Welcome to Pandora kiddos.

由 CreativelyStupid

47.3K 2K 677

Yesterday Borderlands was just a video game, but now it's your reality. Handsome Jack has made a victorious c... 更多

A Damn Good Hacker
Jack's Warm Welcome
Caught You Red Handed
Who are you?
Guns n Shit
Thirst for Revenge
Where to go
Another Mission
Break the Seal
A New Era


2.4K 107 90
由 CreativelyStupid

After I knocked the shit out of him, I told Aaron that I was going to be in the shelter that I referred to earlier, and he went off wandering. I saw him killing bandits and skags for a good 2 hours, because they kept respawning, but he seemed to enjoy it. He would scream obscenities whilst shooting, and I had to say, he was quite good with a gun.

I had been relaxing in the boxy shelter, thinking about what my next move was. I tossed my flash drive up in the air repetitively. One of the things on my flash drive are some equipment blueprints that I wanted to make. I'm majoring in both computer science and engineering so executing blueprints, codes, programs, etc., is always a breeze for me.

One reoccurring thought I had in my head was how can I prove to the vault hunters that I'm not working with Handsome Jack. The only way I could was to catch the crook himself (the one helping Jack), and the only way I could do that was to investigate on Hyperion. Considering that they've plastered me as a criminal, I can't go anywhere else to ask for advice or just ask around.

Going to Hyperion would let me figure out who this criminal is, and I can make my designs come to life. But what do I do after those two things? Once I've proved my innocence, what is my next objective?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone walking up the ramp. I looked over and saw that it was Aaron, he seemed checked out for the day, as I expected.

I didn't say anything to him and he didn't say anything to me, but instead sat down, not next to me, but 5 feet away.

"Ugh. I don't have cooties," I said as I picked the dirt from under my nails. He didn't respond, so I looked over and saw he was aimlessly looking at the sky.

"So what more can you tell me about this...game," he said. I leaned back on my hands and took a deep breathe.

"It was an awesome game. Just like any video game it's always fun to play as a badass," I started.

"Who did you play as?" He asked.

"Oh everyone haha, I have a lot of hours on the game so I OP'd all the characters. Maya, Lillith, Timothy-"

"Wait Tim friggen Lawrence is in the game?"

"Yeah in the Pre-Sequel, he's-wait how do you know about Timothy Lawrence?" I asked him.

"Oh uh- I just heard about him before. He's a total noob and a loser nerd," he laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with nerds," I said.

"Yeah but Timoth-"

"Don't be a bully," I said almost sounding like a child.

"A bully!? Haha come on YN! I'm sorry but..."

"I'm way more than a bully," he said jokingly trying to freak me out but I exchanged a face that said I was dissatisfied with his joke.

"Alright alright damn," he said.

"Here's a question for you. Any childhood pets?" I asked.

"That is so irrelevent to what we're talking about!"

"Nah-ah there's no established topic!"

"Yeah well usually the other person will stay consist- you know never mind. Never mind, I'll answer the question- my cat," he said shortly.

"That's cool, but dogs are better," I said.

"We can't agree on one thing can we," he laughed.

"Haha I suppose. So this cat-"

"My grandma killed it when I was a kid, she-she didn't like how I didn't make my bed, and well yeah that was my punishment," he said.

"A punishment!? I mean this is Pandora so I guess the standards are different, but that's insane, and also sounds awfully familiar," I said.

"Yeah well my grandma's dead now too. All of my family is gone..." He looked down.

"Mine too," I said while looking at the stars.

"What? Really? What happened to them?"

"Well my parents were both killed by an intruder in our home, and my little sister was-" I didn't want to say it allowed, I don't even know why I'm saying this right now. I told Mike and Jen that my parents lived upstate, and my sister as well.

"You don't have to-"

"My sister was kidnapped," I said, but that wasn't the entire truth.

It was silent for a good 30 seconds.

"I don't usually say this often kiddo, but I'm sorry about that," he said.

"I'm sorry about your family too," I said as I turned my head to him, I wish I could see his face. There was a sudden glint of empathy in Aaron, a contrast to his usual violent driven self.

"Hey didn't you mention something about Handsome Jack? That Hyperion guy?"

"Oh haha yeah I did. I said I had a bit of a crush on him," I said.

Aaron suddenly seemed very interested in this particular topic.

"And whys that?"

"His confidence is one of the things I liked, and his cocky, arrogant marks were a uh-"

"His cockiness turns you on eh?" Aaron said creepily as his hand shifted towards me. I grimaced at it and scooted away from him.

"This is PAST tense. PAST," I said.

"Okay well go on," he said.

"I hate how I can't see your facial expressions right now or your eyes," I said.

"Anyways, he's passionate, even if it's passion for murdering bandits and other immoral things. Oh I know what he's passionate about," I said.

"What?" Aaron asked curiously.

"Angel," I said and Aaron was silent for a bit.

He coughed and said, "yeah yeah he is probably."

"And well he's good with a gun, he's intelligent, he's a computer nerd-"

"Psh he's not a nerd," Aaron proclaimed.

"No he definitely is, but that's okay because nerds are hot," I said.

"Woah," Aaron said softly as he shifted around in his position.

"Other than that Jack is just really hot," I said honestly.

"Sounds like you're still into him," Aaron said, and by the sound of his voice I could tell that he was smirking.

"Definitely not after what he's done to my planet, I've been pretty angry at him," I said.

"Hmmm. And what would you say to him if he was here now," Aaron asked.

I thought for a minute but my response came seamlessly.

"I'd say...Fuck you," I said with a smile and Aaron laughed.

"I like it."


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