Her Royal Highness

By PsyreAlaina

281K 7.5K 171

They told me that everybody hates me. That I'm a spoiled brat, that I'm an arrogant girl with nasty attitude... More



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By PsyreAlaina

I was listening to the professor when I heard Erik whispered something.

        "Dianne's sister just got in here."

        I looked at him and looked at him with confusion. "Isn't she a year older than her?"

        "Yeah but she stopped at year so she was delayed."

        "Why did she stop?"

        "The shame her family got from Dianne's actions."

        "What?" I bit my lip and started scribbling on my notes. The professor stopped lecturing and he made us copy the things he wrote on the board.

        Dianna is a year older than Dianne. She lived in Liverpool while we are here in London. She looked like her sister, except for her hair. She had wavy hair unlike Dianne, she has the tight curls.

        I haven't heard any news from them since their family moved to York. They lived peacefully there. Why did she enroll here?

        "Dianne should be resting in peace and if her family wants it too..." my voice failed me. I know what I'll say next, but I need to just shut up. "It's up to their family. I don't want to interfere in their lives. They've got enough heartbreak because of me."


When we got back in Buckingham later that day, we were greeted by the overwhelming number of media in front of the gates. I suddenly realized that maybe this was a scheme my grandmother of a witch prepared to get my mind blown. I got my own troubles in Oxford earlier. I don't want to get involved in a ruckus again.

We were eating in the cafeteria with the siblings when all of the students in the area silenced. I looked at Erik and he pointed the LCD TV that was on the wall.

        The news showed a photo of James and I. I just listened to the reporter.

        "There are many speculations about what is stirring inside the Palace. There are many rumors about a wedding being prepared in private for Her Royal Highness Princess Jamielle. Will there really be wedding bells sooner rather than later? Royal News got information from an insider that we will soon hear the wedding bells.

        "These speculations went more interesting when the Prince James arrived in the country some days ago. There will be more of this scoop when we come back after this short break."

        All eyes were staring either at me or at James. James was beside me and he just stopped chewing his food after the news came off. He looked at me and I sighed. I rolled my eyes and just stared at my food.

        "I'll be damned." It was Vianne's whisper that broke the silence between all of us.

        "We didn't expect that." Cindy said. I heard a little sadness in her voice. Why sadness?

        "Should anyone expect that?" I whisper. I pulled my head up high. Everyone was eating peacefully but nobody makes any sound except for the school crew and administration. They must be surprised on the news. Another royal event will commence sooner.

        "Are you okay, Jamielle?" I heard Erik asked.

        I slowly nodded. "Yeah. I think?" I sighed. "I don't know what to think about my grandmother. Do I have a witch or a devil for a grandmother? I used to look up to her as my life, my aid but now, I clearly think of her as a bad omen. She's clearly predicting everything in my life."

        "Jamielle, calm down." Erik said as he rub my back.

        "Our grandmoms back at home are clearly the opposite of yours."

        That caught my attention. I know little about these siblings.


          "Yes." Edvard answered for all of them. "We have Grandmama Agatha, Grandmom Victoria, Granny Nuanna, Grandmommy Geraldine."

        "Wow. Talk about the extended family you have." I muttered, clearly amazed with how many grandparents these siblings have.

        They all smiled. But moments after, the idea of the news came into me. I don't really know what my Grandmum is up to.

        "I have a plan."


The media outside the school were noisy, fighting off the bodyguards, wanting to take snippets of my life.

        Thirty minutes after the news scoop was reported, the administration informed me of the increasing number of media outside the school. Why do I have to endure all of this?

        Now I have to come up with a plan that is eye catching and worthy to be a headline. That would my Grandmum like.

        The gang and I were here at the main entrance since we got no time to head at a different exit. I came up with a plan that would surely get the reporters satisfied. I think?

        "Okay, listen." I said. I was in front of the gang, commanding this scene. How I hate this type of mess.

        "There are reporters outside that wants to look in our daily lives. I'm getting exasperated because of this but they won't stop until they get their satisfactory news.

"Of course, the wedding news was true so we need to be really careful. Vianne, Freddie and Edvard will stay in protocol. Cindy and Erik will stay in the other car." They both nodded. "James and I will be in the other car. This is a need. We don't want to start another round of speculations so we need to do this."

        They all nodded. I told Vianne and her brothers to exit first followed by Cindy and Erik then James and I will be last to exit.

        Vianne and her brothers exited and I saw the blinding flashes of the cameras. Then Cindy and Erik followed suit. I took in a large amount of air and sighed it out. I reached for James' hand and he almost pulled it away.

        "For publicity." I said then he took my hand and squeezed it. I felt an unfamiliar feeling when I touched his hand. It was like lighting running through my veins. It was odd and I suddenly want to pull my hand away.

        The guards signaled us that the doors will open. I have to pull James out of the building. But when the doors open, James was the one who pulled us through the flood of media.

