A Friend of Another Friend

By bb2410

33.3K 1.4K 483

Misty Louise Paul has lived most of her childhood immersed in her studies and her favorite pass time...puzzle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Fifty-One

244 13 9
By bb2410


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here on the red carpet of the annual 61st Grammys! I'm here with acclaimed artist Misty who has been nominated for 2 Grammy's. Misty how does it feel, your first time here at the Grammy's?" The interviewer's voice rung through the speakers of the Zeta house.

Everyone and I mean everyone in the Zeta house including the Sigma frat were here to support Misty as she was nominated for two Grammy's. The living room was packed to the brim with people, obviously, we wanted Misty to win and rightfully so, this past couple of months her fame has sky-rocketed along with the release of her album: Broke in One Piece.

Her music was all over the radios and her music videos were plagued with hundreds of millions of views. People were dubbing her the next big thing. Her music style was so unique and refreshing to see in this new age of music. Misty's music catered to the younger generation, the present, and the older generation.

"Oh my God! I am so honored to be here surrounded by incredible artists and musicians. It's truly a blessing." Misty's voice rung throughout the room.

Some of the girls cheered.

The interviewer laughed, "That's amazing by the way, who are you wearing. You look absolutely stunning." He said as he looked down at her attire.

Misty did look stunning and I wasn't just saying that over the course of the few months she's been working, physically she has gotten prettier. Maybe it's the intense training sessions she told us she goes through in order to stay in shape for performances that have her looking the way she does. Or the fact that she had a hired stylist that took care of her wardrobe that had her looking like a million bucks whenever she was around here long enough.

Her hair and makeup were done to perfection, she was wearing a flattering red dress that reminded me heavily of how young R&B artists in the 90s use to dress. It was elegant and slim, fitting with a high slit that accentuated her long legs and sparkling mocha-colored skin. She looked naturally beautiful, there was no denying that.

"Oh? This is Valentino." She spun around and the interviewer whistled, "Are you excited to be performing tonight?" He asked.

She laughed, "I'm a little nervous, but I am really excited to perform my songs for everyone." She said.

Someone whispered in Misty's ear and was starting to pull her away from the interview, but the interviewer asked to get one more question to which, the assistant, I think obliged.

"Your album has been certified-diamond for the past couple of weeks now. A great accomplishment for a freshman album. Who do you owe your immense success and inspiration to?" He asked her seriously.

Misty thought for a moment, the room waited and held their breaths for her answer. "I owe my success to my management team, my manager, my amazing choreographer and best-friend Chrishell, my lovely assistant that keeps me on top of things, my label for allowing me the freedom to create and manage my own music." She smiled softly, but she wasn't finished.

"I'd also owe my inspiration to my family for always being there for me, not to mention my dope Zeta sisters who I hope are watching right now!" She cheered. The room of Zeta girls cheered and hi-fived each other as they continued watching on eagerly.

Misty had to step down as president due to her conflicting schedules. She just wasn't able to manage being a president of a successful sorority organization while managing school and her career. It was noble of her to realize this and give the position to Alex, who Misty thought was the rightful president anyway. She's handling it well along with Emma-Mae who was the newly elected vice-president. 

"Finally, I have to thank the one who has my heart. Who's been there for me at my hardest time, guiding and pushing me to be better than I was before." She blushed.

My heart clenched.

Because I knew it wasn't me.

The interviewer perked up, "Mind explaining further...perhaps letting us know if you have your eye on anyone in particular?" He pried.

Misty smirked, "Maybe another time." She waved lightly as her assistant ushered her out of the frame.

"THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" Tessly jumped up and down in excitement for Misty's sly exit.

Alex growled over at Tessly, "She's my best friend too!" She reminded her.

Tessly laughed, "I know Alex, damn...jealous much?" She teased her with the nudge of her elbow.

Ron nudged me and I turned around abandoning the television screen for a moment.

"She's doing amazing." I knew he was referring to Misty and I nodded in agreement.

