By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right

I Will Fight

4.2K 126 98
By Mintyhippo95

Elsa's POV

I woke up around 3, but not by my alarm, but by the sound of Anna screaming bloody murder. Jack and I exchanged one quick glance, then I ran to her room. She was alone in her room screaming her head off and crying.

"Anna, calm down it was just a bad dream." I said.

"I saw our parents die, then they got us and killed you. Then they started torturing me." Anna wailed.

"Anna, nothing is going to happen to any of us, I promise. Jus calm down and go to sleep." I said with tears in my eyes. I hated seeing her like this.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW!" she yelled.

"Because if there is one thing I am it's a survivor and a warrior. I promise you Anna I will fight. I will fight for you, for us! I won't let anything happen to you as long as I am still breathing." I said. She calmed down a little, but still was crying.

I sighed, and remembered what mother would do to calm us down when we would have a bad dream. I took a deep breath in, then started to sing. I made sure this song was slow and sweet, rather than the ones I'm usually attracted to.

When I finished I engulfed her in a hug and gently stroked the back of her head.

"I love you Anna, forever and always." I said. Then noticed something, black sand on her pillow.

"Okay Elsa. I love you too." she said, then laid her head back down.

"Get your rest Anna, I'll see you in the morning." I said and kissed her forehead. I turned around and Jack was just smiling at me.

I grabbed his hand, and dragged him into my room. I ran and grabbed my phone, and called Eugene.

Eg: Elsa, this had better be important.

E: Pitch was here, is that important enough.

Eg: WHAT! Are you and Anna okay?

E: No, I'm just calling you from the grave, OF COURSE I'M OKAY!!!! He gave Anna a nightmare, there was nightmare sand on her pillow!

Eg: Okay, what can I do?"

E: Did you distribute the bombs I made exactly where I told you?

Eg: To the exact angle and coordinate.

E: Good, if Pitch wanted to harm Anna, he would have. He was doing that as a warning, he is coming for me.

Eg: Elsa, are you sure you are ready?

E: Yes, I'm going to burn his main base to the ground. He called me a monster long ago, so lets give him a monster.

Eg: Okay, based on the information I got from the base it is going to happen within the next few days. Give them hell girl.

E: I will, have everything ready on your end.

Eg: Already set up, see you in a few days....... hopefully.

E: Yeah, you too. Listen, if I don't make it, know that I love you. You are the best friend and brother any girl could ask for. If I die in there, look after Anna.

Eg: I promise I will, and Elsa thanks for everything. I love you too, I often ask myself what I ever did to deserve to have someone like you in my life.

Then we hung up, and I paced in my room looking at the small chip I made on my desk.

"Elsa, I promise nothing is going to happen to you." Jack said.

"Yes it is, and I am ready for it. I have been working for years for this moment, and I am taking it. I will show them the monster they created the moment they killed my parents." I said coldly.

I lied back down on my bed forgetting my morning work out, and just worked out every single detail in my mind.

Jack jumped back in bed too, and sat there.

"Elsa, I was sent here to protect you. I promise I won't let anything happen to you, and I can help you."

"No Jack, that is where you are wrong. No one can help me." I said.

Then he pulled me close, and kissed me without warning or permission. I don't know why, but I pulled myself closer and kissed back. Maybe because I very well could die in a few days, maybe it was because he seemed different to me, or maybe it was something else I couldn't explain. Kissing him just felt enjoyable, and there are so few things in my life left that bring me joy. I opened my mouth and let our tongues connect as he flipped me over so he was on top. His arms pinned my hands down, while his hands got tangled up in my hair.

We parted when we were both out of air, and couldn't kiss anymore without dying from lack of oxygen. I looked at him, and weakly smiled, then pushed him off and got up. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a loose white V-neck t-shirt. Then I went downstairs and made everyone breakfast. After that I read some. I knew Jack was staring at me, but he had his disguise on now. Even though I knew he was looking at me, I chose to ignore him.

