The Lost City of Al-Sheerma...

De JanVanEngen

272K 11.3K 340

My world of Sheikhs and the women they fall in love with. Just normal everyday girls. Welcome to my world. Th... Mais

pitch - part one
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

14.1K 664 34
De JanVanEngen

"Olivia, there's a Ms. Mimi Anderson requesting to see you." She froze, staring at the book in her hand that trembled, slowly lifting pain-filled eyes towards the man in the doorway. Kitty curled up at her side. "Olivia?" Khalaf enquired as she paled before his eyes. "Habibti, is your past catching up with you?"

She blinked then blinked again. "I don't want to see her, Khalaf," she whispered. He entered further.

"You can't run from your past forever, precious."

She swallowed hard. "She was my best friend, who betrayed me. How can I face her?"

"How can you move forward if you don't?

"You have no idea what she did," she wailed in pain. Her friend's betrayal hurt more than her so-called fiance had Olivia realised. Placing down the book, she stood, running sweaty hands down her kaftan. It was time to face her past, no matter how painful.

"Do you want me to join you?" Khalaf asked with concern that warmed her all over.

She looked at him searching, not just him, but inside herself as well. "Would you Khalaf?" she asked softly. "If you don't mind." She wasn't ready to face this alone as before. Not even her parent knew all the facts, only her brother, and she had sworn him to secrecy.

"Of course, habibti." He offered his hand that she took, closing the distance and was guided to his side. "You need to let go to go forward."

She leaned against him. "When did you get so wise?" she teased because as far as she could remember, he had always been wise.

Nothing had prepared her for the sight of the woman standing before them, looking out the window, facing them sideways, where the sunlight highlighted the small bump through the loose summer dress. Shaking Olivia turned towards Khalaf and buried her face into his chest. "I can't do this," she barely whispered over a tight throat. That was an insult to injury. She might forgive her friend for bedding her fiance but that was rubbing it in her face of their betrayal.

"What's wrong Olivia?" Khalaf asked softly.

Frantically, she waved at the distant woman. "That's what's wrong. She's carrying my fiance's baby," she wailed, revealing all that mattered in that one statement. Khalaf without hesitation guided her back towards their room, where he settled her down into the sofa, placed a guard outside the room, while he saw to this so she wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

He sent a guard to collect Ms. Mimi where she was shown to his study. He was seated behind his desk. Mimi entered and the door closed as the guard was waved away by his hand. Khalaf eyed her closely, his jaw clenching in anger. "How dare you come here and parade your sins in front of Olivia. Have you no shame woman?"

"If Olivia married James, she would've been making the biggest mistake of her life. The whole engagement was a mistake. James made a mistake with both of us, a huge mistake. We love each other. He just saw her as a perfect wife. However, he fell in love with me. I know that's no excuse for what we did to her and how she found out."

Khalaf's eyes narrowed. "How did she find out?" Ashamed, she lowered her head. He could guess but wasn't letting her off the hook. "I'm waiting."

"In bed," she whispered.

"Whose bed?" he asked sensing more, though that was bad enough.

"Their's," she answered.

Khalaf stood. He was shocked to hear that. "So you used her bed, well their bed." He waited to be corrected, receiving silence, and then frowned. What was he thinking? "What are you not telling me," he demanded to know. "Do not try to tarnish her name because I will not wear it." He knew differently, didn't he?

Trembling Mimi sank into a chair, placing a hand on her belly, drawing his gaze and narrowed with disgust. "In the house, they were going to buy. She wasn't meant to be there." She looked up searching with sad eyes. "Do you have any idea how I felt when she walked in on us?"

"Your guilt means nothing to me," he snarled, anger swirling like a rising tide. The tears that welled in her eyes and spilled over, trickling down her cheeks, left him cold. After what they had done to an innocent like Olivia, was inexcusable. She placed trembling fingers against her lips, blond hair tumbling forward as she lowered her head.

"She said nothing, not a thing, dropped her key, turned, and run out." Her soft voice trembled uncontrollably. "I haven't seen or spoken to her since."