"More than amazing." It was a bit shocking to see Misty transform from the shy introverted college-girl that I met at the Sigma house to this full-blown out R&B star. But I had to say I have never felt further apart from her than I did right now. It was almost as if I were looking at a stranger on the television and not the woman I used to call my girlfriend and love.

"You alright man?" Ron asked me curiously.

I looked at him seriously, "Are you?" I asked him.

He arched his eyebrow in confusion, "Why wouldn't I be?" He replied.

I shrugged and turned back to the television where the award show was seconds from starting.

"I don't maybe because Chrishell has been here for a couple of weeks." I reminded him.

Ron sighed, "Man she's out in L.A. helping Misty with her choreography. She's at the awards with her." He said.

I quickly turned back to her, "But don't you miss her?" I asked him.

Ron frowned, "Of course I do! But that doesn't give me a right to hold her back from doing what she loves. Chrishell loves dancing, she wants to do it for the rest of her life. This can be her time to shine and showcase her talent. I couldn't forgive myself if I stopped her from doing that." He said.

I took a deep breath and turned to the screen. Why was it so easy for guys like to Ron to easily let their girlfriends go running around? 

Now that I was dating Michelle, I feel as if I had become super over-protective of her, not because I feared for her safety, but more as if she would just up and leave me just like Misty had when she caught me with Sara back in our sophomore year.

Michelle was sitting on the floor by some of the other Zeta girls she was friends with. She was a sophomore. I met her when the Zeta's were rushing again. We ran into each other and got to talking. We had a lot of things in common, she was Italian like me and such, she was also pretty smart she was a nuclear-engineering major. There was nothing artificial about her, she was a normal girl with dark brunette hair, matching eyes, and an adorable laugh that made me smile sometimes.

She lived her in the Zeta house after she was accepted in the late Spring of the previous semester and has been loving it here.

I wasn't the only one who had found new love Chase had finally got his rut over Tessly and started dating this chick named Amanda. She was on the cheerleading team, so we barely saw her. She was actually at a competition in Miami right now, which was why she wasn't sitting by Chase. She was a pretty platinum blonde with deep blue eyes and a perky personality. Chase seemed to like her and I didn't feel like pestering him about how he was actually doing with her, it wasn't my business.

Alex and Wes finally divulged their relationship which we all knew they were carrying in secret. After a while, you begin to catch on to a couple of things and that was one of them. They were still going strong together and looked very much in love with one another.

Tess was still single, or just leading us to believe that she was. I've been noticing how Asher and she have been interacting and it's clear something is going on, but she's just not letting anyone into that personal aspect of her life and I respect that.

Everyone continued watching the awards show, people performed, some awards were given. Then the category that Misty received one of her nominations came up. The announcer brought up the names of the people also nominated for the category as they panned over the artists sitting modestly in their seats. The camera panned over to Misty for a brief second, Chrishell was beside her holding her hand tightly. I think she looked more nervous than Misty was at that moment.

"And the winner for Best R&B song is...." Everyone held their breaths as they waited.

"End of the Road, Misty!!!" The presenters shouted.

The entire room shook with screams of surprise and happiness. The camera pulled to Misty who was hugging Chrishell tightly as well as the people that were sitting beside her. Her mouth was open and agape in surprise. She quickly walked over to the stage and up the stairs to claim her award.

It was a pretty big award to win. A Grammy? And on her first try?

I was proud of her.

Misty walked across the stage and accepted her award. She sent a heartfelt message and thanked her fans and families before exiting the stage left. A few more awards later, Misty was performing her song End of the Road. She changed into a glittering attire that lit up her body and face, she looked so natural up on stage. It started off slow since the song was slow-paced and then soon enough it switched to a faster upbeat tempo for her newer hit song: Miss Me with It

"You got me thinking

Got me singing like

Oh, baby I'm on new shit

Take a pic I think I better like this

I bet you miss me right now

Too bad I got a new man

Oh, I'm a trending topic

Mad fans

Got these hips moving like a

Broke rocket

Try to keep up with me if you can!" Her voice filled the entire room in a clean melodic tone. Her voice always sent chills down my spine it was so beautiful. She sounded crazy good singing live, not to mention the beat of the song was complete fire. The entire crowd at the Grammys were already up and dancing hearing the familiar tune that had been circulating the radio for a few days now. It was a hit after all.