"You know, I never told you that you have the voice of an angel." he said.

"Thank you." I said blankly, then looked back to my book. I continued to read my book in silence until Anna woke up.

"Morning Elsa."

"Morning Anna." I said, "Any more nightmares, or did you sleep okay?"

"No, thanks by the way." she said.

"That is good."

"Have you been up all morning?" she asked looking at me worried.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I smiled at her, "Besides, I'm used to it."

"What are you reading?"

"It is a book called Dangerous Works. It about these two people. This girl is a notorious thief that works for this gang called the Nightmares, and this boy other is a chief inspector that works on the police force. They meet one day while she was on a heist, and she showed him up, like hard core showed up. He vowed then and there to put her behind bars. The girls face is unknown because she faked her death, she has never been seen or caught before, and is living through a fake identity she made up called Elizabeth Winters, who is a famous opera singer. The guy finds out, but every time he encounters her, she outwits him so he can't ever seem to prove she is the thief."

"So what happens?" Anna asked sitting down next to me.

"Well, he ignores all of her warnings to back off the Nightmares, and she ends up saving his life several times. Though this causes a lot of trouble for her. She was forced into a relationship with an abusive man, and every time she disobeys or helps the inspector she is severally beaten. Even knowing this she still tries to protect him until one day her 'boyfriend' finds out, and he is forced to join the Nightmares as well."

"And?" Anna urges me on.

"And slowly the two find themselves both living double lives. The guy also finds himself falling head over heels for his sworn enemy. The girl knows she is falling for him too, but is terrified. Everyone she has ever encountered that she has had remote feelings for in the past was murdered by the Nightmares. She keeps trying to push this guy away to save him, but eventually she just can't anymore. So there they are partners in crime trying to secretly love each other, while striving to escape the Nightmares and one day start a life together."

"So how does it end?" Anna asked, "Do they get their happy ending?"

"I don't know, the book was on Wattpad, and it is still a work in progress. Right now the guy took a bullet to save his beloved, his loosing a lot of blood, and is dying. I hope they do though, everyone deserves a happy ending." I said ruffling her already wild hair.

"Me too." she said in a dreamy gaze that made me smile. She was always to romantic in the family.

"You know I made breakfast right?" I said.

Then she jumped up like a bunny and ran towards the kitchen, making me chuckle.

"Man when her metabolism slows down she is so going to be screwed." I said to myself. I just sat on the chair playing with my hair, I didn't really have an appetite.

"Hey Elsa, want to go to the beach today?" Anna asked.

"I don't know, you can go though if you want. I was thinking maybe going to the woods and playing paintball."

"What is it with you and games with guns?" Anna chuckled.

"Hey, I'm a warrior, it's in my DNA." I chuckled, "Besides, I've never been a girly girl."

"True. Why don't you teach me how to shoot, and we could do it together some times."

"Anna, it is my job to support and protect you. You don't need to know how to fire a gun."

"Then why do you need to?"

"Because I have to protect you and myself." I said.

"Then why not get yourself a boyfriend, so you can stop all this Miss. Man stuff, and we could do more girly stuff together? Every guy in the school is dying to go out with you, just literally take your pick." she said. She never really understood the situations I was in.

"Anna, they don't really like me. They only want to have sex with me, that is it, either that or they want our money. Besides I'm not looking for a man right now, I have enough drama with you and Eugene already. Plus moment I get a guy you are going to talk about marriage then kids, and that is not going to happen." I said rolling my eyes.

"Why? You promised me when we were 8 I'd be an aunt." she whined.

"So paintballing then, I'll get you my extra gun."

"Don't change the subject Elsa. I feel like lately you have become more distant with me, like you are keeping secrets. Please answer me."

"Things change Anna, I can't keep every promise. Besides that was a long time ago, and I was a different person then." I said trying to keep my cool. She never stepped foot in the agency, so she never had a clue what they did to me while I was there.

