It Needs to Be you(Lesbian St...

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the new age
Chapter 2 -Dear John
Chapter 3 - Some lies should be told
Chapter 5 - Make it stop
Chapter 6- Only the bad girls like the taste of tar
Chapter 7 - Neon colors to welcome you to reality
Chapter 8 - Some we will win some we will lose
Chapter 9 - I keep dreading this day
Chapter 10 - We are beautiful
Chapter 11 - Kiss and tell
Chapter 12 - Love

Chapter 4 - Did that just happen?

6K 165 25
By AliciaBloMieLudick

Author Message

Hey guys thanks for the support.
Especially since I disappeared for a while.

So I just have one question:

Does Zoey deserve to be with Lasey or not?

Lasey P.O.V

I love my bed. I love my bed a little too much. Its so confusing to my I had to pick all of the classes that start this early in the morning. I need more sleep.

“It’s great all of you choose chemistry as a subject, brave even but let me be clear here if you aren’t going to work hard you are going to struggle. This isn’t high school anymore as you must have noticed. So I will be pairing you off for your assignments. Please no volcanoes this is University.”

They keep repeating that part in every class I am sure by now that kids that were in highschool and didn’t do well wouldn’t be sitting here.

“Okay Richard and Payne over there. Lasey and Emily at the back …”

Piling my book on my desk I take out my notepad and start scribing a few ideas down. I like to get a head start on my classes since I have three extra classes.

“Hello I’m Emily Burn and you are?”The brunette girl with headphone hanging around her neck asks

“Oh hey I know who you are I’ve seen you around a lot, I’m Lasey Lane I guess we are partners.”I say shaking her hand

I see her looking over at what I am writing and takes out her pen circling one of my options.

“I did that one in high school it flopped of course but I think it would be a nice challenge if you want?”She asks putting the pencil behind her ear finally sitting in her chair

“Okay I guess we could.” I say smiling at her as she nods grinning in satisfaction.

“So you have seen me around huh?”

“Yes I mean I haven’t been looking out for you or anything I have just seen you coming to drama class and dance class when I walk home.”I say not making it a big deal because it really wasn’t I just knew that she was one of the main actors in most of the plays.

Actually I am surprised that she thought I wouldn’t know who she was considering her face is on everything poster around school asking students to join or to come see a show. That reminds me I should go watch a show some time.

“I have never seen you around here though? And don’t worry I don’t think you are some kind of stalker. Then again only a stalker who say they weren’t a stalker right? Damn you are a stalker.”She says seriously staring at me, feeling my cheeks heat up she starts chuckling and sticking out her tongue.

Ha I really thought for a moment there that I had freaked her out. It would be weird to spend the entire year with a science partner that thought I was stalking her.

“You haven’t seen me because I never really go out. Ever.”I say quickly hoping she wouldn’t laugh.

It’s not my fault really all through high school I was protected by my loser shield and nobody cared to invite me to anything. I assume it was because of my desire to be the schools radio presenter. I didn’t care what they thought in the end though. My dad was proud of me for it. The only time I had some sort of social life was when I was with Sam and Zoey. Of course that was just their friends that became mine.

“Why not you don’t like the people here? Your boyfriend don’t want you going out?”She asks turning her seat to face me

“I just don’t get along with most people. I’m super strange really.”I say making a silly face and making her laugh. She stared at me animatedly smiling “I bet I am more strange.”She says nudging me

“Let me hear it then.”I say turning my head sideways looking at her

Pulling her arms over her chest trying to look tough she scoots closer to me “Well I was our baseball teams pitcher I was the one and only comic book club member also I started a petition in high school to ban mullets .Those were only naming a few of course.”She says rolling her eyes

“What the heck. Okay you win I am officially not the weirdest person on this table.”I say feeling a little happy that she said all those things. I thought I was the only one in the world that did things other than make up and nail polish or whatever.

“No you aren’t and there is so many people here you should really try to meet more people. If you don’t you are going to miss out on so much. I bet your girlfriend wouldn’t mind. I could even sweet talk her if you want?”She say smiling at me

“I’m …how did you know that I am gay? Oh Gosh do I give a gay vibe. If I did I’m so..”

“Not at all. You don’t I just have seriously good gaydar like amazing gaydar. My best friend in high school was…I mean is gay. My boyfriend was never fond of the idea that I would sometimes prefer to hang out with my best friend. Guys are dumb like that I guess. You know no wonder you are gay. The world would be a lot friendlier and way better dressed if there were more rainbow people around.”Staring at her hearing all her rambling I see her shut her mouth quickly smiling apologetically at me ”I talk a lot sometimes.”She announces nodding and keeping quite

Wow she was really really lively and full of energy. It was strange I did even think anything that she was pretty I just thought well I was thinking I hope she doesn’t make me do all the work.

