Half Bad //l.s

By thegayerthebetter

4.3K 174 22

Harry was destined to be evil; it was in his blood. Harry was destined to kill; it was in his blood. But dest... More

Auther note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

177 7 1
By thegayerthebetter

chapter 11 - Harry

Horror movie. How fucking cliché, right? Zayn insisted that scary movies would spice up the atmosphere considering the past couple of hectic days we hardly made it through. And so now, here I am, sitting next to Louis on the couch (wishing I could be closer, but not in the mood to be cremated), and watching something as stupid as The Conjuring. I honestly don't see what's so fucking scary about it, but each one of these pansies jump at the slightest noise.

Maybe it's because I'm Harry Styles and I'm not scared of anything, or maybe it's because I'm so fucking livid right now watching Louis cuddle into Jessie's chest with every spooky scene that occurs. I mean, I know I'm not much of comfort considering he (sadly) can't cling to me like that, but does it have to be Jessie? My brother that I absolutely, positively cannot stand?

Then again, Jessie seemed to be the only person in this room Louis can touch without burning the shit out of. But it still pisses me off that I can't be the one he's snuggling against because he's scared. I don't want Louis to fear anything, especially not a pathetic movie like this, and especially not with me around to keep him safe. As cliché and pathetic as it fucking sounds, it's suffocating me to see him with another guy, especially my brother. I don't want to see him with anyone other than me.

And yet I can't even hold his hand without fearing my arm will turn to ashes.

What a fucking fairytale, right?

Puffing out air from my cheeks, I let my temple fall onto my fist as my hand propped my head  up, my eyes unamusingly watching the movie at play. Something dodged at the camera quickly, causing practically everyone to squeal like girls and I caught sight of Louis burying his face in Jessie's chest before slowly peeking out. The action would've been adorable if it were me he were cuddling in to.

And Jessie was enjoying the attention from Louis far too much.

The satisfied smirk on his lips was evident as he hooked his arm around him, rubbing his arm as if to comfort him. My hands curled into tight fists as I tore my eyes from the scene, chewing my bottom lip furiously and even drawing a little blood. But I didn't fucking care, I was too pissed to care. And even though it's quite obvious, I will be pathetic and admit that I'm jealous. I'm incredibly jealous. Jessie gets to hold the boy I've been dying to hold for a few weeks now. He doesn't have to worry about burning to ashes, or even getting stinging blisters on his hand. He just gets to do it, and that pisses me off even more.

When the movie finally ended, I was more than relieved. I was sick and tired of sitting on this couch, watching this disgusting cuddling session happening next to me.

It wouldn't be disgusting if it were me...

Shaking my head to rid those thoughts, I stand from the couch just as an idea strikes me. Jessie looked as if he were about to say something to Louis as he heaved both hands through his hair, his half empty bag of M&Ms sitting on the table. The little turd wouldn't let anyone have any, but I honestly found it pretty adorable. Not to mention the way his eyes lit up when he saw them and-

Focus, dammit.

"Louis, can I talk to you?" I said just as Jessie was opening his mouth. He glanced to me, and I was positive there was resentment in his eyes.

Louis shrugged. "Um, all right. Can I bring my M&Ms?"

Biting my lip to hold back a chuckle, I shrugged and he followed me into the room. His eyes were speckled with curiosity as he shoved in two candies at a time. I learned that he has this weird OCD problem where he has to take even bites of food. Like if he eats Cheese-Itz, he has to eat them two at a time. Just like with these M&Ms, and apparently his OCD is pretty bad. I didn't ask him about it, but it was cute enough as it was.

Without speaking, I turned around and walked to one of his bags of new clothes. I pulled out the blue swimming shorts, still a little depressed he hadn't tried it on in the store, but now praying that he would accept my offer. He seemed more than baffled as I handed it to him, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Go change," I told him as a small smile graced my lips. "I want to show you something."

"Harry, its dark out and you know-"

"I know you're scared of the dark, Louis. But I'll be right there, and besides... This'll be fun, all right? Just... trust me on this."

Louis raised an eyebrow. "That's not another trick question, right?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "No, it isn't. But it might turn into one if you don't hurry up and get changed."

Sighing heavily, Louis popped two more M&Ms into his mouth before he shrugged. "Fine, Harold. But this better be worth going out into the dark."


