Three Little Wolves Part 2

By Kianteeee2015

876 1 4


The Lone Wolf
New Wolf In Town
Broken and Healed
Seeking A Friend
The Truth About His Parents
One's a incident, Two's a coincidence, Three's a pattern
The Worm Moon
Voluntary Apnea
To Save or To Kill a Kanima

It's Alive

46 0 1
By Kianteeee2015


Scott, Stiles, Sam, Eli, Cole, Alice, and I were in Stiles' room with his dad going over evidence. "So this kid's the real killer?" Sheriff Stilinski asked. "Yeah." Stiles answered. "No." Sheriff disagreed. "Yes." Stiles argued. "No." Sheriff repeated. "Dad come on. Everyone knows that police look for ways to connect victims to the murders." Stiles said. "All he had to do was look through the transcripts and see what class they all had in common." I said. "Except the rave promoter Kara, wasn't in Harris' class." Sheriff said. "Yeah okay sorry, so they dropped the charges against him?" Stiles asked. Sheriff hesitated. "You know what, no they're not dropping the charges against him, but that doesn't prove anything." He said. "Scott, Sam, do you believe this?" He asked. "It's really hard to explain how we know this, but you gotta trust us." Scott said. "We know it's Matt." Sam said. "He took Harris' car and he knew that if the police found tire tracks at the crime scene and if enough of the victims were in his class, they'd think it was him." Stiles said. "Alright, I'll give the remote possibility that it was him but give me a motive. Why would this kid want most of the 2006 swim team and their coach dead?" Sheriff asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Stiles exclaimed. "Our swim team sucks!" He continued. "Okay we don't have a motive yet." He said. "But does Harris?" He asked. "What do you want me to do?" Sheriff asked us. "We need to look at the evidence." Scott blurted out. "Yeah that would be in the station, where I am no longer employed." Sheriff replied. "Trust me they'll let you in." Stiles said. "Trust you?" Sheriff asked. "Trust . . . Scott?" Stiles asked.  "Scott, I trust. Riley, I trust. Sam, I trust." Sheriff answered. 

Stiles, Scott, Sam and I went to the Sheriff's station with Sheriff Stilinski. He talked to the lady and we gained access to the evidence. 

We were going over videos and Allison called me. "Hey Alli. What's up?" I said. I could tell that she's been crying. "What is it?" I asked. "My mom. She's dead." She said. I stood there in complete silence. "I'll be right over." I said. I hung up the phone and started towards the door. "Where are you going?" Scott asked me. "Mrs. Argent is dead." I said. They all looked at me. "Seriously?" Stiles asked. "Yeah. She died last night." Sheriff Stilinski said. before they started yelling, I left. I ran as fast as I could to get to her house. I knocked on the front door. Mr. Argent opened it and he grabbed me by my neck. "What are you doing here? Here to cause my family more pain?" He seethed. "No Mr. Argent. I'm here to pay my respects." I tried saying. "Dad, let him go!" Alex screamed as he ran and pulled his dad away from me. Alex helped me up and we went into Allison's room, where Anna, Lydia, Max, and Allison were. "Allison I'm so sorry. I know my apologies do nothing to bring her back, but please know that no matter what I'm here for you." I said as she cried on my chest. Lydia, Alex, Max, Anna , and Lydia came and wrapped their arms around us. 


After Riley left, we went over camera feed in the hospital. We noticed that matt stopped to talk to one person in particular; my mom. Sam got mom on the phone and I called Riley. 


A few hours had went by and Allison had finally gone to sleep. I followed Alex to his room. He shut the door behind us and stayed facing the door. "You okay Alex?" I asked him. "It just doesn't seem like something my mother would do. How could she leave us like this? All I was looking forward to was a normal life here in Beacon Hills. I'm back for a few months and my aunt dies. After her, my mom. What have I done wrong?" He cried. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned around and hugged my waist as he fell to his knees crying. I stood there frozen, terrified to move. i started shushing him and telling him it was going to be okay. He stood up after about 15 minutes and we went to his bed. He laid his head on my lap and I played with his hair and before I knew it, Alex was asleep. I felt my phone vibrate; it was Scott. "Yeah?" I answered. "It's Matt. It's been confirmed. Mom's on her way here now." He said. "I'm on my way." I told him. I hung up the phone and carefully moved Alex's head. "Dormir Serré Alex (Sleep tight Alex)." I whispered to him. I made my way down stairs and let myself out. Before I could get all the way through the door, Mr. Argent grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry about earlier Riley. I just got so mad because of what happened. You've always been like a son to me." He cried. "I'm okay. And so are Allison and Alex. They're both sleep." I told him. He let me go and I started running towards the Sheriff Station. 