"So you, what? Waltz over here as you are, expecting Olivia to forgive you, hug each other and all would be fine?" She flinched at his sarcastic tone. "I believe it would be best all around that you leave, Ms. Anderson, and do not bother Olivia again, do you not?" he challenged.

Her head shot up, eyes hard. "Who are you to tell me what to do? We have been best friends forever."

"Friends do not sleep with their friend's fiance, no matter how unsuitable." Khalaf reached for the phone to organise a flight. "I have a plane ready to take you where you need to go, however, you will not be staying here, do you understand?" he asked, replacing the phone.

"I understand you're trying to keep us apart."

"Olivia has made her feelings very clear to me. She doesn't want to see you or have anything to do with you. Now I understand why. If I had known the facts beforehand you would've never been allowed passed the gates. I'm sure you are tired and hungry. Your needs will be seen to before you leave, however, you will have no contact at all with Olivia." With that, he stood and walked out, leaving her in the care of one of the attendants while he went to see to Olivia personally.

He entered their apartment, finding her where he had left her. He went to the bedroom and whipped off the bed quilt and went back, placing the quilt over her, and settled at her side. Olivia turned towards him, where he gathered her against his chest, tugging the quilt around her. She was in shock.

He reached for the house phone, ordering tea and some food that was shared, making sure she drank the sweetened tea and light snack, snuggling back against him. He had his afternoon cleared, staying at her side.

"Are you alright?" he asked with concern, brushing hair back from her face. It had been so long since she had said a word. She nodded. "She has gone Olivia and you never have to see her again," he reassured her.

"She's having his baby," she whispered, sounding bewildered.

"You should have told me," he said softly.

"What, the most embarrassing event in my life? I had no idea, Khalaf. How is that even possible? Someone else, yes I could understand that, but my best friend, how could he do that to me?"

"How could she?" She looked up at him blankly. "It takes two to tango, habibti; she is just as much to blame as he is."

Olivia looked up at him devastated. "She was my best friend. How could I have not known, Khalaf?" she asked dazed, blinking back more tears. He wrapped her tightly in his arms, where she buried her face into his chest, clutching at his shirt with a clenched hand. "It's just seeing her like that. God, why would he keep up the pretense if he was sleeping with her?" More confused than ever, she buried her face deeper into his chest. She felt so used. "I nearly bought a house with him, and he had the cheek to share our bed. Do you know how humiliating it was to find them in that position in our marriage bed, and in I waltz, none the wiser like some bouncing Bambi."

"It wasn't your marriage bed," he said softly. "It was just a bed."

"I told everyone I broke off the engagement. I kept the ring. Why would I do that? Am I some sort of sadist?"

"No, just in shock. Does anyone know the truth?"

She nodded against his chest, tucked under the covering, hand pressed against his chest, needing him like never before. "David, I told David. I couldn't tell mum and dad, they would be so hurt and embarrassed."

"I'm sure embarrassed wouldn't even come into it. Anger, yes, embarrassed, no. Castrating, probably." She peeked up from under the blanket, seeing he was deadly serious.

"Would you Khalaf, would you do that for me?"

"No, just sic Kitty onto him."

Her eyes widened to giggle. "Now there's a thought." She shifted, pressing her whole body against him wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him, the shock wearing off.

"You're not at fault here, Olivia, they are." Taking a deep breath, she told him everything since it now was out in the open, and to be honest, it felt so good, telling someone everything and she trusted Khalaf with her life.

He just listened, stroking her back lovingly as she opened up to him, revealing her greatest embarrassment and said nothing, just broke off the engagement without explaining, her parents seeing to the business side of things.

His anger grew especially at the gutless wonder, who let her take the blame for the breakup. He was so lucky he wasn't living in his country because of what he could do to him with great pleasure that would probably upset his beloved; then again she wanted him to shoot the kidnappers.

Taking a deep breath, she peered up with wary eyes, waiting for his reaction, facing silence. Biting her bottom lip, she lowered her eyes. Perhaps she shouldn't have told him. She had to be at fault somewhere. While else would they both betray her in such a way? Perhaps if she had been in his bed, that wouldn't have happened.

