Half Bad //l.s

By thegayerthebetter

4.3K 174 22

Harry was destined to be evil; it was in his blood. Harry was destined to kill; it was in his blood. But dest... More

Auther note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

155 10 2
By thegayerthebetter

chapter 8 - Louis

Swirling thoughts of what Jessie and Harry could've been speaking about distracted me from the hurtful gesture Harry had just done. He had walked away, slamming the door behind him after I got shot in the leg by an arrow most likely from his father's people. I know my wound isn't his fault, but couldn't he cut me a bit of slack instead of maintaining his jerkiness?

What the hell am I saying; this is Harry we're talking about.

The boy with no feelings.

But the pit of my stomach twisted as I got the gut feeling of despair with his absence. He had kept me occupied for so long, whether he was making fun of me or just being plain annoying. I couldn't deny my slight crush on him, but it's not like I could ever admit it to his face.

Harry isn't capable of loving someone.

And while I may not be at the point of love yet, I know that Harry will never reach that peek in his life because of his harsh attitude all the time. He doesn't know how to feel emotions, or how to even compliment someone. He's just cold-hearted, and he'll forever be that way.

The door creaked open, carrying my thoughts away from the negative things I was pondering about Harry. God, there was so much wrong with that boy. Such a beautiful mystery hidden by the mask of aggression.

I flopped my head over to see Harry peak his head through, but then I looked closer and noticed the brown eyes. My lips twitched into a frown, my mind still wishing it was Harry coming back, but Jessie flashed me a genuine smile. I had so many questions, and I prayed he was the opposite of Harry and actually gave me answers instead of deep paragraphs I can't decipher.

"Hey," he said softly as he sat on the edge of the bed. "How're you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Exhausted, mentally tired, fatigued, pained-"

Jessie chuckled, holding his hand up to halt me. "I get the point, love."

My heart did a little backflip at the sound of love leaving Jessie's lips, but it still didn't sound as sweet as it did coming from Harry. And while Harry uses it to make fun of me, it still sounded intoxicating leaving those plump lips.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to ramble," I murmured as I twiddled my thumbs.

Jessie smiled. "It's not a problem, Louis. I actually came in here, because I was wondering if... I don't know... you'd want to hang out?"

I rose an eyebrow, my eyes flickering to the hole in my leg covered in bandages before looking back up at Jessie.

He licked his lips. "Yeah, that could be an issue. But I could just carry you outside, and we could talk on the grass, you know?" Jessie's lips curled into a small grin. "I want to get to know the boy my brother oh-so-happily dragged into this mess."

The sarcasm was obvious, and I wanted to ask what 'mess' he was talking about, but I brushed it off. Instead, I asked another question that's been revolving in my mind for hours now. "Jessie, how come you can touch me and Harry can't with my bracelet on?"

Jessie pursed his lips, studying my bracelet before looking to meet my gaze. "Harry has evil in his blood, Louis. Your bracelet is clearly protecting you from that. You see, he got the majority of our father's blood, while I obtained mainly our mother's."

My eyes widened some in slight realization. "You mean your mum was a White Witch and your father was-is-a Black?"

Jessie nodded as he gazed out the window, chewing the inside of his cheek. "Yeah, but let's not talk about that. It's a whole different story I'm not really in the mood to get into."

I snorted. "Yeah, the resemblance with you and Harry is more than just the looks."

Jessie gave me a crooked smile. "What can I say? Brothers think alike." He stood, slipping an arm under my knees. "Come on, it's nice outside. You could use some air instead of being cooped up in this stuffy room."

I smiled thanks to him as he picked me up bridal style, earning a small wince when my leg bent a little too much. But he quickly apologized before gingerly carrying me down the hall towards the backdoor of the cabin. I realized it was vacant in the house, my eyebrows furrowing. Where was everyone? Where was Harry? And so I asked Jessie both of those questions.

"Still out hunting, but Harry..." Jessie sighed as he shook his head, carefully laying me down in the grass under a tree. "That boy is swallowed in his own anger to know what he's doing."

I frowned. "What do you mean? Where did he go?"

Jessie sat beside me, leaning back on his palms as he said, "He said he needed to go for a walk. He's probably blowing up random things as we speak." He chuckled.

Pressing my lips together, I glanced over at Jessie as I said, "There's gotta be a reason for his... aggression...right?"

