Long Story Short: Fremione

By elulu5

25.5K 681 70

COMPLETED Harry, Hermione, Draco, Neville, Fred, Luna, Ginny and many more students return to Hogwarts for th... More

Deciding and Fighting
The Meet at Lunch
Without Him
Moving and Mourning
Malfoy and a Mark
Fred's New Friend
Crash and Burn
Lose Another
R.I.P (Authors note)
A feeling

Five and a Half Years

1.3K 33 6
By elulu5

"Hello, Granger." Draco said.
Draco Malfoy was standing at the door, with Ariana under his arm. He was wearing a baseball tee, not that he knew what baseball was, and she was wearing a long sleeved gray and black striped shirt, with a plaid scarf around her neck. She also wore black capris, which were mostly like sweatpants material.
"Again, why are you here?" She questioned again, sighing.
"Look, I've tried being patient." He replied, looking into Hermione's brown eyes.
"How did you know I lived here?"
"Summer Auror job, you do what you want." He said quickly. "Anyway, I need to know what you and Potter think of me. I can't keep beating myself up, Granger. I need to know. Where's Potter?" He asked, his nostrils flaring.
"Draco, you can't come on that strong!" Ariana reprimanded, but not yelling.
"Sorry," Draco mumbled.
He turned his attention back to Hermione, who was looking Ariana.
"Granger, please help me. I need to know." Draco said drastically.
"Look, Malfoy. I have had too much on my mind for this. I will owl you later. Don't" she stressed the last word, "bother Harry. He's exhausted." She replied.
"Okay. Maybe we can meet up in Diagon Alley?" Ariana suggested.
"Maybe, goodbye." Hermione said kind of rudely. She shut the door quickly and went to owl Fred.
Malfoy and his girlfriend showed up at my house today. I'm so sick of people and this "drama" which is stupid.
We should do something today. Maybe a date, or we can fix up your store a bit. Whatever you want.
Fred's Pov
It was noon, and Fred was sleeping on the couch in his living room. He woke up to a tapping sound on the window. Wasn't he just here with Hermione? She must have left.
He noticed that it was an owl tapping, and wasn't going to answer it until he realized it was Flyer, Hermione's owl.
He stretched, and got up to the window. He opened it and detached the letter, feeding the owl with the food by the Floo Powder on the mantle. Flyer stayed and cuddled by Fred, thinking he'd want to respond.
Fred read slowly, due to his drowsiness, and smiled like an idiot when he noticed the heart Hermione drew by her name.
"What are you so happy about?" Ginny strode into the room, watching her brother with a smile.
"Hey, shut up a sec." He responded, rereading "Freddy" over and over again, thinking it was what George had called him. He didn't care, he knew Mia didn't mean it.
"Hey, don't use that tone with me!" She protested.
"Why were you so happy? Harry?" Fred teased.
"Shut up a sec..." She mimicked flirty eyes and her older brother.
"Hey, don't use that tone with me!" He imitated her.
They both burst out laughing.
After a few laughing-tears were shed, Fred collected an average amount of his "seriousness" and let Flyer out. He picked up his jacket and walked over to the fireplace.
"Where are you going?" Ginny asked.
"Hermione's." He said grabbing Floo Powder.
"In your jammies?" She mimicked their mum.
Fred looked down. He wasn't exactly in his pajamas, but sweatpants he was in last night. He knew Mia wouldn't care. He shrugged at Ginny, who was joined by Harry, and stepped into the fireplace shouting- "Hermione Granger's."
Ginny and Harry watched as he disappeared.
Fred appeared in the small fireplace which was Hermione's. She had her wand pointing at his feet when he peeked down to see her.
"Oh, Fred. You scared me. You could've apparated." Hermione sighed, lowering her arm.
"Were you going to blow me to chunks?" He joked.
"Maybe..." She said swaying on her feet.
"Ha ha, very funny!" Fred got out if the fireplace, saying this. He walked over to his girlfriend, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips.
"So, what do you want to do?" Fred asked her, still keeping his arms wrapped around her waist.
"We can go to Diagon Alley." She started. "Or Hogmeade."
"Diagon Alley." He repeated.
"Okay," she said. "Let us go there, Fredington." She acted super classy, sticking her arm out, like she was going to be ushered.
"Yes we shall, Miss.Granger, dear." He said ushering her to the kitchen, grabbing Hermione's wand and purse for apparating.
They apparated in front of the red bricks, and tapped a few, entering Diagon Alley. Big shops, little shops, booth shops, and candy shops were lined all up the road. You could see Gringotts Bank at the end of the road.
"Do you need money out if the bank?" Hermione asked, holding Fred's hand.
"Yeah, you?"
"No." She responded motioning to her purse on her left arm, with Fred being on her right.
They headed down the busy road, leading to a less busy road, in front of Gringotts. They made a quick trip to Fred's vault, and headed to shops.
They got some school supplies, and some new Quidditch gear for playing at the Weasley's. Soon, after trying to avoid it, they found themselves in front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
Fred's expression immediately when to melancholy. There was no tape surrounding it, but there was still broken glass and windows around the site.
Wizards must not have cared enough, because they totally could've figured out how someone broke in. You couldn't use any spells, only a key could get you in. Fred then remembered that Ginny had left the door unlocked.
"Let's go." Hermione said, pursuing Fred forward.
"Accio joke shop key!" Fred called, sticking out the hand nobody was holding.
They key immediately zoomed to Fred's hand and he unlocked the door.
