Treasure Planet Twist

By taintlesstowa16

10.6K 183 44

12 years ago Jim Hawkins had a friend un-like any others. They never left each others side, until Christina D... More

A Map!
The R.L.S Legacy
Long John Silver
Tight Ships a Happy Ship
I'm Still Here!
Not According To Plan
Not Your Fault

Old Friends

2.9K 33 13
By taintlesstowa16

    It was twelve years ago when my best friend Jim and I were sitting in his room reading a book the night before I was going to move away. And I still remember it like it was only yesterday. Jim picked up a book off of his nightstand to the right of his bed and opened it for us to read together. When he opened the pages, images came out of the book and were moving like a movie of the space would outside of his house. The narrator of the story spoke slowly with a low calm voice.

“On the clearest of nights when the wind of the Etherium were calm and peaceful. The great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian sura crystals felt safe and secure.” as a ship in the book began to sail on by in the dark night sky. “Little did they suspect that they were pursued by pirates!” he continued when a smaller ship with a skull and cross bone flag sailed towards the merchant ship. “And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathanial Flint.” he said as it showed the picture of the Pirate Captain with six eyes, sharp piercing teeth and an evil look in his eyes. The pirates fired at the ship and fighting the others as they ambushed them. “Like a Candarian Zap-wing overtaking its prey--”

“James Pleiades Hawkins!” His mother, Sarah, said as she opened the door. We swiftly closed the book and laid still. “I thought you were asleep an hour ago.” She continued looking at him when her gaze led over to me. “Christina? What are you doing here at such a late hour!?” To embarrassed to answer, I stayed quiet. With no hesitation Jim sat up and grabbed the book.

“Oh mom, we were just getting to the best part.” he said in a small innocent voice.

“And I have to leave tomorrow morning.” I said without thinking.

“Please!” we said together huddling closer together making the best puppy dog eyes we could.

“OH! Can those eye’s get any bigger?” his mom said smiling down at us. “Oh scootch over.” she continued as she sat down next to us. Jim and I smiled to each other and opened the book again continuing where we left off. The images came alive again and the narrator continued.

“Like a Candarian Zap-wing over taking its prey, Flint with his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere.” as it showed them boarding the cargo ship and stealing the treasure. After loading it back on Captain Flint cut the lock off the chest and gold and jewels spilled on the floor and he picked it up laughing to himself. The ship then took off  away from the burning cargo ship. “and then, gathering up their spoil. Vanished without a trace.” he said as the ship vanished into thin air.

“Oooo.” Jim, Sarah, and I all said together as we turned the page.

“Flints trove was never found,” The Narrator continued as fog went across the page with a distant figure behind it all. “but stories persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Stowed with riches beyond imagination--the loot of a thousand worlds.” the fog cleared as the picture showed a planet with two rings crossing each other diagonally. “Treasure Planet!” Jim said along with the narrator of the book.

“Okay,” Sarah said breaking in and closing the book.  She pulled out a hankie and put it to Jim‘s nose “Blow your nose.” she said.

Jim rubbed his nose and stood on his bed. “how do you think Captain flint did it mom?” as he climbed the head board of his bed and balanced on it. “How he’d swoop in from no where,” and jumped off and landed on the bed on this stomach. I giggled and we both crawled underneath the blankets and said, “And vanish without a trace!?” Sarah played along and came up behind us.

“I have no idea.” and reached under the blankets and grabbed both of us by the legs and pulled us out with our laughs filling the air. “Come here you two! I’m going to get you! I’m going to!” she said playfully and tickled us. “Okay,” she said calmly. “Now its time for this little spacer to go to sleep.” and laid Jim in the bed and put covers over him. “Come on Christy, come with me, I’ll tell your parents where you have been, they must be worried sick!” Jim laid down and some thing made a squeaking noise behind him. Sarah reached behind him to pull out a pirate toy.

“Mom, do you think anyone will ever find Treasure Planet?” Jim asked as she searched.

“Sweetheart, I think it’s more like, a legend.” Sarah replied setting the toy on the book by his bed.

“I know its real!” I said sitting by Jim who nodded in agreement.

