Oneshots, imagines, and ideas...


620K 5.6K 1.2K

As the title says. *Rating of Mature applies only to set imagines that will be specified* Mai multe

Introduction *important*
Dean Winchester Imagine
Snape Imagine
Jeff the killer Imagine
7 minutes in heaven (One)
Loki Imagine
How you met (Preferences)
A little luck and a lot of tea
A little luck and a lot of tea (part two)
A little luck and a lot of tea
Crowley Imagine
Johnlock Imagine
Joker Imagine
Johnlock Imagine
Soupernatural preferances
Undertaker imagine
Supernatural 7 minutes in heaven
Soupernatural Preferences (2)
George Weasley Imagine
Rick Grimes Imagine
Halloween Preferences
Medic Imagine
Sheldon Cooper Imagine
Snape Imagine
Lucifer Imagine
Sherlock Imagine
Sherlock Preferences
Daryl Dixon Imagine
Tenth Doctor Imagine
Jace Imagine
Daryl Dixon Imagine
Levi Ackerman Imagine
Sherlock Imagine
Castiel Imagine
Hades Imagine
Levi/SNK Imagine
Eleventh Doctor Imagine
Fandom Texts
Nick Valentine Imagine
Winchester Imagine
Ciel Phantomhive Imagine
Kylo Ren Imagine-200th voter Imagine
Edward Elric Imagine
Dead!Arthur Imagine
Levi, Sherlock, and Draco
Labyrinth Imagine-Jareth
Night Vale Imagine
Regina Mills Imagine
Danny Sexbang Imagine
Drunk! Reader Comp.
Professor Stein Imagine
Annette Marie--Pt. One
Spy Imagine
Pesky author's note
Kylo Ren Imagine
Untitled Part 86
Dean Winchester Imagine
Kylux Imagine
Crowley Imagine
Levi Ackerman Imagine
General Hux AU
Heavy x Reader
Multiverse Preferences
Multiverse Preferences
Tenth Doctor Imagine
Oswald Cobblepot Imagine
Oh Dear, I've been tagged.
400th Voter Imagine--Death The Kid
Gimme a break, gimme a break....
300th Voter Imagine--Little Tiny Secret
Black Butler Imagine
Rick Grimes Imagine
Sherlock Imagine
Johnny Depp Imagine
Modern Erik Destler Imagine
TFA Preferences
Part 100
Bates Motel Imagine
A brief note.
Erik Destler Imagine
Spock Imagine
Russia Imagine
Eren Jeager Imagine
Sherlock Holmes Imagine
Levi Ackerman Imagine
Movie Night
Movie Night - Selene
Movie Night - Sirius Black
Movie Night - Corpse Bride Imagine
Sherlock Imagine
Kylo Ren Imagine
Dean Winchester Imagine
10th Doctor Imagine
Andy Biersack Imagine
Young Severus Snape Imagine
Mr. Gold Imagine
Kirito Imagine
Best Friend - Preferences
Benedict Cumberbatch Imagine
Tony Stark Imagine
Sherlock Holmes Imagine
Captain Phasma Imagine: Part One
Crowley Imagine
What you call each other - Preferences
Batman/Bruce Wayne Imagine
Tony Stark Imagine
Hannibal Lecter Imagine
Drunk! Reader Comp.
Severus Snape Imagine (Male Subject)
Jim Gordon Imagine
Loki Imagine
Rick Grimes Imagine
Holiday Cover
Jared Leto Joker Imagine
Sherlock Holmes Imagine
Steve Rodgers Imagine
Holiday Cover (Results)
Derek Hale Imagine
Winchester Christmas
Sherlock Christmas
Christmas Compilation
Regina Mills Imagine
Percival Graves Imagine
Spock Imagine
Draco Malfoy Imagine
Castiel Imagine
Avengers Imagine
Oneshots has been Discontinued
Final Note *Please Read*

Merlin Imagine

5.2K 55 7

Hidden Ring

Merlin imagine

OC Annette (Sorry, this one's old as HELL)

Warnings; None, really. I already said Hell, so... Might cause Merlin flashbacks, which may cause sobbing and sadness diarrhea.

Hidden Ring

I hummed quietly to the beat of a song that played in my head as I stomped through the brush. Noise was a minor concern, I was not hiding from Camelot.

