Since when do cannibals fall...

By Emofly39

421K 12.1K 4.2K

Charlie Hunt is a 23 year old cannibal. He's been completely on his own for ten years now living in the middl... More

1. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
2 Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
3. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
4. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
5. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
6. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
7. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
8. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
9. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
10. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
11. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
12. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
13. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
14. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
15. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
16. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
17. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
18. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
19. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
21. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
22. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
23 (part one) Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
23 (part two) Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
24. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
25. Since when do cannibals fall in live with their food?
26. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
27. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
THE END. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
Epilogue. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

20. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

11.9K 345 64
By Emofly39


It's been three days since we've gotten to town and two days since Jared threatened Kat. Surprisingly he hasn't come anywhere near her since then. We've gone to see Jerry everyday so far but today we left early because Jared was going to visit.

We were on our way home when Kat all of a sudden paused and stared into a little cafe.

I backed up so that I was behind her- I hadn't noticed that she had stopped until her hand tugged on mine- and looked in. It looked like something from a 50's movie and music from that time period was playing.

I raised an eyebrow at her solumn expression. Even if I'm a cannibal I'm a typical man and I had to sigh as I asked, "Do you want to go in?"

I would way rather go to her house and climb into bed with her instead of going into a place where I'll probably be forced to do the sock hop or something.

Wait a second is it the sock hop? Or is it the Hock sop? That makes no sense so it must be the first.

Kat sighs, "No, it's okay."

I'm tempted to take that as an answer and just drag her off to the bedroom- okay so maybe I've started to enjoy the activities that happen there a little to much but I'm only human!- but I force myself to shake my head.

"I want to go in."

She looks at me warily, "You do?"

I look inside, no. "Of course. It looks fun."

She bites her lip a smile starting to form, "Really?"

I nod, "Yeah."

Hell no.

She grips my hand harder, "Okay if you insist." Kat pulls me in and the second I see kids dancing off in the corner I curse myself internally.

I'm not dancing. I find that when I do I look like a turtle fighting to get off it's shelled back; utterly foolish and without a doubt pathetic.

She picks us a seat in the corner and I'm grateful for this small gift. At least now I won't have to feel like all eyes are on me. A waitress wearing a poodle skirt, and roller blades gives us menus and I sigh looking at the list.

Of course there's no human meat. I find the next best thing, the biggest burger I can find.

Kat grins looking around the room, "I missed this place."

I look at her and for the first time I'm happy we came in here.

"Did you come here often?"

She grins and starts tearing her napkin into tiny pieces, "Every Friday with a group of my friends."

I raise an eyebrow, "You realize today's Friday right?"

She frowns, "Well they probably don't still come here."

"Don't you want to see them?"

She looks down, "I don't know. I sort of pushed them all away after Jared. I think they would be mad."

I shrug, "I don't think so if they are your real friends."

She sighs and places her chin on her hand, "I dunno."

We order shortly after that and Kat sips happily on a strawberry milkshake, "I think I missed these the most though."

I make a face at the chocolate milk in front of me, "Can I have a sip of yours."

She pulls it towards her, "No."

"But you ordered better then I did."

"Who's fault is that?"

"You know the place better then I do." I say pouting.

She sighs and pushes it over to me, "Yeah, I bet."

I laugh and drink some, it's really good so I drink more then I should have and she leans over the table, "Give it back."

I push her away, "I'm just taking a sip Kat," Then I smirk, "But whatever right?"

She gives me a dirty look and I laugh giving her drink back. Kat rolls her eyes, "Jerk."

I shrug, "Yeah, I bet."

This makes her laugh and she chokes a little on her milkshake. I lean over patting her back and I can't help the laughter that seeps through. I make her drink some of my chocolate milk just because it's less thick than her milkshake and she is still coughing slightly when someone says her name.

I'm smiling- not because she's coughing like crazy of course, but because of the annoyed look she's giving me while she coughs, for making her cough- when I look behind her and she freezes.

A group of three boys and two girls- who all look exactly like I would picture her friends to look like- stare at us shocked.

Kat turns and gives one more good cough before clearing her throat, "Hey guys."

