Secrets Of Ying Yang Mansion

By OfficalLunaEclipse

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Luna and Leona Dark have found themselves tangled in a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. This wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Thank You

Chapter Ten

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By OfficalLunaEclipse

Chapter Ten

The next day Leona was still recovering from her long night of excitement and every time she saw Damian she couldn't help but start laughing at the poor werewolf who didn't have a clue of what was so funny. He couldn't even remember the dance at all.

Leona went to her room to get dressed into her booty shorts and sports bra that she uses to train in. After she got dressed she took the two books she found in the library out of her bag. She sat on her bed placing them beside her and picked up the one with the oval blood colored stone embedded into the cover. She looked at the cover and then she flipped it over and noticed the initials L.A.D. which Leona thought was strange because those were her initials.

"My name is Leona Anna Dark, L.A.D. This is rather interesting." Leona said out loud to herself.

Just as Leona went to untie the string keeping the journal shut there was a knock on the door so she went to answer it and Pryase was standing there.

"Hey, Pryase. What's up?" Leona asked and Pryase smiled.

"Can I come in?" Leona stepped aside to let him in.

"Of course." Leona said as she sat back down on her bed. Pryase sat down beside her, and noticed the journals. Pryase looked at Leona with a shocked look on his face.

"Where did you find those?" He asked.

"I found them in the back room of the library at school. Why?"

"Those journals belonged to the Dark twins." He said and Leona looked at him funny.

"Who are the Dark twins? The only Dark twins that I ever heard of were my Great Great Grandmother and our Great Great Aunt."

"The Dark twins were the strongest Wiccan twins of all time and were born in 1935. Everyone knew when they were first born there was something special about them but something went wrong when they got into their 20's. The older twin, Leigh-Anna Dark went evil and forced her sister Lunara Dark to fight against her to save the very creatures she was in love with, the supernaturals." Pryase told her and Leona looked at Pryase in awe.

"I was named after Leigh-Anna Dark and Luna was named after Lunara. Their initials match mine and Luna's."

"I don't think you were ever normal, Leona. I think you and your sister were destined to show up here and meet us. You're powerful Wiccans that just haven't been taught about the powers that lay dormant in you."

Leona shook her head.

"That's impossible. I know that we're Wiccans because it's in our blood but powerful Wiccans? I know my sister and I have never been normal but to actually be supernatural? It's just...improbable."

"Well, the Wiccan part isn't what makes you supernatural Leona. It's the type of magic that lies inside you. The magic was legendary and wasn't supposed to descend through the generations. The powers were supposed to vanish with the deaths of Leigh-Anna and Lunara. In other words, you and Luna are their reincarnations." Pryase said.

Leona quickly got up and walked out of her room and down the hall but as she made it half way down the hall way she decided to try and use telepathy. "Luna, do you hear me?" Not even a second later she hears Luna's voice in her head.

"Yeah, I hear you. But why can I?" Luna asked.

"Meet me outside by the fountain, now." Leona added, ignoring her question.

"Okay then." Luna said unsure about her sister's sudden telepathy.

As Leona made her way to the fountain she could hear her sister asking questions but she didn't answer, she just kept making her way to the fountain avoiding everyone she saw. Once Leona got to the fountain she sat down on the rim of it while she waited for her sister. Moments later Luna showed up and sat down next to her sister.

"Wanna explain the sudden telepathy to me?" Luna asked.

"It's a long story."

"I got time."

"I found these leather-bound journals in the back room of the library, the one where the new books are stored, that have gems embedded into their covers and our initials are on them but they obviously aren't ours. Pryase saw them and told me that they belonged to our Great Great Aunt Leigh-Anna and our Great Great Grandmother Lunara who were the most powerful Wiccans in history. He also said their powers are in our blood, but they were supposed to die with Leigh-Anna and Lunara. Apparently we're their reincarnations and therefore, supernatural." Luna looked as if she was thinking of something.

"It makes sense if you think about it. I mean, what humans do you know that have true telepathy or the ability to see into the future through their dreams. You may have more abilities than me but that's because you're the older sister. We have been waiting our whole lives to find out why we are the way we are. Now we find out why and you can't believe it?"

