It's a Love-Hate Relationship...

By xXxAppleheartxXx

13.5K 225 29

(read Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right before you read this) The story of Dazy, Kyle, Jayden, and October contin... More

Truth or Dare*3*
A Death in the Night *4*
House Shopping *5*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *7*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *8*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *9*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *10*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *11*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *12*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *13*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *14*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *15*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *16*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *17*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *18* Final Ending
Note to Readers!

Sheen meets the Smith Twins*6*

696 10 0
By xXxAppleheartxXx

*~* Dazy's P.O.V. *~*

When we stepped out the car, I got a really bad feeling. One that only happened when Trisha died, and our parents died. "Chris, I have a bad feeling." I murmur.

He looked at me, a slight fear in his eyes, but it disappeared. "Do you think that somethin' happened to the babies?" he asks.

"No, Octy would never hurt my babies, she's smarter then you give her credit for Christian." I let out angrily. I stomp away and stand next to the guide and Kyle. "Fucking Chris. Always asking about my babies safety with my sister, I swear one more thing comes out his mouth about her that's not positive and I'll skin 'em." I growl out.

Kyle grins and wraps his arms around me. "Calm down baby." he says.

Chris lets a small glare slip at Kyle. "No showing affection when I'm here, I may have let you two get married after he knocked you up, but I still am mad at him."

The guide looked appalled at our words. "What? Anyway, let me show you around, I assume you are the Smiths?"

"Yes." Kyle says grinning. I roll my eyes and she shows us around.

"Oh, sorry I forgot, my name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam."

"One of our daughters is named Samantha, we call her Sami though."

She smiles. "That's really cool, so how many children?"

"Two, twin girls." Kyle says.

"Married or not?" she asks.


She wrote something down on her clip board. "Okay, lets get started."

When we finally got home I went over to my babies who were with Valentine and Amaya. "Hi babies, Mommy's home." I say kissing both their cheeks. They giggle and I grin.

Kyle grabs my wrist before I could sit. "Amaya can you watch them for a little bit?" he asks.

She nods and I give him a confused look.

He brings me up to my room and holds me to his chest as he sits on the bed. "I love you." he whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I tell him as he kisses my neck.

"Can't wait till we get our own place." he tells me.

"Me too," he kisses my cheek. "I'll miss everyone." I say sadly.

He sighs through his nose. "We'll come visit everyday."

"I know." I sigh.

"I've been doing well with college." he tells me.

I smile. "That's good, I've been doing good at work, though we still can't figure out who killed Trisha." I mutter, tears pricking my eyes.

"Don't let it stress you out or the babies will since it and won't sleep." he tells me. He kisses my hair as he pulls me back into his chest, and making me sit in his lap. "Lets go take care of the girls and we'll start packing in a few days." he tells me.

I nod and get up, we headed downstairs and went to the living room where Amaya, Jayden, Valentine, and the twins were. I head over to the girls and pick them up. I settle in and start to rock Sarah back and forth. Kyle sat back and watched as Jayden held Sami. He was smiling for the fist time in a while. "Jay? Are you okay?" I ask him softly after we set the girls down on their blankets once they fell asleep.

"I'm fine." he mutters.

"No you've been hiding in your room." I say narrowing my eyes.

"Nothing." he snapped. I roll my eyes.

"When your mad it doesn't scare me Jayden Johnson." I say smirking.

He narrowed his eyes and then rolled them, and started to chuckle. "I guess it can't since you're my baby sister." he mutters pouting slightly.

I laugh and go over to Kyle. I snuggled into his side and he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to his side. I kiss his hand that I held between mine.

"I love you." he whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I tell him, pecking him on the lips before turning to watch our little girls. I yawn and Kyle grabs the blanket from on the top of the couch and drapes it over me.

"Take a nap, I'll wake you later." he murmurs. I nod and close my eyes, letting sleep take over.

When I woke it was about 3, and Kyle was asleep next to me. I got up and drape the blanket on him, then head to Amaya's room. She was watching T.V. and the kids were surrounding her.

"You look pretty cozy." I mutter sitting next to her.

"I am." she says smiling. I watch the kids sleep. "Their so cute." I say smiling.


A knock came off the wall next to the open door and October stood there, her face puffy and red from her tears.