"Oh most definitely. But that's not my story to tell, Louis." Jessie cracked a smile.

I nodded, feeling a little sense of respect towards Jessie since he had so much for his brother. It was nice to know he wouldn't go around exclaiming discrete things people wanted hidden. I felt a weird sense of trust for Jessie, but Harry's lecture about trusting people soon resurfaced my mind. Then again, this is Harry and Harry wouldn't be capable of trust or emotions if I were to slap him into next week.

Silence engulfed us, but one of those comfortable ones with the breeze nipping our skin, the large oak's leaves protecting us from the violent sun. It was nice to be outside on such a pretty day even though hours ago it was the definition of horrifying. Its weird how quickly a mood can change.

"Louis, can I ask you something?"

I looked over to Jessie, the wind taking his curly hair sweeping across his face. I realize how truly handsome was with his brown eyes and curved lips, but even with similar features, Harry had him beat. Maybe it was the green eyes that captivated me so much, but Harry was the definition of perfection.

"Sure," I said with a shrug.

Jessie looked over to me, his lips rolling together in curiosity as his eyebrows dipped low on his forehead. "What are you doing out in the woods, anyways?"

My lips curled downwards in a frown as I tore my gaze away from him, looking straight ahead. "I guess you aren't your brother and you can't read by my eyes, huh?" I tried to say jokingly, but Jessie just shook his head. I sighed, heaving a hand through my hair. "That's a story I'm not really in the mood to get into."

Jessie quirked a grin. "Using my words against me now, huh?"

"But of course," I teased with a smile.

Jessie chuckled, shaking his head in amusement before rustling was heard from the trees. He frowned, sitting up straighter as if ready to lunge at whatever danger was headed out way. My heart picked up pace in my chest, fearing I'd gain a whole in the other leg as well. I didn't need both legs amputated.

Two more rustles of the bush and...

A pissed of Harry storms out.

"Why the hell is Louis out of the house?" he snapped as he stomped towards us, his stern eyes piercing daggers into his brother.

Jessie rolled his eyes, relaxing some as he leaned back on his palm again. "He needs fresh air, Harry. He can't stay cooped up."

"He needs to rest, Jessie. His leg could get worse if it's not elevated and-"

"And you care?" I surprised both of them by speaking, raising my eyebrows.

Harry huffed, folding his muscular arms across his chest. "Those weren't my words, Louis. If you want your leg chopped off due to nasty infection, be my guest. I just don't want to be the shoulder you cry on when you're wailing like a child."

I scoffed. "You're unbelievable, Harry."

"Thank you," He snapped sarcastically.

"Let's all take a breather, all right?" Jessie held his hands up, looking between the both of us. "You two fight like five years olds."

"We do not," Harry and I both muttered at the same time. Our eyes met, but I scowled and looked away. I was still mad at him for his immature behavior earlier.

Jessie just laughed, shaking his head at the both of us. He looked up to the sky, but I could feel Harry's eyes boring holes into the side of my head. I didn't care; I didn't look at him. Thankfully, Jessie spoke again to break the silence. "It's getting dark out. We probably should get inside, Louis."

Jessie went to stand, but Harry held his hands up. "Wait. I just... I want to have a moment with Louis, Jessie."

As if asking permission, Jessie looked to me and I shrugged. With a sigh, Jessie nodded before leaving the both of us. Harry hesitated before sitting on the grass next to me, propping his elbows up on his knees as he licked his lips, then pressed them together. It was silent for the longest time.

"I'm sorry," Harry finally croaked out, avoiding eye contact.

"For what? Being a jerk all the time, being a jerk earlier, or storming out while bring a jerk?"

Harry let out a weak chuckle. "All three. It's not intentional, I swear."

"But it still hurts." I reminded him.

Harry sighed, heaving a hand through his curls. "Yeah, I get that. I'm sorry, Louis, all right? Look, I never apologized to anyone before and I'm doing my best here. I don't mean to be an arrogant bastard all the time. It's just who I am."

"I get that, Harry. But you seem to let the littlest things get to you. All I said was I trusted you and you flipped shit on me. What was that even about?"

Harry tensed at the word trust, shaking his head. "Stop saying that, Louis. You can't trust a stranger."

"Seriously?" I grumbled as I angled my body to face him. "I've known you almost a week now and you're calling yourself a strange?"

