My best friends brother

By Peace502

335K 6.8K 893

"Andy? Hello you there?" I whispered a bit louder. Maybe something happened and he's in shock? Was Amber alri... More

Summer Time
That night
That Morning
To be or Not To Be
Great...he's back
Movie Night
Author's Note
The More The Marier
One gun shot. One hospital bed.
Authors Note
A Wonderful Day At the Beach?
I'm sorry guys
Chapter 17

The Mall

19.5K 357 21
By Peace502

"Aha! Here you are!!! You think you could hide!" Laughed Amber, man she is hyper today... I went to grab the chocolate chips and took one out of the bag. Chocolate!! Then I feel Andy behind me reaching for one too. He blows into my ear, a cool minty breath. My legs start to turn into jelly. But I quickly regain strength and walked away following Amber to make pancakes. He tapped me on the butt as I went off and I glared back at him.
"What's wrong with you?" I mouthed.
"I can't help it." He smirked and mouthed back. Ugh men...
"Those were sooooo good!" Amber sighed while I was giggling at some chocolate on her cheek and nose. How did it get there anyway? Amber still didn't notice until I grabbed my napkin.
"Awww my poor baby is being very messy. Let me help you clean up." I ran my napkin over the chocolate and all over her face, smearing the chocolate even more.
"Roe stoooopppp!!!" Amber screamed while laughing.
"I'm trying!! But I can't!" I yelled back. Eventually we both ended up on the floor laughing our hearts out, with chocolate both of our faces and pancake bits that we have smushed on each other's faces. Then Andy walks in and eyes us.
"What happened here?" Amber and I try to muffle our giggles but we failed, we started rolling around on the group laughing until Andy pulled us both of the ground and  warned us that if we didn't clean up our plates we couldn't go to the mall. Quickly Amber and I rush our plates over to the sink and practically threw them in the washer. Amber ran up to her room to get dressed and I went into the basement to grab my bag. I ran down the stairs and over to the couch. I felt hands on my hips and knew who it was. I smiled to myself but acted like I didn't feel anything. I decided to tease him. I fully bent over to my bag on the ground picking up my headphones. My butt was against his friend and I heard a slight moan. I stood up, and smiled.
"That's not fair..." He whined, i could tell he was disappointed. I just shrugged having my back still facing him. He spun me around and crashed his full lips on mine. He kissed me roughly and we fell onto the couch together. My hands in his hair, running them back and forth. His hands on my waist and holding me tight so that I was basically apart of him. Then I heard foot steps. We quickly got up and he ran over to the other side of the basement to where he works out, while I acted like I was still getting ready.
"Common Roe!!!! I wanna get going!!" Yelled Amber. I forgot I haven't even gotten dressed yet.
"Andy! Get out! Roe needs to change!!!" Andy didn't even move.
"It's alright she can still change..." My mouth dropped. What was he doing?? In front of his sister! Crap we are gonna be so busted!
"YOU PERVERT!!!! GET OUT!!!" Yelled Amber while practically dragging her brother up the stairs and pushing him out while locking the basement door. For all the years I've been here, I never knew there was a lock on the basement door.
"Ugh ignore my idiotic brother, he was just joking!" Amber scoffed. I bet he wasn't...if only she knew. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. I added on light makeup and we both ran up the stairs.
"ANDY LETS GO!" Amber and I both yelled towards his room while banging on his door. The door flew open and he came out in a nice pair of jeans and a black T-shirt that you could totally see him ab's through.  I couldn't take my eyes off them until I saw him smirking at me. Crap he can see through the pair of sunglasses I'm wearing! I was just wearing a simple white skirt with a teal lace long sleeve shirt and a pair of brown combat boots. I could tell he couldn't keep his eyes off my legs. I was a tall and skinny girl but I ate a ton of food. I just like to run so it burns off the fat usually. We all hopped into the car and Amber and I sat in the back. I could feel Andy's eyes on me the whole ride, even though he should have been paying more attention to the road. I did not want to be in an accident. The mall is only about 10 minutes away so it's not bad at all, especially on a nice warm sunny day where the top of the car can be taken down. The wind was rushing in our faces, and we were listening to 'Play it Again' by Luke Bryan. One of my all time favorite country singers and my favorite song he's ever wrote.
