Since when do cannibals fall...

By Emofly39

421K 12.1K 4.2K

Charlie Hunt is a 23 year old cannibal. He's been completely on his own for ten years now living in the middl... More

1. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
2 Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
3. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
4. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
5. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
6. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
7. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
8. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
9. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
10. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
11. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
12. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
13. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
15. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
16. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
17. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
18. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
19. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
20. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
21. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
22. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
23 (part one) Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
23 (part two) Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
24. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
25. Since when do cannibals fall in live with their food?
26. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
27. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
THE END. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?
Epilogue. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

14. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

13.2K 404 151
By Emofly39


Food has been here for a month now and it terrifies me that I've gotten so attached. I don't think she has any plans to leave any time soon but I know that eventually she will. I'm not even keeping her captive anymore. I don't tie her wrist at night and we play games like hide n' seek where she could easily run away. She knows her way around the woods now and even though I haven't shown her the way out I feel like she could find it.

I've also started to wonder if she'll ever make me so hungry that I snap and try to eat her. I mean I've always had some sort of control over myself, but Food is always kissing me and she's always so close.

I have three main fears:

1) That she'll run away without saying goodbye and I'll be so crushed that all I can do is lay around and sulk.

2) That I'll try to eat her and be forced let her go for her own good and be so depressed that all I can do is sit around and sulk.

3) That she'll get injured really bad and when I'm forced to get her to the normals world to get her to a hospital I won't be able to convince her-or myself- to bring her back. Which of course would result in me unable to do anything other than lay around and sulk.

So all of my fears result in me sulking without Food.

Right now as I think all of this I'm laying in the field where Oliver and Love always come back too. Food is laying with me her head pressed into my chest. I let my fingers run through her hair and she sighs.

"Kat?" I say quietly.

She doesn't answer. One thing that's been different since I've learned her real name is that she refuses to answer to 'Kat' she'll only answer 'Food.' It makes it hard to get her attention because usually I forget that she won't answer to her real name so I stand there frustrated yelling her name. Until finally I catch on and call her the name I gave her.

I have no idea why she does this. You would think she would want to be called her real name instead of 'Food.' She's crazy.

"Food?" I sigh annoyed.

She immediately lifts her head to look at me, "Yes."

I roll my eyes and she fights a smile. She also knows that it annoys the hell out of me that she does this.

"Do you ever think about going back?"

Food frowns and I want to take my question back. It's one thing to think about it and it's another thing to voice it out loud.

"Not really. I mean I would like to know if my father was still alive but I wouldn't want to risk being seen by Jared."

I rub a thumb against her cheek; not meeting her eyes, "Is that why you stay here with me? Because if you go back then Jared will find you?"

She shakes her head, "I stay here because I like you. And if you didn't like me then I wouldn't have much choice on leaving."

"True I would have eaten you already. Or let you go if you disgusted me like Ronald did."

She laughs, and I love that she can do that. That she can find humor when I make comments about eating people. I'm pretty sure this girl is the only one that would ever except me for who I am.

"You're a very picky eater Charlie."

I smile, "Really? I thought I ate just about anything."

She shrugs, "Well yeah because you eat humans. But you're very picky about what ones you eat."

I make a face, "Only recently. Ronald was gross."

"What about Henry?"

"He was gross too."

She laughs and lays down again, "You're crazy."

"That's funny I was just thinking the same thing about you."

"I'm not crazy."

"Yes you are! You hang out with a cannibal everyday and you're not afraid at all, that makes you crazy."

She rolls over so that her chest is pressed into mine and she holds herself up over me, "Charlie you're like the worst cannibal ever."

"Why because I don't eat the people that bullied me as a child?"

"No, because you didn't eat me."

I clear my throat, "I was going to eat you when you first got here. I followed you in the woods and when you went into my house I figured you would be an easy kill. But when I got you tied to my table and started to clean you off a little I realized that you were to pretty to eat."

"You're joking right?" She asks.

I can't help but smile a little, "No, why would I joke about that?"

"Because I could never figure out why you kept saving me. Why you didn't just let me die so that you could eat me."

"At first it was because you were pretty but once you woke up I liked you too much. You weren't afraid to tease me."

"I'm still not." She says smiling.

"Which is why I like you. It's not everyday you'll meet someone willing to tease a cannibal."

She raises an eyebrow, "I think most people would tease cannibals."

I roll my eyes, "I mean teasing not straight out making fun of them."

She leans down and kisses my lips, "Oh."

She goes to pull away but I slip my hand into her hair and pull her lips back down.

She claims that she won't leave but in case she does I want to make the most out of our time together.

After a minute or so she pulls away and lies her head back onto my chest, it's silent for a second and I feel a rain drop hit my nose. I wipe it off and look at my hand to only see it slide down my fingers and palm.

"It's starting to rain we should go." I say.

She sighs and lets me move from under her to stand, "Alright."

I pull her up and the rain gets heavier as we start to walk but the last time we ran back to the house she fell and broke open her head so we walk slowly.

By the time we get back to the house we're both soaked and I open the door to let her in. She pulls off her sweatshirt and her shirt underneath is soaked. I laugh knowing that my clothes are the same.

"Let's go change." I say.

