The Lost City of Al-Sheerma...

By JanVanEngen

271K 11.3K 340

My world of Sheikhs and the women they fall in love with. Just normal everyday girls. Welcome to my world. Th... More

pitch - part one
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eleven

13.7K 701 34
By JanVanEngen

A very reserved Olivia came and stood at his side as he watched the rescue mission that was going to be a long, and tedious progress because they couldn't afford another rock slide. Dressed completely from head to toe in traditional dress and headscarf she was very pale and withdrawn.

He reached towards her hand, taking hold of and squeezed. Emerald eyes searched his for reassurances; one he couldn't give her, guiding her closer to his side. She leaned against him, clasping his upper arm with her other hand, holding on to him tightly.

He didn't care how it looked or what others thought; she was in shock and deeply troubled about her brother's welfare. He should've left her at the palace, knowing he wouldn't have. He gathered her closer, releasing her hand and placed an arm around her shoulder, gathering her up against his chest, wrapping his other arm around her as she buried her face in deeper, clutching at him with both her arms.

"There is nothing you can do here Olivia, you should be resting in the tent, out of the sun," he said softly, knowing she wouldn't leave his side. He ran his hand over her scarfed hair, wishing he could feel the soft silky thickness of her fiery hair. "I cannot at this time promise you he is safe," he whispered with a lump in his throat. Even in her pain and distress, he couldn't lie to her

He was a man who always spoke the truth, no matter how much it hurt another. The truth was always better, wasn't it? She nodded in understanding, though her grip tightened around him, holding him to her. He pressed his face into hers, passing on words of comfort and how he wished he could've protected her from this as he stroked her back in a comforting way. Reassuring everything that can be done was being done to bring her brother back to her and his team.

Knowing she wasn't going to leave him or go into the tent to rest he organised a fireplace and rug in front of the tent so she could watch from there and did, sitting at his side, while his team worked slowly, excavating the cave-in. He made sure she drank. Food didn't matter so much but she had to keep up her fluids. He was kept updated by two-way radio.

Seeing Olivia was struggling to stay awake, he gently guided her down onto his lap. Tenderly he caressed her hair, where she fell asleep in an instant. He didn't try to move her, waving across a man to retrieve a blanket that was placed over her at his return.

Khalid couldn't fault her love for her bother or her loyalty though was stubborn as hell, a  smile touched his lips. He was the same. Night had fallen, glancing across towards the team in the distance, now working under lights, working through the night. 

Time was running out for any hope of him to survive.

Olivia stirred, finding herself where she had fallen asleep, running her hand over his leg because he hadn't moved her into the tent. He had kept his word. "Anything?" she asked. He bent over, kissing her cheek.

"Not yet but nearly there." His radio crackled that he grabbed and answered in Arabic. She sat up anxious, heart pounding. He nodded, running a hand through her hair. Standing, he signalled the medical team to go in, which had been on standby from the moment he had been informed about the cave-in. Like them, they had flown in by helicopter. Olivia joined his side, clasping his arm tightly. "He is found."

"I have to go to him," she breathed, only to be held back by Khalaf as she started to move away from him, shaking his head.

"You cannot. He's in a bad way and needs to be seen to. You would only be in the way."

She held her breath, closing her eyes. "The others?" There were others involved. David wasn't the only one at risk.

"The American was the only other one with him. Killed instantly by what they can gather. We will wait here until I have heard the word." Heartbroken she buried her face into his side, tears seeping out at the loss of life, and sent prayers up for her brother. He was alive so there was hope. There was always hope. After everything that had happened, she couldn't lose him or go home without him. 

She also sent one for the family for the lost American life. Such heartbreak for them.

His radio crackled again, walking away, taking Olivia with him. "He is stabilised and they are flying him out now."

Olivia looked at him desperately. "Go," he whispered as he called the medevac, telling them to wait as she raced across, joining her brother and medics team, flying them to the hospital, Doctors waiting for their arrival.

Khalaf departed in his own helicopter, flying straight to the hospital. Decisions had to be made. Difficult ones, making calls to his family, receiving mixed feelings. He didn't bother the twins who were finally learning to behave themselves. The decision was his and his alone. He would make a decision after they made sure David was safe and Olivia had peace of mind. She had been through so much. Could he even consider putting through his burdens as well? It was a lifetime commitment.

Arriving at the hospital roughly at the same time, he went searching for Olivia, who was white as a sheet as they wheeled her still brother through a door, where she wasn't allowed to go. Khalaf took her into his arms. It wasn't over yet. He was in a critical condition, hanging on by a thread. She held onto for dear life, tears falling. "I can't lose him, Khalaf. I love him so much, I just can't." He just held her, rubbing her back.

