Fifth Harmony Imagines

By CMH727

35.7K 1.2K 588

Imagines about Fifth Harmony. More

The Hotel Room.
The Hotel Room. (Pt. 2)
The Assistant.
Breaking Up Is Hard.
Straight Outta Compton. (Pt. 2)
Finding Out.
Finding Out (Pt. 2)
i'm taking requests!!
Finding Out (Pt. 3)
Trouble. (Pt. 2)
Finding Out. (Pt.4)
Happy Thanksgiving
Trouble at Thanksgiving
Trouble (Pt. 4)
Trouble (Pt. 5)
Group Chat!!!
New Story!!
Apartment 5H: Dinah
Requests Anyone?
Valentine's Day: Dinah
I Can See: Lauren

Straight Outta Compton.

2.7K 80 60
By CMH727


The great living about living in the penthouse is the view, you get to over look the city an take in all its wonders. Growing up I always knew that I would make something of myself, but I never thought I'd be the woman I am today. The first and only person in my family to ever graduate high school, college, and move out of Compton, California.

"Y/N come back to bed, I want cuddles with my baby." My girlfriend mumbled.

I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend wrapped up in my bed sheets with her messy morning hair. "Does Manibear want morning cuddles?" I asked.

"Bring your ass over here." She demanded.

I love when she gets bossy with me, turns me on a little bit. I chuckled and climbed back into bed and pulled Normani closer to me. I ran my fingers through her hair while she traced little patterns along my collarbone. "You nervous about going back to your old neighborhood?" Mani asked.

"Honestly no. I'm just going back to my old neighborhood to pay my grandma visit." I said.

Normani sat up and straddled my waist, I placed my hands on her hips and asked, "Babe there's no need for you to worry. That's my neighborhood, I'm pretty sure not much has changed."

"You're right, the neighborhood hasn't changed but you sure have." Normani said.

"How have I changed?" I asked.

"Y/N look around you. You live in a penthouse, your closet is filled with more designer labels than I can count. You drive a $75,000 car. In one year you make more money than some people make in three lifetimes. You were the one that made it out of the hood and some people might label you as a sell out." Normani said.

I leaned against the headboard and folded my arms, then I began to ponder on what Normani just said. I don't think of myself as a sellout, the way I chose to live my life was my choice. I was in a bad situation and I was smart enough to get myself out of it. I brought my hand up and gently caressed Mani's cheek because I could see was concern, "Normani I'll be fine I promise. If something pops off I know how to defend myself. Plus you know I have a gun in my glove box."

"You know there's something about you getting gangster that turns me on a little bit." Normani said.

I smirked at her comment and pulled her body closer to mine. One of my hand moved from the small of her back down to her ass and I gave it a nice squeeze. "So you like when daddy gets gangsta huh?" I asked.

Normani starts grinding her hips in my lap which instantly got me turned on. "I really like it daddy." Normani whispered in my ear.

She leaned closer and connected our lips together. Our tongues fought for dominance but mine won. My hands were tangled in her silky smooth locs while her hands were tugging at the bottom of my shirt. She pulled away and began to panic, "Fuck!"

"Yes I wanna fuck. Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on baby." I said.

"No I have a court hearing two hours from now. And you know it takes me an hour to get ready." Normani said as she climbed out the bed.

"But babe..."I groaned.

Normani walked back over to me and gave me a peck on the lips, "I done told you about teasing me with all that sexual chocolate." I said as I smacked her on the butt.

"I'm sorry babe and I promise I'll make it up to you. Okay. Love you. Bye." Normani grabbed her purse and she was out the door.

I laid in my bed a little while longer and decided to watch a little bit of television. That bored me to death really quick so I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I guess an egg white omelette and whole wheat toast will do. After I ate breakfast I took a shower and got dressed. I decided on some nice blue jeans, a loose fitting white t-shirt, a denim jacket, and my white Air Force ones.

I grabbed my wallet and keys off the counter and hopped on the elevator. Once it stopped at the parking garage I got into my cocaine white 7 series BMW and put on my Chanel sunglasses. Now it's it time to take that dreaded one hour drive back to Compton.


Pulling up into my old neighborhood I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. When I passed the liquor store I thought back to all the times me and my friend Dinah would go in there and by ice cream. Seeing the little kids race their had me thinking of all the time I had to carry drag my cousin Zendaya back to my house after she scrapped her knee.

I see there was some good things about that neighborhood but I was quickly reminded of the bad things. Like the drug dealers on the corner trying to get innocent kids to sell drugs for them. Or cops harassing a guy because his pants were sagging.

I parked my car in my grandma's driveway and cut the car off. I reached into the glove box and tucked my gun in the small of my back. I got out the car and hit the locks. I walked up the steps and opened the screen door, before I could knock on the door my nana yelled, "Come on in you ain't no stranger."

I walked in the house and my grandma was sitting on the couch watching The Price Is Right, as usual. "There goes my favorite granddaughter." She said.

I walked over to her and she gave me warm welcoming hug and a kiss on the cheek. There's something about grandma's hugs that make me feel better. "How you doing nana?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I look good and I feel good."

I folded my arms and said, "If everything's so good why did Dr. Hernandez call me saying that she was concerned about your high blood pressure?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about. I'll take my medicines and think about changing my eating habits." Nana said.

