It Needs to Be you(Lesbian St...

By AliciaBloMieLudick

103K 2.5K 404


Chapter 2 -Dear John
Chapter 3 - Some lies should be told
Chapter 4 - Did that just happen?
Chapter 5 - Make it stop
Chapter 6- Only the bad girls like the taste of tar
Chapter 7 - Neon colors to welcome you to reality
Chapter 8 - Some we will win some we will lose
Chapter 9 - I keep dreading this day
Chapter 10 - We are beautiful
Chapter 11 - Kiss and tell
Chapter 12 - Love

Chapter 1 - Welcome to the new age

34.3K 288 55
By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Message

Hey guys this is the new book.

I need it to be you .

Hope you guys like it .

Lasey P.O.V

"Good morning student I trust you all have come prepared .This is the first class of the year and this class will be one of your stepping stones to becoming a Reporter ,New York times Writer or even a Novelist .For some of you of course this is just the empty space you had to fill on your calendar ,but believe me it won't be easy .You will need to work harder and try more than of you ever did .So lets just get started .My name is Mr. Adams your professor for the year ."He says writing his name out on the board .

That got me thinking though ,if there really is somebody in here that don't know how to spell Adams. Should they even be in here?

"Sorry sir is that A-d-a-m-m-s ?"I hear somebody ask .

Searching for this idiotic person I see a girl blushing as the professor nods at her in frustration.

This is really going to be a long year .Like I hadn't being through enough with Kevin and Kyle last year trying to figure out where to use the words to and too .

Maybe third year will be better .Maybe we will shed some of the unwanted fat .

"If you all could just open your books to pg.12 we can start the lesson ."

"Um..Sir I forgot my book ."I hear the same voice say.

"I don't have time for this .Go sit next to that blonde girl two rows above you .She might help you ."He says pointing to...ME?

Hell I really did not take this class to be a tutor again!

Staring at my professor is shock I see a slight smile across his lips as he nods at me .He is so enjoying this .I hate being this teachers favourite because there is no special treatment ,more like he tries to annoy me as much as he can .

Seeing her walking up the stairs I see how pretty she is .My guess is she has been told that her whole life .A type of pretty that might take your breath away .Not mine though .

Watching her try to push herself through the chair apologizing to everybody makes me giggle a little. She is like a fish on land...

"Owh finally ."She says taking out her note pad

"Sorry do you have a pen that I can use .I forgot mine."She says

"Wow did you at least bring your brain here or is that still in your bed? " I say being a little sarcastic

"You know who I blame? My girlfriend."She says shrugging to herself .

"Girlfriend.."I hesitate

"Yep Not like my girlfriend to go shopping with or get manicure with .And not my girl who is a friend."She says

Okay well at least she cleared that all up .

"Oh ..good I guess?"I say awkwardly

"You don't like people like me?"She asks looking at me like unicorn would .All shining eyed and bushing tailed .Okay maybe not a unicorn.

"No I share the obsession."I say smiling to her seeing her grin at me .

"Really?!"She exclaims

"Miss Lane I did not sit Miss Belliosario next to you so this could be a meet and greet .Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Sir."I say opening my book and putting it between me and the girl.

What's her name anyway all I know is Miss Belliosario.

Finally after class I pack up quickly walking out of the classroom and heading to my dorm as somebody catches my arm and I go swinging back .

"Whoooow I almost broke my neck there.."I say whilst turning around seeing the brunette standing there out of breath

"You run really fast..."She says catching her breath

"I was walking."I say

"Do you want to get some coffee?"She asks putting her hands in her jeans

"I thought you had a girlfriend?"I ask

"Lasey it's coffee not intercourse."She says holding back her laughter

"Well if it's not intercourse then fine."I say feeling like an idiot which is nothing new .

I swear if they had to be made into a Barbie doll I would totally be the nerdy socially awkward one .Good thing I am not a Barbie .That would look terrible .

"Oh am I that revolting?"She asks standing with her hands on her hips smirking at me .

"Um aren't ugly you are very much um well you know hot or whatever .."I say blushing like crazy

"I am just kidding Lasey you are so easy!"She says walking further giggling.