Confused, she felt like running again to hide. She shouldn't have told him. God, she must look such a fool. Then again, what she felt for Khalaf, she never had felt for James. He made her feel so alive, so special, yet really never be a true part of his life. Maybe it was time to go home.

"Why did she come here?" she asked mainly herself.

"To get rid of her own guilt," Khalaf growled. "No wonder you were so upset when you came here. I gather you arrived shortly after the incident." Olivia nodded. "Your brother rushed over there and brought you here and I wanted to ship you home, no wonder you were so hostile towards me."

"Not you, Khalaf," she corrected. "Just the situation. I just didn't want to face the mess back home. All those people I had let down. I couldn't go back to work since we worked in the same firm. And knowing James, he won't tell anyone the truth because it wouldn't look so good for an up and coming lawyer."

"A lawyer," Khalaf scoffed. "I wouldn't trust one in a million years. What about Mimi?"

"Model, you have seen her? She's gorgeous," she sighed, which probably explained it all.

"Left me cold." He cradled her face in his hand and made her look up into his dark warm brown eyes full of depth. "You are worth ten of her; you have heart Olivia and would never betray anyone. He was not for you and I think you knew that deep down. Why else would you not sleep with him?"

Colour flooded her cheeks. How could she explain? She wanted to wait to be sure yet with Khalaf he had swept her off her feet without a second thought. Maybe he was correct and had used, she wanted to wait until their wedding night, as an excuse. She spread her hand against his chest and looked deeply into his eyes. "I believed in waiting, Khalaf." He raised a brow at that. She smiled. "For the right man," she added.

If she married James, it would have been the worst mistake of her life, she could see that now and she was hurt by them, not being honest with her. They should have just told her. Yes, she would've been hurt but surely it would have been easier than finding them in bed together as she had. And in her supposed-to-be new home.

Khalaf grabbed for the phone as it rang to listen then replaced. "She's on her way home as we speak." She nodded snuggling against him. It was time to let it go. Time to put it all behind her. "Now for you, my precious, it is time to tell your parents the truth." Her head shot up, eyes wide. She wasn't ready for that. He was correct, of course.

"Not yet," she said softly to be frowned at. Reaching up she caressed the lines away. "They are away at the moment, doing a cruise. I'd tell them when they get back," she promised. "I want them to just enjoy themselves and not be burdened with this."

Over the day Khalaf saw to all her needs that she lacked for nothing. She even protested, saying she was alright. Now that she had him. James and her were never meant to be. A huge mistake, it was just a pity, she had to also lose her best friend, her job, and self-respect, because of their thoughtlessness. She was beginning to see a light out of the haze of hurt and betrayal. She had to forgive them before she could finally move on for good and would with time. However, it was far too early for that. She had Khalaf and Kitty, though she did miss her own cats.

Khalaf was relieved to see her finally back to her old self, only to receive another call and another visitor. "What's the name of that bastard that betrayed you?" he asked as shut down the phone.

Olivia stirred in his arms. "James Masters," she answered without a thought, without feeling she just didn't care anymore. "Why?"

"He's just turned up. I need you to stay here." He tossed back the blanket and eased her back onto the sofa. Something dark and dangerous flashed through his eyes, making her suddenly aware of the situation and followed behind at a distance as he stormed through the palace. He was furious. She picked up the pace glad for her bare feet, so she could follow behind him, silently.

Seeing red, Khalaf stormed towards the most offending man he had ever seen. Olivia chased after him never seeing him like this before. "Khalaf, no!" She grabbed at his clenched hand slamming into his side as he abruptly stopped. "Please don't," she whispered desperately. "Please don't do something you would regret."

"I would not regret it, Habibti," he growled deep in his throat. He folded his arms, glaring at the other man. "Perhaps you are right, a flogging would be much more appropriate."

"Khalaf," she sighed then laughed. "Can I watch?"

"Olivia!" James complained. She held up her hand.

"Do not speak until you are told to," Khalaf added with force, having the scruffy blond swallow hard. "Whatever did you see in him?" Khalaf asked confused.

"I hadn't met your first?" she offered. The strangest thing was she didn't feel that upset at the sight of James and compared to Khalaf, he came across so weak. Emotional and physically, impaired to Khalaf. Then again, Khalaf had to grow up quickly and had taken so much on his broad shoulder at such a young age. He didn't need this added burden.

