Living With Damon and Stefan

By Dark-Violet

9M 59.3K 12K

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; s... More

Rude Awakening
Mystic Grill
Elena Gilbert
The Plan
History Lesson
Road Trip
Necromancer Crystal
Book of Crystals
The Game
Intense Stares
Jonathan Gilberts Journal
The Man In The Mirror
Harsh Words
What Are You?
Warp Crystal
Shock News
Jumping Out Windows
The Secret
Shattered Glass
Finding Out
Surprise Party
The Kiss
Holding Hands
Opening The Tomb
Alaric Saltzman
The Really Bad Problem
The Battle
Beverly Hills
The Concert
The Moonstone
Mason Lockwood
Masquerade Ball
Family Barbeque
The Argument
The Halloween Party
The Haunting
The Warning
The Epic Battle
The Beach
Running Down The Street In Underwear
First Sight
The Body Swap
The Reason Why Knocking Was Invented
The Risk Of Sounding Jealous
Failing To Notice Something Important
Getting Distracted By Dandelions
Finding Floors Comfortable
Tomato Juice And Garlic Paste
Evil People Chasing Bunnies
Goats And Hating Men
The Runaway
Unwanted, Annoying Dreams
Toothbrushes, Puppets and Haircuts
Awkward Moments And Apologies
No Longer Friends
Hangovers And Rainy Days
Sock Wearing Pineapples
This Coffee Is Not For You
Pillow Eating Dinosaurs
Feeding The Cat
The Dandelion Throwing Lamps
People Actually Use Toilet Paper? Ew.
Sniffing Random Peoples Hair
Fluffy Refridgeraters That Sing
Super Ninja Monkeys! And Shane Dawson!
Teletubbies Rock!
The Naked Shoe Box Lover
Potatoes Have Feelings Too!
Hugging Pens With Eyeballs
The Cute Washing Machine And Dimples
The Day The Sharpener Coughed
Marshmellow Covered Coat-Hangers
Mating With Butterflies
Lamp Posts Are Nice Triangles
The Chocolate That Eats Stockings
Le Flying Taco Mafia
The Bookcase That Sniffs Potato Salad
Exploding Donuts and Lentils
The Umbrella Shaped Box
Throwing Paper At Harold
Salt & Pepper Pencil Baskets
Lettuce Leaf!
Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

Ice Cream, P.J's, And Damon

82K 463 80
By Dark-Violet

I heard a bell ringing.

I opened my eyes and snapped my head up. I looked around, confused, to find myself in class.

How did I get here? I thought. I shrugged it off, probably just not paying attention to anything like I sometimes do. By the looks of it, class had just began. Students were filing in and taking seats. Jeremy walked in the room and completely ignored me, sitting next to a pretty blond girl. She smiled and leaned over, kissing him full on the lips.

My jaw dropped. I mean, I know we'd broken up, but it had only been a few days! Could he really have moved on that fast? I felt an ache in my heart and I looked down at my desk, trying as hard as I could to keep the tears from spilling.

I could hear some of the students talking about how we had a new teacher. I didn't exactly get along with Mr. Armstrong, but he was fine at teaching English, so why did we have a new teacher?

One girl started gushing about how she'd bumped into him in the hall, and that he was extrememly good looking.

I rolled my eyes. I really couldn't care less about it. I don't even know why I came to school today. Maybe I could just sit through this lesson and get Damon to pick me up after.

I heard footsteps enter the room and everyone went quiet. I didn't bother looking up, I just continued to stare at my desk.

"Good morning class," a male voice said, with an English accent. "I'm Mr. Smith, and I'll be your English teacher from now on."

I had heard that voice before, but I just couldn't place it.

I lifted my eyes up and looked at the new teacher. I gasped and my eyes widened.

Klaus was standing at the front of the room with a smirk, staring right at me.

This wasn't possible, I killed him.

I looked over at Jeremy. His expression was normal. Jeremy only saw Klaus once, he wouldn't remember him.

I got up and left my stuff on the desk, hurrying as fast as humanly possible out of the room.

As soon as I was out, I dialed Damon's number.

"Pick up, pick up," I muttered urgently as I hastily walked through the hallways of the school, towards the exit. Klaus wouldn't make a scene in public, right? Of course he would! It's Klaus!

I rounded a corner and Klaus appeared in front of me, a wicked smirk forming on his face.

I screamed and turned, running as fast as I could. I burst through the doors to the cafeteria, looking around for an exit. I ran to the doors at the other end, but before I could open them, arms wrapped around my waist from behind, trapping me.

"You didn't think you could get away from me that easy, did you my lovely?" Klaus's voice whispered in my ear.

"Let go of me!" I growled. I tried to break free, but his arms stayed firmly around me.

"Hmm, I don't think I will," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying not to let the fear show in my voice.

"Well," he said. "You killed me, so I guess fair is fair."

