Secrets Of Ying Yang Mansion

By OfficalLunaEclipse

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Luna and Leona Dark have found themselves tangled in a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. This wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Thank You

Chapter Fourteen

6 0 0
By OfficalLunaEclipse

Chapter Fourteen

Leona was in her room reading through one of the spell books she had to practice spells so she could learn to control her powers. As Pryase walked in Leona was trying out a spell which accidently hit Pryase, turning him into a small fluffy grey kitten with huge green eyes.

"Oops, sorry sweetie. Well, now I know you make an adorable kitten." Leona said to Pryase with a small smile on her face.

Just then Missy started chasing Pryase around the room trying to play with him. Leona laughed as she went and saved Pryase from the playful puppy and set him down on her bed. She spoke the spell that would return Pryase to a vampire and with a small poof of smoke, Pryase was back to normal but he was naked in response and Leona couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, that was interesting. I've never been turned into a kitten before." Pryase said.

"I'm sorry about that sweetheart. I was just teaching myself some new spells." Leona laughed as Pryase went to his and Leona's closet to find a pair of boxers and sweatpants.

"It's okay. What other spells do you know how to use?" Pryase asked as he put his clothes on and Leona looked at the spell book she was reading before she accidently turned Pryase into the kitten.

"I can teleport, change my appearance, I can do glamour's, and a few other small things. But I have to talk to Devon in a minute because I got into contact with Luna." Leona said.

"Wait, what? When did you contact her?" He asked shocked.

"About an hour or so ago. She said that it took three days to get where she is now and the guy behind it is some guy named Raiden. He's trying to get revenge on Devon because he killed his son a few years back." She said, and a look of shock appeared on Pryase's face.

"I'll be right back I have to go talk to Devon." He said suddenly.

Before Leona could say anything Pryase was out the door and gone but Leona used her new telepathy powers to read his mind and eavesdrop on the him as Pryase finally found Devon in the Library speaking with Dracula.

"I don't mean to be rude but may I speak with the both of you?" Pryase asked them as he walked over.

Devon and Dracula turned to look at Pryase with curiosity on their faces.

"What is it, Pryase?" Dracula asked curious.

Pryase bowed slightly in respect to Dracula before he spoke.

"Leona talked to Luna around an hour ago, Devon. Raiden is the one that took her and he wants revenge on you for killing his son. He might kill her to just get to you." He said and Devon suddenly looked very scared.

"Raiden is the one behind this whole thing? We have to find her as soon as possible. He won't keep her alive to much longer and if he does it's not out of the kindness of his heart. He will use her body to satisfy himself and any other vampires that are there." Devon said and Dracula looked at both vampires seriously.

"You have to get her back. She is the only one that keeps Leona under control and if she can't control herself we are going to have to take things into our own hands." Dracula said.

Pryase was worried of Dracula's words, about the love of his life, so he couldn't help but ask what was on his mind.

"If Leona's powers can't be controlled what are we going to have to do?" Pryase asked.

Dracula looked at Pryase and knew how concerned he was for his mate and smiled slightly.

"It's not what we are going to do Pryase, but it's what you are going to have to do. There is one thing that is true though Luna and Leona's bond is much more stronger then Leigh-Anna and Lunara's was but there is a huge chance that the past will repeat itself. Keep an eye on Leona and help her as much as possible. If something happens to Luna it could push her over the edge and lose control."

"We aren't going to let anything happen to either of them no matter what it takes. Devon, do you know where Raiden could be hiding out with Luna?" Devon started pacing as he thought about where Raiden could be hiding with Luna.

"No, I have no idea." Devon said. "He used to be in Italy years ago when I went to hunt him for my exam but I haven't even thought about him since then."

Leona was so angry at what she heard she knew she had to work out with her frustration so she decided to head down to the gym. When she got there, no one was in sight to bother her so she started practicing her back flips and kick boxing. As she was kick boxing Pryase walked in.

"Are you okay? I know you were using me to eavesdrop on the conversation." Pryase asked. Leona did a round house kick and as soon as she landed on her feet she looked at Pryase.

"I'm fine. I just want to know where my sister is so I can get a little revenge of my own. He took my sister from me and he will pay for laying a hand on her." Leona said and Pryase realized that he was going to have to do something about Leona's anger because as she talked her eyes began to glow again.

"Leona, have you been reading your Great Great Aunt's journal?" Pryase asked changing the subject quickly, Leona calmed herself down and her eyes stopped glowing.

"Actually no I haven't. Why?"

