Secrets Of Ying Yang Mansion

By OfficalLunaEclipse

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Luna and Leona Dark have found themselves tangled in a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. This wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Thank You

Chapter Five

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By OfficalLunaEclipse

The next day Leona drove Luna and herself to school and when they pulled into the parking space next to Nitara's car. Nitara and Mike flew out of the car and hugged the two sisters tightly.

"What's up with the sudden show of affection?" Luna asked slightly weirded out by her two friends' behaviors.

"Yeah seriously." Leona added, also confused about what happened.

"We stopped by your house last night because I forgot to give back the book I borrowed from Luna. You're house was broken into and there was blood all over the floor and we couldn't find either of you or your mom. We reported you to the police but we had to wait until tonight to report you officially missing. Stupid twenty-four hour rule. So where's your mom? What happened? Do you know?"

"Whoa, whoa calm down!" Leona said and she looked at Luna and Luna nodded, knowing what Leona was thinking. "Get in Nitara's car. We'll tell you but you guys have to promise that you won't tell anyone what we're going to tell you." Leona added.

Once they all got into Nitara's car Leona told Nitara and Mike what happened with their mom. She left out the part about Devon finding them and helping them because she knew they would freak out once they found out. As far as Nitara and Mike knew they spent the night in Leona's car. They even put some blankets and pillows in the trunk of the car to help pass their story along before they went to school just in case they were asked.

"Wow, you got away pretty easily then if your mom hit you with a smoldering pot."

"Yeah, it felt hotter than it was I guess. Luna iced it for me."

"How'd you pull that off if you slept in your car?"

"We went to a gas station and bought some strong sandwich bags and ice from the soda machine. Once we were in the car, we took the ice and made an ice pack. We did have to put a little make up on it that we bought from the dollar store though." Luna said pulling out some cover-up from her pocket and shook it in her hand.

"So do you have your homework and what not?"

"Yeah, we finished it Friday it's in our locker so we weren't screwed out of that." Leona said. "We'd probably have to head to the police station after school gets out so that way the police won't start looking for us or something."

"Good idea." Luna agreed. "Sorry we made you worry. We didn't expect anyone to show up after we left. Mom probably just left to get drunk even more than she was before and forgot to close the door again. It wouldn't be the first time she did that."

"Then why was the window smashed?"

"Oh, that happened when she threw her glass mug at me. I ducked and it went out the window. Luna, you picked it up, didn't you?"

"Yeah. It was shattered and I threw it out over the weekend once we got settled."

"So where did you guys hide at?"

"The rest stop on the highway near the woods. You know that little parking lot truckers go to stop for the night so they can sleep. The police didn't mention anything to us because we weren't doing anything illegal. We'll head back there after we head to the police station."

"You have to come to one of our houses. I could always ask my mom if you can move in with us. There's no way you two are going to live out of your car until you can manage to get an apartment of your own." Nitara replied.

"We'll be fine. Don't worry." Luna smiled.

"You two are hiding something. Spill." Nitara demanded.

"Wait, does it have to do with Ying-Yang mansion?" Mike asked.

"You two went back!?" Nitara asked.

"No! We took that Demi's girl's warning to heart. Just knowing what was really there was enough for us." Leona said.

"Oh please. We know how much you love the supernatural. Look me in the eye and say you never back there." Nitara said and Luna looked Nitara in the eyes.

"I never went back to Ying-Yang Mansion or Supernatural High." Luna said. "Are you happy now Nitara?"

"Okay, Luna I'll believe." Nitara said.

"Seriously, usually I can't get away with that?" Luna thought shocked but didn't dare voice anything aloud.

"I never went back to the mansion or supernatural high." Leona sighed looking Nitara in the eye.

"Alright. I believe you too." Nitara replied getting out of her car. "Hurry up we're going to be late!"

"Jeez." Luna replied getting out of the car and Leona followed soon after along with Mike as they all headed to their classes.

School was pretty normal until the last period of school came and Robin was in their gym class playing basketball with a bunch of guys and smirking at them since their jaws were dropped in shock of being beaten and outplayed by a girl. It probably helped that Robin was an angel though.

Luna and Leona were also shocked to say the least so they went over to where Robin was and tapped her shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" Leona asked.

"I just joined your school today." Robin smiled. "I've been sent to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't reveal us to anyone. I'm surprised you didn't reveal us to your friends that came to the mansion that night with you two."

"You asked us not to and we won't even if it is Nitara and Mike."

"They already know about us but thank you for keeping your promise. You can tell them if you want. It'll make it easier if they know where you are instead of believing you're living in your car." Robin smirked. "Oh and Luna, Devon wants to see you tonight. I think he's going to ask you out."

"Ask me out?" Luna asked curiously.