"I'm going to have a panic attack and die right now and you'll never know because you're too busy laughing at me," Louis scolded as he walked behind me.

I smirked. "Louis, I'd know if you died because then it'd be quiet."

Louis scoffed. "You love my rambling, Harold. Just admit it."

You're right, I really do.

"Never in a million years. And would you stop calling me Harold?"

"Only if you admit you love my rambling."

"Not going to happen."

"All right then, Harold, don't complain."

Not being able to stop the small smile gracing my lips, I didn't dare turn back to look at him. I knew I'd get lost in those beautiful blue eyes of his, and I really needed to stay focused. I already knew seeing him in tight swimming shorts was going to make me go insane, but I seemed to melt under the twinkling eyes he has. It's like he has a power over me, just by meeting my gaze. It's beautiful and agonizingly pathetic all at the same time, and I'm not sure which one to be more afraid of; the way he has control over me, or the way he makes me feel.

Coming upon the area where I knew the little pond was located, I pushed through a couple more branches and held them out for Louis to pass. He was rambling about stepping on a rock or something when he stopped mid-sentence, his lips parting in absolute shock as he took in the sight of the small pond.

It wasn't huge, but it was near a bunch of rocks where a miniature waterfall was eligible to form. The moonlight highlighted the calm water beautifully, making it sparkle in the miraculous of ways. I found myself gawking at the sight, remembering all those years ago when I last came to this area. I shook my head, not wanting to relive those moments with an incredible person standing next to me.

"Wow," he breathed out.

"Beautiful, right?" I smiled as I jammed my hands into my swimming trunks pockets, glancing over at his dimly lit face, the moonlight casting a gorgeous shadow on his already perfect features making his cheekbones poke out even more.

"It's stunning, Harry. I just... wow." Louis grinned as he shook his head slightly.

"Worth going out in the dark for?" I asked with slight amusement, a grin painting my lips.

Louis chuckled, rolling his eyes at me before he stepped towards the water and dipped his fingers in. He seemed satisfied with the temperature as he waltzed back over to me, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

I cleared my throat. "Right, well... ready for a swim?"

Louis grinned as his fingers went to the hem of his shirt and I mentally braced myself for the sight I was about to see.

Fuck it, I'm not ready.

Forcing my eyes to stare at the ground, I spotted Louis' shirt falling not even five feet away from me. I could hear him undoing the button of his jeans, then the zipper being pulled down as he slid out of them. My palms were sweating as I couldn't help myself anymore, and I looked up.

And I nearly snatched his bracelet off right there.

Shamelessly, my eyes scanned over his curves and toned stomach, faint scars being seen but they added to his beauty. The shorts complimented his ass perfectly, causing my heart to pick up pace in my chest. The temptation to break the bracelet and touch him in all the dirty ways was desirably strong, but I thought of his safety and was able to push those thoughts away before I got ahead of myself.

Louis seemed oblivious as I gazed at him, turning around and walking towards the water. My eyes lingered on his ass a little longer than they should've, but I'm not exactly complaining. So before he could actually get suspicious of my stillness, I forced myself to walk over to the edge of the water, hesitating before tugging my own shirt off. It's not that I'm self-conscious like Louis is, it's just that my scars really do bother me. So, I guess I am a little self-conscious.

Louis turned to me, flashing me that bright smile I've adored for the past two weeks. Is that even possible to be so infatuated with someone in such a short amount of time? I don't have much experience with this stuff, but there's no denying the alluring aura Louis has radiating around him, and its pulling me in every chance it gets.

He jumped into the water, the depth just about a foot taller than him in the middle. Knowing I'm way taller than Louis, I wasn't going to be stupid and dive in, so I simply walked in the water. Louis came up, his eyelashes sparkled with water in the dim light and he looked like an angel to me. The light that overpowers my darkness, although I know there's no way he can fix who I am. And still, I can't help but realize he makes me a better person without even trying.

"Can we jump off those rocks?" Louis asked as he pointed at the small mound of rocks about four feet above the water.

I chewed my bottom lip. "I did when I was younger, but I'm not sure if it's safe, Louis. We're not the same height we were as seven year olds."

Louis frowned, swimming over to the pile anyways and climbing on top of it. "It looks safe," he said as he peeked down at the water. I tried not to notice the way water droplets slithered over his smooth tan skin.

"I don't know, Louis..." I studied the height, then looked back at Louis.