"Elsa, you said everything has a reason, so tell me. Why do you shut everyone out, why do you shut the world out? I know the real you, and it is not that girl who people see at school, the girl wearing a mask. What are you so afraid of!?" she yelled the last part frustrated.

"Not a damn thing." I muttered.

"Elsa, what are you saying?" she asked confused, probs because she couldn't hear me.

I took several deep breaths in to calm myself, then looked at her.

"Nothing, I'm just going to go get ready." I said.

"Elsa, please don't cry, I'm sorry." she said sounding sad.

I was confused until I looked in the mirror across the room and saw tears were going down my cheeks.

"Wow! I didn't know I had it in me to cry after all of these years." I said chuckling wiping the tears off.

"Elsa, you know you can tell me anything, right? We are sisters after all, and I love you."

"I know Anna. And it because I love you, that I can't tell you. I'm sorry for being so distant, I just have a lot of stuff going on right now, and I need to work through some things."

"Elsa......... is it that time or the month?" she asked.

"No Anna, it is not." I said rolling my eyes.

"Alright... whatever you say. I'll pick up some chocolate for you." she smirked and I groaned. She doesn't realize I haven had a period in around 6 years now.

"You know what, we can go to the beach."

I walked upstairs and changed into my ice blue bikini, a white cover up, blue wedged heels, and put on some really light waterproof makeup. I walked downstairs where everyone was waiting already dressed.

"See you there I guess." I said, then ran out to my motorcycle and took off, with the others right behind me. The moment I got there I saw a bunch of those bitches from school there. I took off my cover up and strutted out onto the beach. Guys were whistling and staring with their jaws dropped. I kicked off my heels, and looked at them, then winked. Sure as always they either were in a trance or passed out.

Man, I should win metals for taking out the most guys in the least amount of time.

I sat down so I was on cold sand and the water would beat up against my legs, then looked out smiling. The ocean was such a beautiful thing, and it made me sad that people kept polluting this amazing gift of nature.

Anna and the rest of her 'friends' walked on the beach. The girls took off to look for sea shells and build a sand castle, while the guys played one on one beach volleyball. I wanted to surf, but I needed a board. Lucky for me, I knew just how to get one.

I swayed my hips walking towards some guy, and smiled at him. He stared at me in awe like all the other boys. When I was only a few feet away I stopped, and looked him up and down slowly with a smirk.

"Hey there big boy. Names Elsa." I said in a sexy tone that made every boy I have ever encountered go nuts.

"B-Brandon." he stuttered out. I saw Jack start to walk towards me in the corner of my eyes looking almost mad, but Hiccup was holding him back.

I closed the gap between Brandon and I, putting my hand on his chest.

"Well Brandon, I just so happen to love surfing, and I guess it is a weakness we both share. Mind if I use your board?" I whispered the last part in his ear, and gently grazing the lobe with my teeth causing him to gasp.

"Sure, whatever you want." he said.

"Thanks sexy." I said taking it from him and winking. I started walking towards the water. I laid down on the board and used my arms to get me further into the water, then slowly stood up as I saw a huge wave coming. Then I swayed the board and rode that wave doing several jumps and tricks along the way. It was actually really fun, even though the highest waves were only 10 feet at max. (A/N: Video of some surfing tricks in the media section to give you a basic idea of what she is doing.)

When I got back I handed the board back to Brandon and smiled.

"Thanks sweet-cheeks." I said my sexy tone of voice again, then walked off to the bar there and got a drink. I just got a fresh coconut with a hint of pineapple flavoring in it, and it was amazing.

Then I sat back down and looked out to the ocean again.

"Hey." someone grumbled, and I saw it was Jack.

"Hey." I said back, "What's up grumpy gills?"

"Nothing." he mumbled.

"You say that, but your tone of voice and body language says different. Out with it."

"Why do you care?" he ask/yelled.

I was taken aback, he never yelled at me. Even after everything I did to him, what did I do to make him this mad at me?