"Maybe it is true but it doesn't make any sense, Luna. If it was true wouldn't have Dad said something to us about it or even Mom before she went insane? Yeah, we are Wiccan because of Dad's family but powerful Wiccans who can really use Harry Potter like magic. That's a little farfetched."

"Vampires, werewolves, mermaids, and angels are farfetched but they're real. Hell, your dating a vampire and I was crushing on a vampire, now tell me that ain't farfetched, but yet it's real." Luna told Leona with her arms crossed and with a look of disappointment. "As for Mom and Dad, we were little when Dad died, and we would've been too young to understand what kind of powers we had. Then shortly after that Mom went insane. It's possible they didn't know themselves."

"Don't look at me like that; I get what you're saying. And another thing, I'm not dating Pryase, not yet anyways. All I'm trying to say is why us? "Leona asked crossing her arms.

Just then Leona sensed someone coming towards them through the darkness.

"Luna, run for the house, now!" Leona told her sister through their telepathy.

Luna ran for the house and the person tried to grab Luna but Leona was quicker. She tackled the intruder to the ground but the person was stronger when suddenly Leona's wrist snapped and Leona screamed out in pain but still tried her hardest to keep this person from her sister.

Just as the person got loose from Leona's grasp Pryase pinned the person down to the ground. Leona walked over to where Pryase was pinning the person to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Pryase asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who is that?" Leona asked, holding her wrist and trying not to sound in pain.

Pryase stood letting go of the person and he too stood up and pulled down the hood that was over his head to reveal Devon.

"I'm sorry I frightened you and your sister and if I hurt you." Devon said and Leona glared at him.

"You have more than my broken wrist to be sorry for, Devon. You stood up my sister and practically broke her heart without a single reason. She has been out of her mind wondering where you've been, and was worried sick. She thought you got kidnaped or killed. You hurt my sister and you're lucky I don't rip you apart." Leona stomped back to the mansion, up to her room and slammed the door.

Luna looked at Brittani who was standing with Luna in the kitchen.

"What was that about? Did Pryase do something to her?" Brittani shook her head.

"No, Devon's back and she told him off. Her wrist is also broken from when she was trying to keep him away from you." Luna looked towards the door.

"Where the hell did he disappear too? Why did he disappear?"

"I could read his mind for you but he knows how to block me out." Brittani said looking at Luna.

"No, I'll talk to him myself but don't let Leona near him for the time being or else he'll be a dead man. When she's pissed off like that she will kick someone's ass."

"Don't worry I'll take care of it. I'll get Robin so that she can heal her wrist and I'll get Damian to help us out just in case she's on a rampage."

Luna nodded and Brittani went off to go calm down Leona. Leona was in her room bandaging up her wrist after she put the journals on the book shelf for the time being. Leona sighed and then stomped out of her room slamming the door behind her.

She made her way out the back door and to her car without anyone knowing where she was.

Leona speed off towards the hospital going at seventy-five miles an hour instead of asking anyone for help because she was so pissed off she'd probably end up hurting someone. The whole time she had no clue she was being followed by Damian.

As she went around a sharp turn her car went out of control, causing the car to hit the guard rails. The entire car shook from the impact, the force of the crash caused her to dislocate her left shoulder, and smash her head into the windshield, knocking her unconscious as the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of the road.

Damian slammed on the breaks of his car and when his car came to a stop he quickly got out and rushed to Leona's car. He pulled the door open and reached in, unbuckled the seatbelt and gently pulled Leona out of the car, laying her onto the ground. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and called 911 telling the woman who answered everything they needed to know.

Twenty minutes later the ambulance came and put loaded Leona up before speeding off towards the hospital. Once they had gotten Leona to the hospital they immediately brought her to the ER to begin working on her.

Damian waited out in the waiting room unwillingly since he wanted to be by Leona's side. After about two and a half hours of waiting a doctor finally came out.

"Are you her boyfriend?" The doctor asked and Damian stood immediately.

"No, I'm only her friend but will she be alright?" Damian asked.

"She will be fine but she needs to rest and she probably won't wake up until the morning because of the pain medications we gave her."

"Is there any way I could spend the night with her? I don't want to leave her side."

"Of course. There is a lounge chair in her room that reclines into a bed and I'll have the nurse bring you in a blanket and a few pillows." Damian smiled.