She turned and confronted James Masters. "Why are you here?" She asked calmly that didn't go passed Khalaf, who stroked her back in reassurance. She warmed all over and with him at her side, she could face anything.

"My wife."

"Your what?" she asked stunned. She hadn't thought about the pregnancy. He finally got what he wanted, a dedicated wife, and a family. She looked at him curiously. "Did you keep the house?"

"Of course."

"How does Mimi feel about that?" She wouldn't be happy if it was the other way around, and to be honest, she wouldn't sleep with her best friend's fiance either. He shrugged shoving hands into his jean's pockets. "Don't you think that's a tad selfish? That was meant to be our house. Do you really think Mimi would want to live there?"

"Why not? She helped me find it," he told her factually. Stunned, she stepped back as been hit by a force of nature. Just how far did their betrayal go? How many punches did she have to suffer at this man's hand?

"Are you telling me, you and Mimi found our house then asked me to have a look at it?" She reached behind her, where her hand was taken and squeezed. "Your wife was flown home this afternoon. I suggest you do the same, however, by your own means. How could you let her travel all this way in her condition? You really are the most self-centered, arrogant bastard. Leave now before I have you shot at dawn!" she spat, cheeks flamed with embarrassment.

"We actually do not shot anyone at dawn anymore, habibti," Khalaf noted softly, amused. She was finding her voice, finally.

"Drawn and quartered then."

"You are a bloodthirsty little thing, are you not? First, you want me to shoot the kidnapper, now him. I prefer him."

She eyed him sideways unable to hold back a smile. "I had a lucky escape, didn't I?"

"That you did," he agreed. Since she had finally let go, he had seen the most beautiful, emotional woman, who felt deeply with a tender heart. Khalaf waved across a guard, giving instructions to take Mr. Masters back to his hotel, and collect his belongings, putting him on the first plane back to Australia.

James' hands clenched tightly at his side not used to been ordered around. "I have my own flight back," he stated coldly.

"You will leave now or be arrested for being a foreign illegal alien."

"I have a visa," he snapped.

"Revoked," Khalaf dismissed.

"You can't do that!" James stated, eyes narrowing. "I know my rights."

"Khalaf, he is a lawyer," Olivia pointed out.

"Yes, in Australia. This is my country. I am King, so I think I outranked him, do you not think so, habibti?" All colour drained from James' face.

She blinked. She hadn't thought of that in the real sense, he had always been Khalaf to her. "Probably." She turned to her ex. "Do yourself a favour, James, and just go. You can't win this one." James had always won their arguments with calm and logic, where she was an emotional person, only to get frustrated and yell at him, so she gave up fighting and went along with what he wanted.

Khalaf never used her emotions against her. Yes, he was calm, he was logical but he did it in a loving way, not a controlling way as James had, who just had to win at all costs, had done. Khalaf just stated how it was.

She saw James' struggle, though backed down as Khalaf just rose a dark brow, and was led away. Olivia turned towards him. "King?" she enquired.


She frowned perplexedly. "I didn't know that."

"Because it was not important. I do not use my title, only when on official duties or out of the country."

"Oh." Her eyes widened, they had called him His most Excellency Highness. She grabbed his bisht in her hands, pulling him closer as she rose on her toes and kissed him. "You're my king," she whispered against his lips. "And you kick butt without lifting afoot; you've got to love that."

"Is that all you love?" he dared.

"Who knows," she teased feeling truly free at last. "So what is next on the agenda, more butt-kicking, I hope," she noted with glee.

"You really are a bloodthirsty little thing." He shook his dark head walking away, taking her with him by her hand. She entwined fingers through his.

"Only to the ones that peeve me off," she laughed to be kissed.

"Then I must remember never to peeve you off."

She smiled, rising on her toes and kissed him back. "You never could," she whispered against his enticing lips.

"Shall I remind you of," he paused as she eyed him off. "As I was saying, I just have to keep in your good books, and I know just the thing." Clasping her hand again, he guided her away from the Palace offices, back towards their suite, and passed towards another section of the palace she hadn't been before. An older section, weaving their way through corridors and downstairs to enter a closed-off room

"Here," Khalaf pulled back silk curtains, revealing a sunken bath filled with a milky substance. Olivia gasped.