Sarah smiled and leaned closer. “Okay, you guys win. It’s real!” she said smiling and kissed Jim on the forehead. “come on Christy” she said as she stood up and walked towards the door.

I looked down at my hands and Jim said, “Christy?” I looked up and he opened his arms and pulled me into a hug, “Come back soon, and don’t forget about me!” he said quietly.

“Are you kidding? I can’t forget about my best friend!” I said smiling. I hopped off the bed and walked over to his mom. “Bye, bye Jim” I said waving.

“Bye, Christy!” he replied with a small wave and crawled deeper into his bed pulling his covers to his chin. “Nighty-night Mommy.” he said closing his eyes.

“Nighty-night sweetheart.” She said turning off the lights. “I love you.” she smiled standing in the doorway.

Jim replied quietly, “Love you too.” with his eyes still closed.

Sarah and I walked out of the room and shut the door when Jim sat up in the dark and grabbed the book off the night stand, crawled under the blankets and opened it again.

“There are night’s when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting to their promise of flight, and freedom, made one spirit, soar!” the narrator said ending the book.

Twelve years later, it was harder and harder to visit back home, and this was the first time in over ten years to come back and Jim was out with his home-made solar surfer out in the deserted parts of Montressor. Fifteen years old and soaring in the air was freedom! He came near to a construction site and continued through it going through all the obstacles and around every tight turn. He made it out barely when suddenly out of no where, the police appeared behind him sirens wailing. “Oh great.” Jim said to himself.

     His mother was home working at their Inn that they own. The Benbow Inn. Sarah picked up a tray and filled the bowls of food and as she turned to go serve them, a costumer from the corner began to call her name. “Mrs. Hawkins!”

With it not even phasing her she replied, “I know, refill on the purp juice, coming right up Mrs. Dunwiddie.” and walked to a table of a family of three. “There we go, that’s four powdered spheroids, two lunar eclipses and a big bowl of Zorellian jelly worms, for the big boy.” She said laying everything down. The little alien boy started laughing with delight and dropped his silverware.

“Awesome!” he said and started scooping it into his mouth with his hands.

“Enjoy!” Sarah said and continued on to the next table. Sitting there was a dog alien with glasses on, my Uncle. “Sorry Delbert, its been a mad house here all morning.” Sarah apologized.

“No problem Sarah, ah my Alponian chowder with the extra solara seed! Mmm! Yumm!” he said as he sniffed the food on the table. Just then a little frog alien girl peered up from the table. “hello,” he said cautiously. “what brings you here curious little, one.” she said nothing just stared at him with a smile. Delbert scooped a spoon-full of chowder and went to take a bite but looked back. The girl stayed standing staring at him. “Go away.” he said shooing her away. After she didn’t leave he tried something else. “Are your parents around?” still no reply. “What’s the matter? Cat’s go your--AHH!” he yelled as the girl opened her mouth and shot her tongue out and took the spoon-full of chowder and skipped off.

Sarah walked back up with a new tray of food, and placed her hand on her hip. “Oh, they’re so adorable at that age.” she said to the small girl skipping off.

“Oh yes,” Delbert said setting his spoon down disgusted. “deplorable, ah! Adorable.” he caught himself. “Speaking of which, did you remember to tell Jim that Christy is coming up?” He asked

“I told him, but I’m not really sure if he even listened to me.” she said rubbing her head. “I don’t know Delbert. When is she suppose to arrive?” she asked as she walked off to the next table emptying her tray.

“Well, any minuet now.” Delbert said as he looked at his watch. He shook his head. “But we can worry about that when it comes, how is Jim doing?”

“Much better!” Sarah said setting her tray down “I know he’s had some ruff spots earlier this year but I really think he’s starting to turn a corner.” she said lifting a pile of dirty dishes up.

Just then the door burst opened with two Robot Cops on both sides of Jim. “Mrs. Hawkins?” the one on the right said.

“Jim!” Sarah said dropping all the dishes in her hands to the ground breaking them.

“oh, wrong turn.” Delbert said to himself rubbing his forehead. Jim pushed the hand of the cops off his shoulder and smiled walking forward.

“Okay, thanks for the lift guys.” he said.

“Not so fast!” the other said grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back.