"I love this song!!" I said over the wind to Amber. Andy must have over heard cause he turned it up and said
"Hey mine too." I just smiled, yay! We like the same type of music.
"Do you like country Andy?"
He nodded,
"Hell yeah! I love it!"
I smiled and talked to Amber the rest of the way.
"Hey Roe we should meet some cute guys today!! I know you want to. Ryan cheated on you like what a month ago? And you dumped him! You need to move on." Amber said. It's true I need to move on, and I kinda did. I moved onto to Andy. But I wasn't using Andy! I do like him! Or at least I think I do. No I know I do! When I kiss Andy I feel sparks, I feel a certain emotion I didn't have with Ryan.
"Eh I'm okay.." I didn't want Andy thinking that I didn't like him or it was just for fun.
"You guys aren't gonna go hit up any guys!" Andy scolded us for. Starting at me the entire time. We parked in the parking lot and walked towards the store Forever 21.
"But Andy!!!! It's not fair! Roe needs a new man! And I want a guy!!!" Amber whined. I saw Andys hand form into a fist and his knuckles whiten when Amber mentioned me.
"Not when I'm here!" He said directly to Amber. Amber just took my hand and ran towards the store. Crap I knew what she was trying to do, she was trying to ditch Andy. Ugh this won't end well. Andy soon found out this little game once we hit the doors. He ran for us.
"Amber he's not gonna loose us. Why do we have to ditch him?"
I asked while being pulled through the stores and having the store workers stair at us. Great we gave the entire store looking at us! Andy soon caught up and grabbed my hand before we got out of the store. I was in the middle of a tug of war between my best friend and my boy friend. Of course Andy won, and wrapped both arms around me. I would had been okay with this, but we were in front of his sister and the store! Amber just looked at us blankly not knowing what to say. I tried to live but Andy wouldn't let me. Amber caught on. "Haha! I knew it! I knew you liked her!" Amber giggled. I blushed and my mouth dropped. She knew? I looked up at Andy and he looked just as surprised as I was.
"Why didn't you guys tell me!" Amber asked, we both just stayed silent. Andy finally let go of me and we all walked out of the store. It was still early so no one was really in the mall or stores yet, but people were starting to arrive. We all headed towards the food court and sat down. Andy and I told Amber what happened and why we thought we shouldn't tell anyone.
"...I should have know I couldn't keep it away from you! I'm sorry." I felt like a horrible best friend.
She just giggled and smiled,
"Hey I would have done the same thing. Too bad you don't have an older brother for me to fall in love with! Not fair!" She crossed her arms like a 4 year old and stuck out her tongue. Man, I'm lucky to have her!
"But you can't tell anyone." Andy chimed in. "If anyone ever found out we-" I finished for him.
"We wouldn't be able to be together. Heck he would probably get arrested. A 17 year old with a 21 year old isn't allowed. So you can't tell anyone! Not even our parents can know...well not yet anyways." Both of our parents work full time. My dad and mom were always gone on trips for work and so were Ambers parents. So usually we hung out after school so we wouldn't be so lonely.
"Yeah like they would actually care though..." Andy mumbled. Andy never had a strong relationship with his parents, even I knew that. We didn't talk about our parents very much, since Amber and Andy barley see them. At least my parents comes back for a couple days each month. Their parents come back for a weekend every other month. I feel horrible.
---after eating in the food court---
"Hey I'm gonna run to the girls room be right back guys! Amber do you wanna come?" She shook her head,
"No thanks, I'm gonna go buy a water to carry around. Andy give me two bucks." I just laughed as Andy sighed and reached for his wallet. I walked around the corner and down the hall to the bathrooms. I stepped inside not seeing a single person. Hmm that's weird. I went into a stall. All the sudden I was pinned up to the wall.

Hey guys!!! Hope you like this chapter! Please don't kill me! I will update in about two days, I have a lot of homework this weekend and practice on Monday after school for choir! So please be patient! Cya guys soon!
Xoxo Peace

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