I lean back into my seat and try to shrink into the wall.

The girl that said Kats name races foreword and embraces Kat, "Where have you been? Jared called all of us wanting to know where you were, he said that you had ran away, we were all so worried."

Kat pushes hair behind her shoulder, "I was in the woods."

A tall brunette raises her perfectly plucked eyebrow, "In the woods? You know that there's like bugs and stuff out there right?"

I try to imagine Kat hanging out with this group of people, acting and dressing like them and I can't.

One of the boys rolls his eyes, "I'm sure she knows that Karen."

Another boy flicks the brunette in the head, "Not everyone is as air headed as you."

The last boy doesn't say anything, he just stares there with his arms crossed glaring at me. I clear my throat and for the first time since we got into town wish I was back in my cabin alone.

The girl still holding Kat smiles completely ignoring the rest of the group, "You look really good, maybe I should go into the woods for awhile and get this kind of tan."

The one glaring at me takes a step foreword, "Are you Jared?"

My eyes widen as he takes another step toward me, "What?"

Sure I could kill this guy- so why am I afraid? Because I'd be killing this guy in public and this time when I ran away to the woods they wouldn't let me go in peace.

"You heard me shit head. Are you Jared?"

Kat speaks up for me and she looks at the boy with a warning look, "No, this is Charlie."

His eyes snap to her and if I'm not wrong I'd say he looked wounded, "Charlie?"

I nod my head, "Yeah Charlie."

The two girls start looking me up and down and I'm tempted to curl into a ball.

"Are you two dating?" The dumb brunette asks what everyone is wondering.

My heart stops and my stomach flips, is she going to say yes in front of all her friends?

If she doesn't I wouldn't be surprised, I would go home and forget all about her. After a few months she would seem like a dream.

She doesn't even pause though, she grins over at me and takes my hand, "Yeah."

My heart restarts and it races faster then usual.

The angry boy gives me a look- not that I'm good at figuring out the normals facial expressions... other then Kat of course- but it looks like he's sizing me up. Like he's trying to see what I have that he doesn't. I could answer that easily though:

1) Human in my stomach- well not resent human but still...

2) Muscle that wasn't caused by steroids.

3) (and the most important) Kat.

Then again I also don't have some of the things that he has:

1) Popularity

2) Friends

3) Really good looks

He looks at Kat, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

She shrugs without releasing my hand, "Yeah."

He eyes me again, "Alone."

She sighs and I can hear a hint of annoyance in it, "Sure."

I imagine him sweeping her off her feet with his good looks and her just never returning to the table but when he takes her arm she doesn't let him take her more then a few tables away.

Immediately Kats seat is taken by the hugger, "So how long have you known Kat? I mean I know everyone that she knows and I don't know you."

I shift uncomfortable and I look over at kat wondering how long she'll be, "In the woods."

The airhead raises her eyebrow, "The woods? Do you live out there or something?"

I nod, "Yeah."

My eyes are still on Kat and I can only see her back from this point of view.

Hugger turns her head to see what I'm staring at and smiles turning back, "Oh don't worry about Miles."

"Who?" I ask letting my gaze fall on her.

"Miles, the one talking to Kat."

I rub the back of my neck, "Why would I be worried?"

She laughs, "Because they used to date but it was never serious."

My eyes snap back to them, "Date?"

Even though Kat never said so of course she dated someone before Jared. She's to pretty not to have.

"Only for a week or so before Jared showed up. I wouldn't even call it dating."

Airhead laughs, "Yeah more like him chasing her around while she get sketched out."

I raise an eyebrow, "Sketched out?"

The first boy to pick on the brunette laughs, "Why do you keep repeating what's already been said?"

"Yeah, Kat never even liked him like that. She just felt it was necessary to date him because Karen and I both were dating Sean and Kyle so it would complete the circle."

I look over at Kat and Miles and see he looks pleading and she looks over her shoulder at me. I wonder if this is all she needs to change her mind about me.

All of a sudden my food is being set in front of me and I know that there's no way I'll be able to eat it until I know that Kat has picked me.

