Dares || dean ambrose (DISCON...

By idk_shelby

20.8K 706 159

(DISCONTINUED) 'hey baby, i'm all for it. . who dares wins right?' he shrugged, throwing down his toothpick w... More

dares || deanambrose
page one•
page two•
page three•
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important notice•
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idea please read -christmas thanks
New story
page twelve•
M E S S A G E (R E G A R D I N G U P D A T E S!!!)
vacation - no updates!
page thirteen•
Update on chapter lengths and thankyou etc
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*NEW* page fourteen•

page eleven•

740 36 11
By idk_shelby

Logan Gray•

I woke to the sound of birds outside of my window, the dim light pushing its way through the gap in the draped curtains as I shuffled up the bed to pick my cell phone up from the floor. The ache in my neck was obvious as I massaged it with my free hand. Yet again I'd lay funny and trapped a nerve.

I flinched as my phone buzzed in my hand, unlocking it I was brought to the attention that I had four new messages.


I smirked at the message, the caps lock was signature Cassie. She was one of my friends back in college along with Seth, she moved away to New Zealand with her boyfriend at the time after we graduated. They're now married, and he wants a child. I haven't seen her in years, but we FaceTime every few months for a catch up, my life is to hectic to be able to catch a break to see her anymore.

"Hello Alexis, I just wanted to say happy birthday, I sent ten dollars in the mail. Spend it wisely."

I rolled my eyes, this was my uncle everybody. I haven't seen him in years because he abandoned me just like everyone else. He lives in Wyoming now as far as I know. Every year he does the same thing, accept the ten dollars never arrives. Because he doesn't fucking send it.

"Happy Birthday Graysickle, birthday suit for the Live show tonight? I think so. . . only kidding, love you buddy."

Seth had messaged me also, despite the fact that he was only outside the door probably eating some kind of carb breakfast. I never told many people when my birthday was, or about my family because I like to keep it as private as possible. Not even Ro and Dean know I'm 27 today.

I opened the final message to be greeted by the bosses. Stephanie. I had to tell them my details, it was obviously in the contract on the records so now they know. Despite my displeasure about it.

"Miss Gray, as today is your birthday myself and my husband have decided you may take the day off, take a break and go meet some friends or whatever you may please. As for your combat friends. . they need to be at the arena no later than three this after noon. Have a nice day. -Stephanie M."

I closed my phone, throwing it on the bed as I stood up and made my way out into the living area of our large hotel room. All three of the guys were up, it's something like eleven so I'd expect nothing less.

'How was the interview?' I asked sitting down at the dining table and taking a cookie from a grocery bag. I presumed they'd been to the shop whilst out on jobs this morning and God was I grateful.

'Same old, same old. . we face the Wyatt's at Elimination Chamber, that's what we've been told too' Roman sighed from the sofa, stretching and making a groan so anyone take a guess how long he's been there.

'Yeah and we're going to tear off their beards and bury them in a small shallow grave.' Dean warned standing from the dining table to empty off his plate. 'You think I'm joking too, but I'm not.'

'With you, the only thing that's ever a joke is with her' Seth pointed at me with a grin and I shook my head, Dean didn't say a word as he went to sit by Roman and pull out the cell phone which he doesn't use.

'Oh, I've got the day off today.' I muttered feeling it right that I tell them. I coughed planning to pass it off as being sick so that I wouldn't need to tell them about my age change.

'What?' Dean asked. 'Why the hell for?' He popped a soda can and slurped from it to begin with. It sent ugly shivers down my spine at the thought of it.

'I feel a bit queasy, think it's time for the you know who to make a visit. .' I lied clutching my stomach as I stood up.

'Well we don't have to be at the arena till three, I just got a text from Trips. We can spend the day with you, make you feel better?' Rome suggested patting my head with a childish grin as he towered above me before walking off to the bathroom.

'We can get you the shit you need, like the hot water bottles and aspirin' Dean smiled leaning down to place a soft kiss on my lips, I pulled away soon after not wanting anything to take place in front of Seth.

'Seth, get your coat. . we're off to the nearest Walmart.' Dean placed down the soda on the small table and picked his leather jacket up from the back of the chair. Seth however, groaned at his request.