I was hiding from Merlin and Arthur, who couldn't hear if you shouted at them.

The boys had been driving me crazy and I wandered off. When they found me they were livid, and they dragged me back to the castle under house arrest. I had a nice room of my own, which had turned into a prison cell. I was able to escape with the help of an unwitting maid, who provided an accidental distraction which allowed me to sneak out. I had opted to avoid the town and go for the woods, seeing as my dark clothes and long cloak made me stick out like a sore thumb. I smiled and stopped, hearing no sounds behind me. Perhaps they had not cared I left. Just as I was about to sit back and relax for a while, I heard a twig snap and flipped around. The king of Camelot was on his horse while his servant stood by him.

I wasn't sure who I was more afraid of.

I smiled sheepishly, pulling my hood down to reveal my long blonde hair.

"Uh, you win! Good game, guys. Well, this was a long day, and I should get some sleep. You know, lots of writing to do tomorrow, and so on." I walked forwards only to have Arthur gallop up beside me and pull me up onto the horse.

"Your highness! This is inappropriate!" He glared at me over his shoulder as we trotted back to the palace. "Not only did you escape our protection once, but you ran into the dangerous woods alone without telling anyone while you were under house arrest. Perhaps I should toss you in the dungeons for a night." I huffed and crossed my arms, using my legs to stay on the horse.

"Merlin, you simply must agree with me. I've done nothing wrong!" He glared up at me. "You could've been injured. Arthur may be your brother, but I am your..." He trailed off, blushing, and Arthur scoffed.

"Say the word or else I won't let you marry her." He sighed. "Betrothed. And so I should get the courtesy of when you go off on your own!" I rolled my eyes. "You aren't allowed to call me your betrothed if you haven't asked me." Arthur stayed the horse.

"You haven't proposed to her?" Merlin looked away. "Not...technically." He scoffed and started the horse back up, going a bit too fast for the poor man to keep up.

"Arthur, it isn't his fault." I said quietly. "He's just nervous, is all. He'll do it eventually." Arthur sighed as we came up on the stables. "Yes, well. He had better do it soon, or else I might just push forward with Uther's plan to marry you off." I sighed dreamily as he helped me down.

"Markeo Frendel. Swoon." Merlin, panting, finally caught up to them. "He's got to be the ugliest boy in all of the kingdoms! And he's not very personable." I rolled my eyes. "Not in that way. His writing has no rival! He is the ultimate author. I want to be Markeo Frendel." Arthur smiled, swinging his arm over my shoulder. "Don't think I've forgotten about you. You disobeyed your king, and a punishment must ensue." I tensed up. "You must attend the next twelve meetings of the round table in person. No more sending delegates." I groaned. "Fine. When is the next one?" He shrugged. "About an hour from now. Get ready, Princess Annette."


"We must ride into Florendel at once! Establish dominance!" I sighed boredly, sitting back in my chair at a rather unladylike angle.

"Don't be stupid, Lancelot. The people will rebel if we do that. I move we send in a tribute of food and silk with four knights to apologize for the unfair treatment from the previous rulers. Establish trust and obedience." The night glared at me, and then Arthur. "Quiet your foolish sister, Arthur." He gave him a sharp look. "She is not only my sister, but your princess and my adviser. She is right, it is better to have them like us and depend on us rather than sit under our thumbs in contempt. Who moves to attack?" Lancelot and a few other nights muttered, 'Aye.' But when Arthur asked who wished to send a tribute, everyone else agreed. "Are you foolish or simply lovesick dogs? This girl knows absolutely nothing of war." I sat forward. "Which is why I shall leave it to Arthur when war is the only option. But we should not waste time or lives in un-necesary fights that will only lead to more violence. This much you surely must understand." Dejected, he sat back in his seat and let the meeting run its course.

"Finally!" I muttered, watching everyone else file through the doors. Arthur stopped Merlin and I from going out.

"There will be a banquet, in two days time, to celebrate the engagement. Please, gods, make sure that there is something to celebrate." Guinevere followed him out, and I followed Merlin back to Gaius' shop.

"Ah, the lovebirds return alas. Annette, I have a few notes for you to look over." I smiled and sat down, reviewing the remedies.

