Illicit [Harry Styles]

By elliexmclean

1.7M 48.9K 28.1K

Illicit: forbidden by law, rules or custom. 17 year old law student Jessica Walsh meets Harry Styles in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - Part 1
Chapter 28 - Part 2
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chaper 74
Chapter 75
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend...
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Author's Note

Chapter 60

17.1K 545 254
By elliexmclean

"Harry? Is that you?" his mum's voice rang through the house as we stepped inside after our day in town. Harry had my bag on his shoulder and he held the door open behind him for me as I looked up at him gratefully. I couldn't help the gush of adoration I felt sometimes, and I don't think he even noticed.

Louise appeared around the corner as we were taking off our shoes by the door. "Ah, it is you. Oh, hello Jess," she smiled sweetly, being as welcoming as ever.

"Hi," I replied with a similarly warm smile.

"Harry, I wish you would pick up your phone when I call you!" she chided, but Harry didn't bat an eyelid, he just continued to dismiss her whilst he unzipped his brown suede boots.

Louise tutted at her son, turning to me and making a joke, "I bet you're not this rude to your mother!"

Harry - who was bent over with his hair masking his face - immediately turned his head towards me as he slipped off his shoe with a smug grin on his face, silently laughing. I knew he found the irony funny because I'd just had an argument with my whole family and stormed out with him.

"You'd be surprised," he teased, standing up to his full height and combing his fingers through his hair.

I rolled my eyes and his mum swatted at his arm. "I was ringing to ask when you'd be back. Do you want dinner or have you eaten?"

"Dinner," he answered shortly, standing there and looking like he was dying to get away and go upstairs.

"For one, or two?" she raised her eyebrows.

Harry made an irritated sound at his mum's hint for him to elaborate. "Two. Jess is staying here for... Well, we don't know how long."

"If that's okay," I added politely.

"Of course. It's lovely to have you here," she beamed.

Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs straight away, Louise and I sharing an amused look at his lack of interest to socialise with his mum as I followed after him. He pushed open the door to his room and pulled me in, shutting it behind me.

"You are such a spoilt teenager sometimes," I joked, grinning playfully as I turned to face him. He dropped my stuff onto the floor and shrugged off his jacket in the process, waltzing over to me with a look of mock offence on his face.

As he got closer he started to smirk, placing his hands on my hips. "Maybe I just know how to get what I want."

"And what's that?" I shot back, draping my arms over his shoulders.

He only hummed lowly in response, bringing his face closer to mine. He nudged my nose with his as I fixed my eyes on his lips, feeling the warmth of his breath fanning my face and my skin tingling with anticipation. His bottom lip touched mine, the contact being so light but making my stomach flutter. I knew by his devilish smirk that he was trying to tease me, and it was absolute torture.

Finally he pressed his lips against mine, still smiling into the kiss. He began carefully pushing me backwards until the backs of my knees hit his bed and I fell onto the mattress, bringing him down on top of me.

Our mouths moved against one another's slowly and deeply, and I loved the way his dominated mine ever so slightly. He leaned on his forearm, his other hand on my waist and sneaking just under the hem of my top. His fingers gripped my side whilst his thumb massaged my skin, making my lips part so he could push his tongue into my mouth.

Harry slid his hand down over the curve of my hip and down to the back of my thigh, lifting my leg against his waist as we kissed. I inhaled sharply through my nose when he used his hold on the underside of my knee to dig his hips into mine, grunting at the friction he'd caused.

My hands wound in his hair when he detached his lips from mine and ducked his head down to kiss my neck, making my head roll back and a soft gasp escape me. I whimpered when he sucked harshly at my skin at the same time as he rocked his hips against me. A moan rumbled from his throat when I squeezed my thigh tighter around him, making his crotch meet mine with more force.

Harry was breathless when his head shot up, dark pink lips glistening and eyes wild. "Can I touch you? Is it too soon?" his words were rushed and desperate as he stared into my eyes.

"Your mum's downstairs!" I reminded him with a chuckle, just as out of breath as he was as I swept his hair out of his eyes.

"And? She's not in here."

"Harry, no," I frowned, "That'd make me uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay," he said gently, the blaze behind his eyes calming and a sincere and caring sparkle replacing it.

He started kissing me again, this time more passionately and less manically. There was more feeling to this kiss, and less trying to wind each other up with all the grinding and grabbing. I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. That was, until Harry's mum was calling up the stairs for us to go down.

Harry drew back and we looked at each other with confusion. His mum continued to shout our names, and Harry started sitting up and climbing off me.

"I'll go. Wait here," he instructed, standing up and leaving the room quickly.

I sat up and smoothed over my hair, waiting for Harry's return. It felt like I was sitting there for ages, just looking around his huge room and feeling tiny on the bed. Eventually, I decided there'd be no harm in going down to investigate myself, so I got up off the mattress and tiptoed onto the landing.

I heard voices at the bottom of the stairs, and they didn't sound as though they were having an entirely pleasant conversation. Curiously, I hopped down the stairs and walked up behind Harry who was standing in the doorway.