'But it's nasty outside! It's lashing rain!' He whined gesturing to the window full of gray clouds. 'Can't you take Roman?'

Dean chuckled opening the door to our hotel room. 'No, Roman is calling his family in a bit. Besides, your hair is turning more black, you need more blonde dye.'

Seth stood without another word, despite the groan. He picked up his coat and stood from the sofa, he brushed my shoulder as he passed to leave. I caught him mouthing words; 'You owe me big time. You're not sick, it's your birthday.'

I winked and before I knew it they'd left, I headed back off towards my room whilst Roman was clearly in the shower at the sound of running water.

Dean Ambrose•

'Now which ones do we get, there's like four hundred different ones man!' I sighed pointing to the seemingly never ending shelf of pain relievers.

'Just get any, they're all going to do the same thing,' Seth picked up a white box, it said paracetamol and I shook my head.

'You can't just pick any, this is Logan we're talking about.' I reminded snatching the small package from his hands as I tossed it back on the shelf. 'We need the best ones, I hear that the whole woman thing is painful.'

'Well just get the ones that you use when you're in pain' Seth tried to point out the obvious as I picked up a blue packet, why I was doing this at twelve in the afternoon I'm not sure.

'Fuck it. We'll get these. . something's better than nothing when she's bleeding from her womanhood like a leaking faucet right?' I asked walking off towards the check out with a hot water bottle in my free arm.

I heard a gag and looked behind to find Seth. 'Jesus, you couldn't be a little less graphic next time?'

I apologised quietly placing the items on the conveyer belt as Seth glanced at his phone. 'You do realise you're whipped right?'

I frowned. 'What do you mean?'

Obviously I knew what he was implying but how I was supposedly wrapped around Logan's finger for getting her some essentials when she's in pain I'm not sure. I'm just trying to prove myself to her, make us work finally.

'She's not on her period Dean.' He said nonchalantly as the employee scanned the items and I placed them in a bag, Seth stood there not helping as usual.

'Thanks.' Seth thanked the worker as I walked away, paying for the items we left out of the Walmart and as we walked back to the rental I waited for my moment to ask him exactly what the fuck he was talking about.

'Is it just me, or do you seem jealous of mine and Logan's relationship?' I pondered starting up the engine as he sat beside me in the passenger seat. 'Because to me it looks like you're trying to insult me, make me look like an asshole to break the attraction myself and Logan have. . . to me it looks like you're the friend who wants more than he can get.'

I clenched my teeth as Seth chuckled whilst I pulled out onto the freeway back to the hotel. 'You couldn't be further from the truth.'

'Then what Seth, because I'm really beginning to loose my patients with you. . brother.' I snapped.

'If you knew Logan half as much as you think you do then you'd work out today is her birthday.' He seethed. My eyes widened and I gripped the wheel tighter - she'd never told me it was her birthday coming up?

'Yeah, that's right Dean. . your precious girlfriend turns twenty-seven today and you had no fucking idea.' He clapped sarcastically slowly - patronising me as I bit the inside of my cheek. 'Because if you spent half as much time listening to her than you do playing pathetic high-school dares then you'd also be aware that today is the day that her mother gave her up when she was two years old.'

'I'll shut my mouth now, she should've told you this. . . but after all these years she obviously still doesn't trust you.' He pulled an ugly triumphant grin as I tried to hold in my annoyance. He was beginning to make me angry, I should've brought Roman.

'Why would I want anymore than just friends with Logan when I already get twice as much information out of her than I would if I was her pathetic excuse of a boyfriend?' I was on a desolate backstreet road after pulling from the freeway. There was nobody around driving so I slammed my foot on the brake making the car come to a harsh stop.

'You shut your fucking mouth Rollins.' I snarled pointing at him, poking at his chest. 'I don't know all that shit about her because I know damn well she likes to keep it private just like me. I don't fuck around with someone's personal life and spread it around like you. Some best fucking friend you are.'