"I was wondering if I could read it Dracula, Devon, and I are trying to keep the past from repeating so maybe if we read through it, it will give us a clue as to what happened."

"That's a great idea. The journal is on the book shelf next to my favorite books. You can go get it if you want."

Pryase kissed her sweetly before he took off to find the journal. Leona went back to her training to keep herself under control until her anger passed. A while later Brittani came running in with a smile on her face which stopped Leona in her tracks and to look at her weirdly. As soon as Brittani got in front of Leona she took a second to catch her breath and then she finally spoke.

"Leona, Devon wants to speak with you right now. It's an emergency!" Brittani said. "They're in the library."

Leona took off right then and there and once she got to the library she saw Dracula and Devon sitting at the small table.

"Devon, what's wrong? You asked to see me?" Leona asked as she walked up to the table. Devon looked at Leona and realized that she looked worried. Devon looked at Leona with a slight smile so that she knew to relax. Leona relaxed a little bit and then asked again, "Devon, what's going on."

Devon got out of his chair and walked up to Leona with a serious look on his face but then he broke out into a smile.

"We know were Luna is." Devon said cheerfully.

"Well, where is she?" Leona asked ecstatically

"Raiden took her to Italy."

"Italy? You can't get to Italy by car; she said she never left a car since she's been kidnapped until she got to the building they're keeping her in."

"Whoever initially kidnapped her off the stage teleported her over to Europe and they went from there. That's probably how she ended up in Italy. It's a decent drive from Spain or somewhere that's near the ocean like that."

"Alright, my other question is how on earth did you find her?"

"I was able to finally track her. I thought she was in North America this entire time, I didn't even begin to think to search elsewhere for her." Dracula said.

"You can track people?"

"I'm not just a pretty face Leona." Dracula smirked. "It also helped when Devon mentioned that he had to go to Italy to meet Raiden in the first place. Although he wasn't in the same location he was years ago."

"It sounds like it's a trap." Leona said.

"We know it is, that's why I'm going to ask you the following. Do you want to come with us or do you want to stay here? We don't and won't blame you if you decide to stay behind."

"You're kidding me right?" Leona said, crossing her arms. "I would never stay behind, Luna's my sister I have to find and rescue her that and my magic can help."

"Yes, your magic can help but it can also harm us at the same time."

"How can it help yet harm?"

"You have never fought against a vampire who isn't from this mansion. You're inexperienced and that could cause something to go wrong and you can hurt someone you don't intend to. Until you manage to get a hold of your powers, if you use a direct attack, it's possible it will hit someone you don't intend." Dracula said.

"Dracula, can you please be a little easy on her? She didn't even know she had these powers of hers until a few weeks ago." Devon said. "Leona needs to control her powers yes, but I think under the circumstances the small explosion she had in the parking lot at school the night of the talent show was just that, small."

"Small? She almost destroyed everything in a mile radius." Dracula said, his voice rose slightly. "Do you realize that she put every supernatural creature at risk? We can't be found out by humans."

"I promise I'll be able to control myself, please I just have to help you guys get Luna back. It's my job as her older sister."

"Alright." Dracula said, walking over to Leona and put a basic silver band styled ring in her hand. "Put that on, and don't take it off, it's a ring from an elder over in Japan. Supposedly it's for fledglings that need to control their bloodlust but it's supposed to work for other species that can't control their abilities. I guess we'll see if that's true."

"Is it made out of something special? It kinda looks like a silver wedding band instead of a gold one." Leona said.

"It's silver from the planet Pluto. The gravity there makes any element much stronger than their earth counterpart. It's strong enough to help control, but not restrict the powers and abilities creatures have. Or at least that's what was supposed to happen. It's only been recently discovered and there are only four in existence. So take care to not lose or break it."

"I promise I'll take care of it until I don't need it anymore." Leona said, bowing to show her thanks.

"Leona, can you get a hold of Luna again?" Devon asked, "Let her know that we're on our way and to keep being strong for me?"

"I don't know but I can try. Raiden was drugging her to hold her powers back until she managed to figure out how to make it look like she was taking the pill."

"He's drugging her?!" Devon shouted and his eyes turned blood red.

"Uh-oh." Leona said and Dracula ran over to him and shook his shoulders and looked him in the eye and started whispering things to him until he calmed down and sighed the rest of the anger away.

"Sorry Devon, I didn't mean to set off a reaction."

"It's alright. Devon's still technically a fledgling in a way. He can control his bloodlust, his anger and sometimes his strength is another thing. It takes a lot to make him snap but when it comes to Luna it's easier for him to snap." Dracula said.