"Are you really that dense or are you playing games with me?" Robin asked shocked.


"She's never had a crush before. She's a little slow in that area." Leona said.

"She's how old again?" Robin asked shocked.

"I'm sixteen why?" Luna asked.

"Then I guess it's acceptable. Devon wants to ask you out. I don't know if it's just to hang out, or to ask you out as in become boyfriend and girlfriend but he asked me to let you know that he had intentions of asking you out so you weren't nervous around him." Robin said. "I guess he thought you were a little nervous at the house."

"Oh, okay." Luna said unsure. "Although it didn't really help that when we first went there Demi wanted to drink us dry."

"Aw, my sister is growing up finally." Leona teased and Luna hit her on the arm.

"Shut it Leo!" Luna hissed.

"She acts like a vamp already." Robin smirked and Luna sighed and threw her hands up in the air and walked away mumbling in Japanese so no one would understand what she was saying.

"There she goes." Leona sighed. "I swear I need to learn how to speak Japanese one of these days so I can know what she says."

"I guess that's something else Luna and Devon have in common with each other. Whenever he gets mad he'll speak Japanese or French since his family was originally from England. Although, it takes a lot to make Devon angry in the first place. That's the reason he's the second in command while Dracula's hiding, because he always has a level mind about him."

"But Dracula's the head honcho?"

"That's right. But lately if you piss Dracula off you'd get killed on the spot. Just accidently bumping into him would make him kill someone. So he stays in his room now and Devon took over watching out for us and making decisions." Robin said. "But, I really shouldn't say anything else about this outside the mansion. It's too risky."

"Good point." Leona said. "Luna, stop with your Japanese mumbling and get over here! Class will be starting soon." Leona called and Luna continued to mumble as she walked over with her arms crossed.

Later that night Luna and Leona headed back to the mansion after making sure that Nitara or Mike didn't follow them in their cars and when they got inside the mansion Devon appeared behind Luna and picked her up causing her to scream and kick him in the family jewels and he automatically dropped her to the ground.

"Don't do that!" Luna said wide-eyed before she realized what she did. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Devon." Luna cried as she helped him stand up to the best of her ability since Devon was taller than her.

"It's alright, I probably deserved it." Devon groaned from the pain and Robin laughed at the vampire.

"Devon, you probably shouldn't sneak attack Luna or Leona. You have to remember what they had to live with for god only knows how long. You probably triggered something."

"You're right. Luna, please accept my deepest apologies, I didn't mean to scare you." Devon said hugging her and pulling her close.

"It's alright." Luna said and squirmed to escape his hold on her. "Excuse me." She added before running up the large set of stairs and to her room, her door closing with a slam.

"Did I do something wrong?" Devon asked Leona whose eyes followed her recently fled sister.

"I think you just scared her. She's always been on her guard at home because of Mom and her abusive behavior. I'll go talk to her." Leona replied.

"No wait. Please allow me to talk to her so I can make sure she knows how sorry I am. I just wanted to welcome her home from school. I didn't think what damage she might've been hiding." Devon said.

"Devon I have a question for you." Leona sighed after staring at the vampire for a minute.

"I will do my best to answer it." He said.

"Do you like, like my sister?"

"I do. Something about her is calling to me."

"Are you sure it's not her blood?" Leona asked and Robin gasped.

"He would never use Luna like that!" Robin shouted with disgust.

"It's alright Robin." Devon said with a smile and she quieted down. "I swear upon my immortal life that I would never use or hurt your sister like that. I believe that I do truly love her. I feel like there is a bond between the two of us that I have never felt with anyone else before."

"Then I'll allow you to date her if she agrees. However I want you guys to take things at a human pace."

"I've waited hundreds of years for someone to spend my life with. I can wait longer if I need to for her. I also promise to protect her should we ever get together." Devon replied.

"I'll hold you to it if I can't be there to protect her." Leona replied. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself should something happen to her."

"I understand wholeheartedly." Devon agreed.

"Then go ahead I'll let you talk to her first but if she doesn't answer you come find me. I'll be in the gym." Leona replied walking down towards the gym and Devon headed upstairs to where Luna's room was and knocked on the door.

"Go away." Luna said.

"It's me, please let me in." Devon said sweetly.

"No." Luna said defiant and Devon could hear the sniffle she gave afterwards.

"She's crying." Devon thought shocked. "Then I'll just have to talk to you through the door." Devon said sitting down on the floor and leaned up against the door.

He waited for a few minutes to see if that would cause Luna to open the door but when all he heard was Luna trying to hold her tears back he spoke again.

"You do know I'm not mad at you right Luna? It was my fault that you attacked me like that. I was careless and had forgotten about your past."

"It doesn't matter. I'm safe here no one would hurt me."

