Percy Jackson and The Avenger...

By SMR_1114

290K 5.7K 1.2K

After the Giant War, Percy felt the need to escape the mythical world and try to live as something else. With... More

note 5
note 6
Note 2
Note 3
Note 4
Christmas Special
Christmas special part 2
Christmas special 3
Christmas special part 4
a note from SMR


5.5K 184 49
By SMR_1114

Steve POV

With a worried filled mind, I quietly closed my door behind me and walked to the elevator. My thoughts, about Percy's condition and health, rapidly roams around inside of my head as I subconsciously walked to the kitchen. The frown on my face sudden turned to a thin line when a scrumptious smell hit my nose. Knowing that no one is awake when the sun is peaking out of the surface, I instinctually got myself to a fighting stance and thought of the possible intruder's actions.

I slowly and quietly walked to the kitchen, ready to fight who is inside the room. With a deep breath being held, I dashed inside and got to a defensive form. My eyebrows immediately shot up when no one attacked me or somebody stood still and looked at me with a expression like a deer caught in headlights. Yet what shocked me is not a someone but a something.

A breakfast feast is prepared on top of our table. Various cuisines are prepared from Italian to French. My eyes widened like saucers by merely looking at the breakfast feast in front of me. I shook away my bemusement and looked around the area to search who is responsible of this. To my dismay, I didn't saw who cooked breakfast for us.

I walked back to where the food is displayed. "Jarvis," I called out for the AI butler. "Who made our breakfast?"

"Percy made it, sir." Jarvis informed.

I looked back at the food with shock written on my face. Unknowingly that Percy could cook is an additional information that Tony could blackmail or take advantage of.

"Jarvis, wake everyone up and tell them that breakfast is ready." I said as I made myself coffee. "If Tony went back to sleep, take desperate measures."

"Right away, sir." Jarvis said

I grabbed my cup of coffee and head back to the dining area. As I went to my seat, I heard their footsteps came inside. Looking at them, I saw shock and hungry faces as they stare at the feast on the table. Tony was the first to break his stupor.

"Wow, Cap. I didn't know that you could cook." Tony complimented as he walked in and took a seat. "You can be my personal chef, if you wanted to."

"I di-" I started as I sat down.

"Wow! It even smells delicious" Tony complimented as he smell the food like a kid. Knowing Tony that he won't listen to my protests, I let him think what he wanted to think.

"Did you cooked our breakfast?" Bruce asked with amazement as he took a cup of coffee from the coffee maker.

"I don't think so." I heard Natasha mumbled as she and Clint took their seats.

I looked at her with a smile on my face which she returned with a small nod. At least someone knew that I won't cook this kind of dishes. After everyone got their morning drinks and took their seats, I opened my mouth to announce something. Yet, Tony put a stop on it.

"Let's eat!" Tony said and about to grabbed a spoonful but Natasha slap his hand that was holding his spoon. "Ouch! Why would you do that, Tasha?"

Natasha glared at Tony who gulped nervously and shrunk to his seat when he look at her murderous eyes glaring at her.

"Let Steve finish what he was about to say, will you?" Natasha sternly said at the billionaire across her and sat down. She looked at me again and gave me a nod as a sign to continue what I was about to say. I smiled back at her as I saw Tony glaring at the two of us.

"Just so you know, I didn't made the breakfast feast." I said. "Percy did it."

Everyone look at me and the food in shock, except Natasha and Clint. Suddenly, everyone started to ask questions on Percy's whereabouts and compliment how good his cooking skills. Tony almost spit out his drink to Bruce, who is sitting beside him, after I said who actually cooked our food.

"As expected, he would do this" Clint shrugged and took a spoonful. His sudden statement caused the others to be silent and stared at him like he has grown a second head. "Knowing him for a quite long, he would usually do this after his episode or something very stupid as an apology for his actions."

"And it is still delicious" Natasha said and shove a spoonful. "I really need to get some tips on how to do some dishes again."

Everyone else looked at them with an unexplainable expressions before looking back at the mouthwatering food in front of us and took a bite at it. I took a bite of the food and all I could think of is how well the components of flavors mixed so well. In short, it is delicious. I saw mostly everyone widened their eyes like saucers by merely tasting the food prepared for us.

"Holy shit!" Tony exclaimed before shoving spoonfuls after spoonfuls of food to his mouth. "The kid really does knows how to cook! After breakfast, remind me to get him as my personal chef."

"It is so good!" Wanda complimented. "How did he learn to cooked? This recipes are usually done in restaurants and first-rated chefs."

Bruce and I just nodded at her wonder as we continue to eat the risotto on our plates. Her shocked and amazed expression was returned by a smiling Clint and Natasha.

"From what I know, he knew how to cook simple dishes from his mother and aunt then he taught himself with cooking books then he visit various restaurants for classy and complex dishes." Clint explained before drinking a glass of water. "He also worked as a chef at some restaurants during his missions or day-offs."

Wanda could only do is inspire his cooking skills and wonder as she look at the pesto with admiration. A smile slowly form on my mouth by looking at the team with satisfied and smiles on their faces.

When I was about to finish my breakfast, Clint stood up. He went to the pantry and pulled out a box of cookies and placed it on a bowl then pulled some fruits out of the bowl of fruits. Sighing, Clint placed the food on a tray before going to the fridge.

"Where are you taking that to? Who are those for?" Tony asked with his mouth full which cause Natasha and I looked at him in disgust. We both looked at him with disappointment at his childish and bad manners on the table which he ignored our looks and continue to stuff his mouth with large amounts of food.

"I'm just going to give this to Percy." Clint pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge before going back to the countertop and carried the food tray.

"Did Percy ate breakfast already?" Wanda asked Natasha as she stare at the food that Clint is bringing.

She looked at her after taking a sip from her coffee. Her face shows seriousness and stoic but her eyes shows otherwise; Anger and irritation.

"He haven't ate anything." Natasha said after placing her cup of coffee on the table. "It is a habit of his to not eat in the morning other than a fruit and water. Sometimes, he won't eat anything in the morning. It became his habit after the Chitauri invasion."
Then, she left after bringing her plate to the dishwasher.

I stared down at my plate, worried for our new recruit/ family member. Not knowing him more made me frustrated and a failure for being a leader. Knowing that everyone is disappointed at ourselves, we immediately finished our food and placed it in the dishwasher. As everyone went to their rooms, my mind started to form questions about Percy.

What really happened to Percy?

Did he really want to starve to death?

Is he really okay?

What caused him to be secured and well-guarded even to the people close to him?

Giving out a heavy sigh, I walked back to my room.

(Super unedited)


SMR here!

The voting for Clintasha and Brutasha is CLOSED!

From this chapter onward their will be some Clintasha moments. I am sorry for the people who chose Brutasha. 


Feel free to comment about it. 

Suggesting a pair is NOT forbidden.

Hope you all like the chapter! :) 




SMR out

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