"Believe it or not Jack, I am still human, and I do still feel emotions. Maybe not like you, but I do want to help people." I said then stood up, "Sadly I'm not superman, and I can only help those who want to be helped."

"Elsa, wait." he started, but I ignored him.

I started walking towards the empty part of the beach that was more secluded, perfect for me. Only when I was alone could I show emotions and be myself, it was all part of being who I was and how I was raised.

I just laid down on the soft warm sand, which my body turned cool and covered my eyes with my arm. I don't know how long I was there, but it seemed like a while. I felt a presence near me, and it was the danger sort of one. I slowly removed my arm and was about to stand up, when an arm popped out of the sand, and started choking me.

I was gasping for air, and struggling to remove his hand from my throat, whoever this person was he was strong. Finally I managed to get a good grip on his hand, and twisted his arm until there was a snapping sound followed by a scream.

A person jumped out of the sand, and started fighting me. I was able to easily dodge his attacks, since again, sort of been doing this stuff my whole life, so I have quick reflex's. I round house kicked him, then picked up a spiral sea shell from the sand and stabbed him with it multiple times until he finally stopped fighting and collapsed to the ground.

Then the weight of what actually happened to my body kicked in. I fell to the ground holding my throbbing neck and wheezing trying to get air.

"Elsa!" someone shouted, and I saw Jack running towards me. He saw the dead body, and looked at me shocked. "Are you okay!?!" he said running to my side.

I nodded my head, and he didn't look satisfied. He removed my hand from my neck and gasped.

"How long did he choke you?"

"Around a minute, not really sure." I said with a now horse voice.

"Thank God you're okay." he said hugging me. I just awkwardly patted his back, then pushed him away.

"Elsa, please let us help you. We could team up." he said.

"No. I've seen your world with these very eyes, so don't come any closer, don't even try. I've felt all of the pain and heard all the lies." I said, and he looked at me confused.

"What are you talking about?"

I just looked at him, then started walking back towards everyone else. Jack was following me of course, but who cares. I got all the way back, and walked up to Anna.

"Hey, I'm going to go home." I hoarsely said.

"ELSA!!! What happened to your neck?" she said in a panicked tone, and everyone else gasped as well. They may have known what these were, but Anna didn't.

"I fell and my neck hit a rock. So clumsy sometimes." I said.

"Oh, okay." she said.

Unbelievable! One of the worst performances of my career, and she never even doubted it for a second.

I nodded and walked towards my bike. I slipped on my cover-up and heels, then jumped on and went home.

When I got there I changed into a pair of gray sweatpants, a loose fitting ice blue V-neck short sleeved shirt, and ice blue Uggs with cute little bows on them. I pulled my hair into a cute bun that one would wear to a wedding or prom, cleaned off all of my makeup, then touched my nails covering them in ice blue ice.

This is a perfect combo of comfy, conservative, and stylish!

I walked downstairs where of course Jack Fucking Frost was waiting.

"Why the hell can't you leave me alone?!" I asked.

"Actually I wanted to go get lunch with everyone else, I was forced to come here by your sister to watch over you." he grumbled.

"Don't care, tell her I'm sending you back. Besides you are a terrible protector anyway." I said walking to the fridge and pulling out a container of cookie dough!

I just grabbed a spoon and started eating it raw, which I highly recommend by the way.

"Well you shouldn't have left." he said.

"You shouldn't have been an emotional bitch on her period." I countered.

"You know what, never mind." he grumbled then walked out the door.

"Bitch." I mumbled.

I didn't get him. One minute he was sweet, next he was an ass like ever other man. I guess he is just hypocritical.

I sat myself inside the family room and turned on the TV. I settled for watching The Big Bang Theory, while chowing down on the cookie dough. Best part for the first time in forever Jack wasn't spying on me!

Then Eugene walked into the room in a panic.

"Elsa, no time to explain. Go get on a slutty outfit now!"