"Hey," I whisper, she sat next to me and hugged onto me. I blink in shock and she leans into me, sniffling. "Whats wrong sweetie?" I ask her softly. She shook her head. "Okay, then." I say laughing lightly. "You can tell me when your ready." she snuggled into my side and the blankets and ended up falling asleep. I run my fingers through her medium length dirty blond hair and she moved a bit. I smile and keep running my fingers through her hair. I lean back slightly and lean against Amaya's side.

"She asleep?"


"Good." she got her phone out and texted someone, till Jayden came in and picked her up.

"Thanks." I murmur. He nods and carries her to his room.

I get up and pick up my daughters then head to my room. I set them in their bassinets. Kyle came in and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You hungry?" I ask him. He nods into my hair and I pull away and grab his hand.

We went down to the kitchen and I started to make dinner for everyone. When we all finished eating I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes, then went up to my room. I showered and put on a clean pair of under garments and a singlet then brushed my teeth, then made sure no more make up was on my face, and dried my hair. I braid it then head to the light switch. I turned it off, then went over to the bed where Kyle was laying down and watching T.V. I snuggle into his side and fell asleep.

When I got up I went down to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast before I get ready to go to work. I finished and rung the dining bell and everyone came down to eat. I went up and fed the twins and Valentine, then put them in the big playpen in the living room. I put on some educational cartoons for babies and then ate breakfast. When I was done I let my hair loose and went up to my room and dressed for work in a pair of jeans and a loose button up shirt. I brush my hair then washed my face and brush my teeth, then grab my stuff and headed down to the living room. "Chris, you ready to go?" I ask.

"In a minute." he mutters.

I roll my eyes and then hug and kiss Kyle and the girls goodbye. I went to my cruiser and then headed to the station. Everyone gave me small glances, filled with pity. I take in a deep breath and hold my head high, then go into the lab, where Trisha's clothes were sitting on the lab table. I feel the air rush out of my lungs. I close my eyes, and then start to do the tests on the prints, and other stuff.

I let a few tears fall, but I mostly held it in. When I was done, I pick up some papers and a flash drive that had everything on it, and head to the big computer everyone turned and looked at me as I plugged it into the side, and started moving things around the screen. I turn walk over to Chris and slam the papers on his desk, making him look up at me. "Here's what I collected." I snap, turning and heading to my lab, I grabbed my stuff and headed out. "Figure the rest out. I'm heading home to give the news to the family who her killer is."

Chris looked at me with Pity and Sympathy. "I'm sorry about Tri-"

"NO YOUR NOT CHRIS! EVERYONE AROUND ME ARE DYING, BECOMING CRAZY, PSYCHOPATHIC MURDERERS! I CAN'T EVEN HANG OUT WITH MACON ANYMORE! I CAN'T TALK TO TRISHA BECAUSE NEWS FLASH CHRISTIAN! SHE'S DEAD! JAYDEN WON'T TALK, HE'S DEPRESSED, KYLE MIGHT BE RETHINKING OUR MARRIAGE, OCTOBER IS KEEPING SECRETS!" I started to cry. I turned and stormed out, I got into the cruiser and drove home, ignoring the nagging feeling in my head. I got out and went in, wiping tears away. "GATHER IN THE LIVING ROOM!" I shout putting my bag down.

Everyone came in and I stood in front of them. "Aaron killed Trisha."

Jayden whirled around and punched the wall, "He's killing off friends first, then parents." he muttered.

"What?" I ask quietly.


"I HEARD!" I shout, turning angry. I was huffing, "Once I find him, he's gonna wish he never was born. Once I get my hands on him, I'm gonna kill him." I growl. Kyle grabbed my arm.

"Calm down hun." he says wrapping his arms around me.

I throw him off and get in my car after grabbing my phone. I called the one number to the person who knew where he was.


"Mace, were you sleeping?" I ask.

"No, why, whats going on?"

"I need to know where Aaron is."

"I don't know, he stopped talking to me a couple days ago."

"He killed Trisha."

"He did?" he asks shocked.



"I need to know where he is Rivers." I snap.

"H-he was staying with me, but then he just packed up and left."

I slam on the breaks hard. "What?" I ask sharply.

"He just left." I frown at his words. "Not a word from him came, he just grabbed his stuff and left."

I glare. "Macon. I need you to go down to the station, tell Chris your meeting me in the lab. Wait for me there." I turned and headed off to the station and all but jumped out the car when I got there. I ran in and went straight to my lab, Macon sat in my chair behind my desk looking at pictures.

"What do you need?" he asks.

