R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK...

By Scoobert_Doo

464 36 41

I am rewriting this book ~WARNING: this book contains mild language, violence, and mention of blood~ =-=-=-=... More

R.I.P (Rest In Peace)
1 (Prom Queen)
2 (Five Plains)
3 (Not Too Bright)
4 (Ghosty)
5 (How to be a ghost (or a soul, what ever you prefer) instructional video)
6 (Revolution)
7 (Possibilities)
9 (Making Mistakes)
10 (Traitor)

8 (In Loving Memory)

26 2 0
By Scoobert_Doo

Trevor teleported us to a grave yard. Tomb stones were in neat rows side by side. What made it one hundred percent creepier was all the people walking around. They wore muted colour tones and sad expressions as the wandered up and down the paths.

"What is this place?" I asked after taking the sight in. The feeling of emptiness was thick in the air.

"The final resting place of Kaitlin Anne McCarthy." He said matter of fact. "Her tombstone is just down there." He pointed to a new looking tombstone next to a tree.

"T-that's me." I stuttered, staring at my grave. Trevor placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I know how I said to let everything go earlier, but I think this is for the best." He said.

After a minute I turned to look at him. "What..." I took a breath. "What are you talking about?" He took his hand off of my shoulder and gestured to my grave.

"Look for yourself." He put his hands in his leather jacket and smiled. "I'll be back soon."

"Wait! Where's Evan?" I asked angrily, but he was already gone. I looked around frantically, I was truly alone.

This was bad.

I grabbed my head and looked at the ground slowly collecting my thoughts. I felt like crying and yelling all at the same time. I took a deep breath.

'No.' I scolded myself. 'There's a reason your here. Figure it out.'

I looked back ahead at all the other ghosts occupying the grave yard space. I focused on my tombstone and walked towards it.

As I got closer I got more and more uneasy. I never stressed out that much during my life, but I was sure making a habit of it now. I felt like I was going to puke, but I pulled myself forward.

"Excuse me, pardon." I said as I walked past a group of clumped people. They stared absently past me.

Finally I had reached my grave. It was a nice published black marble. It has big silver letters spelling out my name. I read the inscription.

In Loving Memory

Kaitlin Anne McCarthy

May 6th 1996 - June 12th 2013

Beloved Daughter and Friend

May She Rest In Peace

May she rest in peace.

I read the sentence over and over. Then it finally hit me, I was dead, and there was no going back. I had already learned this fact, but it was only now did I realize my fate had been decided. I had left my body behind on that horrible night, along with my family and friends.

I sat down on the grass and leaned against the cold marble. My whole life was gone. Tears were streaking down my cheeks as I pressed my head into my knees.

It seemed like hours when a voice spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

I looked up, it was Evan. I never thought I was going to see him again.

He looked like he had the day before I died. He wore his signature jacket and the pair of blue jeans I had given him for his birthday.

After my vision had cleared I noticed he had dark circles under his eyes and his brown hair was in tangles. He looked exhausted. In his hand he clutched blue bells, my favorite flower.

"Kaitlin, if you can hear me, I'm sorry." He said again, the words got caught in his throat as he struggled to keep from crying.

I stood up suddenly. Did he see me?

"Evan!" I said running towards him. I stopped short as he walked right past me, through me would be more accurate.

"I know I've been coming here a lot this past year... and saying the same thing." He stopped and rubbed his arms. "It's cold today huh?" He said chuckling slightly.

"It's been a year." I whispered to myself. "I've been dead a year." Tears threatened to come spilling out as I thought of all the things I missed out on. "Oh god."

Evan took a breath, not noticing me. "I should've picked you up. It was the right choice." He wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "You know, I kept thinking- I should pick up Kate, somethings not right." He began laughing softly as tears began to make their way down his cheeks.

I walked back and stood beside him.

"I remember when we were kids, and you wanted to play pirates. So we..." He started laughing louder now, reliving the memory. After a moment he continued. "We sneaked into Mrs. Lowlands yard, to-to steal her lawn flamingo. It was going to be our first successful 'looting'."

I started remembering that day too. Evan and I were so young, and oblivious to the world.

"But then she caught us. You managed to hold her off long enough for me to get away, but you took all the blame for it." He stopped. "You were always so kind."

I'd been grounded for that. As the captain it was my duty, and my duty alone, to sink with the ship. I've never regretted the decision.

"You... You didn't deserve to die." His tone was more serious now. It's playful nature had vanished completely. "Good things are always taken away too early." He bent down and placed the flowers on my grave. I watched him silently. "I know you're probably not even listening to me right now... I'm just spouting words that mean nothing, But if you are, I want you to know that I still love you, and always will."

My breath caught in the back of my throat as I began to sob. Evan stood up again, and turned to walk away. I put my hand out to touch him, but my hand went right through is shoulder.

He walked away as I stood there, thinking about what could've been and what never would come to be.

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