"You didn't?"

"Just as Cleopatra had hers." He led her further into the room, which reminded her of a luxurious resort spa with lit candles, hanging drapes of silk, pillars of marble.

"Your harem quarters," she dared, almost in awe. It was so dark and sultry, perfect for seduction.

"Do you not wish," he teased, guiding her closer to him. "So, do you need any help?" She reddened. He stepped closer, lifting her coppery hair with his hands, trailing fingers down her neck, around and along her jawline, his thumbs under her chin, guiding up as his dark head lowered, brushing her soft inviting parted lips with his, cradling her face in his hands as he dipped in to taste her, drink her, losing himself in the fruits of the gods.

This woman was brought here to tempt him beyond his control. "I'm not sure about soaking in milk. Olivia."

"You won't know until you have tried. I bet Kitty would."

"Of course, she would, free milk to last her a year," he growled deep in his throat as she stepped back and slowly undressed for his pleasure, standing in front of him, naked, long tresses of coppery hair teasing his sight against her soft white full bust with dark swollen nipples, like beacons. The proof of her natural colouring of matching hair between her legs that soon disappeared as she walked into the bath and lowered into the milky substance, easing further back towards the other end.

"There is nothing like this, actually there isn't," she laughed tipping her head back, exposing her neck and throat. "It's so creamy and warm and like liquid gold. I only ever used fake milk before." Green eyes searched him out who was still standing on the edge of the bath, watching her, still debating to eventually just settle done on the edge on his side, watching her. "Enjoy your bath, Olivia. We do not want to curdle the milk."

"Are you sure?" She lowered further up to her chin, hair floating around her and very large green eyes were above the milky white waters.

"I'm sure, however, I do prefer my baths clear, which we will do after this. You would need to clean the milk off you."

"You could always lick it off me," she offered with a wicked smile on her lips, eyes sparkling.

He closed his eyes briefly and swallowed hard. "Or I can get Kitty to do that." Laughing she swan across, coming up to his side, placing her arms on the edge of the bath and eased up, allowing the milk to run off her body slowly, revealing the body beneath.

"I don't think so. I rather have your tongue then her rough one." She leaned in further, brushing his lips. "So where is this other bath?" she looked around her.

"Next door, even a sauna."

"You have a sauna? Don't you find this place hot enough already?"

"Different heat and good for the pores of the skin, to open up and breathe."

"Listen to you," she laughed lowering back into the bath.

"Research, finding out about the benefits of your type of baths. Perfect for your type of skin to keep it soft and supple for my pleasure."

"Then join me so I can have the pleasure."

"I don't think you want me soft and supple," he smiled. Heat burned her cheeks.

"Good point." So she soaked for a while longer then walked out of the bath, where the white liquid glide off her body like some goddess. Khalaf rose to his feet and swept her up into his arms to carry her to an adjoining room, where there was another bath though empty as stated. 

He headed towards the shower, turning on the taps then lowered her feet to the tiled floor. He stripped down and joined her, seeing to her cleaning personally, followed by a stint in the steam sauna by pouring water over heated rocks, followed by another shower, eventually going back to their suite, sharing a long and leisurely dinner, even wine and with Kitty. A perfect ending to the final nail in her past. She felt free.

Khalaf enjoyed her new taste of freedom. Freedom from pain. She had finally let it go, he could tell by the gleam in her eyes and smile on her lips. The musical laughter that danced in his heart. Kitty contented to sit between them on the sofa, her head on Olivia's lap as she stroked its powerful head, absently. A perfect scene, reaching for the phone as it rang.

"Sorry princess, it has to be pretty important to be put through," he apologised. He had made it clear no calls unless someone was dying. His heart stilled as he listened, looking across to his princess, who finally was happy, cooing to Kitty, rubbing her face in its fur. She looked across, her smile froze and features fell.

"What is it?" she asked with breathlessness at his stricken look.

"There has been a cave-in. I'm sorry Olivia your brother is missing, presumed dead."

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