"How did you-?"

"Let's leave that one alone." Dracula said.


"Trust me, it'll be alright." Dracula said, "I'll explain to you later, just try to get a hold of Luna right now."

"Alright I will." Leona said and she focused to try and get the connection with her sister again.

"Luna,? Can you hear me?" Leona asked.

"Leo? Yeah I can hear you." Luna said moaning as she woke up.

"Are you alright? You don't sound too good."

"Well, I'll honestly say I'm not exactly alright but I'll live. What's going on?"

"What on earth happened? You were alright a while ago minus that split lip? By the way, I haven't told Devon yet about that. He's already almost out of control as it is."

"Nothing, just me being my usual dumbass self. Like I said, what's going on?"

"We're coming to get you. We managed to figure out where you are and how you got there. You're in Italy, I guess whoever kidnapped you managed to get you overseas and then you began that three hour car ride to wherever you are. It'll take us a few days to get there but we can do it. Can you hold out until then?"

"If I can last years against mom, I can last against this guy."

"Just be careful, Devon said he'll use you for his own pleasures or sell you to other vampires just to get to him."

"Yeah...he's tried to drink from me, but I stopped that real quickly. I haven't seen him in a while, he's been getting his wife or mate I should say, to take care of me. I actually like her, she's a nice woman just in love with the wrong man."

"He has a mate?"

"Yeah a girl named Elizabeth. She's Riku's mother, but she doesn't blame Devon for what happened. She knew the risks when she had and get this. She's human."


"She's his mate/blood donor. Riku was a hybrid. What Devon and Pryase said is true, vampires can have kids."

"I guess so. Well we'll be there soon, just hang on for us okay? You'll be back home soon. So I assume that we should bring Robin with us?"

"Uh...yeah probably." Luna admitted.

"Ugh, just hang in there sis, we'll get ya, and Devon says he loves you by the way. He won't stop glaring at me."

"Tell him to stop that or I'll allow you to turn him into a kitten."

" know about that?"

"You were laughing so hard in your mind, I kinda saw it. You're right, being the cat lover I am I have to admit that Pryase does make an adorable kitten. However, me seeing him naked was unwanted."

"Stop looking then!" Leona teased.

"It wasn't my idea! It was one for the TMI board. You don't worry about anything, the thought is gone from my head. I blocked everything as soon as the smoke disappeared."

"Where the hell is that goddamn witch?!" Raiden screamed and it passed through the telepathy .

"That god damn vampire. I'll see you when you get here. Oh and be careful sis, supposedly this place has a magic barrier around it. If you try to teleport inside, you will be killed."

"We'll keep that in mind. Like I said, hang tight for a few more days and whatever you do, don't let him bite you."

"Got it." Luna said and she disconnected her telepathy from her sister to see Pryase rejoined them.

"Well?" Devon asked worriedly.

"She's hurt enough to need Robin to heal her so we have to bring her with us. She didn't tell me exactly what's hurt but she didn't sound too good when I first connected with her but she was mostly tired. She also said that if Devon doesn't control himself I have permission to turn him into a kitten." Leona replied.

"The little brat knows about that?" Pryase asked blushing.

"Apparently she saw you as a kitten because I was laughing so hard it slipped through the connection. She said you were cute and she's a cat lover. Although she wasn't too happy with when you changed back." Leona said and Pryase's blush was even deeper, almost a crimson color.

"When he changed back?" Devon asked.

"I...I was naked." Pryase whispered and Devon couldn't help but snicker. "Shut it Kennedy!"

"Sorry, so Luna knows we're coming to get her?" Devon asked.

"Yeah we have to leave soon, he's already tried to drink from her and apparently he's not too happy with her. He was calling her a goddamned witch and it wasn't the first time I heard him curse her like that. We have to be careful with his wife/mate though, she's human and she's been helping Luna. I don't want to hurt her if she's trying to protect her."

"I understand. Pryase, go find Demi, Damien, Robin, Brittani and Stephani." Dracula said.

"Stephani? She hates Luna."

"She may hate Luna but not me, she'll listen and help. Her siren call will help out a lot in tight places."

"Siren call? I thought she was a mermaid."

"She is. Mermaids are a cousin race to sirens. They can both do deafening, mind controlling calls." Dracula said.

"Ah." Leona said as Pryase ran off to gather everyone up that Dracula suggested come with them.

"Don't worry Luna, we'll be there soon." Devon thought, focusing only on saving the one he knew he loves.

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