'You just can't stand the fact that she's probably found my gift in her room now, she's probably say there opening it and wondering just where the hell her precious boyfriends gift is.' He smirked shoving me back in my seat, I shook it off it wasn't about to stop me possibly hitting this guy who's supposed to be my friend.

'You stay away from Logan. She's my girl, she always has been from that moment you got drunk in Roman's dorm in college. When you tried to introduce me and you couldn't stand. I helped her, I included her in shit whilst her only friend was in a crumpled mess in one of the bedrooms. Ty-Ty wasn't there. You weren't there Sethy. . I was. Jon Moxley was.'

'That's what you don't understand Dean, you can't put two brain cells together to work out the obvious.' He rubbed his eyes as I held my fists in tight balls, desperately trying to restrain myself from punching him.

'I don't want Logan as my girlfriend. I'm just watching. . waiting for you to mess up so that I can absolutely destroy you for hurting her.' Seth cracked his knuckles in his palm. I smirked. He couldn't intimidate me if he was holding a fucking blow torch.

'See Dean, we've known each other for years - on the independent scene we were acquaintances. . college too. But what you don't realise is that I've known Logan Alexis Gray for even longer, I know everything about her. And Iknow when she's scheming, I know when she's broken and I'm just waiting to see that moment again.' He tapped the steering wheel motioning me to start the car again and I did, just to hear him talk more to fuel me up again and again. 'I may know your move set like the back of my hand but I know Logan like a sister. She will always be my best friend, even when you're gone from her life.'

'Well go put on your rose tinted glasses Sethy boy, because I'm here to stay.' I spoke lowly, not wanting to say anymore on the matter because I knew I'd do something I'd regret.

I had to get Logan the best gift, I had to make her trust me and we have to put an end to these dares. I need to show Seth that I'm not just another chuck away fuck boy.

Logan Gray•

I was startled by a voice as I opened my eyes to darkness. I turned over to find the door to my room closed and the face of Dean leaning over me.

I turned on the side lamp, looking at my phone to see the time of three in the morning as I rubbed my eyes. 'Dean? What are you doing, it's three in the morning. .'

He sat on the edge of the bed whilst I pulled myself up tiredly. 'You'd tell me anything right. . . if I asked?' He mumbled.

I laid my chin on his shoulder, coming behind him despite my overwhelming urge to sleep. 'If you really wanted to know something important then yeah, I'd tell you idiot.'

He sighed, I looked down noticing a box between his fingers. He seemed upset, which in itself was unusual for Dean not even considering the fact that it was three a.m.

'I know it's gone now, but this is what I got you for your birthday.' He handed it to me, the box was black as it lit up from the lamp light. He stood up, walking around my bed to sit on the free side as I sat back agains the headboard.

'Don't ask how I knew, because I didn't. . Seth told me. . this morning.' His voice sounded almost unnoticeable due to the sadness, I felt as though my heart was breaking.

'You didn't have to get me anything, I didn't want anything. . that's why nobody knew,' I admitted handing him the small box but he shoved it back in my hand, laying his head on my shoulder contently.

'Keep it. It may not be the world, it may not top Roman and Seth's gifts but I tried my hardest.' I looked down and he'd closed his eyes, clearly rather comfortable as I let out a small sigh.

'You're not trying to break me are you Logan?' I frowned at his abrupt question, out of the blue it took me off guard. . of course I wasn't. 'Like one giant dare?'

'No way Dean, I really guess I like you a lot. . I would never mess with your love life. . not even for a dare.' I clarified snuggling closer to him.

'Good, I'm glad you're not leaving me. .' I frowned, this whole conversation and his demeanour leaving me confused.

'Can we sleep now. . that's all I wanted to know. I'm shattered after the live show.' Dean yawned sliding down my bed, pulling me with him I laid the box on the nightstand and switched off the lamp.

I pulled myself closer to him, he placed a kiss on my forehead with a content sigh as he laid his arm around me.

'Night Dean.' I mumbled.

'Goodnight Logie.'


I know it's shitty. . but this chapter is probably one of the most important ones yet. . this is just the beginning seeds of a big story plot!

Lemme know what you thinks gonna happen. . what are Seth's intentions and why was Dean acting weird after it?

Ohh fuck, drama llama!

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