"Harry? What's-" I was cut short when he turned around and I saw Niall in front of him. I scowled immediately, wondering what he could possibly be doing here.

"Jess, go back upstairs."

"No, don't," Niall argued.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've come to get you, to take you home."

"I don't remember ordering a taxi to the hell house? Bye," I tried to push past Harry to slam the door in my brother's face, but Harry wouldn't let me past and Niall stepped forward and placed his palm against the door to stop me closing it.

"Go upstairs, I'll sort this," Harry muttered as he moved me away.

"Jess, don't you dare," Niall warned and once again I wanted to lunge forward and attack him. My temper wasn't great recently, especially when it came to him.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? Why would I even consider coming with you after everything you've done?" I questioned incredulously.

"After everything I've done? I haven't done anything! It's him that you should be angry with," he gestured towards Harry.

"You haven't done anything? Niall, ever since the night you tried to fight Harry all you've done is hinder with my life. You turned against both of us and all you want to do is get your own way. You can't say you're doing this to protect me anymore, because if you were then you'd leave me be."

"Don't be so stupid," he scoffed, "We're trying to protect you from him."

"I told you before, I don't need protecting! I'm happy with Harry, so just leave it."

"I don't understand why you think it's your family that are against you."

"Because you lied to me! I know that you lied about Harry not being at the ER-"

"You fuçking told her! I warned you she wasn't to find out about that!"

Not only had Niall lied, he'd also threatened Harry so he wouldn't tell me that it was him? This kept getting worse.

"What is wrong with you? You came up with this whole plot to keep me from finding out how much Harry really cared for me. Don't you want me to be happy?" I snapped at him.

"That's exactly why I tried to keep you away from him! Because I do want you to be happy!"

"Just leave, Niall. Give me a call when all of you at home decide to grow up and accept my decisions."

"Fine, stay with him. You're stupid if you think you're in love, I'm sure he only wants you for one thing anyway."

"Unless you want another trip to the hospital I suggest you shut your mouth," Harry said darkly, his whole body tensed with rage and his eyes narrowed at Niall's comment.

"Whatever. I hope you're happy together!" Niall shouted sarcastically as he spun round and marched off down the driveway.

Harry slammed the door shut so forcefully that the glass shook. Without a word, we went back to his room and he collapsed on the bed in annoyance. I joined him, feebly crawling up the mattress and laying my head on his chest.

"You know that's not true, don't you?" he sighed, twiddling a piece of my hair between his fingers.

"What's not true?"

"What he said, about me only wanting you for one thing..."

"Of course I know that," I said softly to reassure him, taking his other hand in mine and fiddling with the rings on his fingers.

"Good. Because it's the furthest thing from the truth, Jess. I know it's a bit ironic that just before he showed up that's what I suggested, but it's not about that, I swear. I... I really do love you."

I smiled at the shy tone to his voice, feeling all giddy. "I know, Harry. I love you too." After a slight pause I heard him chuckling tiredly, and I lifted my head to look up at him. "What's so funny?"

"Us. We've turned into a right couple of saps."

I fell back into his chest, laughing with him. He was right, not long ago Harry wouldn't even admit that he had feelings for anything, let alone me, and now here we were cuddled up on his bed confessing our love for each other. So much had changed since we had met.

"Harry!" Louise's voice called out from downstairs once again, and he groaned dramatically.

"What the fuçk does she want now?"

"Don't be horrible!" I scolded him, slapping his chest and making him flinch.

"What?" he yelled back as loud as he could, and I winced at the volume.

"Harry!" she shouted again, indicating that she hadn't heard his reply.

"Fuçk!" he cursed, getting up in a huff and storming out of the room like a child throwing a tantrum.

I shook my head once he'd left, finding humour in the fact that he tries to act all tough but still has to answer to his parents. I laid on his bed, taking in every detail of the room I'd grown to know pretty well - it felt more like home than my own bedroom. As I was scanning his possessions, my eyes caught sight of his art books sitting in a pile on his desk like they had been before when he'd caught me snooping.

I wanted to be nosey, I so badly wanted to know why he didn't want me to see inside. What would be the worst that could happen if he caught me looking again? If I was quick enough I might even get a look before he came back and he'd never know. I had to, I was desperate to know what he was hiding.

I looked around, as if assessing whether or not someone would see me. I leapt up and scuttled to the door, opening it a crack so that I'd be able to hear better if he was on his way back up. Finding my way back over to the desk, I quietly and carefully sifted through the pile to the sketch book that I recognised, feeling nervous as my fingers ran over it.

I put the book on the top of the pile so I could easily shut it and make a run for it if he reappeared. I opened it up to a page I'd seen before with the drawing of his ship tattoo in the centre, it was a few pages after this one that he'd forbidden me to see. I flipped the page over, and again, and again, until I came to a page I'd never been able to see before.

My heart beat got heavier, thumping in my ears. I turned the pages in a hurry, thinking maybe I was overthinking what I saw, but noticing similar drawings on each one after the first. They were endless, page after page of drawings. It may've been arrogant of me to even consider it, but the drawings were of a girl... and they looked like me.