"I bet you miss me right now

You're sitting on the couch

Watching me up on this screen

Oh, I bet you miss me right now

But I ain't got nothing left to say-hey!" She continued to sing, she hadn't even lost her breath once as she danced across the stage and let me tell you she was moving. The background dancers were in full tow and she was keeping up with them like it was nobody's business. She was so good at dancing, the energy, and the unique style she had captivated the audience and made them never want to look away.

When she was finished she was given a standing ovation, she thanked everyone and headed off the stage. Some of the Zeta girls who had gotten up to dance were now out of breath from all the jumping they were doing and walked away momentarily to catch their breaths. An award for Best Rock Song went to Lazaro and I hadn't realized he was there until I saw him going up on the stage to claim his award. I paid no mind to him and continued watching the show as if he had never appeared.

Later into the program, it was up to the biggest award of the night Album of the Year. Misty was nominated for this one as well, I wasn't sure if she was going to win because there were also some really good artists up for this award as well, but we could hope.

"And the award for Album of the Year goes to......Misty Broken in One Piece!"

To say she was shocked would be an understatement, she looked frozen in her seat for a moment before she slowly got up walked over to the stage with her hands covering her mouth in shock. She thanked the presenters and took her Grammy taking a couple of pauses to collect herself.

Everyone in the room was ecstatic and happy for her.

"Oh my God! I am so overwhelmed right now!" There were tears in her eyes. "I can't tell you how much this means to me. I spent a tireless amount of time getting this album just right and I want everyone to know it came from the heart. All my struggles growing up as a child to the woman I've become now was poured into that. Again, I just want to thank my management team for helping me along the way. All my close friends who inspired me to keep this up. Thank you so much! Thank you!" She waved and walked off the stage holding her new trophy.

"She did it!" Alex cheered and Tessly joined with her happily.

They were true friends supporting her through everything.

That still didn't stop the feelings of loss that I felt that now she had entered a different stratosphere of her life.

I will forever be locked in her past, someone to be forgotten.



I did it!

I fucking did it!

I won two Grammys!

I don't think I had words to express the feeling I was having right now. It made all those late nights, long practices, having to juggle school and all of this worth it. Celebrities that I only see on magazines and televisions came up to congratulate me on my win. Tons of pictures were taken of me holding my two Grammys in my arms and it all just felt like a dream.

Once I was done being ambushed by paparazzi and interviewers, I headed home with Chrishell in tow. I decided I wanted to skip the after-party since I already went to the pre-party. I just wanted to enjoy my win with my close family members that traveled all the way here to support me regardless of my win or not.

My phone buzzed and I looked down with a wide smile never leaving my face.

I'm coming through in about an hour. My manager is making me stay for more interviews -L.

I replied quickly to Lazaro that it was fine and that we would see each other when we could. I was happy that he also won an award for his song: Mystery. I've never seen him so happy in my life. If I thought I was at a loss for words, then I don't know about Larz. I had to be the proudest girlfriend in the world.

Unfortunately for the both of us, we couldn't go together. We were still together, but it was kept so hush-hush paparazzi had absolutely no idea of us even being anything than the two that did a song together a year back. It was an executive decision made by both our management because they wanted the fans to not get hung up on only the relationship aspect of our lives, but our music. We could reveal to the public in the future if we so choose to, but as for now, we had to play it cool.

It was hard at times because part of me wanted to run over to where Larz was sitting and tackle him with hugs and kisses as soon as he won and I know he felt the same about me, but I guess we could save that for later or something.

