Hitsugaya Clan (Naruto)

By Amber96Anime

169K 3.9K 496

[A/N: Yes, the name "Toshiro Hitsugaya" is from Bleach. I liked the name. So I'm using it] The New Cover was... More

Notice Board
Path of the Hitsugaya
Ch.1 Daughter of Destiny
Ch.2 Hidden Leaf - Kakashi Hatake
Ch.3 Haunted Memories
Ch.4 Forged Bonds
Ch.5 Either Do or Die - Part 1
Ch.6 Either Do or Die - Part 2
Ch.7 Survival of the Fittest
Ch.8 Team 7 [Editing in Progress]
Ch.8-A (Filler Chapter)
Ch.9 All for one
Ch.10 Fly or Fall
Ch.11 Abled and Strong
Ch.12 Interchanged Thoughts (1/2 Filler Chapter)
Ch.13 Power and Control
Ch.14 Consumed and Discarded
Ch.15 Chained and Set Free
Ch.16 Secrets and Lies
Ch.17 Trials and Tribulations Part 1 & 2
Ch.18 Chunin Exams Written
Ch.19 Area 44 - Forest of Death
Ch.20 Boom & Bye-Bye
Ch.21 Integrity and Honor
Ch.22 Traps and the Tower
Ch.23 Preliminaries
Ch.24 Rookie's Battle - Part 1
Ch.25 Rookie's Battle - Part 2
Ch.26 Rookie's Battle - Part 3
Ch.27 Rookie's Battle - Part 4
Ch.28 Rookie's Battle - Part 5
Ch.30 Rookie's Battle - Part 7
Ch.31 Rookie's Battle - Part 8 (Final)
Ch.32 Better run.....don't forget your wallet
Ch.33 Enter Jiraiya the Toad Sage
Ch.34 Training? If you say so....
Ch.35 Preparation and Division
Ch.36 Teach and Learn
Ch.37 Aim High, Keep Low
Ch.38 Hang and Ride
Ch.39 Ties that Bind
Ch.40 Final Round - Part 1
Ch.41 Final Round - Part 2
Ch.42 Final Round - Part 3
[RE-POSTED] Ch.43 Final Round - Part 4 (Final)
A Special Segment from Toshiro #1
HC - Story Status & Updates Forum

Ch.29 Rookie's Battle - Part 6

2.3K 57 9
By Amber96Anime

Toshiro's POV 

Lee ran at Gaara and did leaf hurricane which was absorbed by the Sand pouring from his gourd, course Lee pulled back just in time before the blow hit him

Gaara didn't move an inch as the sand returned to its proper place.

"Is that?" Ino asked

"Sand?" Sakura finished

I rolled my eyes now standing next to Sakura

"No, its mud" I muttered sarcastically

she turned to me

"Hmm......we can't all be as smart as you Toshiro" Sakura muttered back

I smriked

"You think I'm smart?" I muttered

"Well you're definitally not as much of an Idiot as Naruto" Sakura stated

"He's a freakin Sand ninja, of course he'd use sand.....just like the Sound ninja's use sound attacks.....its in the name I'd think it'd be quite obvious" I stated

She glared

I smirked

Hey I said we could tollorate each other I never said we became best friends, I still think she's annoying and she probably thinks I'm insane....which I am. Its a mutual understanding I suppose.....

Lee went at Gaara again but same as before Gaara never moved an inch from his position as the sand deflected every attack without any effort multiple times in a row

He's strong.....Gaara's gotta be one of the strongest people I know

Obviously he's not gonna get a hit on the guy any time soon.....I'm starting to wonder about his chances of winning, even though I like the guy and he's a strong fighter its as Kankuro said before.....he can't beat him and I don't think he ever will.

But that doesn't mean I can't hope he'll win or else I'd be like Neji and his Conceded Jack-Ass-ness will rub off on me

I mentally shudder at the thought

Lee pulled out a Kunai and began to cut at the sand

In my mind I find that rather useless and a waste of energy.......lets put it this way, cutting at sand is like cutting at water.....it'll go through the substance but won't make any actual damage so it kinda takes up extra movement you may not always be able to afford

Lee continued his seemingly vain efforts to attack Gaara directly with his kicks and punches.......then the sand started to go after him as if it was alive

I shuddered

*Glad I don't have to fight him* I stated

Lee jumped into the air and threw Shurdiken at him only for it to be deflected per the now usual

"Lee's attacks have no effect" Sakura sated

"Gaara........He's seriously strong" I whispered

Sakura glanced at me worridly

I took a breath

"What's the deal?" Naruto stated

"No physical strike will have any affect on him, the sand sheilds and protects him of its own accord" Kankuro stated

My eyes widened and I gawked at him in a "seriously?" manor

He seemed to pickup on it and nodded

"Yeah seriously, but don't ask any of us how or why that started happening......all we know is that because of it he remains undefeated" kankuro stated