He grabbed my wrist and drug me up the stairs, talking on the way.

"There is a guy; Jafar; doing business for the Nightmares. I was able to hack into the Nightmares system with the code you gave me, and turns out they have a special order that he is delivering tomorrow morning. It is 3 pounds of red mercury! That is enough to blow up all of London! We have to get it before the Nightmares do.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need a distraction and a long one. Like 2 hours."

"Okay, I'll buy you that much time. Get your working clothes on." I said and started getting dressed.

I knew what I had to do, and I wasn't going to like it, but I can't let the Nightmares get their hands on that red mercury. With it, who knows what they could do with it?

Jack's POV

What is this girls problem!?!?!

I don't understand her, even knowing about her past she is still unpredictable. She is going to get herself killed!

I drove back to the restaurant where everyone else was, and sat down.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" Anna asked.

"Elsa sent me back." I grumbled.

"Sorry, this is sort of a dark time for her right now." Anna said.

"What do you mean?" Punzie asked.

"Well, tomorrow is her birthday and............"

"Wait! It is her birthday?!" We all said.

"Yeah, but she never wants to celebrate it. She usually just sits around home all day alone."


"Tomorrow is also the anniversary of our parents death. She was really close to them, like closer than me, so it's always hard for her." Anna said sadly.

"Your parents died on her birthday? That is horrible."

"Yeah. Ever since that day she changed. She stopped playing, became hard, started working out constantly, just the opposite of her old self. Our parents aren't the only ones who died that day."

Now I felt terrible for Elsa and the stuff I did today, and I left her alone after just getting attacked.

"Guys, I'm going back to check on Elsa. I'll see you later." I said then walked out. I quickly drove back to Elsa's house, only another car was in the driveway. I grabbed my gun, and slowly walked into the house, to find Eugene and a club slut.

"Eugene, what are you doing here and where is Elsa?" I said while putting my gun away.

"Right here idoit." the girl said, and my eyes popped. This girl had on a very short sparkling silver cap sleeved hooded romper, matching wedge heeled ankle boots, really dark smoky eyeshadow, lots of eyeliner, shit ton of mascara, magenta lipstick. Her skin looked tanner and her hair was straight, long, and dark brown.

There was only thing that I could recognize, a crystal blue.

"Elsa?" I said shocked.

"Yep, we gotta bounce." she said gesturing to her and Eugene.

"No, I'm going with you." Seriously I could possibly get fired just for the beach incident.

"Nope, the plan only has room for two people." she said while positioning her hair and pulling the hood on.

"Then make room for another person." I growled.

"Fine, you sit in the van, and watch the cameras. Keep Eugene posted, and watch the guards." she said tossing me an ear piece, "Now let's hurry! We only have a couple hours time window!" she said and drug us out to Eugene's van.

The back had all of these computer screens and keyboards, just like ours.

"Eugene, what are some of the likes and dislikes of this Jafar?" Elsa asked.

"He likes sexy rich girls. Preferably young, wild, and have positions of power." he answered.

"Okay. What about hobbies?"

"Alchemy, that is how he was able to create the red mercury. He also likes snakes. That is all I know about him."

"Thanks. Okay, now listen. When I get him up to his room and distract him, that is where you go in. If you need more time, just let me know. Whatever happens the Nightmares can't get their hands on that red mercury, with it they can destroy an entire major city. Do whatever it takes, even if it means having to kill an innocent." she said.

"Okay, but hopefully it won't come to that." Eugene said.

"What is going on?" I asked seriously confused.

"Summing up, some guy is going to give 3 pounds of red mercury to the Nightmares first thing tomorrow morning. That is enough to destroy all of London, we have to go in there and get it before the Nightmares do. Elsa is our distraction, I'm the thief, you are the look out." Eugene said, then stopped the car.

"Okay, wish me luck boys." Elsa said, then jumped out of the van and ran into the club.

"Good luck." I whispered softly.

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