“We have apprehended your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area.” the other cop said grabbing his other arm.

“Moving violation 9-0-4 section 15 paragraph, uh” the other paused.

“Six.” Jim said scratching his face.

“Thank you.” the cop replied.

“Don’t mention it.” Jim said dropping his hand.

“Jim!” His mother said shaking her head at him. Jim dropped his head to not look at her.

The other cop looked at her. “As you are aware ma’am, this constitutes a violation of his probation.”

Sarah stepped forward combing her hair out of her face and rubbing her neck. “yes, yes, no I understand. Um. But. Couldn’t we just--”

“Um, pardon me, officers.” Delbert said from his table. “If I might interject here. I am the noted astrophysicist Doctor Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you’ve heard of me.” he said walking up to them. The cops both stayed quiet. “No? I have a clipping.” he said reaching for his pocket. When the cop on the right cut him off.

“Are you the boys father?” almost instantly Sarah and him both started to shake their heads saying, “No, no oh heavens no.”

“Umm, he’s just an old friend of family.” Sarah explained. Delbert nodded and both the cops shot forward.

“Back off sir!” they ordered.

Sarah placed her had on his shoulder, “Thank you Delbert. I can take it from here.”

“Well Sarah,” Delbert said clearing his throat. “if you insist. Don’t ever let me do that again.” he whispered to her. The cop on the right continued.

“Due to repeated violation of statute 15-C, we have impounded his vehicle, any more slip ups will result to a one way ticket to Juvenile Hall.”

“Kiddie hoosegow” the other said

“The Slammo” the other agreed as they pushed him forward to Sarah.

“Thank you officers, it won’t happen again.” she said as she looked right at Jim.

“We see his type all the time ma’am.” the cop on the right said.

“Wrong Choices”


“Losers” they listed off together.

“You take care now.” the cop said raising his hat.

“Lets motor!” the other said and they turned around and left the Benbow Inn. Sarah stood still staring at the door and turned to see everyone in the Inn staring at them silent, then getting back to their meals. Sarah turned back to Jim.

“Jim, I have had it! Do you want to go to Juvenile Hall, is that it?” she said as Jim picked up a small tub and began to pick up dishes ignoring her. “Jim? Jim look at me. It’s hard enough keeping this place a float by myself without you going and--”

“Mom, its no big deal.” he cut her off. “There was no one around. Those cops just wont get off my--” he started when he looked at her just looking at him with a disappointed look. “forget it.” he said quietly.

Sarah opened her mouth do say something else when from the tables she Mrs. Dunwiddie yelled out again. “Mrs. Hawkins! My Juice!”

Sarah turned, “Yes, I’ll be right there, Mrs. Dunwiddie.” she turned back to Jim and calmly said, “Jim, I just don’t want to see you throw away your entire future.” and turned around and walked off.

“Yeah, what future?” he said as he walked through the kitchen door.

    Moments later I burst through the front door smiling and threw my arms in the air and practically sang, “UNCLE DELBERT! I’M HERE!!!”

Delbert stood up and walked up to me swiftly, “Christina! You made it! It’s so nice to see you!” he said hugging me tight. “How was your flight in?” he said letting go of me.

“Oh terrible, I had to sit by this guy who kept complaining about how tired he was,” I said shaking my head. “and then, the whole thing got stopped because some punk kid was riding a solar surfer in a restricted area and got arrested, it was actually kind of funny.” I said smiling.

“Oh, is that so?” Delbert swallowed hard nervously.

“Yeah, well if he’s going to be doing that kind of stuff then he deserves to be arrested!” I said annoyed.

Delbert began looking around trying to change the subject. “Um, Christina, you remember Jim’s mother, Sarah Hawkins, don’t you?” he said pulling her into the conversation.

“Oh! Christina, you’re here! Its good to see you.” Sarah said brightly pulling me into a hug. “How long has it been?” she asked smiling.

“To long!” I said laughing “I always remember calling you ‘Mom’ when we were little.” I said cheerfully.

Sarah laughed, “That’s right, you would.” she paused and stared at me for a moment. “Oh my, look at you, you look so beautiful and all grown up too!”

