My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

319K 8.7K 807

Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

Saying Goodbye.
My Mate, My Job.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
UnRevealed Part 4
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Prophecy (Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
I Do?
Honeymoon (Part II)
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part I)
Melting (Part II)
Melting (Part III)
Melting (Part IV)
A Frozen Wall

My Boss, My Alpha.

44K 658 46
By EvanescentFlower

"I refuse!!" I screamed.

My father stormed out of the house and slamming the door behind him. My mother chased after him to calm him down.

I can't believe he's trying to make me marry that ignorant and selfish Alpha Jack. I'm 18, Daughter of Alpha John and Luna Sabrina. I know as the daughter I have a duty to my pack but the last thing I want to do is marry Alpha Jack. Yet even with my disapproval, my father is set on marrying me off because Moon Struck Pack and Bright Moon Stone Pack have been rivals for the longest. However, with this marriage my father wanted me to bring the pack's together.

I ran in my room slamming the door, I laid on my Queen-sized bed pulling my ruffled black sheets over my body. Just when I was falling asleep, my door fell to the ground. My dad barged in, "Get up! You're going on a date with Alpha Jack Now!!"

"Noo!!" He grabbed my arm, "Now!" My father's face was scrunched up as he pulled me up off the bed practically dragging me towards the door. My father is substantially bigger than I, he stands at 6'0 with a muscular frame that towers over both my small mother and I. He has tan skin with straight black hair slicked to the side and brown eyes.

I nodded, "Be ready in an hour! Alpha Jack is picking you up."

I watched as he turned around to leave and my mother ran in, "Please calm down John and let's talk about this." My mother looks so petite when next to my father as she is only 5'2 and has a slim figure. She has light brown wavy hair that sits just before her hip and golden tan skin. Her eyes are sky blue that go beautifully with her small soft face.

"My mind is made up." He shrugged my mothers hand off his arm.

"But John-"

"What did I say Sabrina?!" I could hear my 7 year old brother Lazaro start to cry as he sat by my door. My mother ran to him pulling him into her arms and looking over to me only to drop her head as soon as our eyes met.

I feel so trapped.. I look to my clock on my white desk; I mumble, "He will be here any minute. I better get ready." I looked in the mirror pushing my black curly hair behind my ears and wiping the tears off my tan face.

"Oh no." I whisper to myself after seeing my hazel eyes swollen and red.

I continue to examine myself in the mirror.

I walk to my closet grabbing a mauve summer dress and white wedges. I pull the dress over my body to see the dress is a little over my knee.

I found a cute white sheer shawl in the back of my closet to throw over the dress to cover my exposed shoulders. I straighten my hair and finish my makeup when the doorbell rang. A deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Yvonne will be home when I bring her home."

I heard my father respond, "Well she is your future wife, Alpha. I will call her down for you."

"Yvonne get down here now!"

I walked down the stairs, and as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I felt two arms wrap around me. It was Alpha Jack. He was as big as my father; perhaps even bigger. Jack's face and body was defined with strong features. Many women in my pack and his threw themselves at his feet. I must admit his features are pleasing to one's eye yet I always feel a sickening pain in my stomach when I see him. His brown eyes always pierced through me like a knife. His thick dark brows furrowed and his lips never curving up.. at least not that I have seen. His voice sends shivers through my spine.. This is not a man I want to accompany for the rest of life.. let alone make a family with.

His loud voice pulled me out from my thoughts.

"Let's go, get in the car and wait for me. I need to speak with your father."

I nodded and did as he said, I got in the car hoping this date would quickly go by.. It was already getting dark out and I don't want to be out long.

After 15 minutes I see him coming out of my house.

He got in without saying a word or even acknowledging my presence.

"So where are we going?" I look toward him.

He glares at me, "Did I tell you to speak?!"

I look down, feeling the car slowly stop. I look up to see Alpha Jack staring at me with lustful eyes.

"Alpha?" I glance around to see we are parked in front of his house.

"Let's go."

"Alpha, I don't think it is appropriate for me to go into your house especially at such a late hour."

"You are my soon to be wife so I don't see any issues with it." He leaned over placing his hand on my knee, slowly moving his hand up my knee going up my dress.


"Please stop this Alpha Jack." I push his hand away and pull my dress back over my knee.

I was too scared to look up but I could feel his eyes burning a hole through me.

I suddenly could feel all of his body weight on top of me, I pressed my hands against his chest to push him away but he didn't move. The seat shot back laying me down flat with Alpha Jack on top of me. No matter how much I pushed my hands to get him off of me, his weight and strength were too overpowering for me. His head dropped to my neck, pressing kissing all along my neck and down to my chest. He gripped the top of my dress ripping it apart exposing my panties and bra. He gripped my wrists pushing them against the seat as he kissed the top of my breast. I felt one of his hands let go, moving down the side of my hip. I used that free hand to shove him away and taking my fist to his chest. It didn't seem to faze him as he continued to press his cold lips to my exposed skin. I lifted my knee to hit him in the groin but his hands dropped to the top of my knees catching them from hitting him.

He looks down at me and slaps me across the face.

"You belong to me, You do what I say. Don't you ever disobey me or push me away, I will do what I want with you. If you want this marriage to work out. You'll have my kids, clean, cook, and do all that I please! Got it!?"

I nodded, wanting this to be over. Thankfully his phone started to ring, he sighs and answers the phone.

"What!?___ Fine._____I'll be there.___Bye."

He looked at me and smirked, " This will have to wait until next time."

He jumped back over to his seat and started driving. I sat there taking whatever was left of my dress to cover myself and burst into tears. Finally, he pulled up to the front of my house, "Get out."

I got out gripping my shredded dress and opened the door to my house to see my parents sitting on the couch.

I was hoping when my parents saw me they would comfort me or apologize but when they saw my mom just shook her head and my dad turned his head. I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading.

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