Broken Photographs ~Raura~ CO...

By rauranabet

39.6K 2.5K 1.4K

SEQUEL TO MISSING FROM THE PICTURE--------- ----- Driving home I'm empty hearted Broken pictures on the floo... More

Chapter 1 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 2 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 3 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 4 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 5 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 6 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 7 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 8 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 9 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.5
Chapter 10
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 11 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 12 ~ Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5
Chapter 13 - Entry 0.1
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4
Entry 0.5 ~Final~
.Decision for a Sequel.
.Final Announcement.

Entry 0.4

416 30 27
By rauranabet

not edited cuz im tired

Ross was still thinking of being right next to Laura. Touching her again.

But most importantly, her tattoos.

Her tattoos.

Her tattoos.

It repeated over and over again.

Does she still love me? He wondered.

No. That's impossible.

He took a deep breath. The club in the distance of his house was very loud. The muffled music of Slow down by Selena Gomez played. He laid in his bed shirtless, laying his head on his hands. Suddenly, a figure appeared. The figure walked over to him, looking down at him. "Hey Ross." Linger said. "Hi." Ross said quietly, his eyes looking away from hers. "Whats on you're mind?" She asked, sitting at the edge of his bed. He sat up. "You already know."

"No, I don't."

"Dude! You can like, read my mind!" He said. Linger rolled her eyes. "I'm an angel in training, stupid. You and I we're like, recently born."

"I was born like about 27 years ago.."

"You're still young Ross. So young." Linger reminded him, smacking his leg lightly. He furrowed his eye brows. "I'm an old man." He said. "You're very young, you child. Quit denying." Linger said. Ross pulled out a cigarette. "That cigar that you are holding my friend, is something you'll regret someday." Linger crossed her arms. Ross shrugged. "Life isn't worth fighting for. It pointless." He said, and started lighting the cigarette.

"And why is that?" Linger asked him.

"Life is pointless because you're gonna die."

"The whole point to living life is to serve god." Linger explained.

"What is god doesn't exist. What if you're fake and I'm just going crazy." Ross said.


"God doesn't exist. Not after what he's done to me. You said he loves everyone. Such fucking lies. Even if he was real, he would fucking hate my guts for all the shit he put me through-"

"Don't let that go through you're head!!!" She shook him back and fourth.

"Dude! You're gonna make me drop the damn cigar!" He shouted at her. She stopped, and rolled her eyes. "Everything happens for a reason. God is smart. He has his ways." Linger said.

"Maybe we we're all monkeys." He said. Linger's face flushed a bit.

"I'm about to smash you're head with plates." She said, crossing her arms. Ross sighed. "You are Christian, Ross." Linger raised her eye brow. "Right?" She said strictly. Ross rolled his eyes as he put the cigar in the ash tray, and laid in bed, wrapping himself with the white bed sheets. Linger sighed as she rubbed his back.


"The only way out of this is to-"

Autumn stopped paying attention to what Kristina was saying, and started staring out of space, drowning in his own thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about the the bad thing that was gonna happen. He didn't know what it was, but something was gonna happen.

"Autumn? Are you paying attention?" Autumn snapped back into life.

"Uhh.. Yep..." He said. "Dude, you haven't even gone through puberty and you look like someone died." she said. "What does puberty have to do with death?" He said. "On a side of that, wasn't third grade suppose to be about comics and cartoons.. like kids stuff? Stuff that kids are supposed to do?" Autumn added. "Its 2023. Time has changed." She said. "By the looks of it, I think everyone in our class watch porn and stuff." She said. Autumn looked at her.

"Whats porn?" He asked. She raised an eyebrow.

"You have a long way to go my friend. Didn't you learn this like, last year? Or in Kinder garden?" She asked. He furrowed his eye brows, and shook his head. "Porn is sex online." She said. And what ran through her mind..

Man, this generation is messed up.



i have school

I'm tired

im bored too

Question of the day:

how are u feeling?

im feeling sick

ew i hate life smh

share ur thoughts,

comment, vote, or whatever the fuck wattpad updated

so bye


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