I nodded

"Is that it? entertain me a bit more....there's not enough yet......Blood!" Gaara stated

He got this even more crazed look to him and I could feel it from here, I shuddered again

Kankuro smirked

"I see....so you can feel it then?" kankuro asked

I glared at him

"His Blood Thrist" Kankuro stated

I nodded

The sand went at Lee, he jumped to avoid it but the sand caught his leg and stopped his movement swinging him around in the air like a rag doll and slamming him into the wall under us

My eyes went wide and I winced as if I felt his pain with him

*Hang in there Lee.....* I called

*D-Don't worry about me.....Hehe......I'm fine* Lee stated

I sighed

He ran at Gaara again dodging another sand attack and was blocked again......the entire time Gaara never moved an inch in any direction with his arms crossed and expressionless features like a statue.....not even a smirk.....though it was slightly obvious he was itching to see blood he didn't show it at all......

Why's he using the same methods over and over again when its obvious they're not going to work? why doesn't he use other techniques? why doesn't he try and use a jutsu....something.....anything! at this rate he really will be killed

Sakura then spoke my thoughts

"Why is Lee only using Taijutsu? he'll never be able to get close enough for that, why doesn't he step back a bit and use Ninjutsu or something?" Sakura asked

"Its not that he doesn't use it.....he can't use it" Guy stated

My eyes widen and I gawked at him

*What? seriously? he never said that.....no wonder he's using the same freakin moves over and over......that's all he can do!* I stated surprised

"Lee has almost no Ninjutsu or Genjutsu skills" Guy stated

"N-No way" Sakura stated

"When I first met Lee he was completely inept, he had no talent whatsoever" Guy stated

"I don't believe it" Sakura stated

Lee then did backflipps as the sand chased after him.....that is until he tripped over the sand Haha kinda watching from up here

For a second it looked as if the sand swalloed him whole that is until Guy chuckled and we all looked up to see him spinning like a ball in the air as he landed on top of the hands doing a jutsu sign statue or whatever it was called

"Certainly a ninja who can't do Ninjutsu or Genjutsu is rare....that's why the only paths open to Lee as a ninja were Taijutsu.....but that's percicely what makes him a winner....." Guy stated

I smirked

"Lee! Take them off!!" Guy yelled

'I raised an eyebrow

Take what off?........Oh......a realization hit me........is Lee wearing weights?

"B-But Guy sensei, you told me to only do that to protect a large group of very importaint people" Lee stated

"That's quite alright, I give you permission" Guy stated

he had a thubs up

Lee was laughing and he then revealed the weiths that werre holding him back as the others flipped out

I chuckled

*So...he's been holding out on us this whole time* I stated

though i'm no different haha

"I see" Naruto stated

"Ridiculous" Kankuro stated

Hey by the way why was he still next to us? weird.....at least to me it is.....

Anyone else find it weird?


"Alright now I can move easily" Lee stated

He was all happy as he let the weights dropp to the ground below with a huge crash that looked more like an explosion than anything

The look on everyone's faces was priceless Hahahaha

I couldn't help it I bursted out laughing which in turn had everyone gawking at me again

"Go Lee!!" Guy yelled

I smirked

"Right" Lee yelled

he then jumped vanishing into thin air seemingly and reappeared next to Gaara who at this point actually showed an emotion that mixed with confusion, shock and blood lust

He might actually have a chance.

Lee I'm sorry I doubted you......even after all my fuss about having faith in others during Naruto's fight Agh I feel like a bloody Hypocrite.....and I HATE hypocrites......Hell.....

He actually managed to punch through Gaara's sand just barely grazing him in the face before instantly appearing behind him and kicking his sand into thin air as if it never existed

Gaara seemed shocked, his eyes widened and was actually moving or turning rather just to keep his eyes on the speeding green flash.

Lee broke through the sand but quickly pulled back before actually getting a hit on him.....his speed was inhuman and a secind later he just about knocked Gaara on the head with his punch...he missed though

"So close" Sakura stated

I smirked again

*Go Lee!!!* I yelled

That motion kept continuing for a good few minutes

"Because he can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu....he channeled all his time, energy and all his being into Taijutsu..... though he can't do any other jutsu.....he won't loose to anyone....he's a Taijutsu specialist" Guy stated

I could hear the pride in each word he spoke about his student and I couldn't help but smile.....lee really did work his ass off to become this good, his effoert wasn't wasted.

Lee then spun into the air util he came down hard with a kick directly on Gaara's head!!! He got a hit! He got a freakin Hit!!!!