I grab some clothes and change inside the kitchen letting her have the bedroom. I hear the rain pick up outside and I set some buckets out so that they'll fill with water. I'm pulling on a new pair of pants when I hear it start to thunder. Food screams from inside the bedroom and I quickly pull on my shirt before knocking on the bedroom door.

"Are you dressed?" I ask.

"No." She yells back.

I lean my head against the door and wait for her to finish getting dressed. But right at that moment another boom of thunder erupts and the door flies open. I almost fall forward but then I get thrust back as Food throws herself into my arms. I almost fall again but I grab onto the door frame saving myself.

Once I'm sure I'm not going to fall I wrap my arms around her holding her tight, "You're okay. I'm here."

When I wrap my arms around her waist and feel bare skin I freak out, "Are you dressed?"

"Pretty much." She mumbles against my neck.

I slide my hands up her back truly unable to help myself and feel a bra clasp. I sigh with relief. At least she's somewhat covered.

She's shaking in my arms and when it thunders again her hold gets so tight around my neck for a second I think she's going to bruise me.

I sigh, "Come on."

I scoop her up and her legs circle my waist. I close the bedroom door and then set her down in a corner, "What are you doing?" She asks when I try to pull away.

I kiss her lips, "Just stay calm for a few seconds okay."

As nicely as I can I pull her arms from around my neck and she pulls her legs into her chest wrapping her legs around them.

I sigh, I never knew someone could fear thunder as much as she does.

I grab a shirt from the bed that I'm guessing she was about to put on and I throw it too her, "Put this on."

She quickly slips it on and I'm so glad when she's covered. Now able to think without her being as big of a distraction I push the bed over to where Food is. I pull off the mattress and pull her up so that I can push it into the corner. She sits back down onto it.

"What are you doing?" She asks me.

I tip the bed onto it's side making a wall.

"Keeping you safe."

I then push over the nightstand table and put the firefly jars onto the ground.

It thunders again and Food squeaks out in fear. I want to comfort her but instead I continue with what I'm doing. I take a blanket and put it over the side of the bed and then draped over the nightstand making a fort.

I grab the other blanket and the pillow from the ground and then crawl into the fort. It thunders again and Food wraps her arms around my neck. I push her back so that she lays down and then I lay next to her. I push myself up onto my elbow and brush hair from her face, "Don't be afraid." I whisper.

It's dark and other then the rain and thunder all I can hear are her short gasps of breathe. I put my hand on the side of her neck rubbing my thumb against her cheek. Her pulse beats rapidly in my palm.

I look down at her lips and I figure this is such a bad time to want to kiss her. She's afraid I need to comfort her not suck her face.

"I won't let anything hurt you." I whisper.

She nods, "I know."

I smile and lean down softly kissing her neck. Her hair is still wet and it smells like rain. I slowly pull away from her neck, I don't want to make her uncomfortable. Or think that I'm taking advantage of her fragile state.

I can't help myself though so I run my nose over her cheek and her hands slip into my hair. Next thing I know she's pulled my lips to hers and I can't think enough to push her away. I start ravishly kissing her letting my lips find her neck and she's sighing my name and I can't breathe.

Every time it thunders she pulls me closer and my heart races every time she does. Her hands slip into my shirt and I pull back as her cool touch startles me, "Wait." I say my eyes closed.

I slowly open them and she looks up at me nervous, "What?"

"We can't do this."

"Do what?"

"You know what." I say pulling away.

I lay down next to her but pull her into my arms so she's not afraid of the thunder.

"Charlie I wasn't trying to do that."

I run a hand through my hair and clear my throat, "It's okay, I just think that we shouldn't get too serious."

She nods and turns so that her back is too me, "I get it." She mumbles.

I sigh and turn onto my side so that my chest is to her back, I wrap my arm around her, "What's wrong?"

It thunders and she flinches, "Other than the thunder nothing." She mumbles.

"Food please tell me." I kiss her ear and she sighs.

"Do you not want to do that with me?" She asks quietly.

"I've only known you for a month, I don't want to do anything that you might regret later."

"I wouldn't... regret it you know."

I pull her closer and smile into her neck, "Me either I still think that we should wait though."

"Wait? As in there's a chance that we might in the future."

I nod, "If you're still around then yeah."

She turns so that she's facing me, "Why wouldn't I be here?"

I look at my hand on her waist, "You know that if you wanted to leave I would let you right?"

Food nods, "Yeah. But I don't want to go anywhere."

I run my fingers over the skin showing from her risen shirt, "Really?"

She kisses my lips, "Really."

I give a small smile and look up into her eyes, "Okay."

"If I could I would stay right here forever." She mumbles.

"Minus the thunder?" I ask her.

She nods and I laugh, "Do you like the shelter I made us?"

"Yes I like it a lot." She kisses my lips again and I grin into it.

"Okay please behave." I say quietly.

She smiles, "Alright."

I place my forehead on hers and the craziest thought races through my head.

I think I'm in love with my food.

Which is completely impossible due to the fact that I've only known her for a month. Nobody falls in love that quickly.

I also know for a fact that she doesn't feel that way about me. Or as close to a fact as you can get without her saying it out right.

Though if she did say she didn't love me now I would be a little hurt.

Not that I love her.

Food snuggles closer into my arms and I know that what I just thought was a lie.

I brush hair from her face and kiss her forehead.

I'm in love with Food.

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