“No its actually comforting. Don’t worry I am more of a listener anyway. So what happened?”I ask “With you boyfriend? I mean are you still together?” I ask hoping it didn’t sound like I was coming on to her.

That to me is the problem of being gay. Every straight girl thinks I am hitting on her if I try to be nice. I don’t find all girls attractive just like straight girls don’t find all guys attractive. I can behave. I do behave more than I liked too.

“Oh he was an ass. Sorry its just a conversation for another day. You know?”She says still smiling

DO I know about not wanting to talk about my ex?

“Yes I very much know of not wanting to rehash the past, but another day when more drinks are involved.” I said surprising myself at how bold I was assuming that she would want to go get a drink with me but before my doubts came rushing in she nodded

“More than a few drinks.”

“Arg I don’t want to go to English literature.”

“Mmm bad teacher?”She asks flipping through her phone

“Nope get this my ex girlfriends new girlfriend is sitting next to me and to top it all off she doesn’t know that I have dated her girlfriend, she doesn’t know that I don’t want to be her friend and she just can’t seem to let go of my past. I haven’t seen my ex in two years but since this girl in literature class came and forced herself in my life I have seen her twice. Neither of which were pleasant.” I say confusing myself by being so honest with a complete stranger.

“Lasey you need to drink on that. Screw the class lets go get a drink.”She says jumping up from her seat holding her hand out to me.

Not thinking about it I grab her hand. She is right I need a drink a strong one. I need to sing karaoke and kiss a stranger and wake up with the worst hangover of my life. In my head I would wake up feeling awful. Feeling half dead but then knowing that I had finally ran down that evil hill called Zoey Davids and all the drama it entails.

What could really go wrong?

Feeling the earth move beneath me and the sun blast in my room I quickly grab a pillow throwing it over my face. What the hell is it morning? Am I awake. No sleep I have to sleep some more! Where the hell is that light coming from?

Owh my head!! Shit I am awake. I want to die rather but first I need water.

Trying to open my eyes slightly I feel my head sting even more and quickly close my eyes again. Not a good idée.

 “Ahh!who turned on the sun?”I manage to moan is angony

“Get up sleepy head. You are missing the whole day.”I hear a strangely familiar voice say. Emily.

Opening my eyes slowly I see her sitting at my desk eating a bowl of cereal in my pjs. How could she be up this early and why is she wearing my…oh shit

My eyes bulged open as I stare at her in shock. Oh no please tell me this didn’t happen. I peak under the covers and find my very very naked body.

“Um…”I try to speak but don’t find the words

“You know I have always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl. It was pretty good no offense I am still into guys. Hey I did the college thing right? I could check that off my list now.”She says all at once and smiles at me

“Emily you’re rambling again. Did we?”

“Yep.”She says

“How?”I ask feeling a little embarrassed. I can’t remember it. I am sure I will though. It will all come back to me

“Well to be honest I think it was your singing. I remember crying and then something about how guys are D*cks and how you miss Zoey I think and then yeah.”She says as if it is no big deal. The second person I sleep with a complete stranger, it is a big deal.

“Should we start dating now?”I say jokingly seeing her roll her eyes and jump onto my bed

“Oh yes Lasey I want you I need you sooooo…”She sequels sarcastically “It was fun though but I think that will be the only time I do it. I don’t mean to offend you but I do like guys..just guys.”She says handing me her cereal bowl to finish

“I know and its fine I don’t see you like that. I guess you cross something off my list aswell.”I say laying back down in my bed

“OH what is that?”She asks

“One night stand.”I say in a bittersweet tone.

“I’m sorry..”She saysing looking at me concerned.

“No don’t be really it takes two right?”I say shrugging

“If it helps I think that was the best lesbian sex I have ever had.”She says nudging me grinning

Why is it that she can make me smile with her stupid comments. I know why because even after this weird start I know I have made a friend.

“I am the only lesbian sex you have ever had.”I say flatly

“And you are the first you are the craziest and the most sexy lesbian sex I have ever had.”She says in a sing along voice

“Okay I am leaving.”I say having heard enough of her silliness.

“Yes! Go shower you stick of sexy passionate love making. Oe yeah baby!”She yells as I enter the shower. Shut up Emily.

Hearing somebody come into the shower I pull the shower curtain around me and see Emily standing in front of me.

“What?”I ask seeing her grin

“Sorry love I just wanted to ask you something.”She says her face soft and caring


“Did it work? Are you over Zoey Davids?”She asks looking at me intently

Was I over the girl that broke my heart and let me out the dry?

“I have nothing left inside that wants her. There is no part of me that misses her.”I say feeling relived “I am over her.”

Nodding her turn to leave and looks back at me “I’m glad you came out of your shell last night. Now only to find you Misses right.”

“My pleasure.”I say closing the shower curtain smiling to myself at finding Misses right.

Authors Note

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to introduce the
 newest cast member tell me what you think of her?

Comment please and remember to vote.

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