for me. I ran to him, and he engulfed me in a hug.

"Happy very late birthday Elsa." Jack said softly, "You look so beautiful. I swear to God, I though you were an angel coming to take me away."

"I can't believe you did all of this for me." I said into his chest.

"Of course I did, I love you." he said, "Now come on, I had all of your favorites freshly made." he said taking my bouquet of white roses and put them in a vase on the table. Then he pulled back my seat for me like a gentleman, and sat across me.

The chiefs that were here served us The Goût de Diamants Brut Diamond champagne, beluga caviar, Ahi salad, bruleed baby banana cream pie, and frozen "haute" chocolate.

Jack and I ate while we were talking about anything really. I think we just wanted to hear each others voices. Anyway, after our table was cleared the chiefs left.

"Elsa, I got you a little something for your birthday.... I really hope you like it." Jack said handing me a box carefully wrapped in ice blue paper and a snowflake bow on top. I carefully unwrapped it, and when I saw what was in it, I gasped in shock.

"A 2001 Fantasy Goddess of the Artic Barbie Doll." I said stunned.

"Not just any 2001 Fantasy Goddess of the Artic Barbie Doll, this is the one and only doll that they put real sapphires in as her eyes." Jack said, "That was why I was so distant and gone all the time, I was traveling the globe trying to find it for you."

I covered my mouth again, and started crying.

"Elsa, do you not like it?" Jack said.

"No, I love it, it's just all of this. I mean all the rose petals and lights must have cost...."

"I know." Jack said cutting me off.

"And the food....."

"I know."

"And this doll......."

"Elsa, I bought it all, I know how much it all cost." he chuckled.


"Because you are worth all of it and more Elsa. I know you see yourself as messy, ruined, a cold heartless person, but not to me. I see the love of my life. I never thought I would get this attached to you, but I just couldn't help it. You amaze me. You and your sass, unusual sense of humor, quick wit, talents, your kindness, how protective you are, strength, independence, how capable you are, your wisdom, ..... just everything about you." he said taking my hands and rubbing circles into my knuckles, "Ever since you came back into my life, I wake up every morning with a smile on my face, and I know it is your fault."

By this point I was crying harder.


"I'm fine, it's just no one has ever done anything like this for me."

"Well, then it's those idiots loss." he chuckled, "I love you Elsa, I'll do anything for you, you know that."

"I-I love you to Jack."

I saw him freeze and looked shocked.


"I said I love you." then a huge smile came on his face, like so big it made parts of his eyes squint. Then he jumped up screaming.

"SHE SAID SHE LOVES ME!!!!" he picked me up and was spinning me in the air, and I started laughing. He always made me laugh when he did this. When he sat me back on the ground he was kissing my face everywhere, then stopped at my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist and pulled me closer. The kiss was short, but passionate. The entire time I could feel him smiling against my lips. When we parted I saw him on one knee, and I nearly had a heart attack.

"Calm down Elsa, I'm not proposing." he chuckled and pulled out a box.

I must admit, I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time.

He opened it, and there was this platinum heart shaped locket. I took it out, and opened it, and there was a small piece of paper in it. I took it out, and unfolded it. It read,

Will you be my Snowflake and fall for me?

I looked at Jack, who was looking at me with all that love and awe again.

"Elsa, you know how much I love you, and I would do anything for you. I want to make that official, and take our relationship further. Please will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

I looked at the note for a few seconds and chuckled.

"Only if you'll be my Guardian and catch me." I responded and he smiled and kissed me. This time I was the one smiling against his lips.

This man. How he managed to make me feel happy was beyond me. When we parted for air, he snapped his fingers, and the orchestra started playing.

"Elsa my love, please honor me with a dance." he said doing a playful bow.

I gave him a playful curtsy, and took his hand without inspecting it. He smiled when I did that, then pulled me close. I rested my head against his chest, and he had his on my head. So there we stayed and slow danced for God knows how long, but none of us really cared.

"Jack, thank you."

"For what?" he asked looking down at me.

"For everything. I'm sorry for being so hard on you in the past, always yelling at you, being so cautious, and never telling you I loved you before."

"Elsa, everything you did, you had a reason for. Manny and your parents screwed you up, but I'm sort of glad."

"You're glad they messed me up?" I said shocked.

"Yeah. If not, we might have never met, and if we did you could be a completely different person than you are today. I love you for who you are scars and all." he said while looking me deep in the eyes, making my legs go weak and butterflies, no, dragons fly around in my stomach.

"What are you doing to me Jack Frost." I said softly.

"Turning you human." he chuckled and kissed my nose, "Just like you are turning me into a sassy diva with a dark sense of humor."

I laughed at that, and shrugged.

"I went to the dark side, and they didn't lie. There was a shit ton of cookies." He busted out laughing.

"This is why I love you."

"I know, and I love you too. Don't get used to me saying that though, this is a one time occasion."

"We'll see." he smirked. I chuckled at him, but we continued dancing. When he dipped me, he bent down and gave me a quick kiss. Then he pulled me back up, and we sat down at the table again.

"So hypothetical question here. Lets say a meteor or a few fell from the skies and destroyed all of the Nightmare bases along with Pitch. Where would that leave us?"

"Well, I know I am going to marry this shit out of you, and buy a mini-van to carry all of our beautiful ass children." he said.

"Two things. One, you want to marry me? Two, how many kids do you want?"

