Glasses and Cigarettes {Zarce...

Por RejectedWriter

40.6K 2.4K 538

"Love is complicated and so are the people who fell in love with each other." #14 boxboy #10 Marcel Styles ... Más

10 {prt.1 of the date}
11 {prt.2 of the date}
Characters ;)
33 {Bonus Chapter}


1K 78 14
Por RejectedWriter

Comment please!! I wanna know what y'all think of the chapter and the whole book.

Smoke filled the air making the room foggy and smell like burned paper.

His body filled with smoke and sadness regretting what he did that night.

He didn't mean to hurt the boy and make him feel bad about himself. He blamed himself more than the drug he knew what he said and did to hurt Marcel, at the time he ment it but now it was a big mistake.

Zayn drinked every night, ignoring his friends phone calls and messages he only wanted Marcel to text and call him but he remember he didn't have a phone, he didn't have enough money to have one. Zayn asked if Marcel ever wanted one and said no, cause he had no one to call so what was the point of having one?
That made Zayn feel bad for him but never said anything.

Zayn snapped out of his thoughts has his phone rang and groan. "What?" He said bitter.

"Afternoon to you to mate!" Michaels voice came through. "Open up the door ,I've been outside you house for almost 20 minutes and it's hot." He said groaning.

Zayn hanged up and got up from the couch with a beer bottle and cigarette in a hand with only jeans hanging low on his hips. He opened the door seeing Michael for the first time ever in weeks.

"Can you put a shirt for once? Your always shirtless when I'm around are you trying to get with me?" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, your really annoying."

"Love you to."

Michael sat on the couch and turned on the tv going through different channel's. "Have you heard anything about him?"

"Him who?"

"You know who."

"Eh, I don't know who is, gotta be specific Z." Michael liked to play around just to get on people nerves especially Zayns.

Zayn groan. "How's Marcel?"

"He said he's okay, a bit different but okay." Michael felt Zayn stare on him, practically burning holes in his skull. "Staring at me won't tell you anything else about Marcel , Z. If you wanna know go ask him yourself." He said stern getting up. "Go to him Zayn, he's hurting while your getting high and drunk."

Michael was right and Zayn knew that to ,but the fear was eating him alive that Marcel wouldnt want to see him. Zayn groan. He had till Sunday to apologize before school started and he knew he had to be quick or he'll loose marcel for good.
"Marcel!" Sophia and Liam shouted hugging Marcel into a tight hug making him laugh slightly. "How you been mate?" Liam asked .

Marcel fake smiled. They always believe it. "Just fine you know always studying like I usually do."

"Old habits never die, huh?"


Sophia, Liam and Marcel walked into the cinema to watch the movie Ted 2 seeing it was the only good one out of the others and they grabbed some popcorn and drinks but Marcel only got a medium cup and a small bag of popcorn to munch on since he wasn't big on eating anymore since he took his depression pills.

As the movie played Liam and Sophia were laughing at everything, Marcel knew the movie was funny but not even a sound of happiness came out just a dull stare. He got up and left the room, his friends are to distracted to notice he's gone. Marcel threw his things and waited by the sitting area alone.

He felt so sad, even more than ever! He missed Zayn ,he needed him but was scared of him the fear eating him alive of being hit again. Not once has Marcel ever been hit, well when he was a child but that's for bad behavior.

Should I call him? He thought but realized he didn't have a phone and mentally slapped himself. He sighed and looked at his watch seeing the movie lasted another hour
"For the last time Marcel isn't here!" Gemma groan has zayn once again enter the apartment without permission. "Why do you need him anyways?"

Zayn groan. He's not getting anywhere with Marcel stubborn sister.


"He's my tutor, and I need him to help me study." That wasn't technologically a lie.

Gemma looked at Zayn up and down squinting her eyes trying to figure out if she should tell him or not, but knowing Marcel he'd probably be happy that Gemma told Zayn where he was. "He's at the cinema the one by the torn down mall."

"He went to the movies alone?"

"No? He's with Liam and Sophia to see that teddy bear movie." She said annoyed. "By the looks of it the movie probably ended."

Gemma looked at Zayns face seeing he was frustrated and desperate. "I may not like you, but what's wrong?"

"Everything, I'm not a good person never was or ever will be. Yet I don't wanna hurt anyone especially Marcel seeing what he's been through." Zayn groan and started walking away.

"Hey," Gemma called out. "Marcel doesn't like movies he's probably sitting outside in the main area asleep." She said and closer the door.

Zayn rushed to his truck dropping his key more than three times before starting it up. Once he drove passes all the red light and stop signs he violated more than five laws he made it into to the cinema looking for Marcel.

"Excuse me have you seen a boy, he had green eyes, thick frame glasses and gel hair?" The man nodded and pointed towards the sitting area.

"He's been there for almost an hour."


Zayn walked up to Marcel slowly not wanting to spook him. He didn't have to tap his shoulder Marcel looked up and eyes widen. Zayn didn't expect Marcel to hug him nor be near him ever since what happened. He was happy that Marcel hugged him cause he would've been upset if Marcel didn't wanted to be near him.

Marcel let out a sob making Zayn worry. "Baby what's wrong?"

Marcel moved away. "Whats wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! Zayn you hurt me so bad I couldn't deal with everything that has happened ever since that day, you hurt me and took you weeks to grow balls to come here and ask whats wrong?" Marcel was shedding tears and getting peoples attention.

"Ever since we met you scared me, you still do but it wasn't from your "bad boy" attitude or tattoos. Im scared of you cause I'm in love with you--I never had that feeling towards anyone and I'm scared cause I don't know-"

Zayn placed his lips on Marcels' lips taking the lead slowly kissing marcel who blushed slightly into the kiss. Pulling away, Marcel was blushing and Zayn smiled knowingly Marcel liked him back, Zayn felt the same way ever since he laid eyes on him but never actually thought of it being something more.

Hey guys sorry for not being active here I've been supper busy and I'm a bit rusty on writing it's sorta crappy but I hope everyone had a good new years, Christmas and got what they wanted.

I love you!! -Z.Z

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