I looked away embarrassed and replied, “Well not all grown up, but I’m trying as hard as I can.” and smiled. Delbert cleared his throat and smiled at me.

“So, Christina tell us--”

“Oh Uncle Delbert, please don’t call me Christina. Christy will be fine.” I said cutting him off “But if you don’t mind, could I leave telling you all the details for later and could you tell me, where’s Jim at?” I asked looking around.

“Oh of course!” Delbert said clapping his hands together, “I bet you really want to see your old friend.” he smiled to me and pointed to the door that led to the kitchen, “He just went into the kitchen and--”

“Christy?” Sarah cut him off.

“yes?” I said ready to head to the kitchen.

“Jim has been getting into trouble lately.” she said looking down. I turned to face her more as she continued, “He may not be the same as he was when you were little, and please don’t bring it up.”

Cautiously I asked, “What kind of trouble?”

She looked up to me and cracked a weak smile. “I’ll explain later, just please?” she repeated.

“Okay,” I said smiling “I won’t.”

She sighed with relief, “Thank you. Oh and one more thing not to ask him about.” she said as I began to turn again.

“What’s that?” I asked turning my head to her.

She paused and calmly said, “his father.” I stood quiet and agreed not to. And with that I turned and walked to the kitchen door. I stopped in front of it and took a deep breath as I walked in. ‘Please remember me’ I thought to myself. As the door opened it let out a long loud creek which made Jim turn to see what it was.

“Um, excuse me but it’s employees only back here.” Jim said calmly but firm.

I placed my hands on my hips and smiled, “Well I think I’m an exception.”

Jim stared at me confused and asked, “What are you talking about?”

I walked closer to him and looked at him closely, “What? You don’t recognize me?” and smiled to him. He looked closer analyzing my face, when his eyes widened and he smiled.

“Christy? CHRISTY! IT IS YOU!! Oh my--what are you doing here?” he said all at once to excited to think strait.

“I came to visit, didn’t my uncle tell you guys I was coming?” I laughed as he just stared at me in disbelief. ‘He doesn’t seem to different’  I thought.

“He might have…but that doesn’t matter! All that matters is that you’re here now!” he smiled widely to me.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” I said as he pulled me into a welcoming hug.

He let go and looked at me up and down, “Wow…look at you…you’re not that same little goofy girl I would play games with huh?”

“Well,” I started shrugging, “I might not look the same but I wouldn’t complain on an occasional ‘Pirates vs. Spacers’” We both laughed. “Jim, I want to ask you something.”

He nodded, “Okay?”

I sighed deeply and calmly asked, “Your mom told me that you were getting into trouble lately, what does she mean?”

Jim turned around and his smile faded, “I don’t want to talk about it.” and without thinking I blurted out more.

“Well what about your father? What about him?” I asked.

Jim shot a look at me and said sternly, “I think you better go. After all it is employees only.” and turned around to the sink.

“But Jim I just want to--” I started.

“Just go Christy” he cut me off. Sad and confused I calmly agreed and turned around and left. I walked to the table Delbert was sitting at reading and sat down across from him. He looked up and Sarah walked up to us.

“Christy? What happened?” Delbert asked as he looked up from his book. Stumbling over my words I replied,

“huh? Oh nothing, he just had a lot of work to do…” I trailed off. Sarah walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

“You asked him, didn’t you?” she asked calmly. I sighed and nodded.

“Yeah, I asked him about everything.” and stared at the table in front of me. Sarah wrapped her arms around me.

“It’s okay sweetheart. He’s been going through a rough time, we all have.” she comforted me. I tried to smile and looked up to her.

“If you don’t mind…I’d like to hear about it when you get the chance.”

Sarah smiled to me and sat down next to me.

“Of course. I’ll take a short break, it’s a long story and you deserve to know.” We sat there as she told me that once I couldn’t visit anymore, Jim became very sad and didn’t go out to play anymore. Not a year later his father decided he was going to leave and he never came back. She told me that Jim has never been the same since.

    Later that I walked to the kitchen to talk to Jim but as soon as the Inn closed he left the house. I sat in a chair, legs pulled up to my knees as Delbert talked with Sarah.

“I really don’t know how you manage it, Sarah. Trying to run a business while raising a felon like--felon…fellow…fellow like Jim.” he said catching himself again.