"Two coffees with three sugars ."She says handing him a twenty.

"You just ordered for me? What if I wanted something else?"I ask her

"Did you?"



Sitting in a booth I stir my coffee contemplating the meaning of this year and how well it will look on my CV to do some extra curricula's .Get more involved.

"Hey bum I am at the coffee house I will see you later mwah mwah ."She says hanging up the phone

"That your girlfriend?"I ask curiously

"Yeah I just left her a voice message she is still in class."She says smiling to herself

"So this is weird right? I mean two people don't just go for coffee."I say seeing her sip on her coffee

"I owe you for today so no biggie."She says patting my hand

"I don't even know your name?"I say

"I hate my name ."She says rolling her eyes

"It can't be worse than Lasey?"I say waiting expectantly

"Hey I like your name."

"Minka."She says quietly

Minka? That is..a great name!

It suits her .It's like she stepped of the catwalk and into our classroom.

"But I prefer Eva ."She says


"That is my second name."She says nodding

"Eva it is then .So Eva tell me about you."

"Lasey Lasey Lasey. You are just going to have to hang out with me more to get that information. Besides we need to find you a girlfriend first. Its cute that you keep staring at my boobs and all but being that sexually frustrated is dangerous."She says confidently

"I'm are crazy.."I say feeling like I have just shrunk to the ground .Am I that desperate? No.

"Stop it its cute."

"Its not. The desperate gay girl who can't get laid. There is nothing cute about it."I say walking out of the coffee shop convincing myself never to talk to Eva again. Nobody gets to see me like that. Nobody will make me feel like a loser or a geek. Not like she did. Never again.

Shutting my door I open my laptop and quickly go onto facebook. I wish my dad would stop posting these naked pictures of me as a baby on face. It was never cute.

"Hey honey I miss you so incredibly though in your absence I have turned you room into a gym. Aint that great? Only five weeks then you are home again .Even if it is only for the weekend .Miss you honey love you ."

He posts on my wall. ON MY WALL.

1 New Friend request

Minka Eva Belliosario

I should have guest.


Eva P.O.V

"Well of course you did something wrong if she was running out of the coffee shop."

"I was just trying to be nice."I say feeling sorry for myself

"You Italians are so direct .Just apologize. I'm sure she just likes you a little and felt you were making fun of her."

She rejected my friend request on facebook. I feel like a dick. Truth is I really want to be friends with her she is funny and I bet I can give her more confidence.

"I am going to bed I had such a long day."She says kissing my cheek

"Goodnight."I say seeing walk into my bedroom.

I love it when she sleeps over. Even though she has her own apartment she loves coming over here even when I am not here.

Drinking my last cup of coffee I pack my bag for the classes I have tomorrow .Grinning at my smart idea I take out my literature book and close my bag. Now she would have to talk to me.


Lasey P.O.V

"I thought I made myself clear when I told you the third time I didn't want to talk to you about my relationships. Is this the type of person that you are? Butting into other peoples relationships trying to get them at their weakest?" I say flatly to Eva as she shakes her head following me

"No it's not who I am Lasey .I get it I pushed you a little too far which isn't fair because I told you, you would get to know me over time spent together. Okay come out with me tonight and if you don't like it then we don't have to ever talk to each other again but if you do can we be friends?" She asks sweetly holding out her hand for me to shake

"Fine then but don't be surprised if I don't enjoy it." I say shaking her hand

"Come on Ill buy coffee for us."She says pulling me after her.

"Good cuz I left my money where you left you literature book ."I say seeing her stick out her tongue .


The party

"I can't do this I look like a whore with a leather jacket .Scratch that just a whore I can't wear this jacket."I say throwing the jacket on her bed

"You look hot! Keep the jacket on."

"Won't your girlfriend mind you going to a party with me?"I ask seeing some clothes that I doubt she would wear

"She insisted .Her studies keep piling up so she wants to finish it all up so she could be hands on with me as she said it."She says blushing a little

"That's cute."I say hoping to meet her girlfriend one of these days. I bet they are adorable together. Clearly they are crazy about each other.