Klaus tilted my head to the side and brushed my hair away. I felt him press his lips against my bare neck, and then I felt a sharp pain. I tried to find the will to break free, but I couldn't move.

I knew I was losing too much blood, and my knee's gave way. Klaus held me upright, preventing me from falling.

My vision was blurring, and I started to lose conciousness.

My body went limp in his arms, as he slowly drained the life out of me.


My eyes flew open and I gasped, sitting up. I looked around frantically and I relaxed, realising I was still in Damon's room.

I layed back down and closed my eyes, trying to control my beathing.

Everything's fine, I told myself. Klaus is dead, he's not coming to kill you.

"Good morning sleepy head," a voice from beside me said.

I screamed and in less than a second I was across the room, ready to kill anyone who touched me.

I saw who it was and I sagged with relief. Damon was sitting on the other side of the bed, fully clothed, reading a book.

"Jesus Christ Damon," I said. "You scared the hell out of me. I was so close to crapping myself just then."

"What's got you so spooked?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bad dream," I replied, walking back over to the bed and sitting down.

"About...?" he trailed off.

"Some how Klaus was alive and he killed me," I said, not wanting to mention the part about Jeremy.

"Don't worry about it, he's dead," Damon said.

"I know," I sighed.

"So how are you feeling?" he asked after a minute.

All the emotions from last night came back. Heartbreak, pain, sorrow.

"Like cheese," I said. "Swiss cheese."

He raised an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

"Swiss cheese has holes in it right?" I asked. "That's what I feel like. It's like holes have been put through my chest."

I could feel tears prickling at my eyes, but I forced them back down. I wasn't exaggerating. It hurt more than the time I had been nailed to a chair. And that's saying something.

Damon put an arm around me.

"Come on," he said. "Come downstairs, I'll make breakfast."

Wow. Damon must really care about me. It was only on very, very rare occasions that he makes one of his amazing breakfasts.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the kitchen, sitting me on a stool.

"You don't have to do this you know," I said.

"You were there to pick up the pieces when I had my heart broken, so now it's my turn to return the favor," he said, grabbing ingredients out of the fridge.

"Well, I guess when you put it like that," I muttered.

I noticed what ingredients he was gathering.

"Are you making your famous chocolate-chip pancakes?" I asked, hope filling me.

"Why yes Marni, yes I am," he said, smirking at me, knowing how much I loved them.

"My day just got ten times better," I said. "I think I'm at Parmesan cheese now."

"Hmm... I prefer Mozzarella," Damon said, pouring some ingrediants in a bowl.

"I'd have to say chilli flavoured halloumi is to die for," I said.


"Damon, how did you get over your heart break?" I asked after a minute.

He thought about it for a moment.

 "Well, I made Stefan's life a living hell at first, and killed people," he said.

"Now that sounds like a good idea," I said. "Let's go on a killing spree."

"But," he continued, ignoring my comment. "I had someone who helped me through it."

"Stefan?" I guessed, putting on a confused expression.

He rolled his eyes. "You know I'm talking about you."

"You never know," I said. I sighed. "Will things get better Damon?"

"Over time," he said. By now he was pouring the pancake mixture into the frying pan.

When he was finished, he put the bowl in front of me and I scooped out the left over contents with a spoon.

"Well, all I know, is that I'm not going to be one of those girls who's world stops spinning just because of some guy," I said, sticking the spoon in my mouth, knowing it was a complete lie.

Damon looked at me doubtfully.

I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Where's Lexi?" I asked. "She's usually around when these things happen."

"No idea," he said. He placed a plate in front of me, piled up with chocolate-chip pancakes. He dragged a chair up beside me, placing his own plate in front of him.

"Damon, you are the most amazing person in the world," I said, almost melting at the sight of the pancakes.

"I know," he said.

"Besides me of course," I said, pointing out the obvious.

He rolled his eyes and I dug into my pancakes.

 I managed to convince Damon to have a Burn Notice marathon with me. It didn't have much romance in it, so that was a plus.

Nobody stopped by the house, which was unusual. Not even Stefan, but I was guessing he was with Elena. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole of Mystic Falls knew Jeremy and I were broken up. I assumed that people were keeping their distance from me, knowing I was upset and probably not wanting to risk the chance of upsetting me more.

"I'm hungry," I grumbled, pausing the t.v. "Let's go get food."

It was around half past seven at this point.

"Let's go to the Grill," Damon said. "I can't be bothered cooking."

"Does that mean I have to get dressed?" I asked.

"Unless you want to wear your pajamas..." Damon said.

"I don't mind," I said, not really caring about anything.

"Get dressed," he said, obviously not liking the idea.

We sat at a booth in the Grill, eating fries.

"I still think I should've gone with the pajamas," I mumbled.

"Maybe when you're drunk, but not when you're sober," Damon said.

I was about to say something, but then I looked up and groaned.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I sighed, looking down at the table, trying not to let my emotions crush me.

"Jeremy's here," I said.

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