Closing his eyes, knowing how he would feel if it was one of his family, even the twins. They might be a pain the butt sometimes they were still family and he loved them dearly. Maybe it was time to bring them home and make them see Olivia was no threat to them. Another decision he had to face. First, he would just concentrate on this, and Olivia, who needed him to be strong and give her the strength to see her through this no matter the outcome. Something he had done all his life.

And she wasn't an easy one to comfort as she paced, hugging herself, refusing to sit, drink or eat. "How long? They are taking a long time." She paused to frown. "Probably a good thing." She searched him out as he just stood there in the waiting room, where they were waiting for news.

"There is no use in speculation, Olivia. Yes in some ways good it means he is still..."

"Please don't," she begged eyes filling with tears. "Of course he is. Nothing is going to happen to him. He's my brother and nothing keeps him down. Not scorpion bites or snakes or hostile natives, so no, he's alive and will stay that way," she stated stubbornly. Khalaf went to her and took into his arms, where she buried herself into his form, arms going around his back, holding him tightly. "He has had broken bones, concussion, so he'd survive this. He always did. He is my superhero," she breathed in to be rocked.

"Of course he is," he didn't have the heart to tell her his injuries were life-threatening. Lack of oxygen. Actually had stopped breathing when they finally broke through, having no idea how long for as they fought to save his life before he was flown here. His hold tightened around her. He preferred the facts. The truth but for once he was keeping his mouth shut and would be here for her if something happens to him. With all his wealth and power, there was nothing he could do to stop this or change it. Maybe it wasn't worth it. Not this.

Noticing the doctor entering he whispered her name,  her head jerked up as she pulled away, standing at his side as they were approached by the head doctor. Neurosurgeon. "We have done all we can at this stage. There is swelling in the brain. Until that goes down we cannot see what damage had been done." Helpless Olivia looked at Khalaf, where she swayed and clutched at his arm to be gathered against his side.

"That's it, Olivia," he swept her up into his arms and placed her down into a chair, waving at the doctor, taking a seat as he settled down also, where his arm was grabbed tightly. "Please go on," he ordered the doctor.

"As I was saying, we have to wait until the swelling goes done, so we put him into a coma. There is no broken bones but his body had been traumatised. He's on life support at this time."

"I have to be with him," Olivia stated.

"Not yet, precious," Khalaf said.

"Now Khalaf," she demanded, determined, glaring at him. He glanced at the doctor.

"Take us to him and I'd make a decision from there."

"Sire, there is nothing you or anyone can do. He is in ICU, so no visitors."

"For how long?" Olivia asked. 

Khalaf held up his hand. "Olivia please."

"He's my brother, not yours," she whispered. He shot her a look of disbelief. She paled further, if possible. "I'm sorry."

Sighing, he raked a hand through his hair. "Surely she can see him for a minute to give her peace of mind." The doctor stood to nod. They got up and followed the doctor to the ICU rooms and looked through the viewing room, seeing him laying on the bed, so still with tubes and wires attached to his body, monitoring his vitals. She had never seen him this bad, placing a hand on the window, trying to reach out to him, while Khalaf talked to the doctor quietly off to one side. He came back to her side as the doctor walked away.

"Olivia there is nothing you can do, not now, you must rest and I'll bring you back later after you have recovered and eaten."

She shook her head. "I'm not leaving him. He knows I'm here, watching over him. I won't leave him, Khalaf."

"And you can't stay here."

She looked around, spotting a seat, and crossed over, sitting down. She wasn't going. Khalaf went over and crouched down in front of her. "Listen to me, Olivia." Large green eyes focused on him, seeing her determination, she was staying no matter what he said. The only way she was moving was against her will. "I will organise his own private ICU room and make sure you can stay on the condition you do as your told. They want you out you get out. Obey all their orders." Her answer was throwing her arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Thank you. I can't leave him, Khalaf. He's my only sibling. He's the only brother I have. I won't lose him." As promised she was soon in a private room at her brother's side holding his hand, sitting at his side, watching over him.

There was nothing more they could do. Comatose. It was just a waiting game of wait and see. They had no way of knowing of what damage had been done. If any to his brain through lack of oxygen. There was activity but had to put him into a self-induced coma because of swelling on his brain.

Olivia never left his side, watching over him, refusing to leave. Sleeping in a chair to get some shut-eye, ignoring Khalaf's pleas to go home and rest."How can I Khalaf? He's my brother. I love him and could never leave him."

For days she held his hand and told him stories. She had read somewhere or heard it, one should talk to comatose patients because they can hear every word you say, and sometimes it helped with recovery. She talked about past events, how she hated creepy crawls because of him. She would buy him his own Indiana Jones hat and whip for real this time when he was done playing possum. "You didn't fail David. It's just a setback," she whispered fighting tears.