Back at my mother's Malibu mansion, I was greeted by the screams and hollers of my family members. I was surprised my mother let some of them stay here for Grammy weekend. But it was nice having this huge house actually be filled with people rather than just my mother, Maria, and I. Tanya, Uncle Joe, Aunt. Jacqueline and Jules were also here, I greeted them first with tight hugs and kisses.

"Bitch! You ain't just get one Grammy...you got two!!!" Tanya shouted.

Aunt Jackie bopped her upside her head, "Watch your mouth, Tanya!" She warned her.

I laughed.

I took a look at the place and found it filled with golden balloons and decorations. As a matter of fact, there was a lot of food prepared and everything. This was so nice of everyone to do for me.

"What would you guys have done if I lost?" I asked them.

"I guess we'll never know." Jules laughed mischievously.

I rolled my eyes and dismissed myself momentarily so I can switch into something more comfortable. Chrishell followed me to my room so she could change as well, she was exhausted but did an amazing job of choreographing everything from my music videos to my performance on the stage tonight. I don't think I could ever thank her for getting me comfortable in my own skin to let loose and let the music move me.

Thanks to her amazing dancing skills, she was now being hunted down by major celebrities to choreograph their routines for performances. I was glad she was doing well for herself, but I could tell she was missing Indiana and Ron which was why after today she was going back. I was gonna miss her, but she still had to attend school and what not.

"I've never felt that big of an adrenaline rush in my life like that, Mist!" She gushed as she began stripping off her attire for something more suitable. She settled for a pair of distressed jeans, boots, and a cute top.

I looked inside my closet now filled with designer clothing courtesy of my stylist Shirley. She stocked my closet or at times took me shopping at high-end stores for clothing that flattered me and made me look "R&B star" worthy.

I decided on a logo Chanel white shirt and tucked that into my Givenchy leather skirt and threw on some clumpy black Gianvito Rossi heels to complete the look. I did a full spin around to see how I looked and decided to put my hair in a half up-half down look before deciding I was dressed enough.

"How do I look?" I asked Chrishell.

Chrishell turned to look at me and smiled. "Slamming girl!" She sighed for a moment her face slightly softening as she did that. "I can't believe you're a big-time celebrity Misty...you've come so far. I'm really proud to have you as a friend." She said seriously tears brimming her eyes.

Tears began forming in my eyes as well as I walked over to give her a tight hug. "Thanks for being there for me," I whispered to her.

"Anytime, Sierra-Mist." She joked.

We let go of each other and decided we were going to devour the homemade food downstairs before it was gone. I grabbed my phone and headed down to join my family in celebrating my career success. It was a great party, laid-back and filled with love. My mother joined after a while from returning from the corporate office of Diwali Records, she told me she watched and the team was happy to see another artist shining under their name.

I guess that was close enough to her saying she was proud of me.

As I waited for Lazaro to arrive since he texted me that he was on his way, I got another text from my father.

I hadn't seen him since that first time with my mother months back, I just got too busy but I did find time to shoot him a couple of texts. Those few times he tried scheduling lunches and dinners with me, but I almost always had to cancel due to my hectic schedule. He congratulated me on my win and said he had been watching the award show as well which made me a bit happy, but I was not as connected to my father as I initially had wanted to be. I was hoping now that I had released a fresh new song, had my Grammys I could take a little bit of a break, slow down and enjoy life a bit.

Maybe that meant meeting with my father.

Lunch maybe? He texted back.

I pursed my lips and typed back a response.

How about this week before I head to back Indiana?

He quickly responded back that he would love to do that and we settled a date and time that didn't mess with his surgery schedule since he was still a practicing physician. I had plans to bring my mother with me, but she had no idea yet.

We had gotten pretty close these couple months of I've been in the house and L.A. I guess you can say she got "used" to me and my presence. She was a lot more tolerable when we shared the same interest such as music. She's been on my back lately though about going on tour, but I think I'm going to push that back so I can get some rest and recollect myself.

"Already bored of your Grammys?" A familiar voice said behind me.