"These all look fine, but I would recommend Rosemary in the sleeping drought." He smiled and took the papers from me, scratching his quill on the paper. "Merlin. You have the week to yourself, work back up next Monday after the banquet." Shocked, he stared at him. "Are you serious?" Gauis rolled his eyes. "Yes. Now get out of my work space." I went to the door, and Merlin was held back. Gauis leaned down to whisper in his ear for a moment before shoving him at me.

"What was that all about?" I questioned on our way back to town. "Nothing." He replied quickly. "Merlin, secrets aren't your trade. I'm surprised you kept the sorcery to yourself for so long." He grimaced. "Arthur nearly had my head there." I chuckled. "You know that my secrets never last long, but you need to leave this one be, alright?" My smile faded.

"Uh, sure, I suppose." He gave me a weak smile, and then shifted the topic completely.

"So, Prince of the kingdom? Really?" I nodded. "If you ever ask me, then yes, but you are in no danger of inheriting the crown. Arthur and Gwen should be with child soon, he wants a daughter and then a son." I smiled again. "Goodness, children make me nervous. I'd hate to ever be left alone with one." I grimaced and he noticed. "So you don't want children?" My gaze softened. "Oh, Merlin. I'm not entirely sure. I mean, maybe. One day. I don't know." He seemed disappointed, and I knew I couldn't help him. That was the one area we had always disagreed upon, no matter what. We approached the castle soon after, without a word between us, and Merlin left me to serve Arthur.

Merlin's POV

I sighed and pushed open Arthur's bedroom door. He glanced up at me from his desk, glaring. "You walked away from her rather quickly." I squinted. "Were you watching us? You know what, I don't care. We're just having a spat." He narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"She loathes children." Arthur shook his head, seeming confused. "No, she absolutely adores children. Well, she used too."

"What happened?" He seemed uneasy. "I don't think-"

"Arthur, there's no way she'll ever tell me. Out with it." He sighed. "She always knew that when she got older she would be a mother. Of course she wanted to make something of herself, but kids were always a solid part of her plan. She loved them, and she helped in the nursery since she was sixteen up until about a year before you came to Camelot." I nodded. "But what changed? She seems jumpy at the idea."

"Well, there was a small girl, who she grew very close too. One day, against Uther, Morgana and I's warnings, she went in feeling under the weather. The next week she was bed ridden with Typhus. When she recovered, she went to the nursery again. The child had died of Typhus just hours earlier. She blames herself still, and so she is wary of being around children." I let out a breath.

"But it wasn't her fault." Arthur shook his head. "We tried to tell her that. But nothing changed anything. So be patient with her." I nodded. "I will. It's just....children have always been a priority for me."

"And she will want children. But you need to help her recover, do you understand?" I nodded, and he clapped his hands together. "Marvelous. Now, as for your proposal-"

"I think I've got that, actually. I'll do what you did with Gwen, kind of." He shook his head. "No! She won't like that."

"Look Arthur, it's going to be different than yours, no need to-"

"Don't be an idiot. She likes big things." I stared at him. "What, like a musical number? A party? I huge stone?" He glared at me. "No. Like a grand gesture. You know her, so if you think you can do it, feel free to disappoint her." I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "Well.....what do you have in mind?" He sighed. "I don't have time for this. Morgana's maid, Sylvia? She was always close with her. Go ask her exactly what she wanted. Just don't disappoint her, alright?" I sighed. "I'll do my best."


"....Yeah, and she always liked white horses, until she turned eight, when she liked cats, and she always liked-"

"Uh, Sylvia, as far as a marriage proposal, what do you think she would like now?" I winced at the deafening squeal that erupted from the woman.

"Alright! Alright, this is serious. Listen carefully." Taken aback by her serious tone I nodded, prepared to catalouge every detail.

"Alright. She always talked about a hidden ring when she was younger, and she carried that with her. And remember how much she adores books. One thing to consider is hollowing out a book to place it inside....." I nodded excitedly. "....But she might be too busy cursing the ruined book to say yes. Let me see the ring, then." I fumbled around in my pocket before coming up with the little velvet pouch, and dumped it out in her hand. Her eyes widened. "This isn't like any ring I've seen before. And you have the wedding band?" I nodded. "Yes. The pattern is the same as the one you see here, but with flecks of silver and fire rubies. Do you like this one?" She nodded. "Oh no. But she certainly will. Consider what I've told you, and make it personal. Yes?" I nodded, and she sighed. "Alright. I've got to change her highness's bed sheets, and maybe sneak in to Annette's room to get hers before she does." I nodded as she trotted off, biting the inside of my cheek. The entire proposal thing had me confused, and the pressure was on. From Arthur, and Gaius, and Annette herself, now this maid! It made absolutely no sense.