"Thank you."

Damian rushed to Leona's room. She had her arm in a sling and her wrist was in a cast. She also has a bandage on the right side of her head were they had to stitch the gash closed.

"Well, I should call the others and let them know what's going on." Damian said and he pulled out his cell phone to call the house and Brittani picked up the phone after a few rings.

"Hello?" Brittani asked.

"Hey, it's Damian."

"Oh thank god, what's going on? Where are you?" Brittani asked in a rush.

"I'm at the hospital with Leona. She ended up getting into a car accident and is now in the hospital. She'll be fine but she won't be awake until the morning because they gave her some pain meds for her injuries. I'm going to spend the night with her to keep an eye on her."

"Oh my god. Well I'll tell everyone what is going on. Pryase and Luna are probably going to want to come and see her but I'll tell them that they are going to have to wait until tomorrow morning. Keep an eye on her and keep us informed on everything."

"No problem."

Then Damian hung up his phone and stuck it back in his back pocket. A nurse came in and handed Damian a pillow and a blanket so that he could go to sleep. He got comfortable in the reclining chair and just stared at the ceiling for a while until he finally fell fast asleep.

The next morning Damian woke up hearing Leona yelling.

"Damn it!" She yelled.

Damian looked over at her and there she was tangled in her sling. Damian got up and helped her out and Leona looked at Damian.

"What are you doing here? What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Damian asked Leona sweetly.

Leona looked at him skeptically.

"If I remembered I wouldn't have asked, Damian. So, what happened?" Damian sat down on the bed next to her.

"You sped out of the driveway and you were speeding down the road doing at least seventy-five. You lost control of your car and hit the guard rail. You were in critical condition and we almost lost you last night." Leona shook her head.

"Like I said my temper is going to be the death of me. But how did you get to me in time? Where do you come in on this story?"

"I saw you sneak away and so I followed you." Damian looked at Leona sheepishly but then turned serious. "When I saw you lose control of the car I ran over to where you crashed and pulled you out of the car and called 911. You were in really bad condition, you were covered in blood and I didn't know what was going to happen. After I knew that you were going to be ok I called the house and let everyone know what happened. They don't know everything but they know that it wasn't good."

"Let's just not tell them that I almost wasn't here, okay? My sister would kill me." Leona said with a slight smile.

Leona got out of bed not realizing that the back of her hospital gown was untied in the back so she ended up showing off her pretty little G-string that she was wearing which made Damian snicker. Leona looked back at him giving him a dirty look.

"What are you snickering at?"

Damian got up and started tying the back of her gown so that she wasn't showing off her backend.

"Thanks." Leona said blushing.

She went into the bathroom while Damian sat in the recliner chair to wait for her to come out of the bathroom and unfortunately for Leona just as she came out of the bathroom everyone started to pile in. Luna, Brittani, Pryase, Robin, Devon, and Kaera all pile into Leona's room. Leona got back into her bed to relax which she knew wasn't going to happen with all of her friends being there but then she noticed Devon.

Leona glared at Devon and then looked at her sister.

"You did not just forgive him like that did you? You don't even know where he disappeared off to." Luna looked at her sister shocked and Devon looked petrified.

"I had to disappear for a while, Leona. I explained everything to your sister and everyone else." Devon told Leona sounding as if he was pleading with her.

Leona just looked away.

"I'm sorry but that ain't good enough. Until I know exactly what you were up too, I will not approve of you dating my sister."

Damian looked at Leona.

"What?" Leona asked when she caught the look he gave her.

"Don't you think you should let your sister make her own mistakes and decisions?" Damian asked her in a way that it sounded like a suggestion.

Leona tried to cross her arms but failed because of her arm.

"As long as I'm breathing I refuse to let my sister get hurt but if she asks me to back off I guess then I will. But it still won't stop me from kicking some ass and taking names."

Luna smiled and shook her head at her very stubborn sister

"I would like it if you let me make my own decisions. I know your mad but please just let me deal with my life from now on." Leona looked over at Luna with a smirk.

"Fine, but I don't have to like it."

Everyone laughed except for Devon he just smiled and hugged Luna. Leona smiled slightly because she knew that Devon was the best thing that's ever happened to her and Luna because now Luna had found love and Leona can have time for herself. Damian got up and looked at Leona.