I motion him to follow me, and turn on my main computer, making the others turn on. I open the files and show him. "None of this leaves this room." I tell him, a warning. He frowns as I open the last bit. "He raped her, then killed her," I tell him.

He shook his head. "No, no he didn't."

"He did."

"He was my friend, he would have told me."

"No, he killed her." I say. He looked at me like I had killed his puppy. I frown at him and he sighs.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happening." he tells me hugging me.

"Ice cream?" I ask him.

He nods and we head to our cars and go to the Ice Cream parlor a couple miles away and go in.

"So whats it like raising twins?" he asks a smirk in his face as we eat ice cream.

"Fun." I say laughing. People were watching us.

"What a lovely young couple." an old women says.

"We're not dating, he's my friend, I'm married." I tell her.

"But I'm in love with her twin sister."

The old woman's smile falters and turns grim. "Your Dazy Grayves are you not?" she asks.

"Smith, now, Dazy Smith, why?"

"I'm the officer who was with you and your siblings the day of the fire."

I grit my teeth. "You're retired, two years, I am the new forensics scientist."

She frowned slightly. "Well, that's good," and with that she walked away.

I groan. "Fairbanks is way too small of a town."

"No, NoPo is."

I laugh, "It is. Well, I have to go," I say throwing the paper cup away. I hug Macon, "I missed you Macey." I tell him quietly.

He shakes with laughter. "I missed you too Dazy."

"You need to talk with October."

"I did, didn't she tell you?" he asks confused.

I glare. "When?" I ask.

"Yesterday... She said you and Kyle were looking at houses."

"One, and we bought it."

"That's good," he says.

"Yeah, there's two extra rooms till the girls get older,"

"You and Kyle can have another kid." he says loudly, laughing. I turn red and everyone looks at me. Some looks were disgusted. "Knock off the damn stares, she's fuckin' married!" Macon snaps, sending glares at them.

They stop, except for some teens who got up and came over to us. "Aren't you the forensics chick that came in?" the girl asks.

"Yes, and my name is Officer Smith." I smirk as she glares.

"Well, I wanted to say, I took your place as queen of the school."

"Wasn't my place, it was Trisha's." I growl,

"Yeah, well where is she so I can rub it in."

"Dead," I snap at her, the tears coming. "She was raped and murdered by Aaron Chett." I wipe away the tears. "I gotta go, I have twin girls and my husband to get back to at home." I turn and was about to walk out when a hand stopped me.

"Dazy, be careful." it was Macon.

"Always am." I say getting into my car and heading home. Just as I hit our street my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"Pulling in." I say in a duh tone. I hang up on Kyle and go upstairs to the living room. "I met up with Macon for the whole Aaron thing, turns out he left a few days ago, then we went to get ice cream 'cause I started crying."

Ky pulls me into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Summers comin' soon."

"I know, I can't wait to bask in the sun all day."

"About three more years till I graduate." Kyle says.

"I know." I tell him, kissing his nose.

He chuckles. "The girls slept the whole time you were gone."

"Good," he kissed me softly and pulled me into the kitchen.

"October made pasta."

"Not hungry." I mutter sitting on the counter.

He frowns. "You need to eat." he says.

I nod absentmindedly. He handed me a plate of whatever she made and I ate it, trying to stop thinking of the pictures of how they found Trisha, her boyfriend Sheen must be broken. I finished eating and then went to the living room and curled into a ball on the couch. Kyle came in with the twins and a blanket. He set the girls in my arms and then wrapped a blanket around us, He took Sarah and I snuggled Sami into my chest to keep her warm. Ky grabbed a blanket and curled into my side with Sarah and wrapped the blanket around her and him. I kiss Sami on the forehead and snuggle into my little baby. "I love you Sami and Sarah." I say smiling.

"Hey!" Ky shouts.

"And I love you Hun." I tell him.

I woke to Kyle getting up for his classes. I got up when he put on his shirt and jeans and hugged him from behind. "I love you." I tell him, burying my face in his back.

He turned and hugged me back. "Love too," he says kissing me.

"I don't want you to go to classes today."

"I know baby, but I have too,"

"I know." I pout.

He laughs. "How bout you bring lunch and we'll eat in the court yard, where everyone hangs out."

"Okay." I kiss him lightly and head back to sleep.

I woke to the girls crying, I look at the clock and it said ten so I called Kyle.

"Hey baby," he says, people in the background were loud, and there were weird noises.

"What time is your lunch?" I ask him.

