The Long Run (Prequel to Time...

By Alice_the_Doctress

17.8K 839 102

"I've been running this marathon my whole life. And I've ran so much, it's like I've forgotten how to stop."... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Series Info

Chapter Six

985 55 21
By Alice_the_Doctress

"Doesn't it get boring for you? You know, reading people's minds and all?" I asked as I sipped my tea. After class, we walked to a local café nearby.

"Not really. I'd like to think I'm...breaking the ice," Charles smiled. His fingers lingered around his cup, but he kept his eyes focused on mine.

"Right," I nodded, though not convinced, "So why'd you really follow me to class today? Cause I know for a fact it isn't because you like me. I've heard about your history."

Charles chuckled, "And what have you heard?"

"Let's just say, you've made a lot of female acquaintances," I crossed my arms.

"What can I say? I'm a friendly person," he grinned. I rolled my eyes, not surprised that this was the reaction I got. His smile faded and his expression turned more serious, "But on a serious note, I'm truly fascinated by you."

"Is that your usual pick up line? Cause it could use some work," I was still not convinced.

"I mean it. Raven and I haven't really had many chances to meet people like us."

"You mean mutants?" I whispered.

"Exactly," he nodded, "And from what I learned about you, you're very powerful . But you still have yet to learn how to control your powers."

"Hey I'm working on it," I retorted.

"Well, let me help you," Charles offered.

"And what would you get in return?"

"The chance to help a fellow mutant," he shrugged.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, he was right. I needed to learn how to control my powers if I wanted to live under the radar. With a sigh, I answered, "I'll do it."

Charles shook his head, expecting that I'd reject his offer, "I promise I won't- wait what? Did you just agree?" It was nice to see he didn't see that coming.

"Yeah. I'll do it," I nodded, "But I get to set the ground rules."

"Of course. That's only reasonable," Charles nodded.

"No hiding things from me or lying," I said.

"Understandable," he nodded.

"No flirting."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure," I pursed my lips.

"Alright, got it."

"And no mind reading without my permission. That's an invasion of privacy," I finished, "Deal?"

Charles thought pensively for a moment, "...Deal."

"Alright let's shake on it."

"How about we seal the deal with a kiss?" Charles smirked.

"What did I just say?" I raised a brow, holding out my hand.

"No flirting," Charles sighed and shook my hand. "We'll revise that guideline later."
~Time Skip~

"Oi, Isabelle!" Darlene shook me awake.

"What? It's like 6 am!" I whined, cuddling back to my pillow.

"Your boyfriend is calling you," Darlene said, holding out the telephone.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook her off. "Charles isn't my boyfriend. And just ignore the call," I waved off.

Don't you try to ignore my call. Answer the phone, Charles voice poked into my mind again.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered to myself and sat up, "Actually hand me the phone Darlene. I realized I have to take this call."

"Whatever," Darlene handed me back my phone and plopped back down onto her bed across from me.

I quickly put the phone to my ear, "What do you want Charles?"

"Get dressed. Training starts now," he said on the other line, sounding oddly close. As if he were right outside the door.

I quickly walked over to the door after hanging up, swung it open, and gasped in shock at the sight, "Crap! Don't do that! What the hell are you doing here at this hour?"

"We've got to start early if we want to get any work done," Charles insisted. "So hurry, we don't have much time."

"Don't rush me," I snapped, "Just give me like thirty minutes...or an hour. Or more."

He rolled his eyes and I quickly went back into my dorm, closing the door behind me. "Is he out there?" Darlene sat on her bed, practically wide awake.

"Go back to sleep," I said, trying to change the subject.

"I can't now that the telephone woke me up. So is he or is he not out there?"

"Yes, but leave him alone," I warned, knowing she was planning on going out there and hassling him with questions.

"Okay okay I will. But can I ask you something?"


"Are you two..."she winked, hoping I'd catch on.

"Ew no! We're just friends."

~Time Skip~

"Okay, I'm here," I said as I walked out in skinny jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt I got from when I played soccer in high school.

"Excellent, ready to start your training?" Charles smiled as we took the elevator downstairs. He wore a grey hoodie and sweats, clearly more ready than I was.

"No, not really," I admitted.

"I kind of guessed that," Charles chuckled slightly and we both walked out once we reached the back entrance.

"So where are we practicing-"

Before I could finish, a ball was thrown at my shoulder. I looked down at the green and white ball that was now on the floor, grimacing in pain. "Why the hell would you throw a tennis ball at me?!?"

"It was a test. See, if you used your powers, you would've stopped the ball before it hit you," Charles said.

"Yeah, maybe if you had warned me!" I glared at him angrily.

"Think fast!" He threw another tennis ball my way. Where he got those tennis balls from, will forever be a mystery. Either way, this time out of panic, I held my hand out, and the ball slowed down.

"Woah," I gasped as the ball came to a stop, just inches away from my face. I tapped the ball in the other direction, and suddenly time flowed again. The ball zoomed the other way, hitting Charles square in the face.

"Oomph!" He fell back onto the ground and the tennis ball bounced away.

"Charles!" I ran over to him to see if he was okay. As I knelt down to get a closer look, his nose was slightly reddened, "We should get some ice on that before it turns purple."

"You think?" He asked sarcastically.

"Hey don't get all sassy with me Charles, this was your idea to begin with."

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