“Managing it? I’m at the end of my rope Delbert.” Sarah replied with a sad tone. “Ever since his father left, well. Jim’s never recovered. And you know how smart he is. He built his first solar surfer when her was eight!” she said on a happier note. I lifted my head and looked out a ceiling window and saw a figure. I stood silently and left the room quietly as they continued and climbed a nearby ladder. “and yet, he’s failing at school, he is constantly in trouble, and when I talk to him he’s like a stranger to me. I don’t know Delbert. I’ve tried everything.” Sarah said frustrated. I reached the top of the ladder and saw Jim sitting on the roof looking into the window listening to his mother. I smiled to myself and rested my head on my hand.

“Hey Jim! I thought I would find you up here.” he jumped surprised to see me there. I said laughing to myself. “You always did have a liking for high places.” I smiled to him brightly.

His face turned cold and he looked at me with a serious face. “What do you want?” he said annoyed.

“Okay look,” I said my smile fading, “all joking aside. I wanted to talk to you.” I said climbing the rest of the way up onto the roof. “I’m sorry, for what I said earlier. I should have listened to your mother and just no brought it up.” I said looking at the roof by his feet. I walked up next to him and sat next to him. “But I just want you to know, I haven’t changed. You can trust me with anything you want to tell me. I just want it to be like it use to be.” I reached out going to touch his arm but pulled back when he looked at me with an annoyed look on his face.

“yeah, easy for you to say.” he said flatly.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” I asked confused.

“Look ever since we were small, you’ve had no problem forgiving people. You haven’t had to go through a lot of the things I have…” he paused and looked the other way, “maybe you shouldn’t have come at all.” he said coldly.

Completely shocked I stared at him feeling sad. “Is that how you really feel Jim?”

“Yeah, Christy, it is!” he answered without hesitation.

I sighed, “I can’t believe it. After everything I did to come see you, you just push me away,” I paused and blurted out, “just like you do to your mother!” His head shot around and he stood up, with me following.

“Hey! You have no idea what your talking about! You have no room to talk! Your no better than my father for leaving me and my mother and you know what--”

“At least you have a mother!” I blurted out angry.

“What?” Jim said quietly. My anger slowly changed to sadness and I sunk to the roof again.

“Okay look, the reason I asked you about your dad was, well because I know what your going through. The reason I stopped coming was because my mother died and my dad began to work more and more often. We didn’t have the time or money to come here every summer anymore. I didn’t choose to stop coming, I was forced.” I pulled my knees in close to my body and dropped my head.

Jim slid down next me slowly saying, “C-Christy, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” I picked up my head and looked into the sky.

“Well, it’s no big deal, I saved up to get me a ticket for ten years to come and see you, and you don’t want to see me so I guess I’ll go get my bags and just go home.” I said standing and heading for the ladder.

“Wait!” Jim said. “Christy, please stop. Please!?” he pleaded. I stopped and turned around to him and folded my arms.

“Okay, you have my attention for a moment.” I said calmly.

“Okay.” Jim said trying to gather his thoughts, “look…how about we just, you know, start all over.” I smile and had to agree

“but first.” I said walking back over to him. “I really am sorry about blowing up on you.” I apologized.

“Oh, no it’s my fault, I’m sorry. I have a short temper.” he said smiling.

“So…” I started and sat down with him leaning on the building. “What did happen with you and your dad?” I asked cautiously.

“Oh…well…you see…um” he said nervous, when suddenly a small ship flew into the side of the Benbow Inn with smoke following it. It began to crash and luckily hit onto one of the landing pads close by.

“What’s that?” I said standing.

“Not sure,” Jim said looking back at me. “Come on!” and slid off the roof to the ground. I followed close behind running behind him down the landing pad. “Hey Mister?” Jim yelled while running. We reached the ship and he began pounding on the glass door. “Mister your okay in there right?” the whole ship was filled with smoke and we couldn’t see into it. Suddenly a big hand hit the window right in front of Jim and there was a faint groan. Jim fell back and fell to the ground. I ran up to him helping him up.

