
By UnstableAndQuirky

193K 7.8K 5.1K

Yo I stopped writing this like ages ago but I hope you enjoy reading my greatest shame in this world WARNING... More

Why I Love You - An Unsent Letter
The Dark Side of the Moon
Stitch Me Up
Don't Ignore Me
Love Me Like You Do
Really, James? Really?
Photographer AU
Meant To Be
Comfort - Part 2
Mon Amour
Not Just The Help
Not Just The Help - 2
Not Just The Help - 3
Not Just The Help - Part 4
Not Just The Help - part 5
Not Just The Help - Part 6
The Flower Shop


11K 514 463
By UnstableAndQuirky


Umm. No triggers here. You guys good with more mindless fluff?


The potions class was huddled excitedly around the simmering cauldron, whispering as Professor Slughorn dipped a ladle into the thick liquid and poured it into a beaker. Remus was staring intently at the beaker in Slughorn's sausagey fingers, pale amber eyes fixed on the bubbling liquid inside, desperately wondering what it would smell like to him. This reaction was mirrored on the faces of every single student in the room. Amortentia smelled like what you loved, like freshly cut grass or someone's cologne, and it smelled different for everyone.

Slughorn's wafted the beaker under a perky Hufflepuff girl's nose and asked her what is smelled like. She answered with 'Butterscotch and roses, sir' and the Ravenclaw next to her answered, 'Cinnamon and vanilla'. This carried on until it reached Remus who leant forwards and sniffed it.

"What does it smell like, Remus, lad?" Asked Slughorn in his jolly baritone.

"Umm. Chocolate and..." he squeaked almost inaudibley and snuck a covert look at Sirius - which didn't go unnoticed- , blushing profusely, "... and dog..."

"Interesting, very interesting, my boy," Slughorn chuckled.

As Slughorn asked the remaining few Remus pulled his sleeves over his hands and tried to cover his flaming cheeks, but when it got to Sirius, Remus gulped and ducked his head.

"What about you, lad? What do you smell?" Slughorn asked Sirius, a kind smile on his plump face.

"Umm..." he breathed in and smiled wickedly, then said, "Him."

He reached Remus in a few strides, grabbed his face, and before Moony had time to react, kissed him full on the mouth. And Remus couldn't help but kiss back.

After a few minutes, or it could've been hours, they broke apart to wolf whistles and a profuse round of applause from James and Peter, who were both grinning like maniacs.

"Wolfstar forever!" Chirped James.

"Oh shut up, Prongs."

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