"Riley said he's on his way." I said as I hung up the phone. "Mom's coming." Sam said. "Stiles, tell them to let Scott's mom and riley in at the front desk." Sheriff said. A few moments later, Stiles came back, but he wasn't alone.


It was white. Everything was white. Then I heard his voice. "Derek." Riley said. I looked around everywhere and didn't see him. I heard him call me again and this time, I saw him, but he was holding something wrapped in a blanket. I walked up to him. "Riley?" I said. "Meet -" Riley was interrupted since Deaton had woke me up. I tried standing up but my legs weren't working. "You're going to be weak for several hours." Deaton said. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. "Helping your family used to be a pretty important part of my life Mr. Hale." He said. "Helping you, is a promise I made to your mother." He added. "So you're the one Laura talked about." I said. "She said you're some sort of advisor?" I asked. "She was right Derek, and right now, I have some advice that you need to listen to very carefully." He said. "What Peter did, doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll probably use his intelligence." Deaton said. "He's going to come at you. He's going to try and twist his way inside of your head, using your insecurities against you. He'll say he's the only way you can stop Gerard. Do not trust him." He said. "I don't trust anyone." I said. "I know you don't. if you did, you'd be the Alpha you'd like to think you are." He said. "And sadly, the 3 people you should trust, don't trust you at all." He added. "The McCalls." I said. "They're with Stilinski right now. You need to find them and fast. I've known Gerard for a very long time, and he always has a plan." Deaton said. "And something is telling me it's going exactly as he planned." He finished. 


On my way to the clinic, I knew something was wrong. I heard a car come up behind me and it was Max. "Hey. Need a ride?" He asked. "No thank you Max." I said. "Riley, get in the car." He said. To avoid argument, I got in the car. 

"Where to?" He asked. "The sheriff station." I said. 

When we got to the station, my mom was pulling in. "Hey Kiddo. Who's this?" She asked as she hugged me. "Maximilien Bellamy. He's a friend." I said. "Nice to meet you Max." She said. "Nice to meet you too Mrs. McCall." He said with a smile. "Thank you Max, I appreciate it." I said. "No problem." He said. My mom and I started walking up to the door and I got a really bad feeling.

"Mom." I heard Scott say when we opened the door. "Oh you scared me, where is everyone?" My mom asked. The sight before us was making my blood boil. Sam was lying on the floor bleeding and Scott was being held at gunpoint; by Matt. "Mom, just do what he says and he won't hurt you." Scott said. I stood in front of my mom. "He's right." Matt said. As he said that, he shot Scott in the side and me in the leg. I screamed and so did mom. "Scott! Stiles! What happened! Are you okay!" I heard Sheriff Stilinski yell. "But I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you two." Matt said. My mom started walking towards us. "Get back!" Matt yelled. "Mom stop! Just do what he says." Scott said. He looked at me. "Are you okay Riley?" He asked me. "I'm fine." I said. "I said get back." Matt said. "Boys." My mom said. "Please mom. Just do what he says." Scott said. She started backing away. "You two, get up." Matt said. Stiles said something and Matt started freaking out. "Shut up . Everyone. Now, you two get up, or your mom gets a bullet next." He said. Scott stood up and he helped me up. "And don't forget your half dead brother." He said. We picked Sam up and I still heard his heartbeat. Sam had lost ALOT of blood. 