"So how many girlfriends have you had?"She asks throwing more and more clothes on the bed

"Mmm only three."I say looking at myself in the mirror .It doesn't look that bad. My legs actually look good.

"Oh yeah.Okay well any number I say now over six makes me a slut so..six."She grins

"Wow tell me about them."I ask realizing this is the first time I have had a lesbian friend to talk to about girls.

"First one well I was 13 and she was 12.I was a cougar so I kissed her first .Second one was Holly damn she had hot legs. Third Fourth and Fifth were emotional roller coasters and finally I ended up with my current girlfriend. Of course we both were so emotionally unavailable we were friends for months but finally I told her either you be with me or you go. So she stayed and the rest is a fairytale."She says smiling to herself

"Yeah but you are very confident in yourself. Not me."I say tugging at my jean

"So tell me..Your relationships."

"The first girl was when I was 17 we were together for quite a while but I realised I was in love with her best friend and so did her best friend. The third was about a year and a half ago when I was half way through my first year I started dating this one girl but only for like a month. There was no spark."

"So your first girlfriend was when you were 17?"She asks


"Wow. And the second one? You didn't really talk about that one."

"That's because there is nothing to say I got my heart broken no big deal happens to the best of us."I say

"That's the spirit! Now let's go party!"

Eva P.O.V

"Okay okay here you go ."

"It's from those girls over there I guess they like the skinny jeans."I say to her as she nods sipping on the drink.

"That's awful!"She says

Oh hell what do I have to do to get this girl to drink with me

"Just down it ,it tastes better that way. Wait here I will get us something sweeter."I say

Walking to the bar I see one of the girls walking over to her .Shamelessly flirting .Good she needs this.

Beep Beep

Taking out my phone I answer quickly in excitement.

"So I am sitting here at home staring at the ceiling missing you already .Would I spoil your party if I came to join you guys?"She says sweetly

"No no I miss you too. Hurry though this place is getting packed quickly."I say hearing her say her goodbye and run out the door hanging up the phone

"Lasey you still wanted to meet my girlfriend right?"I ask seeing her cheers with the other girl

"Yeah yeah but first I am going to dance a little .Are you going to join me?"She asks the other girl .Nodding they walk to the dance floor .

This was easier than I thought.


"So when you said packed actually you meant almost empty right?"I hear her voice and turn around and hug her tightly

"I just missed you and wanted you here as soon as possible..Does that make me bad?"I ask touching her stomach.

She looks gorgeous as always her brown hair perfectly styled and her polo shirt perfectly fitted.

"No that doesn't make you bad but things I am going to do to you tonight will. Or should I say all night."She whispers kissing my neck passionately

"Mmm keep on doing that and I will have undress right here."

"I wouldn't mind. Gosh I have been working on those medical files for hours I am so tense. Whoever said medical school was easy sure had to be some sort of alien."She shrugs wrapping me in her arms ,

Standing behind me I feel her light kisses trail down my neck as our bodies move to the music in sync with each other. This could get me high. I wonder if she studied how to be a sex goddess. Because every movement is like they are done to make my legs quake.

"You want another drink bum?"She asks

"That would be great."I say seeing her walk to the bar

"Yo that Lasey chick is smoking hot. I so want to tap that ass as hard as I can."The girl says who flirted and danced with Lasey

"That's so crass but yes you should."

"Here you go babe."She says handing me my drink introducing herself to the girl who flirted with Lasey.

Her name is Larson I think.

"Are you reeling in yet Larson?"My baby asks

"Might just be playa might just be. She is playing a little hard to get you know. I will just have to play nice I guess."She says fist bumping my babe

"You guys are so disrespectful."I say watching Lasey dance

"She deserves somebody to treat her right Larson she was badly hurt."I say

"You know I don't disrespect you bum. It's just talk you know."

"Here she comes play nice Larson."I scold her as Lasey walks to us her eyes drifting everywhere .Maybe she is tipsy.

