Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

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When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays

2.6K 34 3
By imfeelinghappynow

“Dad, this is like my fourth message, where the hell are you?! You said you’d come home before 1 o’clock and you’re still not here! Fucking call me for gods sake” I said down the phone as I pulled on my pumps, I pulled my phone away from my ear and threw it on the side as I tied up my laces and grabbed my bag and went out the door. I quickly locked up the house and started walking up the path dialling my dad’s number AGAIN while pulling out my English book and started to read through it. “Kaitlin?” I heard my dad’s voice and jumped a little dropping my book “Finally! Where the hell were you last night?!” I all but shouted down the phone as I gathered up my book and sheets of paper. “Sorry love, we erm we ran over at the meeting so I stayed in a hotel for the night, I’ll make it up to you tonight but I need to get going so I’ll see you at school” he said, I sighed and agreed before putting down the phone. It was as if it was instinct but I’d managed to walk to Barry’s street and only realised it when I saw him walking towards me. “Kait? What you doin’ ‘ere?” Barry said and ran over to me “I-oh I didn’t realise I’d walked to here, I was er on the phone to my dad…” I said rather awkwardly, looking at the ground instead of at Barry. “It’s alright, I’d rather walk with you than on my own” he said and started walking ahead of me, I smiled a little and jogged after him. It felt right, being with Barry again, it just felt normal and like nothing bad had actually happened between us and when we got to school I knew it would be okay. He looked around the ground then quickly pulled me to the bike shed “What’re you-“ I was about to say before he pressed his lips to mine and held my face in his hands. When we pulled apart I just smiled and looked down at the floor “Kaitlin, I’m so fucking sorry that I didn’t fight for us staying together, I just didn’t want my mum to be pissed off at me cause I knew I’d have to deal with it, I was a dick, a twat, a bastard. Just every bad fucking word under the sun is what I was and I’m so sorry, I get it if you hate me cause I hate myself for hurting you” Barry said, I looked at him and smiled before taking his hands in mine “I don’t hate you, Barry, I’ve been waiting weeks for you to say those words, I love you so much!” I said, I watched Barry pull something out his pocket and smiled when I saw it was the ring “So does this mean we’re engaged again or?” he said, I nodded my head in excitement and watched him place it on my finger before entwining my fingers in his and pulling him out the bike shed as I realised the bell had gone. We quickly kissed before he went off to the PRU and I went to form, I couldn’t help but smile as wide as I could as I walked inside and sat down next to Dynasty “What’re you so smiley about?” Dynasty asked, turning to me. My smile grew even bigger as I held out my hand and she looked at the ring “You’s got back together?” she said, a smile forming on her face I just nodded and she pulled me into a hug “Aw, congrats babe” she said and we spent the whole of form talking about it.

After form he had Science then History so I didn’t get to see Barry at all until break time. “Guess who” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist; I smiled and turned around to his face, kissing him. “Right come ‘ere” he said and picked me up and put me over his shoulder “Oi, ya dick’ead, what ya doing?” I said through laughter “We’re going to go see your dad and tell ‘im that he can’t stop us from seeing each other” he said and started walking down the corridor “Well can’t you do that without throwing me over ya shoulder” I said, Barry just laughed and ran down the corridor. “Barry Barry! Put Kaitlin down, this is a school not a playground!” I heard Mr Clarkson say and quickly felt my feet touch the ground again “Sorry sir” Barry shouted.  He put his hands on my waist and started walking me forwards, his feet in sync with mine as if I was a little kid. When we walked into the office, me and Barry stopped then looked at each other smirking when we saw Sonya with her ear pressed against the door “What’re you doing?” I said, causing her to jump “Bloody hell, Kaitlin no need to make me jump! Scout’s in there” Sonya said, she didn’t even wait for an answer she just pressed her ear against the door again. I rolled my eyes and fell back onto the sofa, pulling Barry down with me, he smirked at Sonya again giving me the chance the spread my legs over his and get comfortable. After a few minutes of me and Barry quietly laughing at Sonya, the office door burst open and in walked Rhiannon, I just glared at her as she walked over to Sonya “I wanna see Mr Byrne now!” she basically shouted “I wanna see Mr Byrne now” I mimicked, earning a glare from Rhiannon “Well you’ll have to wait won’t ya, chubster, me and Barry were ‘ere first and Scout’s in there now so pull up a chair, you could me here a while” I said with a sickly sweet smile on my face, I heard Barry laugh beside me and felt his arm go round my shoulders. “What’s it about anyway?” Sonya asked, ignoring my comment “That dickhead” she said, pointing to Barry “’as just done me for 20 quid!” “’ow’s that?” Sonya asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I looked at Barry and raised eyebrow, watching him smirk a little. “He’s sold me answers to an exam only what he didn’t say before he took me cash were it weren’t my exam, it’s some other exam from last year, look at the dates right ‘ere and it’s not even portrait!” she all but shouted, I looked at Barry again and nearly just about fell onto the floor laughing but managed to control it somehow “Have you heard yaself?” Sonya said, “’e said a deals a deal” Rhiannon said pointing to Barry “And it is, not my fault you didn’t look at the dates before you bought it” Barry said, I couldn’t hold it in anymore and just started laughing “You’re going moaning to my dad about Barry selling you the wrong exam, how’d you think he’ll feel about you attempting to cheat?” I said through my laughter “Well there ain’t gonna be any cheating any more” Rhiannon said, I knew she’d seen the logic in what I was saying but she wouldn’t admit defeat, not to me anyway. “You still tried to though ya idiot” I said, me and Barry basically zoned out after that because she’d accepted defeat and was talking to Sonya. We were suddenly snapped out our own world when my dad’s office door flung open and Scout stormed out, “Wha-What’s happened?” Rhiannon asked, “Well, it ain’t for me to say but I’m pretty there’s a zero tolerance policy against nicking prescriptions from the school nurse an’ all” Sonya said, she quickly sat back down as my dad walked out his office, he didn’t even notice me and Barry, he didn’t even notice Rhiannon at first and walked straight past her “Mr Byrne” Rhiannon said, my dad stopped and turned around just looking at her waiting for her to say something. “Yes Rhiannon, What is it?” my dad asked, I could tell he was annoyed just by his tone of voice “I were worried about Scout” Rhiannon lied “Do you know something about this?” he asked, holding up the prescription pad, Rhiannon just shook her head and walked out the office. It was only then that dad noticed me and Barry “Come into my office…” he said and walked back to his door and opened it, allowing us to walk inside. Me and Barry took a seat next to each other and my dad sat opposite us, Barry held out his hand for me to take then turned to my dad. “Look, Mr Byrne, I know you don’t like us together but Kaitlin makes me happy, I love her more than anything and I promise if you just accept us together, I’ll look after her and I won’t hurt her at all” Barry said, he looked at me and smiled. Dad took a deep breath then looked at me “Dad, you want me to be happy right? And Barry makes me happy, it’s not like with Kyle, Barry is so different to him and I know you didn’t want me and Barry together because of what happened with Kyle but I swear Barry is different, he’s so different and I love him so much!” I said, I dropped Barry’s hand and leant forwards resting my elbows on his desk. Dad looked at me and thought for a moment then smiled “Right, I’ll allow you to be together, I want you to be happy, Kaitlin but if you hurt her, Barry, I won’t hesitate to exclude you for it” dad said, I couldn’t help but let a huge smile spread across my face “Thank you daddy” I said and hugged him tightly, “Thanks Mr Byrne” Barry said, he took my hand and we walked to the door “Don’t let me regret it” dad said before me and Barry walked out. By the time we’d spoken to my dad and gotten something to eat the bell had gone and I had to go to the hall with the rest of the people doing the exam “Good luck babe, I know you’ll do great and I’ll wait for you outside after school” Barry said, he kissed me quickly then walk away to his next lesson.