She turned to me and said, "So what going on in your world sweetie?"

"Making money as usual." I said.

"I knew that. I want to know about your personal life. When am I going to get some grand kids?" She asked.

Every time I paid my nana a visit I was always faced with the question of when I was going to settle down and start a family.

"You'll get grand kids when I decide I'm ready to get married." I said.

"What happened to the last girl you brought here? The one with all that butt on her?" Nana asked.

That's another thing about my grandma that I'll never get used to, her no filter personality. My grandma spoke her mind and didn't give a damn who didn't like it.

"Camila. We broke up, she was trying to get married too soon and I was not ready for that. But I have been dating this new girl." I said.

"What's her name? Where did you meet her? What does she look like? She got a job? Is her credit good? Can she cook? Is she thot?" Nana asked.

I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture. Nana put on her eyeglasses so she could get better look at Normani. "Oh she's beautiful. Y/N you be careful with that one baby."

"Why nana?" I asked.

"You gone go into a diabetic coma eating all that chocolate." Nana said.

I laughed and said, "Grandma it's not even like that with Normani. But too answer all of your questions. She's a lawyer, we met a fundraiser, she can cook, and no she is not a thot. Where did you hear that word nana?"

"I heard it on Empire. You know that's my show. I just love Hakeem with his little sexy self. And Luscious I can't stand that sneaky bastard. Then Cookie better watch her back sleeping when that fine ass concert promoter he's trying to take her money and she don't even know it. I guess that's what good sex will do to you." Grandma said.

I swear my grandma has no chill, but I love her. We sat around and watching to and went through some old photo albums. Most of the pictures were of me and Zendaya when we were younger. The rest of them were me of and my grandparents.  I came across a picture of my grandfather and my grandma got little sad. I wrapped my arm around her and said, "I know grandma, I miss him too."

"I just wish he could've lived to see the amazing successful woman you've become." Grandma said.

"Me too nana. But on the bright side he got to see me graduate high school and that's something he always wanted." I said.

Graduating was high school was a big deal for my family. My nana dropped out in the 10th grade to support her family, my grandpa dropped out in the 8th grade, my dad got kicked out, and my mother dropped out because she was pregnant with me. My grandparents always taught me that any education would allow me to have a better life than they did. So throughout high school I did my absolute best to make it out of my neighborhood. Senior year came around I had the perfect 4.0 GPA, I was valedictorian, and scholarship offers from the best colleges in the country. Not too bad for a girl straight outta Compton.

"You know what nana, I'm glad you and grandpa raised me. If you guys didn't I probably would've ended up in a really bad place. So I wanna thank you for that." I said.

"You're welcome sweetie. I just want you to come around more." Nana said.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "I will do my best to come spend some time with my favorite lady."

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and watching her favorite soap operas. I don't know what it is these lame ass operas that drive old people crazy, the minute Days of our Lives came on nana put me on mute. I eventually got bored and started playing on my phone.

"Y/N can you do me a favor?" Grandma asked.

"Sure nana. What do you need?"

"Run down to the Walmart and pick up my medicine for me. And hurry back so I can give you a nice home cooked meal." Nana said as she handed me the prescription off the table.

I put the slip in my pocket and walked out the door. I got in my car and drove to the local Walmart. When I got to the store I put my gun back in the glove box and got out the car.

Once I placed the order for grandma's medicine, I realized that I left my phone on the car. As I was walking out the door I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Y/N is that you?"

I turned around and there she was my first love, Lauren Jauregui. Damn she looked good, those beautiful green eyes were my weakness while we were dating. After graduation we decided to break up because we weren't sure our relationship could survive because of the long distance.

"Lauren how have you been?" I asked as I gave her a hug.

"I've been pretty good. You look amazing by the way." Lauren said.

"Thanks so do you." I said.

"We should get together sometimes and catch up." Lauren said.

"Sure just give me your number and we can hangout sometime." I said.

Lauren handed me a business card with her name on it and said, "I'll be expecting your call."

"Alright Lauren, I'll catch you later." I said.

I walked back out to my car and before I could open the door I was struck in the back of the head with something. Before I could react a bag was put over my head and I was being dragged into a  van. "Go go go!" I heard someone scream.

After that everything went dark.


I woke up to a loud ringing sound in my ears and I still had a black bag over my head. I tried to move my hands but they were bound behind my back. "I can't believe I let your dumb ass talk me into this."

"You won't me calling me a dumbass when this bitch makes us a very rich. Now shut the hell up!" I heard someone else say.

Suddenly the bag was lifted was lifted off of my head and I could see who kidnapped me. "Don't I know you?" I asked.

"No you don't know me. Now shut the hell up!" The girl said.

"Yes I do know you. You're Jasmine Villegas, we went to the same high school together." I said.

She reached behind her and pulled out a gun, she walked up to me and hit me in my eye with the gun. "Didn't I tell you to shut the hell up?" She yelled.

My left eye was swollen shut and my right eye was irritated because of dust got in it. I sat back up and I started hearing footsteps walk toward me. I wish I could see who it was but my vision wasn't the best at the moment. The closer the person got to me I felt like I had been around them before, there was something distinctive about them I couldn't put my finger on.

"Well well well, look who decided to come back to the hood and pay us a visit. Did you miss me?"


Who do you think took you?

Don't worry there will be a part 2 to this as well!!

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