Miles looks at me annoyed and grabs Kats chin to make her look at him. My hands slap down on the table ready to go to her aide if she needs me. She doesn't seem to though as she stands up. My heart races again.

All of a sudden Miles hand snaps out and grabs her arm pulling her to sit down again. That's all the push I need; I stand up and take the distance between them and I in three long strides. I grip his arm which is gripping her, "Let go."

Kat puts her hand on my wrist, "Charlie don't worry, I'm fine."

Miles looks up at me and laughs, "Aw Kat that's cute, you got yourself a little guard dog."

I take the insult with very little care, but grip his arm harder because he's still holding Kat, "Let her go."

He does as I ask and stands up getting in my face, "What are you going to do?"

Kat stands up and puts her hands on both of our chests, "You guys are not going to fight over me."

Miles grabs her waist and pulls her towards him, "You're right baby, there is no fight. You've already chosen."

I feel a thousand knives being stabbed into me as she turns towards him.

"What?" I ask.

Of course she chose him. Am I really surprised?

At the same time I say 'what' she shoves his chest, "Yeah, and my choice isn't you."

My hand wraps around her wrist and I pull her away from him, "Does that mean you're choosing me?" I ask when I have her in my arms.

Miles looks like he's about to grab at her again but she presses her lips to mine.

When she pulls away Miles looks completely shocked and grin. Kats smile is a mirror image of my own, "Of course, but whatever right?"

I start laughing and before Miles can protest I pull her towards the door, "Hey Miles, be a pal and pay for that." Kat says pointing towards the food and then she runs out pulling me with her.

We run all the way to her house and when we enter her bedroom we're both laughing.


Miles pulls me over to a separate table and at once starts begging. It's pathetic really.

"Why didn't you come to me Kat?"

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"When you ran away, why didn't you come to me? I mean I was your boyfriend."

I shake my head, "We dated for like a week Miles. That hardly counts as a relationship."

"But we were friends for longer then that."

"Barely, all you ever cared about what getting drunk."

He reaches for my hands and when he sees that they're in my lap under the table he pushes a hand through his hair, "You know I would have helped you Kat, I really cared for you."

At that all I can think about is Charlie. I give a small smile, "I never really cared for you though."

Miles looks over my shoulder at Charlie, "And what you care for him?"

I grin, "I don't care for him Miles, I love him."

He pushes another hand through his hair- that's one of his habits that I absolutely hated, "That freak? Look at him Kat, I already know he doesn't fit in with us."

I look over my shoulder at him and Miles grabs my chin making me look back at him, "That's why I like him." I say brushing his hand from my chin.

"You can't be serious." He says shocked.

"Oh, but I am." I say grinning.

I stand up and he grabs my wrist pulling me back down. "You're not going anywhere." Miles hisses.

But then Charlie is there just like always; coming to my rescue. Soon I'm pulling him down the streets, getting weird looks from people as we giggle and sprint.

Sure Charlie may be a human eating freak, that never understand anything my 'friends' had to say but that's why I'm completely in love with him.


Wow that chapter was dumb.

How predictable was it that her friends were going to show up?

Also that last line was dummbb. I dunno I'm not that big of a fan of this chapter. I hope everyone else liked it.

Dear Chase, please forgive the crappiness of this chapter. I mean I guess I liked it but I don't think you will so it makes me feel like it's crap haha. Okay so I have to say I was super disappointed when you guys didn't show up for frappes. I was so ready for it. D: and excited actually and then it was all like... sad face.

Also I miss school and the bus which brings on another sad face. I want to go back!!!! I don't want it to be over!!!!

D: super sad faces today. I dunno now that this chapter is out I guess I'm going to go finish my book and stay up till three in the morning starting the second book (it's a two-in-one) exciting right? so I guess I shall read that tonight. Hey so I got through those messages so that was cool.

I dunno I don't really have any super funny inside jokes today because I haven't seen you since Wednesday. and now I'm sorta rambling... Anyways I really miss you and Dan (my future husbands) so I hope to see y'all soon (though I probably just got disowned for that y'all) eh I'm going to go read now... because by now you gotta be all like, 'wts?'..... yo.

also here you go Jessica now stop nagging on me to post.. :D <3

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