“Alright, times up, put your pens down and close your booklets and make ya way out” Miss Boston said, I let out a sigh of relief as I shut my paper and grabbed my stuff before going over to Imogen and Connor and walking out with them. “How’d it go then, babe?” Barry asked as soon as I walked over to him “I think it went alright actually” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. Once we’d pulled away, Barry took my hand and was about to pull me away but I stopped him “Wait, I wanna talk to my dad a minute” I said, Barry nodded and he leant back against a post with his hands wrapped round my waist. I watched my dad walk into the hall then waved Imogen and Connor over “Hey, I really wish I come to the wedding ya know guys, but my dad’ll probably wanna do something after school but I hope it goes great and I hope you have a great holiday” I said and hugged Imogen really tightly “Yeah good luck mate” Barry said and shook Connor’s hand as if they’d been mates for ages, I smiled at him and put my fingers through his on my waist. We awkwardly stood there as my dad and Christine spoke to each other then he came over to me and Barry “How’d it go darlin’?” dad asked, I smiled and hugged him “I think it went really well actually” I said and he hugged me back just as tight “Well, don’t go too far, I’ll take you out for dinner once I’ve sorted something out. God your mum would be so proud of you” he said and kissed my cheek before going back to his office. “Do you want me to wait with you?” Barry asked as we walked out the school “Don’t mind, if you want to” I said, Barry nodded and walked out the gates with me. As we were walking out Kacey ran over to us and I just sort of stood there while they argued and then watched as Kacey stormed off “Ya know, you should be more supportive of her, Barry, she is your sister” I said to him when he came over “Hmmm” was all he said but we soon forgot about that topic and started talking about something else. We’d been waiting for ages so we’d decided to go for chips and ended up just throwing them at each other while waiting for them “Alright Miss Mulgrew?” I asked when I saw her waiting not far from where we were “Yeah, just waiting for Connor, we’re supposed to be going on holiday” she sighed, “Ooh, anywhere nice?” I asked a smile spread across my face “France” she said, nodding her head, I looked at Barry “When’s it’s like our year anniversary yeah? We’re going to Paris, deal?” I said, Barry just laughed and kissed me “Deal” he said into my mouth. After waiting for a bit, I saw my dad’s car pulling into the school and frowed my eyebrow a little where’d he been? I thought but didn’t get a chance to ask him as he ran over to Miss Mulgrew, I didn’t hear what they were saying but smiled a little when they kissed. The only bit I heard was about dad saying he’d go with her to France “Erm, dad? You forgetting about something?” I said and he looked at me “I had a word with Maggie, she said you know stay in the guest house for the holidays, if that’s okay with you?” he said, I looked at Barry then thought for a moment “Yeah, that’s fine, dad! You go to France and have a good time” I said, me and Barry watched them get into the taxi before he grabbed my hand “And hey, I don’t want no more siblings so use a condom, aye?” I said when Christine had rolled down the window to say good-bye “Oi cheeky” dad said but he laughed before the window was rolled back up and they drove away with me and Barry waving them off as they went.


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