Realising how pathetic she had been. Her brother was fighting for his life while she had been wailing in self-pity and over a couple of dumb jerks who probably just didn't know how to tell her. For goodness sake, they were her best friends or had been. She was just as bad. She had been kidding herself. Living the dream, house, partner, and family but one problem with it all was she didn't love the man just the dream. 

"Right you, I'm going to ring them and say I forgive them. I'm going to face it all. Just open your damn eyes to let me know I'm doing the right thing you big fat lump."

"Now that's not nice," came a soft reply. She jerked back letting out a cry of shock. Jumping to her feet, she fled, calling for a nurse to tell her he opened his eyes. They looked back, finding them shut. The nurse crossed over and checked his vital signs. Again his eyes opened again and gave a smile. "I'm in heaven."

Olivia laughed, her heart filled with joy. He was going to be fine if he was flirting with the nurse. She spun around, finding Khalaf standing in the doorway, fleeing towards him and threw her arms around him. "He's going to be fine," she whispered choked.

"Olivia we have to wait for the okay from the doctors. Come with me and let them do what they do best." Easing her arms free, he guided her out, leaving no room for argument, taking her downstairs to sit down, where coffee and food were placed down in front of her that she devoured, eyes bright.

"I know it won't be easy but you must make sure he has at least a week to recover," she said as she ate. She had very little over the last few days. "I know my brother, he would want to go back to it, especially if he found something. Was it anywhere near where we were when I was there? Or had he moved on?" she asked excitedly.

Khalaf covered her free hand on the table with his. "Olivia," she looked sideways to his serious expression. "I have to evaluate everything before I even think of sending him back in."

Her eyes widen. "You must," she breathed. "It's his life. He would rather die than not work. It would destroy him, Khalaf. I have never seen him so excited over such a project as this one. He breathes it."

"And nearly lost his life. It's not worth that Olivia."

"All part of what he does," she pointed out. "I know because I have had long discussions with him over the dangers. He would always argue he wouldn't do anything in life, if he was afraid of the danger and it's what he does. Something like what happened, a cave-in, is very rare Khalaf. He's warned now and knows he'd have to do a thorough check of the surrounding area."

He frowned. "You seemed well informed. I had no idea."

She waved her fork at him then dug into for more savoury rice to finish off. "Years of ear-bashing, some did seep in," she smiled placing down her fork and sipped at her coffee. "I have to get back."

"No, you will sit there and digest your food properly. The doctors will call me and we will talk to them then you can see your brother. After that, you're going back to the palace and have sleep. I mean it, Olivia," he added as her lips parted to close and nod instead. She owned him that after everything he had done. After all, her brother was fine. There was no doubt in her mind.

"As you wish." She leaned across and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for everything you did for him and me. I'll never forget your kindness and giving me your time and patience."

After seeing the doctor, who told them he had a clean bill of health, just needed time to recover and get his strength back, they headed back to his room. Beaming she saw her brother, hugging him best as she could with all his wires still monitoring though the life support is gone. "I want my hat and whip as promised." She laughed. Of course. She was hitting the Internet as soon as she got back to the palace and find them. Khalaf raised a brow to be waved at. "Just our thing. Let's let Indiana get some proper rest. In a coma is not resting."

"Actually it is to let the body recover," a doctor said behind them. She didn't care, beaming. Khalaf shifted her off back to the palace while he stayed. 

David turned on him eyes hardening on Khalaf that confused him.

"What the hell is she doing here? I thought you sent her home. Why is she with you, Sheikh?" Great now he was getting it from both ends. "You must send her home. If you don't I'd walk away. It's your choice. The city or my sister but you better damn well mean it."

"Must I remind you, I am the one who is funding this adventure, and if I do decide to shut it down, it would be because I deemed it too dangerous to go on, and I can replace you like that," he snapped his fingers. "As for Olivia, it's her choice, not mine to stay." With that, he walked out. The last thing he had expected and made his decisions even harder.

Within days David was well enough to leave the hospital, moving into the Palace, sharing Olivia's old suite, where she had begged to go back and look after her brother that happened without a real whisper of denial or complaints. It was like he was distancing himself. 

Was it finally over her passionate affair with her, sheikh? Was it time to go home? Though she didn't want to because her heart belonged here with him. What if he didn't want her in that way. In a permanent way. They even had their meals alone in their suite. Khalaf, gone from the Palace seeing to palace business. 

She felt so alone, visiting Kitty when she could, just to spend some quiet time together as she absorbed his rooms, wandering into the bedroom they had shared, heading into the walk-in wardrobe, and ran her fingers over his clothes. Missing him. Her heartbreaking. It felt so final as if she was saying goodbye. How could she?