"Noon, I gotta go love."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and took the girls downstairs for breakfast and then I handed them to Amaya and I ate then took a long shower.

I put on a black sundress and a pair of black flats. I curl my hair after drying it and then put a big flower head band in it and did my makeup. I go downstairs after grabbing a black clutch and putting my phone, keys, and wallet into it. I make some shrimp scampi and then put it in plastic containers and then grabbed a paper bag and put them in it. I make bottles for the girls and put them in a diaper bag along with some diapers and stuff, then change their diapers and put matching dresses and different hair clips. I put them in their car seats. I put the bags and my clutch in the passenger seat, and head to the college. I got there at 12:13, and parked the car in the visitors parking. I call Kyle, "Hey Baby, I'm in the parking lot, and need help." I say.

"Okay, be there with my friends soon."

I leave the car doors open and Ky comes over. I jump into his arms and kiss him. "I missed you!" I sing out.

"I missed you too, you brought the girls?" he asks.

I nod and his friends look at me in shock. "Hi, I'm Dazy, Kyle's wife." I say holding out my hand. They shake my hand and tell me their names.

"I'm Matt,"



"Cool, nice to meet you." I pick up Sami as she starts to cry. "Aww, hush Sami." I tell her. I kiss her nose. "I love you." I tell her smiling,

"They your kids?" Lee asks Kyle.

"Of course." he says, sounding offended.

"He knocked me up Graduation night after the huge party I threw." I say looking at Ky accusingly.

"But I married you in the middle of winter."

I smile. "I know." I tell him. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Well, lets get the food and we can eat in the court yard." Kyle says.

"Have you guys eaten? I made a lot." I say looking at his friends.

"No, we were 'bout to head off campus to get something."

"Well, grab all three bags and follow us." I say after they got the bags I lock my car doors and put the keys in my bra. I follow him to the middle of the school yard and everyone was walking around or doing something till a few guys spotted us and walked over, I lay out the blanket and set Sami on it. Kyle puts Sarah on it next to her and I set out the food, I brought extra forks in case, since I like to be prepared, and plates.

"You think of everything don't you?" Kyle asks pulling me into his lap, the guys come closer and I notice it was Sheen.

I jump up and run and hug him. "How are you Sheen?" I ask him.

"I'm good, I guess."

I pull back and notice he was thinner, and paler. "Sorry about Trisha, we're doing all we can to find Aaron-"

"AARON DID THIS?!" he shouts angrily.

I look at Kyle and he looked pained. "Sheen, sweetie calm down, please?" I ask him. I sigh as he punches a tree. I guide him over to Kyle and the girls. "Have you met Sami and Sarah?" I ask him. He shakes his head and I show him which is which.

He hugs them and smiles. "They're cute." he says.

"You're uncle Sheen." I tell them. I go over and sit in Kyle's lap.

"You know you're so sweet?" Kyle asks.

"I know." I tell him kissing him lightly.

"I miss Trisha," Sheen whispers.

"She only got to see the girls once," I take out my phone and take a video of them and point it at Kyle. "This is Daddy-"

He takes the phone. "And this is mommy, she had a break down about her tummy after giving birth you know," he says.

"Kyle give me my phone damn it!" I shout trying to get it. By now everyone in the school yard was watching.

"Nope. Not unless I get a kiss."

I glare at him. "Give me the phone Kyle Lee Smith." I growl, he chuckled.


"I can tell Chris you're being mean. And he still hasn't forgiven you for getting me pregnant."

He paled and gulped. "Uhm, I-I'll, here." he hands me my phone.

I smile. "And these are Daddy's friends. And your uncle Sheen, aunt Trisha's in heaven though," I say sadly. "But Momma and Daddy got a new house we're moving too, and you both get your own room." I say. I kiss Kyle. "Right now we're eating lunch at Daddy's school, he's learning to become an engineer."

"You know they've been together since they were fourteen."

I scowl at Sheen. "We all know that, but we did have a break here and there,"

"And Kyle cheated on you with my Trisha, but that was before we started dating."

I look down. "The funeral will be taped, so you can watch it when your old enough."

"And me and mommy will give you a little brother to tease."

I look at him wide eyed. "Kyle! You don't say that on Family video's!" I whisper shout.

"Your mom said that." he teases.

"Yeah but she's dead." I say in a monotone voice.

His grin falters. "Babe, you know I didn't mean it like that."

"I know." I say I eat quickly and then end the video.


just a filler, plus it tells you who killed Trisha Lemay.

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