“Jim!” He got back to his feet when the door of the ship opened up and smoke came poring out and a man fell out with a chest coughing and gagging for air. He tried to stand up and grabbed Jim by the shirt.

“He’s a-comin’. Can you hear him?” he said looking around and stretching his long neck out getting close to Jim. “Those gears and gyros clickin’ and whirrin’ like the devil himself!” and let go of Jim and turned around.

“Hit your head there pretty hard. Didn’t ya?” Jim said rubbing his head. Not even phasing the old salamander grabbed the chest and threw it onto his shoulder.

“He’s after me chest that fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats. But they’ll have to pry it from old Billy Bones’ cold dead fingers afore I--” he said shaking his fist at us before he fell down to the ground coughing and choking again.

“Oh my--” I started as I stared at him.

“uh. Come on. Give me one of your arms, Christy take his other.” Jim ordered as he wrapped the old mans right arm around his shoulder and grabbed the chest on the ground with his other hand.

“That’s it” Jim and I said as we both lifted him up. We began to drag him toward Jim’s home when thunder crashed and it began to rain.

“good lad” Billy Bones said faintly. I chuckled to myself.

“Jim, your mom’s going to love this.” I said smiling. Jim let out a small chuckle and kept walking.

    As we walked toward the house Delbert began to pick up his things and put on his coat getting ready to leave. Sarah but up flower blinds to hide the storm and sat down and sighed.

“Thanks for listening, Delbert. It helps.” she said holding her head up with her hand. Delbert walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

It’s going to be okay,” he said sympathetically “you’ll see.” Sarah sighed and pulled up her locket necklace and opened it showing short clip pictures of Jim growing up as she said.

“I’m just dreaming on day I’ll open that door and there he’ll be just the way he was. A smiling happy little boy holding a new bet and begging me to let him keep it.” she smiled as Delbert walked to the front door and opened it. In the door way was Jim and I holding Billy up soaking wet. “James Pleiades Hawkins!” his mother said in shock and walked up to us swiftly.

“Mom! He’s hurt.” he explained before she could even ask.

“Bad.” I added. Billy looked at Jim then to the chest and reached out to it was a shaky hand.

“Me chest, lad.” he asked. Jim slid the chest and Billy punched in a code that unlocked the chest. “He’ll be comin’ soon.” he pulled out a round object wrapped in cloth. “Can’t let them find this.”

“Who’s coming?” Jim asked.

“The cyborg! Beware the cyborg!” he said pulling him right next to his face. He began to loosen his grip and fell to the floor no longer breathing. Sarah covered her mouth shocked. There was a loud ship flying over us shining a light on the roof and landing right in front of the house. Jim slid over to the window and opened the blinds a crack and saw a group of dark figures walking towards the front us.

“Quick! We gotta go!” Jim said franticly and grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me up the stairs. His mother followed after us and Delbert went up to the window when a gun shot through the window that hit one of the stoves and made it burst into flame and he began to sprint up the stairs after us.

“I believe I’m with Jim on this one!” Delbert said catching up. He burst through the door and looked down at his carriage and was so relived. “Delilah! Hallelujah! Stay don’t move!” he ordered her. Down the stairs I heard a pirate yell.

“Where is it? Find it!” followed by shadows  of a group of people heading for the stairs.

“Don’t worry Sarah. I am an expert in the laws of physical science.” Delbert said trying to calm Sarah down. “On the count of three--” Jim and I looked at each other then at the shadows coming up the stairs and back to my uncle and his mom. “One…” Delbert started counting.

“THREE!” Jim and I yelled as we ran into them knocking them out of the window onto the carriage. Sarah, Jim and Delbert landed on the front part of it as I landed in the back on my bags. Delbert picked up the rains and began to whip them yelling out encouraging phrases.

“Go Delilah! Go! Go! That’s it! That’s it! Go!” Jim helped me over the seat as his mom looked back at the Benbow Inn fully incased in flames. I sat down and we both looked over to her as she buried her face into her hands. I nudged Jim.

“What is it?” I whispered.

He shrugged and pulled the sting to get the cloth off to find a small golden ball. Lines wrapped around the entire thing connecting other small circles on it together. Jim examined it as Delbert rode on to his home where we would be safe.

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