Matt put out mom in a holding cell. "Please, they need to see a doctor." My mom said. "You really think so?" He asked. "It's alright. I'm okay." Scott said. He looked down at me and I was tending to Sam's head wound. I nodded. "We're okay." Scott said. From the looks of it, Sam was cut by the Kanima and he hit is head on the way down. 'Clumsy Sammy.' I thought to myself. "No you're not okay." She cried. "It doesn't hurt momma." I said. "It's adrenaline." She said.  "They have no clue do they?" Matt asked. My mom tried compromising to help us, but Matt wasn't falling for it. "Lady, if you don't shut up, the next bullet will be through his head." He said pointing the gun at Scott. "Okay." She sighed. "Back to the front McCall." He said as he grabbed Scott. 


We went to the front and Stiles and Derek were lying on the floor. "The evidence is gone. Why don't you just go?" I said. "This isn't just about the evidence, I want the book." Matt said. "What book?" I asked. "The Bestiary." Matt said. "Not just a few pages, not a chapter, but the entire thing." He said. "I don't have it. We don't have it." I said. "It's Gerard's. What do you need it for anyway?" I asked. "Answers." He said. "To what?!" I asked. He lifted up his shirt and revealed a reptilian type skin; just like Jackson's. 


When I woke up, Riley was gone. I looked on my desk and there was a letter from him. 'Had to go. Things will get better for the Argents, I promise. -Riley

Allison had got a text from Scott about Matt wanting the Bestiary. "It's from Scott, but i know he wouldn't have sent me this." Allison said. "And he definitely wouldn't have mentioned Derek." She added. "The Sheriff Station?" Gerard asked. "If Derek's really there, I doubt it's willingly." Dad said. "Which means Jackson's there too?" Allison asked. "Maybe. Maybe him and his master." I said. 


"Do you know what's going on with Matt?" I asked Derek. "Well the book's not going to help him any. He broke the rules." He answered. "What do you mean Derek?" I asked. "The Kanima is used to balance things out." He said. "Is it because he's using Jackson to kill innocent people?" I asked him. "And killing people himself." He said. "So if Matt breaks the rules of the Kanima, he becomes it?" I asked. "Yes." He answered.


I was still tending to Sam's wounds with what I could. All of a sudden, the power went off. "What's going on?" My mom asked. "Hard reset." Sheriff said. I stood up when Sam grabbed my leg. "Be careful out there tiger." He said with a grin. I went to find Scott when I heard gunfire. "Scott!" I yelled. I tripped over something. Using my night eyes, I saw that it was a dead body. I screamed. "Riley?!?" I heard Derek say my name. I followed his scent. I met with Scott. "Take Stiles." Derek said to Scott. "Go!" He said. He stood up and looked at me. "I love you Riley." He said as he looked in my eyes. He kissed me and I was shocked. This wasn't the same Derek that changed my best friend into a monster; this was a changed Derek. "Go with your brother." He told me. I followed Scott and Jackson was right behind us. He kicked open door after door and finally, he couldn't kick open the last door. I heard Sheriff screaming, I heard Jackson hissing, I heard Derek growling. This was going to be one hell of a fight. Scott went to go help Derek and I went to go help my mom and the others. 

When I came to the holding cell, Sheriff was on the ground and Sam was trying to sit up. I went to go help when I saw Matt. I hid back in the shadows when I heard his spastic little heartbeat. "Didn't we tell you not to move Stilinski!" I whispered as I looked down him. Then I heard Derek growling at Matt. But if I've learned anything tonight, it's that wherever Matt it, Jackson isn't far behind. Matt fled the scene and I went to check on my mom. "Mom, are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded. I went to help Sam and the Sheriff when Jackson jumped on the bars of the holding cell. He hissed at my mom and she looked terrified. Out of nowhere, Scott picked him up and threw him. I walked over to Scott and Sam finally fully functional, joined us. "Boys, are you okay?" She asked. We looked at her. Fear took over her eyes as she looked at all three of us. 

We left the room and we ran into Gerard. "Go." Scott said to Sam and I. I helped Sam and he got to the same room as Stiles. Out of curiosity, I followed Gerard, and what I saw, was very disturbing and out of his code. He killed Matt, by drowning him. "So sad isn't it?" Peter said behind me. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?' I asked him. "You'll soon find out, I'm never dead for long." He said. Then we saw it, the same way that Matt became the Kanima's master, is what Gerard did. 

Gerard broke his code. 

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