Gaara had blood on his face and he pulled back in shock....everyone in the room was in this state of shock.....especially his team who I suppose never expected this to happen

Lee pulled back all dramatic like and smirked hahaha

"Bushy brows is even faster than before, was he this strong?" naruto stated

*Hell YEAH* I yelled

"Youth is....Explosion!!" Guy yelled while doing his pose and sparkly teeth

Lee had Anime Fire eyes and ran at Gaara again attacking

Gaara blocked but Lee broke through....as he attacked in front then vanished to attack behind and continuing this method until he got a good punch to Gaara's non bleeding cheek and he was sent falling back as he hit the ground

"A-Amazing he's so fast the sheild can't keep up! a direct hit!" Sakura stated

I chuckled

the sand was spillign out of the gourd as he was getting back up to his feet....kinda looking like a zombie doing so in the process Hehe

"Uh-oh..." Kankuro stated

"Hn?" I asked looking at him

"Uh oh is right that black-circles-under-his-eye guy is taking serious blows" naruto stated

*His name is Gaara* I stated

"That's not what I meant" kankuro stated

then the strangest thing that I've seen from Gaara so far was the fact his skin was cracking and falling to the ground his face now looked like that of a crazed mad-man that was about to do something insane anf kill someone....

I felt the demon inside begin to stir once again.....much like the fight with Zabuza.....and It doesn't feel good, its like I'm gonna be sick and everything gets hazy....Salana started to talk but didn't make sense to me

"That boy.......Shukaku.......Blood......Demons......" Salana stated 

*What are you saying?* I asked

no reply

*Salana?* I asked again

"Toshiro....no matter what happens don't fight that boy....for he is no longer in control of himself, its the demon who takes reign over his mind, body and spirit.....a true monster" Salana stated 

Shaking the thoughts from my mind and feeling from my body

Alright don't freak.....don't freak......don't freak.....

*Naruto...I'm freaking out here* I stated

He put his hand over mine on the railing

*It'll be fine, no problem.....Lee can take care of himself* Naruto stated unsure of himself

I took a breath to calm my nerves as it began to get heavy

*Thanks* I stated

Naruto nodded

Kakashi seemed to of also sensed my distress and placed a hand on my shoulder

I turned to face him who seemed concerned

"Naruto mind if I speak privatly with her for a moment?" kakashi asked with his signiture closed eyed smile

Naruto was confused but nodded

I gave a wary glance before I allowed him to pull me to the back and off to the side out of everyone's earshot then transported us behind the wall which had a window to see through so we could still see the fighting.

Kakashi then took me by the shoulders and bent down to look me in the eye'

My breathing was still heavy and it was like the room was spinning

"Toshiro......" Kakashi stated

I couldn't hear him very well....it was like his voice was going mute and only caught the begining of what he was saying

I knew I was starting to space out.....I could feel it.....this wasn't one of my usual time's I zone everything out.....it was.....different.....

He shook me slightly trying to get my thoughts back in order

"Toshiro....." Kakashi called again

Looking him in the eyes my legs gave out and I slumped to the ground, I'm sure I was shaking

He kept his grip on me which slowed the motion and we were both on the ground, him placing a hand on my forehead which was now beginning to sweat and he lay be back

For some reason I was feeling drained.....I didn't move or speak and it was even harder to think

Damn Shukakau....that demon is making Salana go crazy......and not in the usual way, because it usually doens't effect me to this extent......

What the hell's wrong? ....... Salana?

I closed my eyes feeling extremely tired now but I was shaken awake again to see a now extemely concerned Kakashi hovering over me

"Toshiro" Kakashi called again his voice now very audible to me 

"Kakashi?" I stated

"Hey.....Toshiro....what's wrong? what's happening?" Kakashi asked

I shook my head

"Its......nothing........" I tried to say but he didn't believe me

"Toshiro, you're in no condition to be lying to me.....the truth. Am I going to have to call Medics?" Kakashi stated

I shook my head

"No...medics......they couldn't do anything for me anyways" I stated

"Why not? what's going on?" Kakashi asked again

I shook my head

"I can't...." I stated

"C'mon Toshiro.....talk to me.....I can help believe it or not but........I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" Kakashi stated

I was trying to stay firm against it but the sincerity in his voice just broke through the defensive wall I placed and I caved.....

I bit my lip

"It's.......its not serious.....I just won't be feeling well for a while......." I stated

"Alright....how do you know?" Kakashi asked

I avoided eye contact

"Has this happened before?" Kakashi asked

I nodded

"Alright....that's a start.....when?" kakashi asked

I was thoughtful for a moment thinking back on the past

"When I was 9 years old......."  I admitted

He seemed more worried than before

"And what did you do about it?" Kakashi stated

I shrugged

"Nothing......just wait for it to pass....I'll be fine.......I told you.......I can take it, this pain doesn't even compare to others" I stated

I cringed at the sudden pain that filled my body and let out an unwanted cry as tears ran down my face

Kakashi pulled me into a hug which reminded me of my father and sent my mind into a flashback of things I'd rather not remember....