Annette's POV

I smiled and waved to Arthur as he came in. "Hello, brother. Done for the day?" He nodded and sat on my bed. "It would seem so. And you?" I sighed. "I've been done for a while, actually. Marie just took my submission to the messenger. I have no more work as of right now." He smiled. "You'll have more soon. Certainly they want you writing the whole thing." I laughed. "It seems that way, doesn't it? Merlin is terribly upset with me." I sighed wistfully. "Oh?"

"Yes. He desperately wants children. I wonder if this marriage would be right...." I trailed off.

"You are unsure? Do you not love him?" I sighed. "With all my heart. But he deserves a woman who can bear as many children as he wishes." Arthur sighed. "He will help you. I'll be an uncle yet." I frowned. "Do not count on it, brother." He stood up and offered me his hand. "Shall I escort you to dinner, milady?" I gave him a small smile and took his offer. "You shall." When we got there, it was only Guinevere in the room, sitting on the end of the long table. Two place settings were right by her, which made me smile.

Arthur and I had grown up sitting meters apart from each other, a habit she immediately disbanded. I slid into my seat.

"Hello, your highness." She rolled her eyes. "And to you, bride to be." I sighed. "Yes, perhaps."

"Merlin has yet to propose." Arthur explained. "Yeah and how long did it take you?"

"Well I also wasn't walking around calling us betrothed first."


"Yeah! And she thinks it's because of her." I flushed and directed my gaze away. "Oh darling no, of course it isn't. He's just nervous, you realize. If it were because of you he wouldn't be calling you betrothed, now would he?" I sighed. "I suppose not." The meal continued and ended in silence. After the dishes were cleared, I stood. "Well, goodnight everyone."

"Annette?" I spun to look at Arthur. "Honestly, do not worry about a thing." I smiled sadly and nodded before turning to go to her chambers., leaving Arthur and Gwen alone.

"That boy doesn't know what he's doing."

"Niether does she, really." Gwen smiled. "We sound old."

"No, we're just smarter than them." She laughed.

Merlin was leaning against Annette's chamber doors. "Merlin?" He jumped and looked up at me. "Annette! There you are!"

"Here I am! Come on inside." I rolled my eyes and let him follow me into my room. "What's going on?" He scratched the back of his head. "Look, I know what you're thinking. And you're wrong. Because it's coming, and soon, and it's going to sweep you off of your feet." I laughed. "Alright, you fool. Would you like to stay here for the night?" He smiled, and nodded.

The next day progressed in normal patterns, her conversing with Arthur over letters to write and who to write them to, writing scripts, and Merlin fumbling about, trying to plan an elaborate proposal. When he finally made it back to Annette's room, she was already curled up in bed, reading. He slid in next to her, immediately becoming the large spoon as she continued reading. "How was your day?"

"Intense. Yours?"

"Dull. Arthur won't let me in the ballroom or the dining hall, I ate my breakfast in his office this morning." He laughed, the sound moving from his chest to her back. They lay talking for what felt like hours, time passing easily. She abandoned her book and they talked without looking at one another, even though they could clearly see the other talking in their mind's eye.

Finally, when no words had passed for several minutes, and Annette was fading into sleep, tightened his arm over her hand, which was laying lazily on her stomach. This was an unusual gesture. "Merlin?" She almost turned around, but he whispered for her to stay. "Do you want to have children with me, Annette?" She bit her lip and remained silent for a few seconds.

"I suppose I-"

"Marry me, Annette. Do me the honor of eventually answering that question with me. I want your hand in marriage." She was shocked to the core. They didn't change position, and remained suspended in the atmosphere together.

"You may have my hand any day, Merlin. It would be my greatest honor to answer those questions with you." He buried his face in her shoulder. "I... I can't give you your ring."

"Why not?"

"It''s baked into a cake at the moment."

Silence hung between them, until in tandem they started laughing, full, hearty laughs, moving as one diaphragm.

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