"I'm going to get some coffee, do you want anything?" Leona smiled.

"Yeah, actually. Can you get me a Chai Tea with cream and an apple Danish?" Damian leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back." As he left Pryase gave him a dirty look and Damian smirked at him.

Pryase went over and sat in the chair that Damian was sitting in.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm okay. It's a little painful but I'm good." Leona said. Pryase looked down and then at Robin.

"Pryase you know I can't. Not in public it would raise questions, you know that." Robin said before Pryase could say anything.

A knock on the door was heard before a nurse came in with a tray of food.

"Good morning, Leona. Are you hungry?" Leona looked at her with a slight smile.


"That's a good sign that you have an appetite. Well, there is a bagel and crème cheese with eggs and a bowl of apple sauce. Then you have a choice of milk or apple juice. "

"That sounds great and with apple juice but can I have extra crème cheese?"

"Of course, I'll be right back." The nurse said and then she left.

Everyone looked at Leona as if they were thinking "what did we miss" and Leona glared at her sister.

"Hahaha.... very funny. I wanna get out of here." Leona said again to her sister using her telepathy.

Luna laughed again.

"Well, I can go talk to the doctor and see what he says about when you can come home." Luna said.

"Will you two stop that? I know I can read minds and stuff everyone else can't. You both aren't even supposed to have telepathy, you're human." Brittani gave the sisters a dirty look.

"I wouldn't say we are normal humans, Brittani. We have never been normal."

"Like Leona said, we have never been normal and it's been that way since we were kids."

Leona looked at Pryase with a smile and used her telepathy to talk to Pryase.

"Pryase, Can you hear me?" Pryase looked at her and winked at her to tell her yes. "I need to talk to you later when we are alone."

Pryase stood up kissed Leona on the lips.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I'm going to go with Luna to see when you can come home."

"Okay, please do. I hate hospitals."

That's when Luna and Pryase left the room to go find the doctor to see when Leona could go home. Brittani sat down next to Leona on the bed, Kaera sat in chair beside her, and Robin stood by Leona next to Brittani.

"Your in-love with Pryase. I can tell." Brittani said and Leona blushed. "You realize a lot when you're on the edge of death, Brittani. I saw it all happen but I couldn't stop it and then when I woke up, it felt like a nightmare. Then Damian tells me that I almost didn't live. It makes you think and Pryase was the first one after Luna that I thought of. I wanted to see him; I wanted to be able to hear his voice again."

"Aww you got it bad." Robin smiled.

"She's got it just as bad as he's got it for her." Kaera added.

"Huh?" Leona said clueless.

"Leona you're smart but you can be so clueless sometimes. Pryase has had it bad for you since he first saw you, ever since then, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about you or wanting to be near you. He's got it bad like you do for him." Brittani added before Leona looked away to gaze out the window.

"I knew how he felt about me but I thought I was looking into something that wasn't there." Leona smiled and then just as she went to say something else but then Damian came walking in.

"Sorry it took me so long but I got everything."

He handed Leona her Chai Tea and her apple Danish which Brittani had to hold onto it for her because she could only hold on to one thing at a time. "Thanks, Damian." Leona told him with a smile.

Then the nurse came in with her tray of food and helped situate Leona so that she could eat.

"Thank you so much. I'm so hungry." Leona told the nurse with a smile. "You're going to be. Even after that you're going to be hungry because of everything that has happened along with the medication. Your hunger will decrease in time."

"I hope so." Leona said with a chuckle.

The nurse left just as Luna and Pryase returned smiling. Leona noticed this automatically.

"What? What's go you two so happy?" Before Pryase could even say anything Luna spoke up.

"You get to come home tomorrow. They would let you home today but they want to keep you overnight for observation." Leona growled a bit.

"I have to spend another night. Do I have too?"

"I'll stay with you so that you're not here by yourself." Pryase said as Damian gave him a dirty look while Leona smiled, missing the look.

"Thank you, Pryase. That would be great. I just want to go home."

"Well, at least you get to come home tomorrow." Robin said with a smile. Leona finished eating and as she took a sip of her Chai tea the doctor came in. "Well, Miss. Dark it's nice to see you awake after your accident. I'm surprised to see you awake and interacting so soon. I'm Doctor Sketric and if everything is fine you should be on your way home tomorrow." The doctor told her with a smile.