Going back to her rooms she found lunch had arrived and David settled in to eat. Her plate on the table still covered. She had no appetite. " I guess I have to think about going home," she said sitting down to get a feel of what her brother thought.

"I told him if he wanted me to continue with my search for the lost city he had to send you home," David told her, sounding very pleased with himself, having no idea what he had done. Not a word to her and he had disappeared. It seemed he had made his choice and it wasn't her.

Stunned she sank into the chair. "So he chose the city over me," she whispered, setting her heart in place. David looked at her strangely, although he didn't correct her. Because he hadn't. 

She was going home and wasn't looking back. She had always known she had no place here, it was time to go and that meant now. "Get the helicopter ready. Just give me five, it won't take me long to pack."  She was only taking what she had brought with her at the beginning. She even changed into what she had worn out of Melbourne, a silk blue dress that was comfortable and easy to wear for such a long flight.

Her fingers lingering over the velvet box with the emerald necklace Khalaf had given her to shove in her bags. She would take one thing back with her; after all, he had said it was hers to keep.

Grabbing her bag and suitcase by the handle she wheeled it out. There would be no embarrassing goodbye; she was just going to go without seeing him. It would be easier that way. Anyway, he wasn't even here. Even better.

David was waiting to take her load and together they walked the long hallways that were empty. They left the palace towards the heliport, where the chopper was waiting that she walked towards, ducking under the turning blades, where a man jumped down, taking her cases then helped inside. 

The door closed behind her and looked down as they raised high into the air, staring down at the lone figure of her brother, pressing fingers against the glass as tears trickled down her cheeks. She didn't even get to say goodbye to Kitty. She had no idea what was waiting for her when she got home. Turning away she sat back into her seat, taking a deep breath. 

Now time to face her past.

After a fourteen flight from Dubai and customs Olivia finally rolled her case behind her, entering the Melbourne airport, head down, heading for the exit, needing to find a taxi. She really couldn't face busses.

"Olivia!" Startled she stopped and looked up, discovering her mother and father waiting for her. Crying out she took to her feet, running towards them, letting her case go and threw her arms around her parents in a group hug, babbling over them.

"Everything is alright, baby," her mother rubbed her back. "Everyone knows the truth." Olivia looked at her blankly. "James and Mimi came and explained everything." Lovely Mary brushed her hair back from Olivia's face. "You should have told us the truth."

"I couldn't, I felt like I failed you both." She shook her head. "I don't understand what are you doing here?"

"David's boss, some sheikh, called your father and explained you were coming home."

Astonished Olivia stared at her mother. "Khalaf called you?"

"Yes, he wanted to make sure someone was waiting for you at the other end, and make sure you arrived home safely." She nodded. It was a pity he didn't fight to make her stay. She would've stayed for him. Her father tucked her under his arms while Mary grabbed her case, walking her out of the airport into the Melbourne bright sunny day.

"It's good to have you home, princess," her father gave her arm a tight squeeze. It was good to be home. Sliding her arm his waist, she smiled up at him.

"It's good to see you again, so how was your trip. I want to hear everything."

Seated in the back of the car, driving through the familiar sights of Melbourne, her parents told her about their trip on the Mediterranean Sea, and all the sights they saw on their cruise. Sighing, she rested her elbow on the car door handle, cupping her chin in her hand, visioning the deserts of Sultan then the seas of the Arabian Gulf, her heart aching.

Days rolled into weeks into months and still, she had no desire to look for work, just sat at her laptop, writing from her journal, working through her hurt and pain, where her mother sat down at her side on the bed beside her desk and the curled up cats. They spent most of their time at her side. "What are you writing, my dear?" she asked softly. Olivia looked across towards her concerned mother. She had come back a different person.

"How pathetic my life is," she sighed, sitting back in the chair.

"May I?" she asked pointing at her journal. Olivia nodded that was taken and flicked through, her mother kept looking up at her as she read. "You have a wonderful way with words. Why don't you write a story out of this? You have all the details of places, great descriptions, and such a vivid imagination. Oh, my was there really a giant cat?"

She smiled with warmth. "Kitty. She was gorgeous." Not as gorgeous as the owner though, arching again at the thought of him. She looked at the laptop. Could she do it? Write a story, based on her trip but fictional, and her heroine would have her happy ending even if she didn't. Now she had a purpose, she rolled closer, and started at the beginning - page one - chapter one.

Her mother placed the journal at her side and walked out, pausing at the doorway, and smiled. She would be just fine, closing the door, and left her to her new job. A writer. The talent that had always been there, just never realised.

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