Finally when her eyes meet mine she smiles but soon after turns her face away staring at the ground frowning.

"Hey Lasey over here."I say to her

"What did you say baby?"

Suddenly I feel her arms tighten around me as Lasey walks towards us.

"Finally how are you feeling?"I ask her

"No I'm good. I should probably be going I have a lot of studying to do so.."She says

"Wow wait I want you to meet someone. Lasey this is my girlfriend Zoey and Zoey this is my friend Lasey. Come on stay a little longer we could all hang out."I say to her

"Babe if she wants to go let her go."Zoey says hugging me tighter looking over to Lasey.

Lasey looks at me smiling and then at Larson.

"Actually I could probably stay awhile longer. I mean we did have a deal right?"Lasey says walking over to the bar.

"Good. Hey Larson you want to come with us to one of the booths at back to chill or whatever?" I ask her

Winking she walks after Lasey to the bar. I guess that is a yes.

"I'm so glad she came out with me tonight. I don't know there is something about her isn't there like a sweetness. I think we could be great friends."I say

"Baby did you hear me?"I ask seeing Zoeys eyes dead set on the dance floor.

"Um sorry. I think you should be friends with whoever you feel like but she doesn't really seem like your type of friends. Maybe you guys are to opposite to be friends." Zoey says walking past me to the back of the club sliding into a booth.

She is probably so stressed out and tensed she needs to sit down. I wouldn't want to be the one studying to become a surgeon.

Lasey P.O.V

At this moment drinking doesn't seem so hard. Seeing that look on her face. No I am not going to think about it. I am stronger now and I look good tonight. Larson is cute and tonight I'm going to be just a university student. Crazy and careless and fun.

"So you and Eva? Do you like her?"Larson asks

"No way she is not my type. I mean she is pretty but no I think of her more as I friend."I sayas we scoot into the booth."

"And Zoey?"She asks

Feeling my heart jump into my throat I keep quiet and shake my head.

"Did I hear my name?"Zoey interrupts looking over at us

Don't look at me.

"Oh I was just asking if Eva or you was Laseys type. Sorry man she said no."Larson winks

Seeing Zoey grin to herself I feel like a used bumper stick. Now only a funny reminder in the back of her mind.

"Aww don't worry baby you are definitely my type."Eva says kissing Zoey on the cheek

Watching as Evas lips touch her cheek I see Zoey looking over at me a frown on her face. She turns her head to Eva and kisses her hard on the lips.

More than I could see.

"I am quickly going to the bathroom."I say sliding out of the seat

"Can I come with?"Larson asks

"Um no I'll be fast."I try to say sweetly but I'm guessing it just sounded bitchy.

I was wrong I can't do this. Not around her not here .

Splashing my face with cold water I feel memories flooding my mind memories I had been two years without thinking. I don't love her anymore that I know. It all still just hurts like hell.

You know what.

Fck it.

Zoey P.O.V

"Mmm you know these things are really good."Lasey says to Larson hanging all over her.

"Oh honey that's because that it you fifth."

Lasey sticks out her tongue to Larson asking her what colour it is and I try and try to block her out.

"Babe you want to go dance?"I ask Eva

"Oe I thought you'd never ask."She says grabbing my hand leading me to the dance floor

Wrapping my arms around her I see her smile sweetly at me hugging me tight. She is gorgeous.The perfect girl for me.

"Mmm you see I am a good match maker."She says kissing my cheek pushing our bodies closer together.

"I don't there will come anything of it."I say

"All I mean is that they don't seem fit for each other."I say wishing I hadn't

"I think Lasey is a big girl and knows what she is doing baby. But thanks for caring about my friend."Eva says

"I don't care about her. The only person I care about is the one standing right in front of me. She doesn't mean anything to me."I say frustrated

"Babe...I didn't mean it like that. "

"I'm sorry bum I'm just so tired I just want to get home and do what we know best."I whisper seeing her bite her lip.

Looking next to me I see Larson and Lasey dancing together. Larson sober as can be and Lasey very close to being mind numbingly drunk. Larson is a scum bag.