It was around one of the many times the demon came to attack our village.....and once again I was being shunned in the aftermath of everything.

The demon within had begun to stir....

I felt sick, though in reality there was nothing wrong with me physically.......but my mental stability could be questioned.....

the feeling of being weak and helpless didn't help the exhaustion that had over come me......its like I'm dying but I'm not...and it sucks....I don't recomment this feeling

course those who saw me in this state scoffed in disgust and left me for dead, while others threw rocks at my face.......the rare occasion someone took pity on me and called for my Father and he came rushing to help as he would pick me up and cradle me is his strong embrace....

As if the rest didn't matter and all that existed was Mother, Father and I.....which i didn't mind since my burning hatered for the ones who hurt me only grew by bthe day though he'd tell me the same thing every night

"Forgive them Toshiro....they know not what they do" Father stated

I didn't understand him back then but I never complained or talked back to him allowing myself to fall back into the bliss that was Darkness

Kakashi's POV 

During the fight with Gaara something seemed off about Toshiro and she started acting weird, when I brought her into the next room she got even worse.....when I tried to talk to her about it she tried to shrugg it off.....after I finally got through to her she told me this was nothing and that its happened before when she was 9! what causes something like this to happen when your 9? and even now for that matter. What did she mean this pain doesn't compare to others? has she been in pain before? when? why? I don't understand her.

There's already so much about her that's a mystery to me.....who she really is, where she comes from, who her parents are, how she's able to do such high level advanced techniques that haven't been seen let alone used in the last I don't know how many years!

She acts tough outside all smiles and running off with Naruto....

Then when she's alone at home she has nightmares and half the time screams and cries herself to sleep.....only then have I seen true fear from her. When we were in the Land of Waves something was off about her then too but I didn't push it seeing as how she was in bad condition afterwards....even on the trip back to the village something strange happened but she managed to shrug it off as if nothing had happened.

Toshiro does the strangest things.....like the night after we got home from that C ranked mission and she said "Thanks for taking me back" ..... what the hell did that even mean? why wouldn't I of taken her back? I already know she's hiding something from me and everyone else but is it really so bad that she feels like if I find out I'll kick her out and disown her like I was her parent or something?

I sighed

Looking down at the girl sleeping in my arms, I can't help but tighten my grip on her......she acts tough but moments like this she looks so vulnerable......it probably scares her, the thought of being seen as weak and helpless but I know she's not but she's still just a kid and kids shouldn't have to carry any burden....... no matter how mature she acts she's only 13.....she has seemingly no home or family outside of what was created during her stay with us.

I know I'm not her actual father but having been taking care of her for this long no matter the shortness of the time span I've actually grown rather fond of the girl......sometimes I forget she was just a girl I found half dead outside the village gates who was placed in my care, it just seems so natural for her to be hare as if she was born and raised here.

 I can't tell if Toshiro's scared as hell or as carefree as me

She turned slightly, her head bury-ing itself into my chest and her hands clutching my arm, her eyes were narrowed as well.....

Is she having another nightmare?......I ran my hand through her long dark hair and sighed again

"Toshiro......." I stated in a light attemp to wake her up again

As usual she didn't budge the first time I tried so I tried again

"Toshiro.....if I let you sleep the whole time you'll miss your match when it comes" I stated

She groaned

Well at least she's awake enough to respond

She shook her head

"I don't care.....I don't want to move" Toshiro stated

"Does it still hurt?" I asked

"No....I told you it'll go away" Toshiro stated

She sat up and looked at me, her tears dried and she's not shaking anymore which is a good sign but she looked so tired and worn out it almost made my heart sink

She tried to stand up too fast and toppled over, I quickly stood and caught her then she looked out the window

That Gaara kid and Lee were still fighting.....Toshiro was only out for a minute or so in reality so she really didn't miss much

"Kakashi?" Toshiro asked

I glanced at her who was still holding herself up by leaning on me

"Yeah?" I asked

She took a breath

"Uh...I......Thanks......for staying with me........sorry" Toshiro stated

I smiled as I pulled her into a tighter hug, she didn't resist which I took as a she doesn't mind or she was still too tired to put up a fight

"Don't apologize for things you can't control" I stated

Her eyes widened and she looked back up at me with a half smile

"yeah" Toshiro whispered

I sighed

"You alright enough to stay?' I asked

She nodded

"I'll be fine......really" Toshiro stated

"If this happens again I don't care what's going on or where you are you come find me and tell me if somethings wrong alright?" I asked

She seemed surprised by this but didn't complain

"Has the role of being a Foster parent gotten to you already?" Toshiro taunted

I smirked and messed up her hair

"As if" I stated

She laughed and basically dragged me back into the other room with her, then returning to her "rightful" spot next to Naruto who then began to fill her in on what she missed

Honestly......what am I going to do with that girl?

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