"Do you know anything about me?"

"Well, no but-"

"Then I'm a stranger."

I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. "Can you tell me something about you?" I asked in a low voice, knowing it was a risk, but I went for it anyway.

"I'm an asshole," Harry said with a smug smirk.

"I already knew that," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

Harry laughed, then pursed his lips in thought. "All right, Louis. You get one thing to ask, so choose wisely."

Puffing out air from my cheeks, I went through the series of questions in my head. Each time I asked before, he' d given me a sarcastic remark or just ignored me all together. This was a huge opportunity right now, but I had no idea what to ask. There were countless questions I had for this boy.

Before I could stop myself, the words fled my lips in a rush, "Why are you so cruel to White Witches?"

Harry stiffened, shifting uncomfortably on the grass next to me. "Pick a different question," he muttered though gritted teeth, clearly disturbed by the question.

But I was stubborn, and I was not letting this go. "No, Harry. You promised me an answer to a question, and there it is."

Harry chewed his bottom lip, looking away from me. I thought he was just going to ignore me like normal, but then he made my eyes widen by gripping the hem of his shirt. My cheeks flushed as I looked away, but I couldn't help to peek from the corner of my eye as he tugged the fabric over his head. My eyes skimmed shamelessly over his toned torso, catching sight of a butterfly tattoo and two sparrows swooping inwards on his chest. His left arm was nearly filled with tattoos, all except the area on his forearm being vacant. This boy had an obsession with ink.

"W-why did you take your shirt off?" I stammered stupidly.

Harry flashed me a cocky smirk. "It doesn't look like you mind since you're practically eye-raping me."

My cheeks heated even more as my eyes nearly bulge out of the sockets, quickly tearing away from his fit body as I felt myself harden by just simply looking at him. But Harry just chuckled in a low tune, shifting on the grass until his back was facing me. My heart sank at what I saw.

Scars- a lot of them.

My lips parted as I noticed they were fainted slashes from a whip, it seemed. But there were other assorted scars looking anywhere from scratch marks, to stab wounds- but the majority looked like they were from whipping.

I didn't fully think it through before my hands reached out, my fingers barely skimming over the fainted marks. Harry sucked in a sharp breath, as if I hurt him, but before I could pull back, his shoulders relaxed. I trace the marks carefully, making sure not to touch him full on so he wouldn't get burnt to a crisp. God knows he won't let me take this stupid bracelet off.

Finally Harry glanced over his shoulder at me, a soft sigh of grief leaving his lips.

"They're repulsing, I know."

I frowned as my eyebrows pinched together. "I don't think they are."

Harry turned, my hand retracing from my train motions as I dropped it into my lap. He pulled his shirt back on, as if he had some insecurity issue. "Don't lie to me, Louis. I know they're hideous, "he chuckled sadly.

"Harry, look at me."

Hesitantly, he did so with what seemed like sadness in his usually bright emeralds. There was so much emotion behind those eyes, it was hard to stay in my right mind and keep my train of thought. He looked so pitiful and all I wanted to do was comfort him; but his cautiousness and my damn bracelet were in the way.

I gave him a soft smile. "I think they're beautiful." His eyes widened just the slightest, but he tried to hide it with a clenched of his jaw. But I kept rambling, "They're a part of you, just like... just like mine are a part of me."

Harry snapped his head in my direction, his eyebrows frowning as he glanced down at my wrist when I tugged my sleeve back. He squeezed his eyes closed, shaking his head. "You shouldn't do those things to yourself, Louis."

"I know that now, but I wasn't exactly thinking then," I told him with a sigh, leaning back against a tree. "But your scars make you who  you are, Harry. I don't think they're ugly, and I think you should consider them as... tiger stripes."

Harry rose an eyebrow, a small smile gracing his lips " tiger stripes?"

My cheeks flushed as I smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, tiger stripes. To show how brave and courages you are to go through such horrible things."

Harry stared at me for a long moment, his smile growing as I rose my eyebrows at him. He chuckled, shaking his head in that seemed to be disbelief. "Sometimes I wonder..." Harry took in a deep breath, as if afraid to continue. But when he did, I swear my heart melted through my ribcage. "Sometimes I wonder how I got so blessed having you come into my life, Louis. You truly are amazing."


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