"Unfortunately I can't say that for sure but I'm not going to let it happen. There are vampires and wolves here that would love to feast on humans. Even though I told everyone here that you and your sister are off limits they may try something because they're not allowed to hurt humans."

"I know that. But I know I'm safe here." Luna said.

"How do you know that?"

"You'd protect me. Wouldn't you?"

"With my life. Will you let me in now?" Devon asked and a few minutes later the door unlocked and the door opened a tiny bit.

Devon opened the door the rest of the way and saw Luna sitting on her bed the light in the room was off but he could still see perfectly in the pitch black room. When Devon was in the room he closed the door and walked over to the bed and sat next to Luna before he pulled her close and kissed her on the forehead and wiping the tears off her face with his fresh, pale blue, handkerchief.

"Please don't cry."

"Why do you care? You just met me and I'm only a human. Shouldn't you be craving my blood or something?" Luna said.

"I feel this unknown pull towards you. However I've never felt this way about anyone human or supernatural before. Over the last few days I've thought about it and I believe I've come to love you."

"That's a little fast don't you think? You don't even know me. Sure you're attractive and perfect but I'm ugly as hell."

"Never ever say such lies again! You're not ugly at all. You're extremely beautiful."

"Yeah now who's the one spitting lies?" Luna asked standing up and walking over to the desk in the corner where Devon noticed the picture he took of himself smiling on sitting in a picture frame.

"It seems someone has a little crush on me." Devon said walking over and picking up the picture frame. "That is if this is anything to go by."

"Don't be an idiot. I just love having pictures of my friends."

"Then why is my picture the only one visible?" Devon teased.

"Shut up." Luna replied blushing.

"Please tell me what's wrong? I thought we were hitting it off pretty well, what did I do to make you mad at me? What did I do to make you cry?"

"What makes you think it was you? And you did nothing wrong."

"I believe it was, you were so bright and cheerful this morning but now you're so angry and depressed." Devon replied, his smile now a frown. "I don't like it."

"You can't like everything." Luna said.

"How can I cheer you up?" Devon asked rubbing his head. "I know will you give me the honor of escorting you through the garden room? I think you'll enjoy it."

"No thank you. Please leave, I want to be alone." Luna said.

"Alright." Devon said walking over to Luna and kissing the top of her head. "You know where my room is if you want to find me." Devon replied not wanting to anger Luna any further so he left and closed the door behind him.

"Something wrong?" Pryase asked as he rounded the corner.

"Something's not right with Luna tonight." Devon said looking towards the door.

"Maybe it's her "time". Or almost her time." Pryase said.

"You're a pig."

"Hey I know it's been over two hundred years since I've last seen a human but I do remember how they act when that time is almost upon them."

"I think I scared her into a mental box. I snuck up on her when she got home but I tried making it up to her and she's just cruel to me."

"Brittani told me what those two had to live with every day. Luna was born physically weaker than her sister the only strengths she has is physical and mental. That's why Leona's been teaching her martial arts over the years so she could defend herself if Leona wasn't around. However there was one person she could never defend herself again and that was her mother. She would just let her pound her into oblivion if Leona wasn't getting beat by her."

"How does she know that?"

"Brittani read her mind when you brought them back here. She noticed how withdrawn from touch Luna was with everyone when she first came here. She'll probably be herself again in a few days. Just let her cool off and get used to being around people who probably wouldn't hurt her. Come on, I'll spar against you in the gym to help you get your mind off things." Pryase replied.

"Alright, I suppose we could." Devon said looking at Luna's door one more time before following Pryase to the gym.

When Devon and Pryase got into the gym Leona, who was just kicked Damian, stopped what she was doing to look at them.

"No good Devon?" Leona asked.

"I managed to talk to her but she's really upset." Devon said. "She asked to be left alone."

"I still say it's nearing her time of the month." Pryase replied as he got into a fighting stance.

"You're a pig." Leona glared.

"See, I'm not the only one who thought that." Devon said.

"Hey, I'm a male not a female what do you want from me?" Pryase asked.

"I'm a male and even I thought that was wrong." Damian said crossing his arms. "Leave the poor girl alone."

"Shut it wolf boy. Isn't it going to be a full moon soon? You should start getting ready to go howl to the moon."

"Pryase." Devon growled warningly.

"Sorry." Pryase sighed. "Come on Devon, let's spar already."


"Uh-oh, come over this way Leona. When these two fight...well...let's just say you'll be safer over here." Damian replied, grabbing Leona's arm and gently started to pull her away from the center of the gym.

Leona followed Damian over to the side and sat down on a bench as a buzzer started a count down and once the buzzer gave the go ahead the two vampires rushed at each other. Claws and fangs extended as they tackled each other, causing a huge bang to echo throughout the room. The two vampires fell down to the ground and started wrestling with each other biting, clawing, and doing anything to possibly get ahead of the other. Blood was starting to gather on the floor from the two vampires just as Robin entered the room she sighed before she joined Damian and Leona on the bench.