"Elsa, why wouldn't I marry you? I love you so much, and we are going to have kids. And to answer your second question, I want around 5- 100,000 kids." he said, and my jaw dropped.

"Yeah, I only want 2-3 kids, 4 max." I said, and he started pouting while giving me these puppy eyes.

"No, don't give me the pouty Frost face." I said, and he chuckled.

"We'll revisit the amount of children later. But seriously, of course I want to marry you. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be, and if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way." he said, and I started to tear up again. Seriously, why was I crying? This was literally the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me?

"Are you proposing?" I asked.

"Depends, are you saying yes?" he chuckled.

"Normally I would say hell no, but God, this is you we are talking about here. I have struggled for years to keep myself going, but moment I met you, everything changed. I find myself having a reason to stick around, I can feel again. When I look at you, I see home. I..................... yes Jack." I said.

"WHAT!?!?" he said shocked.

"If you were being serious, yes, I will marry you." I chuckled while wiping me tears away, "I mean I don't think I will ever meet someone who accepts and loves me for me. You are to me the wonder that I have always looked for, always failed to notice before, and always longed for. Ever since I met you, I'm no longer searching."

This time Jack was the one who covered his mouth and had tears running down his face.

"See, I can say romantic shit too when I really try." I chuckled, and he laughed a little too.

"Hold on! Just one minute!" he said taking out his staff key chain, and let it grow to full size. Then he flew off, and sure enough in one minute he was back with a small box.

"This is something that has been passed down through my family for generations, now it's yours." he said, and opened the box. Inside was a huge, and I mean huge engagement ring. It had a thin elegant platinum base and a huge oval cut pink diamond. Jack took it out and slipped it on my ring finger and smiled.

"We'll wait for a while, however long you want, until you are 100% ready. I just............ God, I can't even begin to say how happy I am." he said choking up, and letting more tears stream down his face.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his tears away like he would do for me.

"Hey, I can't see myself coming home to anyone but you. You were the first person outside of my family to give a damn about me, and you never gave up on me, no matter what I did to push you away. I have a lot of regrets in my life, but you will never be one of them." I said, "Besides, I better cut you some slack. There was no way you were ever going to top this date thing."

He laughed and kissed me and I felt his cold tears on my cheeks.

"I knew from the age of 19, you were my one." he said in my neck.

"Really? I didn't know for the longest time. I guess I just fell for you. I don't know how or why, but I did." I said, "Jack, what if I have to sleep with someone for work?"

"Simple, you do your job." he said, "Elsa, I know you don't like doing it, but you do what needs to be done. I know at the end of the night, you'll come home to me and our kids."


"Well, I may kill him afterwards." he chuckled and I gave him the 'really' face, "What, no one touches my fiancée, and just gets away with it."

"God, I'm starting to have second thoughts on saying yes and telling you that I love you. It's only been a few minutes, and look at how big your head has gotten."

"Yeah, well too bad, can't take it back now." he chuckled, "But I'm more worried about thieves now than the sleeping part." he said.


"That ring on your beautiful finger is a flawless 132.5 carat pink diamond worth over 58 million dollars." he said, and my eyes popped.

"And you lived on the streets because?"

"I was saving it for the love of my life." he said, "And you just so happened to be the lucky girl."

"Yeah, yeah. I want you to know I'm still not going to ease up on you. I still am going to make you fight for me........... for us."

"Elsa, I'm going to fight for you every single day. I often ask myself is love worth all the fights, but moment I see you, I'm ready for war." he said.

"Alright then, I think I can do this thing." I said.

"So, how long do you want to wait?"

"Until I say so." I responded, and Jack chuckled.

"I'm willing to wait forever. Now why don't we head home?"

"No, I want to stay here a little longer." I said, "This has literally been the best birthday ever, and I don't want to leave just yet."

"Alright then, we'll stay a little longer." he said.

"Alright then, and I get another dance in with my fiancé?"

"Of course." he said.

We both got up, and started dancing together again.

I was so terrified and excited at the same time. I was engaged to Jack, the man that I love and will bare his kids in around 4 months now. Then again love is a weakness and what if someone tried to hurt him. I mean I know he isn't exactly defenseless, but neither were my parents. I didn't want to lose him, but I didn't want to just let him go either.

I know that we basically skipped two steps on the relationship ladder, but I knew I was never going to find someone who would ever love me like Jack. He was the perfect guy, so I wasn't going to let him slip through my fingers. We would wait a while, maybe like a year or two to get married. I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing, I mean you can back out of an engagement, so nothing was permanent. I also wanted to make sure while I was making absolute sure that he was the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and no other bitches would come along and take him.

That actually sounds sort of selfish now that I think about it, but the perfect guy doesn't just wait around, they always find something better, and look at me. Look wise I'm fantastic, emotional wise not so much. I'm so messed up and damaged........... well except when I'm around Jack. Then I feel like I am completely normal to a certain degree. I didn't want to lose that... him. The only person who understood me, and was always so patient and caring. If wearing a beautiful ring and calling him mine was the price, then it was worth it. Besides, I don't see myself ever wanting any other man in my life other than Jack.

He was the one........ my one.

How would everyone react when they found out we were engaged? Wait, that's right, I don't give a shit about what others think.

"Elsa, stop thinking so much. Savor the moment." Jack said, and I giggled cause his cold breath tickled my neck. I rested my head back against his chest, and there we stayed dancing together in our little sanctuary.

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