        James held my hand tightly all the way. The paparazzi was pushing their way to us and I just ducked and let myself get pulled by James. The flashes of the camera was making me temporarily blind and their loud voices that were full of questions roar in my ear that got me almost deaf. The guards opened the car door and James pushed my inside. I was still surprised by the unfamiliar feeling that flowed in me.

        James ran to the other side and slid in the car. All of the guards safely got in the cars then we started to drive away, leaving the poor paparazzi with little information about us.

        I looked down my lap and I saw that I was mindlessly holding the hand that James held. What was that all about?

        I kept quiet all the way. I closed my eyes and pretended that nothing happened. I heard the car monitors being turned on but I still remain silent. Cindy asked James if he was okay. Erik wasn't talking. Vianne and Cindy got engaged in talking about what happened and I don't give a damn.

        Half-way through the way, I slowly opened my eyes and peeked at James. His eyes were closed. I just stare at him for some seconds. I'm not really sure why I'm doing this but this won't do any harm. Then he slowly stirs towards me and slowly opens his eyes and pins it to me.

        I just remained staring at him with the fact that his gaze was on me also. I was kind of woken up by someone when cleared his or her throat. I pulled my eyes away from him and started to watch the view outside the car.

        And I can still feel his gaze on me. I rub my hand and recalled that spark I felt. It was unfamiliar but refreshing.


When I got off the car, I can hear the busy steps of the staff around the Palace. This was not their usual busy work day. This was the 'There's something going on in the Palace' busy steps'.

        I need to be beside James since it was my grandmother's evil witch plan. Who knows what form would she change into if she sees me mingling out with others except for James?

        Erik and Cindy were quiet on the way. Vianne and her brothers were silent also. Then I heard the loud noises from outside. I know that the media were invited inside. I went to a window and looked at the ruckus that was happening outside of the Palace. My grandmother is going to give the press satisfaction on the rumored wedding.

        "There's a press conference." I heard Cindy say.

        "Yes. It is obvious enough that it is a press conference."

        I continued walking. Vianne and her brothers went upstairs to rest. Erik, Cindy, James and I stayed here. We turned around to a corner and saw that the media has flooded the hall. I instantly ran to the side and luckily that they didn't see me. James and Cindy ran to me also.

        "Why aren't there any guards around?" I mutter, cursing the lack of bodyguards in this area.

        "I noticed. There should be at least some to control the media. What if they really saw is and attacked us?"

        "Well, they must be holding the crowd. But what if they went roaming around the Palace and caught us in our private lives?" I sighed. "Ugh. Media antics are getting into my nerves."

        We just stayed in our place and waited for the noise to fade. They must have entered the conference hall.

        Erik peeked and he gave us a signal that it was safe. Then when we walked down the halls, a server came rushing towards us. When she got near, I almost fainted.

        It was Dianne's sister, Dianna.

        She's a server here? Why is she working here?

        "Your Highness, the queen is requesting your presence along with Prince James." She said.

        I nodded. "Alright. You're dismissed, Dianna."

        She curtsied and scuttled off away from us.

        Of all the times she could show her arse off, she chose this? I don't need her to show herself to me and give a grave reminder of what my past is all about. She's going to give me a nightmare as long as she's here. I need that past burned and buried, I don't need it surfacing again.

        I looked at Erik and he just shook his head. I sighed and turned to James.

        "We need to go." I said.

        He nodded and took my hand. We rushed to the conference hall and before we enter, we composed ourselves, looking at imperfections from all over our bodies. But we are composed of imperfections. No one could change that.

        I looked at James and sighed. His hand was gently embracing mine as we wait for the doors to open. When it opened, the flashes of the cameras blinded us both.

        We flashed our fake smiles and we walked through the flashes. James pulled my chair and let me sit next to him, he sat in between me and my grandmother. I must thank him for that later. All I need is now is peace and it would be given as long as I run away from the cursed mouth of my grandmum.

        Some of the flashes faded and the others were still up. I'm used but that caused me to wear correctional eyeglasses. James was neutral by my side and I'm very fine with it. The announcer called us and everybody stood up and bowed to us.

        Grandmum stood up when the media sat down.

         "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad that you are here with us. Before we answer your questions humbly, I would like to welcome here in United Kingdom our valued guests."

        The doors opened, Vianne and her brothers entered the hall together with Cindy and Erik. They just stood regally and sat on the seats readied for them.

        "Welcome, Prince Frederick of Luxembourg, Princess Vianne of Denmark, Prince Edvard of Italy and Princess Cindy of Belgium. We are very honored that you could join us here."

         They bowed their heads and glanced at us. They gave us small smiles and we returned that.

         "Now, please do ask out your inquiries and we shall be answering them honestly."

        Well, honesty wasn't in my agenda. I glanced at James and he just looked neutral. Well, I guess I have to lie about how this marriage came into place.

        "Your Majesty, is the news about the wedding of the Crown Princess real?" A redhead reporter asked.

        I looked at Grandmum, she was smiling. Help me, I'm going to strangle this witch.

