Fable: Shadows Among Us (Book...

By KurtDestin

1.7K 202 84

#642 in Adventure (Since 3/19/17) This is about a young girl who travels through Albion which starts out as a... More

Chapter 1: I'm Ready
Chapter 2: Jack of Blades
Chapter 3: The Future Mayor of Bowerstone
Chapter 4: Amanda (Part 1/2)
Chapter 5: Elirva (Part 2/2)
Chapter 6: Whitney and Michael
Chapter 7: The Sprites (1/2)
Chapter 8: The Sprites (2/2)
Chapter 9: Abandonment
Chapter 10: Entering the Guild
Chapter 11: Training Part (1/3)
Chapter 12: Training Part (2/3)
Chapter 13: Training Part (3/3)
Chapter 14: Welcome Back to Bowerstone
Chapter 15: A New Path
Chapter 16: A Forbidden Love
Chapter 18: Twinblade and Theresa
Chapter 19: Peter or Phillippe
Chapter 20: Finally Home
Chapter 21: Welcome Home
Chapter 22: Bargate Prison
Chapter 23: The Explanation
Chapter 24: The Destruction of Oakvale
Sequel Info

Chapter 17: The Mark

44 4 2
By KurtDestin

I woke up in a bed in the Guild with Peter standing over me.

"Lylli, you're awake! I was so worried about you! I'm so happy you are okay."

"Thanks Peter. Can I walk with you, in the Guild Woods?" I bit my lip hoping that he would say yes.

"Sure." He said helping me up. We casually walked down to the Guild Woods and we stayed silent the entire way there.

I stopped by the little pond and said "Peter, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" He said looking at me with his kind eyes.

'Oh my... I dont think that I've ever looked at Peter like this before. He looks so.. perfect.'

"Do you remember the day before our graduation? When you asked me to meet you here?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't think we finished things.." I said slowly leaning in towards him. He followed and our lips finally touched. It felt so calming and I felt a feeling I didn't think I could fell again. Compassion.

We slowly stopped and he rested his hand on my shoulder. "Why now, Lylli?"

"I realized that I need to try and stop running away from people who care about me."

"But Lylli, I like you a lot. But I'm with somebody. Her name is Christina, she lives in Hook Coast. She actually looks a lot like you now that I think of it. Are you from Hook Coast?"

There it is again, that childhood torment of being called Coastina. I hated it then and I hate it more now. And I also let myself get too attached to Peter.. I thought we were meant to be when we kissed, but no one likes Lyllianna. Not in her childhood or now.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I said running out of the Guild Woods.

I just kept running until I reached the map room. I began to feel a huge pain striking me and then memories shot through my mind. I finally remembered what that evil was that the Guildmaster and Kylie were referring to. It was the Shadow Court.

I quickly raised my upper body armor to see a mark on my stomach of a symbol. It was a symbol of one of the carvings I had seen on the tombstone when I found the enterance to the Shadow Court's tomb. It was the Seal of Darkness.

I fell to the ground and Kylie quickly rushed to my side. She helped me up and said "I told you, it's not you, it's what happened to you."

She gave me a few minutes for it to stop hurting and helped me up.

Do as you were told to do. Or else, this mark will be your end.

"So what's going on, Lylli? And this time, I mean it."

I raised my shirt up and she gasped at the sight of the mark that was in bedded in my skin.

"What in bloody Avo's name did you do?! This is.. horrifying!" She stared at it like a trader stares at a hungry balverine, they both fear for their life.

"Please, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you, I promise." I looked at her as sincerely as I could. At first her eyes became firm, but then I saw her pity and it made me feel even worse.

"Okay. Let's just find out how to get rid of it. But first, tell me the whole story." So I told her everything that happened in Oakvale and her mouth dropped quite a few times.

"Okay. So where is the Stone of Destruction?"

"Here." I said showing her my locket which held the beautiful stone.

"Okay. Now we just need to give it to Theresa. Wait, is this the same Theresa that you spoke of when we were kids?"

"Yes. And turns out that her and the Chicken Chaser are my cousins."

"Wow. I wouldn't tell Whisper though, she may start calling you farm girl." She said beginning to giggle.

"Very funny. Now let's get back to what we were talking about earlier. We need to get some word about Theresa-"

"I know some information about Theresa." A voice spiraled across the room. We both turned our heads to see Maze standing in his normal robes.

"Like what?" Kylie asked quietly.

"I just informed the Chicken Chaser, as you all call him, that Theresa is currently in a bandit named Twinblade ' camp. But of you are heading there, you must hurry and beat the Chicken Chaser to her, or she might leave. I'll send you there, but put this on first." He said handing us bandit attire. The clothes were like old rags and they smelt foul.

We pulled them on and walked back into the map room where Maze stood waiting for us.

"When you step into the Cullis Gate, you will be teleported to the Cullis Gate in front of Twinblade's camp. What happens inside is all you, but good luck." He said as he used his magic on the Cullis Gate.

So I began to walk towards it until Kylie said "Hey Lylli, wait! I need to talk to you for a minute.

"What is it, Kylie?" I said walking out of the map room to where she was.

"Are you sure we should do this? Because when Maze used his magic on that Cullis Gate, it really made me begin to worry." She said nervously.

"We'll be fine, Kylie. Maze is a good person. He helped us be accepted into this place. Now take my hand and let's do this." I said offering her my hand. She hesitated at first, but then took my hand. So we walked into the map room and after a few seconds of hesitation, we entered the Cullis Gate and traveled to Twinblade's camp.

A/N: Hey guys, KurtDestin here! So I have some questions about this story:
•Do you ship Peteranna or Lyllippe? (Lyllianna and Peter or Lyllianna and Phillippe)
•Was Lyllianna wise to trust Maze or was Kylie right to suspect him?
•What do you think will happen next chapter?
Just comment your answers if you will, vote by making that star down there full, and follow my profile if you haven't already. Thanks!

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