I turned already grinning from ear to ear knowing who it was.

I wrapped my arms around Larz's neck and it was only a matter of seconds before our lips found each other's. I missed him, we almost always had clashing schedules so I could only see him a lot less than I did when I initially started this singing career. But it was always an amazing feeling whenever we got together again.

Sparks always flew around us and time stood still making our time together even more precious than it already was.

"Congratulations," I muttered against his lips.

He smirked, "I could say the same to you miss album of the year." He teased me.

I giggled, "I guess I'm way to A-list for you now Larz, I'm gonna have to kick you to the curb." I said messing with him.

He pretended to be hurt and held his heart, "Me? How could you?" He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

We hung out some more with my family before Larz pulled me away from everyone.

"Let's take a walk on the beach, beautiful." He suggested.

I agreed with him, it was getting hot in the house with all the talking, shouting, dancing, and eating everyone was doing. I followed Larz out the back patio, and down the stairs to the beautiful beach not too far from where the house laid. It was so beautiful even at night time and completely isolated, it was my mother's own private beach area so no one could walk around here and use it.

I took my heels off as Larz took off his sneakers and we threw them to the side so we could walk on the beach.

"This feels so surreal, you know?" I said as our hands intertwined together.

"I know." He agreed.

A light smirk played on his face as his face was directed towards the sand of the beach. "It felt like just yesterday we were both still working at the coffee shop." He said.

"Sometimes I miss it you know?" I said to him.

He looked over at me and arched his eyebrow, "Really?" He asked.

I nodded, "I made a mean caramel macchiato and the whole neighborhood knew it." I said.

Larz busted out in laughter, his voice echoing along the sounds of the crashing waves. I held to his hand tighter feeling the light chilly wind breeze past us. We walked a little more before we took a seat on a rock perched on the outskirts of the water.

"You're going back to Indy soon, right?" He asked me.

I nodded, "Yeah." I replied.

"How's that going for you?" He asked me curiously.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I feel more at home here, oddly. I always feel like I'm temporarily there and find myself always wanting to come back here. I guess the California life is more my style." I joked but the truth resonated in my voice.

Larz lightly nudged me, "I knew you would like it here." He teased.

I softly smiled, "Why do I feel like you brought me out here for a reason?" I cocked my head to the side gazing at his still figure watching the distant ocean with calmness.

"Maybe because I did." He turned to me slowly matching his cool-steel eyes with my warm brown ones.

He pulled something out of his pocket and my interest instantly peeked.

"Here." He handed me a golden simple ring with a red ruby encrusted in the middle to me.

"Larz..." I said confused.

He chuckled, "I'm not asking you to marry me Misty. I just wanted you to have it. It was my mothers. She gave it to me before the accident even happened." He said.

I looked up at him in shock, "Larz! I can't take this, this was a gift from your mother." I said to him.

He refused to take it back, leaving it in my outstretched hand.

"Yeah, and she told me if I ever found a beautiful lady that I loved with everything inside me and more, give it to her. So that she knows she has a part of my heart always." He told me truthfully.

My heart stopped for a moment.

"You love me?" I asked him.

"You know I do. I always did. I know in my heart I'll love you forever, no matter what happens to us." He said.

My eyes filled with tears again, a lot had been happening to me these few months, a lot of it scared me, but Larz was always the one to calm the storm and bring me back to reality. "You really want me to have this?" I said looking down at the piece of fine jewelry.



He turned to look at me and then took the ring from my palm and grabbed my hand. He placed it on my pointer finger. I almost thought he was gonna put it on my ringer finger. "Why did you put it there?" I asked him.

He smiled, "That's where she usually wore her rings. I never got the chance to ask her why." He replied.

I looked down at the ring that was on my finger and felt a sense of comfort having it on my finger.

"I love it," I said.

Larz smiled and got off his rock to come and stand by me. He placed a warm kiss on my forehead.

"Even if we're far apart we'll always be together, Misty."

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