"I'm going to try it," he said defiantly. "The worse that can happen is I touch the bottom when I jump."

"Or you hit the water the wrong way and break the only good leg you have, or you smash into one of the rocks down here, or-"

"Harry, you're over thinking this," he said simply as he let out a small giggle. He glanced down at his leg which has mostly healed by now, thanks to the miraculous magic of Healers, but there was still a jagged scar on his mid-thigh.

"Louis, must you do this?" I sighed as I stood on my tippy toes to keep my head above the water.

"I'm not going to die, Harry. Relax."

Frowning, I tried to push away the negative scenarios that could occur. Without much of a warning, Louis jogged towards the edge of the rocks before leaping off, his slender body pummeling towards the water. My heart seemed to have stopped beating as he entered, bubbles gurgling around where his form had been devoured by the now rippling water. I guess I'll have to congratulate him for having more guts than me.

A couple of seconds went by, and he still hadn't resurfaced.

"Louis?" I called as I swam over to the area he entered. "Louis, if this is a fucking joke, I don't find it funny!"

My heart hammered in my chest, the lack of light making it difficult to see. Doing the only thing I could, I dived under to search for him, waving my arms around frantically to try and reach for him. Even with my eyes open, it was difficult to see with only the moon lighting the sky. After coming up for air once, I went back down in a determined search, not about to let the only thing that means most to me slip away.

My fingers brushed over his soft skin after more frantic searching and I wasted no time it gripping his arms. The fire searing through my skin threatened to make me scream, but Louis' life was on the line and I couldn't care less about the horrific burning sensation. I pulled him out of the water, not wasting any time in hauling his body onto the shore. I glanced down at my hand, the redness blistering horribly as it even started to break through my skin, but I didn't care.

"Louis, come on," I whispered frantically as I folded my hands over each other, pressing them to his chest as I put some of my weight on him. I repeated the action over and over again, fear being a fat bitch as it ate up my insides.

And finally, he began to cough.

I tore my hands away, sticking them in the water to try and relieve the horrendous sensation tearing at my body. Louis sat up, coughing brutally as he heaved in a sharp breath, his eyes fluttering opened. I wanted to scream at him so badly right now for being so fucking stupid, but I was too busy trying to keep my hands attached to my arms to give in that much effort. But if he thought he was going to get away with this, he was dead fucking wrong.

After Louis seemed to be breathing straight again, my hands had started to cool down just the slightest, but I kept them in the water as I glanced over my shoulder to glare at him. "I fucking told you, Louis. God, I fucking told you and you didn't listen to me. You could've gotten yourself killed, you know that?" I shouted, rage coursing my veins immensely.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispered as he pushed his hair back, his voice sounding slightly hoarse from his hacking. "What's wrong with your hands?"

"I saved your ass, that's what's wrong. Burns like hell, too, but I wasn't about to let your stupidity take your life away."

"Why would you get hurt for me, Harry?" he asked in a soft voice, clear confusion lacing his tone and I almost laughed in his face.

God, he's so oblivious to how much he means to me.

"Why, Harry?" he repeated, firmer this time as if he had a boost in confidence. "Why do you hate me one minute and save me the next?"

"Drop it, Louis," I grumbled under my breath, finally taking my hands out of the cool water to inspect them.

"No, why are you so bipolar with your emotions? Why are you so confusing?"

"I said drop it, Louis!" I yelled, the anger from Louis nearly dying and now his pushing such a subject getting to me. I rubbed my sore hands vigorously over my face, not caring about how much it pained me to do so. I wanted this little adventure to be fun, but then he had to go and pull a fucking stunt like that.

Louis hushed immediately at my darkening tone, swallowing as he scooted away from me just the slightest. He didn't speak as he stood, grabbing his clothes. A sigh left my lips as I snatched my shirt off the ground. He may be trying to walk away from me, but no fucking way am I letting him walk alone in the woods at night. Not to mention his phobia could act up and he could need me and-

Stop before you get carried away, Styles.

As much as I wanted to tell Louis I was sorry, and to tell him the truth about his importance in my life, I didn't. I stayed silent due to his silence and my anger still rummaging through me. And just when I thought we were finally getting on good terms again, I had to go and fuck it up.

That seems to be the only thing I'm ever good at; hurting the people I care about. And I fucking hate it

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