I didn't care if he caught me anymore, I lifted up all of the books in the pile and dumped them on his bed, spreading them open and flicking through the pages to find the same kinds of drawings in each one, some on loose pieces of paper and some on the backs of what looked like various pieces of homework or letters which he'd doodled on.

There were sketches of not only full faces, but also like I'd seen before, other parts such as eyes, hands, lips, shoulders. Despite how utterly gobsmacked I was, I was also amazed. They were beautiful, totally incredible - he had a great eye.

How long had he been doing this? How long had Harry been drawing me?

What if they weren't supposed to be me?

I jumped as the door swung open and Harry walked in, I obviously had been too caught up in what I'd been doing to hear his footsteps coming up the stairs. He stopped dead when he saw me, a look of absolute horror in his eyes which were growing wider by the second.

"What are you doing?" His mouth barely moved, he was frozen in terror looking like he was about to flip at me.

There was a short silence that felt all too long. "I could ask you the same thing..."

Silence again. "It's- They're not... Fuçk!" he suddenly exploded, hurrying over to where I sat on the floor and snatching the papers off the bed, holding the delicate pages too tight in his clenched fists.

"Harry-" I reached out to touch his arm in an attempt to calm him down and he dodged me, continuing to frantically take everything away from me.

"No, Jess!"

I couldn't describe what I was seeing, it was like me seeing that he'd drawn me was the end of the world. He was absolutely crazy, shaking and fumbling as he tried to gather all the papers and books in one go.

"Harry, stop it," I ordered, grabbing him before he could avoid it. He let out a sudden cry and let go of the books and papers weakly, dropping to his knees next to me with a thud, his face falling into the duvet in defeat.

It was a weird thing to experience; he had totally lost it and gone into a frenzy trying to hide everything even though I'd already seen it before he came in, and now I'd stopped him he was heaving like the worst thing in the world had just happened to him. I didn't understand why he was so upset about me finding the drawings. It was honestly bizarre.

"Breathe, just breathe. What's wrong?"

"You weren't supposed to see them!" he screamed into the duvet, scrunching the material in his hands. I frowned in confusion, not understanding his reaction.

"Why not? They're amazing, Harry. Why are you so distraught?"

I shoved his shoulder and turned him over to face me, taking his face in my hands. His face and eyes were red and he was panting with a distressed expression like he was going to cry, I couldn't make out whether he was angry with me or sad for whatever reason.

"I don't get what's so bad about me seeing your drawings. They're breathtaking."

"Becau-... Because they're of you?" he said, his voice wobbling. The way he'd spoken suggested that he believed his reasoning was the most obvious thing ever.


"So, I'm a fuçking loser! What low life can't even act like a proper man and open up to a girl he loves so spends hours drawing pictures of her instead?"

"You're embarrassed?"

"Of course I am!"

"But you have? You did open up, so why does it matter if I see them now?"

"I don't know!" he confessed, seemingly just as confused with his own logic as I was. He ran his hands over his face, slumping onto the floor with his back to the bed as I let go of him. "It's just humiliating. Those drawings... They were... so personal. I couldn't tell you how I felt, I didn't even bloody know myself, it was like an outlet for all the shít that was going on in my head."

"Don't be embarrassed, please, don't feel bad about any of this. They're incredible, I'm honestly flattered. And to know how much they mean to you makes me love them even more."

"I thought you'd think I was a creep," he admitted.

"Definitely not," I assured him with a light chuckle. "When did you start doing them?"

"I drew you once - or what I could remember of you - after I saw you in the court room. I was so intrigued by you and just thought why not, you were just something to draw then, but after I kissed you, that's when I couldn't stop."

"I'm sorry for invading your privacy. If I'd have known the reason you weren't showing me I would have never looked without your permission."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap to tell me it was okay, resting his chin on the top of my head in silence.

It made me feel incredibly sad for him that he had been so conflicted over having feelings for me that he couldn't understand or talk about, and drawing me was his way of coping. Whilst I thought he was just being heartless, he'd actually been having a really hard time. Those drawings of me were so special to him, and I felt guilty that I'd just torn that away from him.

But it was good, now he'd come to terms with us and was happier talking about his emotions, he could let go of the potential sadness that those pictures might make him feel. Because now he didn't have to sit alone in his room and draw what he wished he could express his love for, because I was his. And I loved him just as much as he loved me.


Please remember to vote and comment :)

So practically everyone guessed that he was drawing Jess, but did you expect it to be this deep?

OMG so we were front row for 1D in Newcastle on Monday and it was absolutely incredible!!!! It was deffo the best show out of the ones I went to. I did soooo much travelling but it was all worth it - Liam sung to me and Harry waved at me :) Rachel got Louis' water bottle as well! I can't stop gushing about how much of an amazing time I had haha. If you want to check out my pics and videos my Twitter is still @eiliex!

Highlight with a question for me to answer in the next update! You're slacking when it comes to questions guys, come onnnn ;)

My question for you is: what has been your favourite moment of the OTRA tour? (It's nearly over!!!) All I can think of is all the times Harry fell over, lol.

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