Music, Harmony, & Love.

נכתב על ידי ilovePentatonix

1.1K 86 19

Having to start a new school, Melody isn't to happy about leaving her friends and hometown behind. Little did... עוד

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Music, Harmony, & Love.

333 8 2
נכתב על ידי ilovePentatonix

Chapter 1

I was awakened by the sound of the alarm. It was 6 am. Ugh! I do not want to get up, I thought to myself. A few minutes later I pushed down the covers and unwillingly dragged myself out of bed. I was starting a new school today, and I was a nervous wreck!

"Are you up?" My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Come down for some breakfast when you've finished getting ready!"

I quickly straightened my already straight hair. I chose my outfit carefully last night not wanting to be to much in a rush in the morning. I decided to wear some dark denim skinny jeans, a cute black top, and my converse. (No I'm not gothic in case you're wondering, black just happens to be one of my favorite colors.) I put on some eyeliner. I wasn't the type to over load my face with a ton of make-up. I didn't really think I needed that much makeup anyways.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm Mexican but I'm not dark. I'm actually kind of light complected. I have long straight brown hair that reaches just above my waist. I wasn't thin but I wasn't thick either. I'm actually average sized but with lots of curve. I have green eyes, which I genetically inherited from my mother. My mother says I'm a spitting image of what she looked like when she was 16 too.

I finished getting ready, and made my bed before grabbing my bag and heading towards the kitchen.

I wasn't hungry. At least I thought I wasn't but maybe it was because of how nervous I was. I grabbed a slice of toast before saying goodbye to my mom.

"Have fun in school!" She called after me. "Don't worry to much, I know you'll make friends."

"Sure.." I muttered to myself making my way to my car.

Why did we have to move in the first place? It's not like mom and dad couldn't just make up. Although I knew their marriage had been over long ago, I still couldn't understand how I managed to get through their divorce and moving away from home with my mom.

I felt the tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I quickly forced the thoughts of my old home out of my mind and started my car. It was 7:46 already and school started at 8:20.

"Crap." I muttered to myself and quickly put the seat belt on and headed towards the school.


Pulling into the parking lot I noticed that this school wasn't as big as I had expected it to be. As a matter of fact it was about the same size as my old high school. This would be my junior year. I really hoped I could get through today without making a fool of myself. I was sometimes known to be a real dork. I mentally laughed at myself thinking back at some of the embarrassing moments I had gotten myself into back at home.

My thoughts had been interrupted by the councilor " Hello dear, what's your name?" She asked with a smile. I hadn't even realized that I had walked into the office. "Melody DeLuna." I responded with a shy smile. "I see you're a new student? Welcome to Malone High School." She said with much enthusiasm.

Just then another student walked in. He was tall, much taller than me anyways. He was about 6'1 whereas to me was a complete giant! I was only 5'2 and immediately his gaze met mine. I turned away quickly feeling a blush creeping up on me. He must have noticed because I heard him let out a low chuckle. He was tempting to look at. He was a tan not too much though. He had amazing blue eyes that practically looked liked they had tiny crystals in them. His hair was jet black with a bit of waves, and he had it styled a certain messy way that made him look hot. He looked strong and he looked as if he worked out a bit.

"Mr. Harrison, are you here to pick up your schedule?" The councilor asked breaking the awkward silence. "Yeah I am actually. " he smiled at her. She rummaged through some papers when she pulled one out and said "Here you are." "Thank you Mrs. Fredrick." He turned to walk out but stopped when Mrs. Fredrick called out to him " Oh Mr. Harrison, this is Miss DeLuna, she's a new student here and she's in your grade as well." He turned to me and smiled. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping her out today?" She asked. "Of course not." He replied.

Crap! I don't want him to feel like he has to show the new girl around all day, I thought to myself. Ugh! Well this is perfect isn't it? Me being the dork I am, will probably make a fool of myself as soon as we walk out of this office, then he will probably walk away and act like he doesn't know me or something.

"Come on." He smiled happily at me. He seemed nice so hopefully he wouldn't want to ditch me right a way. After all I didn't really know where I was headed. " I'm Carter by the way." He said. "I'm Melody." I responded quietly. "What do you have first period?" He looked down at me making me feel self conscious all of a sudden. I studied my schedule and read aloud "Physics with Mr. Ferris." "Really?" He asked with a smirk, "So do I. "

We made our way down to the classroom I sat in the third row and in the fourth column. To my surprise he sat next to me and gave me a breathtaking smile.

The warning bell rang, and soon the class was almost filled with students. The bell finally rang for class to begin and Mr. Ferris came in. He took roll and when he said my name, many of the students glanced my way. The guys stared at me for a while, one even winked at me! The girls gave me looks of hate, which I brushed off quickly refusing to roll my eyes. He talked about the classroom rules for just about the whole entire period. Then the dismissal bell finally rang and students darted out of the classroom.

As I was walked out of the classroom, I noticed Carter was waiting for me by the door. He looked so handsome just standing there looking at me with the most adorable smile that showed his perfectly straight white teeth. "Let me see your schedule." He said. I handed it to him and waited for him to look it over. "We have 1st period, lunch, 5th period and we both have 8th period as a free period. So I guess we will be seeing each other a lot then." He winked giving me back my schedule. I felt my cheeks burn. Did he just wink at me?

"Well you're next class is down that hall." He said pointing to the right. "I guess I'll see you at lunch?" I looked at him with a warm smile. "Yeah, I'll see you then." And with that we both went our separate ways, heading to our 2nd period.

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