The Abandoned house(Frerard)

By behindthevampire

6.5K 281 141

Gerard and Mikey are the new kids in town. They meet Ray and tiny mystery boy named Frank. In which Gerard ac... More

The House
"What's so funny?"
Frankie poo
Angels in our mouth
Imaginary numbers
A nightmare on elm street
Somebody else
Dating my adopted brother
Talk my ear off
Bells ringing
The place where we first met

40 year old murderer

984 31 3
By behindthevampire


"Shit!" That's the first thing I hear as I walk up the steps into the new house. I see my mom wearing a pained expression while standing over a box with her hands on her hips. The box had the word "Plates" horribly scribbled into it. (Geez, I need to work on my writing).
"Nice going Donna" I playfully say as I try to pick out the plates that survived from the fall. My mom didn't seem too thrilled to have her 17 year old depressed,anxiety ridden, supposedly "Emo"son call her by her first name but she didn't stick too much on the subject before the doorbell rang.

Are our neighbors already going to bother us since we just moved in this morning? I thought as I walked to open the door. As I passed a mirror that was lying on the floor,I saw my reflection. My jet black shoulder length hair was sticking out all over the place and my skin was as pale as ever, which didn't help hide the fact that I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. When I got to the door I saw my one and only brother Mikey standing there waiting to come inside and help us unpack.

We decided to move closer to the city so we wouldn't be so far away from Mikey. He had gotten a scholarship to go to this boarding music school but since summer just started we get to hang out like we used to. I smiled and gave him a hug. "Hey mikes,how's school?" I greeted
"Hey! It's going pretty good,Kinda stressed though since I have to come up a new bass piece before the summer ends" he replies.
"You got this bro, You wouldn't have gotten a scholarship to go there if you didn't have talent" I reassured him. After our catching up  I decided to go to my room and clean it up because it probably looked like a mess right now but oh well. Teens will be teens.

As I carefully tiptoed around my clothes and comic books that were scattered all across my room. I shuffled through my endless playlist of bands that I oh so loved and settled with Alesana cause c'mon their lyrics are life changing. After about what seemed hours I finally got my room in order I decided to take a break so I sat down to look out the window and take in the view. As the lyrics "If only you could see you're the only girl I've ever dreamed of" came on from A Lunatic's Lament as someone walking down the middle of the street caught my eye. It was a teenage boy.

He seemed about my age which is surprising cause I expected this town to be filled with old boring people that only care about how their grass looks. He had short black ruffled up hair with bangs covering his left eye,he wore a baggy black hoodie over black skinny jeans that were way too tight for him and a pair of red converse that had black shoelaces. I was wearing almost the same exact outfit so I took an interest in him immediately.I also have to admit that I was kinda jealous of his lip piercing and black nails.I felt my heart speed up just by at looking at him. I wonder why? Maybe it's the fact that I'm being a creep and staring at him but I watched him stroll down he street until my window blocked my view.

He seemed deep in thought as he walked. I wonder what was going through his mind or where he was heading but I didn't spend too much time on the thought because they were interrupted by Donna yelling:"DINNER'S READY!" In the loudest voice she could muster out of her little lungs. Which let me tell you is A LOT. As I walked down the flight of stairs I thought to myself "I'll go out for a walk tomorrow to explore the town and try to look for that mystery boy.

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