"Thank god. The only way that I'm staying her another night is if he stays with me." Leona said and pointing at Pryase.

"That's fine. We are going to take some blood work and check you out though to make sure that everything is okay."

"That's fine. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. I do not like hospitals."

Later on that night, after everyone went home, Leona was lying in bed with Pryase sitting down next to her on the bed.

"What was it that you wanted to talk about, Leona?" Pryase asked with a smile.

"I watched the whole thing like it was in slow motion." Leona sighed and looked up at Pryase. "The car went out of control, hitting the guardrail, the noises of crunching metal and the pain but went I blacked out I don't know what happened after that. All I know is that the whole time all I could think about was my sister and you. You were the one person that I couldn't stop thinking about, thinking about how I might never be able to see you again or hear your voice again or be able to be around you again. I just wanted to be about to be with you. I came to realize, Pryase that I love you and I want to be with you."

Pryase smiled and Leona watched as a tear went down his face.

"Leona, I've loved you since the moment I saw you. When I heard that you were in the hospital and that we could have lost you, I felt responsible because I should have been there to protect you." Pryase told Leona.

Leona gently put her good hand on the side of his face and looked him in the eye.

"This is NOT your fault. I caused this myself. I have always had a bad temper and I have said since I was fifteen that my temper is going to kill me one of these days. There is nothing you could have done."

Pryase leaned down; his lips were almost touching hers.

"Can you promise me something?" He asked.

Leona smiled at him.


"Promise me that you will never do anything that crazy again." Pryase told her.

"I promise to tell you first before I do anything stupid." Leona smirked.

Pryase smirked and growled playfully. Pryase kissed Leona hard and passionately, Leona felt as if she was on fire because the passion flowed through her like never before. Pryase pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes and they both smiled at one another.

The next evening Luna was helping Leona get changed into her clothes while Pryase and Devon were filling out Leona's discharge papers when Luna decided to bring up what's been on her mind all night.

"Did you know that our telepathy goes farther than just speaking our thoughts to each other?" Luna asked as she helped Leona get into a pair of cargo shorts.

"What are you getting at?"

"I didn't want to say anything yesterday with everyone around but I knew what happened the other day. With the car crash."

"Oh." Leona sighed. "Look-"

"Also." Luna said with a smirk rising on her face. "I felt something else. What happened last night when we all went home? Did you and Pryase do "it"? That's not what someone is supposed to do in the hospital." Luna said and Leona bonked her on the head.

"We did not! If that emotion thing is true then you would know!"

"It's called teasing if you can do it so can I.

"Well, I confessed to Pryase. The accident made me realize a lot of things."

"So now you're really dating him?"

"Yes now I'm really dating him." Leona sighed and she heard Luna squeak in her mind and raised her eyebrow at it. "Really?"

"Sorry I couldn't help it. It means my sister is an adult. Just make sure that if you two do, do it. You wear condoms and I don't hear through the telepathy otherwise I might have to kill you both."

"Same with you and Devon."

"Why would I? I'm not dating him, I never did."

"Huh? I thought you started when he was going to take you to the dance."

"No, we were just going as friends because he didn't want to ask any of the other girls to go with him." Luna said as they finally finished getting Leona into her clothes just in time for the boys to knock on the door.

"We're all set; we can leave whenever you girls are done." Pryase said through the door, not daring to go inside.

"Alright we'll be out in a minute." Leona called as she slipped on the flip flops they had brought since those would be easier than shoes. "Well, school won't be any fun anymore."

"Why not?"

"No gym."

"You hate gym anyways." Luna laughed.

"Only class besides chorus with a teacher I can stand though. Now I just have study hall."

"So work in the library and maybe now you can read up on those journals from our Great Great Grandmother and Great Great Aunt and find out what their lives were like. I have a feeling they knew about supernatural high too."

"Maybe. Let's go, I don't want to keep the boys waiting." Leona said as they headed to the door."

"Hey, how are you going to deal the news to Damian? You know he's in love with you right?"

"Oh shut up." Leona replied as they walked out of the door and headed back to the mansion.

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