Hermione stepped in first. It seemed worse now than it did before.
Puking Pastilles, Nosebleed Nougats, and other candies of that type lay scattered on the ground. There was broken, probably stepped on, products. The stairs leading the the second level had broken a broken railing, and was missing rods that went up with each step. Holes in the walls, stairs, floor, broken containers, shelves, and products was the main thing. There were still destroyed light fixtures, and crumpled paper, and ceiling panels. The cash register was, like earlier, gone.
"Fred... It's..." Hermione said, stepping on broken plastic, which probably came from the Puking Pastilles bin.
"I hate it." He managed to say. "One of the last things I had left, gone."
Hermione and Fred kept looking around for clues, to lead them to the possible culprit. The Ministry was going to do anything.
Hermione had her wand, and made the room light up.
"Reparo." She said, aiming her wand in different spots. She was looking under the rubble for clues, and for clean up.
Fred noticed her technique, and did the same.
"Reparo, reparo, reparo." The were chanting together.
Hermione had half of one room upstairs done, and Fred had him office done.
"Mia," he yelled up to her.
"Yeah?" She responded after a small pause.
"I'm hungry!" Hermione could just imagine him smirking. Typical Fred!
"We can go to The Leaky Cauldron or the new steak shop by the Quidditch shop." Hermione remembered them putting that in.
"Oooh, steak." Hermione heard Fred say as she descended the stairs.
Fred was smiling at her, as he waited at the bottom of the steps.
"What?" She asked, noticing his face.
"I remember when you went to the Yule Ball. So beautiful, so young. That's when I realized I liked you, Mia." He reminded her.
"First, I wasn't that young. And second, awww so sweet." She said.
They left the store, making sure he locked it and 'alohamora' wouldn't work.
After that, Fred and Hermione walked hand in hand down the streets of Diagon Alley, to the new steak shop, Davino's Steak.
He and Hermione got a table, after waiting about ten minutes. They ordered steak, and waited.
"So, Fred, when are we going to fix your shop up?" Hermione asked, sipping her firewhiskey that burned her throat.
"We?" Fred chuckled. "Mia, no offense, but you? You would hate it. I don't want you working for me." He stated simply.
"Fred," she whined.
"Mia," he mocked.
"I helped defeat the most evil wizard of all time, and you don't want me to help you work?" Hermione enraged. "I'm trying to help you."
"Mia, I said no." He shook his head.
"At least let me help clean it up, fix it." She said.
"Fine!" He said defeated.
The steak came to their table, and they dug in. They loved the taste, and ate it while making plans on when and how they were going to clean the shop.
"Your table is ready." Said a waitress behind Hermione. Fred and Hermione looked up, surprised at the voice so close. Sitting in the booth diagonal from them- Ron and Padma Patil.
"Please don't notice us, please don't notice us." Hermione whispered to herself.
"Mia, I don't see why... Parvati?" He said.
"That's Padma, but why is he here with her? They haven't talked since fourth year, or since I can remember." Hermione felt a slight pang in her chest.
Fred noticed Hermione jolt a little, which made him feel angry. Was she jealous?
"Mia, I'm going to kill him!" Fred started to stand, getting very angry.
"Fred, sit down!" Hermione snapped. "We don't need to go looking for trouble. It's just my ex. I'm with you now."
Fred slowly sat back down, not taking his eyes off of Ron, who hadn't noticed his brother and ex girlfriend. He laughed with Padma, and they ordered quickly.
"Let's go." Fred suggested, after taking his eyes off of Ron long enough to pay the check.
"Okay," Hermione said quickly, so Fred couldn't complain.
They strode past the couple, before they could notice. Right before Hermione and Fred stepped out the door, the door opened and Draco Malfoy and Ariana appeared in the doorway.
"We meet again." Malfoy sighed.
"Get out of the way you git." Fred spat.
"Fred!" Hermione put a hand on his chest. "He's in a bad mood, is all." She addressed the two.
"Ah, Weasley's and their temper." Malfoy chuckled. "Anyway, Granger, have you talked to Pot- Ha-Harry yet?" His face showed slight interest. His eyes showed desperation and emptiness.
"No, Malfoy. I'll have to owl you. I'll try my best to do it as soon as possible. Just remember, you affected us strongly, and it will take thinking. I have other priorities that I need to sort out, too." And with that, she walked past Malfoy and Ariana, and to a bench outside the shop.
"Mia," Fred whispered, snuggling up with her. "I love you." He said.
She looked up into his shiny blue orbs. That was random, sweet, but random. "Is this because you're afraid of losing me to Ron? I don't want you getting jealous, or rush somethings."
He seemed to think for a minute. "Mia, I don't think I'm rushing this. It's been.." Fred began counting on his fingers, "five and a half years now." She let out a little laugh. "I don't feel rushed, Mia. I love you."
She smiled, in awe at his explanation. "In that case," she pecked his lips "I love you, too."
They sat there, Hermione's head on Fred's shoulder, hand in hand, for almost an hour, and Fred apparted them to the Burrow.
"Hey. Did you guys have a nice lunch?" Ron asked, leaning up against the kitchen doorway, like he's been waiting for them.
Hermione's gaze went up to Fred's face, and he was raged.
Oh great, she thought.
Hermione tried to stop him, but Fred launched himself at Ron, and Ron wrestled back.
"Fred! Ron! Stop it!" Hermione shouted. "Stop!"

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