        "Of course, they are not rumors any longer. She will be wed soon."

        "If that is so, would she be married with the Prince James beside her?"

        "Yes, she is."

          The crowd roared. I stayed calm but I'm shouting inside me. I'm going to kill my grandmum for having me face this ordeal.

        The guards calmed them down. Then a reporter stood up.

        "Your Highness, is this marriage arranged?"

         The question was thrown for me to answer. Should I lie? Shouldn't I? I have to. This is for the lovely image my Mother and Father had before they died.

        "No, this wasn't arranged." I said. I looked at James and he gave me a small smile saying that I need to keep this going. I hope he supports me with his answers later.

        "James-the Prince and I were long engaged in a long distanced relationship and we decided that our relationship should be concluded sooner."

        "There haven't been any reports about your relationship, was this a private one?"

        "Obviously, it is. We needed a private, passionate relationship without anybody mingling in it." I said. I think I'm great for lying and making up stories about me and James.

        "A private, passionate relationship you say, Your Highness Prince James, how long have you been in this arrangement?"

        I looked at James and he smiled. Why does he have to smile like they were real even if they aren't?

        "We have been in this relationship for two years now."

         "If so, when did you two meet?"

         He looked at me and smiled wider. I returned it with a fake one but realistic. "We met two years ago in a party in Belgium held for the Princess Cynthia."

         I looked at Cindy and she was pulling off a neutral face which will win us if we argue.

         "And when did you propose, Your Highness?"

          "A month ago when I returned in Norway. We had a private dinner and only us were the witnesses."

        "Is that so, Your Highness? When will the wedding be?"

        "The details of the wedding will be properly announced if all were in order." I answered.

        I was wondering how James managed to make up stories like me. Maybe he was used with this also. We need to keep this up.

        The questions were thrown to us took a hour and a half to be answered. After we concluded the conference, we stood up and bowed to them. I held my left hand so I could conceal the ring less finger I have so the media won't be able to notice it.

        When we got out, Grandmum looked furious. "You two, to the Drawing Room now!"

        I thought of the drawing rooms in the Palace. Which one? I would like to voice it out, but obviously Grandmum wanted us to be in the nearest. So, the Blue Drawing Room it is.

        I rolled my eyes and went ahead to the Drawing Room. I thought that we already cleared the issues with lies and she will be happy that we did, but she chose to show her evil form and we will get a round of sermons from her.

        Cindy and the others went upstairs as stated by a server when I reached the Drawing Room. James and Grandmum followed here.

        I walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and stared outside. I am calmed down and I'm not in for argument about the conference. I noticed the vase beside me. It was more than a hundred of years older than me but I won't regret it if I smashed it on my Grandmum's head.

        "What was that all about?!" I heard my Grandmum shrieked.

        "You wanted good image for the royal family and we gave you what you clearly want." I said with a monotonously. I must be calm as long as possible so I won't be hitting my Grandmother with the vase I'm with.

        "But lie?!"

        "What did you want us to say?" I turned to her and looked at her blankly. I don't need her irrational arguments. "That this was arranged between our parents for strong bonds? That would mean that our kingdom is not stable enough."

        She stopped. "You both thought about this."

        "We didn't. We came up about it just earlier."

        "Just small glances? Are you serious?" She asked. She was really furious.

        "Yes. We should lie, Grandmum. I don't want to argue anymore. We gave you more than a show today, I'm tired from school, let me rest. I don't want work today and don't disturb me."

        I walked out of the Drawing Room without looking back. When I got out, I saw Dianna walking towards me. I don't want to ask about her presence here.

        She stopped in front of me and she curtsied. "Your Highness."

        "Dianna, why are you here?"


        James went outside. He stopped when he saw us.

        "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in York?"

        "Your Highness, uhm, I'd been accepted to work here as a server for you."

        "Should you be here?" I raised an eyebrow. I'm getting mad. I don't want her near me. I'm hating myself on happened to Dianne.

        "Princess, I believe that this is what I want."

        "You're in Oxford also, why are you there?"

        "I got accepted, Sire."

        "Really? Should your work and studies be together at the same time? You should be choosing just one passion at a time."

        "I promised that I will serve you and study."

        "Is that so? Or are you here to sabotage me?"


        I turned, James' lips were pressed into a thin line. "What?"

        "Don't humiliate her here."

        "And who are you? Please get out of my sight, James."

        "You are not in the right place to talk about her like that."

        "And you are? You don't know anything about me, James. You don't know who I am and who I was before you came. You know nothing. I may not be in place for you but in my knowledge I am. And you don't know why."

        I walked away from them. I heard sobbing from behind me. It was probably Dianna. Why would she cry? She shouldn't have.

        I went up to my room and lie on my bed. I don't need distractions right now. I'm doing a clean job to be strong. I don't want anybody destroying my image.

        I stared at the ceiling. I pulled up the hand James held earlier. If the news about my wedding came up, I need a proof that it was a passionate relationship. I stared at my ring less finger.

        I need an engagement ring.

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