Seeing her lower her hand to Laseys ass I feel my hands starting to shake. Why is she taking advantage of a drunk girl? Not cool.

Lasey doesn't even drink. I don't know maybe she started.

Seeing Lasey half asleep on Larsons shoulder I see her eyes meet mine and as hard as I try my eyes don't want to tear way. Staring at each other I see her shake her head slightly and look away.

"I want to go home."I tell Eva and smiley Eva looks up at me and nods.

"Okay baby but Lasey is sleeping over so we have to get her to."

"Why? You didn't tell me that part?"I say surprised

"Because the dorms won't let her in at this time of the night. It's too far and we wanted to have a sleepover. Remember you weren't suppose to be here ."Eva says kissing my cheek

"Well I'm waiting in the car I suppose you guys came in a taxi?"I ask

"Yep be there now."Eva says talking to Larson and Lasey

Walking out of the club and climbing into my car I grab hold of the steering wheel. Knuckles tightened around it I try taking a deep breath.All this shit building up inside me and I feel my palm slamming into my steering wheel over and over again .Until I hear a knock at the window. Eva staring at me in shock. Great now she will be thinking something is wrong.

Climbing back out of the car I see Larson holding Lasey up while she is sleeping.

"Baby get inside the car."I say as Eva nods and climbs in.

"Thanks for the help Larson I will take it from here." I say trying to take Lasey whom is fast asleep away from her.

"Yo man I'm coming with. Waiting for that 3 am booty call and ill be in the bed ready for action you know what I mean playa." She says grinning at me kissing Lasey on the cheek.

"Get your Fcking hands off of her now."I say glaring at her

"Wow Zoe what up now you know how we roll."Larson says patting my back

My left arm quickly pushes her away from me and I take Lasey with my right hand opening the car door. Laying her down on the seat I close the door and walk to Larson.

"Relax man."

Gripping her shirt I glare down at her .Ready to smash her face in .

"Zoe! Leave her, stop ."I hear Eva yell looking at me strangely

"Listen you ever even think of touching Lasey again I will shred you to pieces do you understand me ?" I ask not really realizing the words coming out of my mouth.

"Whatever man just let me go."

Glencing my hand tighter around her throat I ask her again.

"I asked if you understand."I say seeing her nod her head

I release my hand and walk away from her seeing her fall to the ground. Asshole .

Starting the car I turn up the music trying to calm myself down.

"Who was that?"Eva asks

"What do you mean?"

"I have never seen you like that."She says looking at me ,staring at me

"I'm me."I say turning the radio louder seeing her turn her head and look out the window.


"Can you pick her up?"Eva asks me

"No I am not going to ."I say. I don't want her in my arms. I don't want anything to do with her.

"Well I can't lift her and she can't walk.."Eva saying turning and walking into the house

"Arg fine."I say opening the car door trying to pull her to me..

This was of course unsuccessful .All I managed to do was to let her top graze up to above her belly button. Making me have to look away.

In the end I ask her to put her arms around my neck to pull herself up. Closing the car door picked her up properly bridal style with her head in my neck . I felt her look at me. I just didn't want to look back. It's not right.

"You look different you know."She whispers to me .

The first words acknowledging that we have a past.

"Older."She says still staring

"I am older Lasey."I say flatly

Looking down I see her smile a sad smile and close her eyes again. Maybe I should go to my apartment.

"Babe can you just put her in the spare room please I have already prepared it for her."Eva says kissing my cheek

Nodding I walk into the spare room .Opening the sheets with one hand and sitting her down under the sheets. Taking off her leather jacket and putting it next to the bed. When I walk back to her I see her eyes wide open staring at me again.

"You should lay down."I say switching off the light.

"Zoey.."I hear her whisper

"Yep?"I ask feeling my heart pound out of control

"You still smell the same."She says smiling at me and turning away .

Closing her door I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen.

"You tired babe?"Eva ask handing me my coffee

"No not anymore I think I'm wide awake now."I say smiling at her

"Good."She says taking off her robe and leaving nothing else on.

Authors Note

So do you guys like the new book?

Should I continue with it?

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