On My Way Home (Jonia)

By mamoneze

365 30 8

When the lights go down in the middle of the night, where will I run to? When the lights go downing he middle... More



31 5 0
By mamoneze

Bruce's POV

"What do you mean you wanna run away? Is there anything you don't like about this family? Just tell me I promise you we'll do anything to make you feel at home. You're not leaving me." I cried. Crap. Did I make that sound too desperate? I don't even like her in that way. She's my step sister for god's sake.

"No! It's not that I don't want to be here. It's because I wanna find my parents." She replied.

"Please, Hailee." I said. "I can't imagine how depressed we'd be if you were gone. We need you." I begged. "Please, Bruce. I really want to see my parents." she said. "Are you sure you're ready to go out on your own just like that?" I asked. "Not really, but if it means seeing my parents, then it doesn't matter." she replied. "I don't wanna lose you. But if this really means that much to you, I'm fine with it." I replied. She smiled and leaned forward to place a friendly kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you! Are you sure you're ready to let me go?" she asked about the same question. "To be honest...no. But this is your family, I have to." I replied.

"But you don't even know where they live. How are you supposed to find them. What if one of them moved to Mexico and the other to Ireland?" I asked over-exaggerating. "Don't be silly. They couldn't have moved that far." she playfully slapped my shoulder. "Anyway, I already know how I'm gonna get to them." Uh oh. Not another one of her brilliant ideas to get us into trouble.


She returned back to our room with a large clear file labelled 'Hailee's Documents'

"Where the hell did you get this?" I whispered. "I saw this sticking out of the cupboard in dad's office when he was helping me with my math homework." she replied, rummaging through the millions of papers.

"There should be something here of any of my parents." she muttered as her eyes rolled up and down quickly, scanning roughly through the documents. "Ah, here's something." she took out a white envelope, clearly with something inside.

Oh no. Not that one.

It has Aunt Naomi's name hand-written on the back, together with our address. She took out the letter in the envelope, unfolding it eagerly.

I looked again at the envelope which had another piece of paper in it that said "I advise you, whoever has adopted Hailee as their daughter not to let Hailee read this letter until she is mature enough to understand and appreciate the downs of life." but I didn't stop her. I felt bad, but se really needed this. If she didn't get it, she would remain like this, she wouldn't get the chance to have the feeling if truly being loved.

Hailee's POV

Dearest Hailee,
I'm very sorry, for leaving you like this. I was really so young, I didn't know what to do. I had to give you up since your other mother left us. Hopefully I'm still on this planet right now, if you ever decide to come looking for me. That might be stupid but I do expect to see you sometime in our lives. To help you, here's my address.
*insert address*
I do not intend to move until I find you.
Love, Mom.

I was speechless, breathless. That was all I was. Not a word slipped off my tongue, not a breath escaped my lips. Just a single tear, rolling down my cheek.

My mother. She was actually expecting to see me. But the way she just gave up on me like that, not saying a word, now she wants to see me.

Two skinny arms wrapped tightly around me, immediately comforting me, however I was still lost, in many different ways.

So much was going through my mind, however my brain was blank. I wanted to scream, but I'd lost the ability to speak. I knew exactly that I needed my mother this much, however I had not a single idea what to do.

What about my other mom? What if I have another sibling? What if they're both dead? What if they forgot about me like my mom forgot about my other mom? They probably wouldn't give a fuck about me anymore, but I need to find my family.

Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. If I get treated the opposite, I'm not their daughter.

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