"You're going to need to heal their wounds aren't you?" Leona asked.

"Probably not, vampires heal surprisingly fast. Well from those kinds of wounds anyway. If they ripped an arm of or something like that then I'd have to step in but they've never hurt each other that badly before."

"There's a first time for everything." Leona replied as one of Pryase's claws went right through Devon's stomach.

"Oh good god." Robin said as blood came out of Devon's mouth and his eyes were widened in shock and so was Pryase's when he realized what he did.

"I...oh god...I didn't mean it I swear." Pryase said withdrawing his hand from Devon's stomach just as Luna walked into the room.

"Devon!" Luna shouted in fear and she ran over to Devon who had passed out and Robin was just starting to heal the wound. "Why the hell did you do that to him?!" Luna asked.

"I lost control. I didn't mean it I swear Luna." Pryase replied and Leona held her sister back. Luna struggled against her sister as she tried to get to the fallen vampire.

"Luna, he'll be alright. If Robin could fix me she'll fix Devon with no problems. Besides, Robin said that vampires heal better and faster than a human would so just calm down." Leona said pulling Luna back further so that Robin could properly heal Devon.

Damian brought a bucket filled of water so that they could clean up the blood from Pryase's hand, Devon's stomach, and his face. He also tossed a water bottle to Leona who unscrewed it and handed it to her sister.

"Here, drink that and take deep breaths before you have a panic attack. Then we'd have to take you to the hospital and I'd rather not go through that."

"Yeah Luna, he'll be just fine after some rest." Robin said. "Damian would you bring Devon to his room please?"

"Sure thing. Do you want to come too Luna?"

"Will he be alright with that?"

"Go. He'll be happy to see you when he wakes up." Leona said helping Luna stand up. "You better drink that water though. I mean it when I say I don't want to send you to the hospital over a panic attack."

"Okay." Luna said drinking the water while she followed Damian to Devon's room.

Devon's room was as large as Luna's but there wasn't a light in the room at all. The only source of light in the room was an oil lamp on the bedside table as well as a candelabra on a wooden desk on the other side of the room underneath the window which allowed the moon to illuminate the room. The floor was hardwood oak floor tiles and there was a wardrobe in the corner of the room. The rest of the room was empty except for a small jar that held ink in it and a quill sat next to a pad of paper and a small picture in a frame that sat on the desk.

Damian laid Devon on the bed and put the covers up so they covered Devon up this chin to make sure he was kept warm while Luna stared at the picture. Surprisingly it was a picture of her when she was six. When she was happy and carefree, her father was alive and before her mom started beating her and her sister. Back when Luna could be the defenseless girl she was supposed to be and when a true smile appeared on her face. One that would one day be replaced by fake smiles until she discovered the supernatural world was actually reality. She was surprised that Devon had known her for so long. Then she remembered the first day she arrived at the mansion, when Devon mentioned that he was able to make himself have a ghostly form and a physical form. It occurred to her that it was possible that once she discovered the supernatural, the paranormal activity she encountered over the years that she thought was her father could've possibly been Devon instead.

"Luna, is everything alright?" Damian asked and he noticed the picture she was staring at. "Oh, you're looking at the picture of that girl. Supposedly Devon has been trying to protect her for years. We have no idea who she is though he refuses to tell us. We think it's because he doesn't want to admit he's a creeper." Damian added.

"It's a picture of me, shortly before my father died." Luna said, tears running down her cheek.

"Wait, that little girl is really you?" Damian asked shocked. "How old were you?"

"I was six, Leona was seven at the time but she wasn't there when this picture was taken. My Dad and I were spending our father daughter weekend together. It would be about a month later that he would die."

"What happened? Was it your mother?"

"No, she didn't kill him she was actually a normal loving mother back then. I think it was losing Dad that turned her into the woman she is now. He was killed in a car crash after bringing us home from the park one day. Dad was a police officer so he was always busy except on the weekends. Saturdays he made sure to spend time with me and Sunday's after church, before we abandoned God; he spent the day with Leona and every night we would stay up late watching movies together. Since Dad worked the night shifts he would sleep while we were at school and worked while we slept. Dad was the best. If only he was here since there are supposedly ghosts living here too."

"Sadly, I don't know anyone who looks like you here and I know the faces of all of the three hundred some residents of the mansion/school."

"Yeah, but I did notice there aren't really any classes here for being a high school."

"You are asleep when we have classes." Damian said. "All the classrooms along with the bedrooms are soundproofed so you won't hear us at night when we have our lessons or hear anyone here."

"Oh." Luna said blushing.

"Well, I'm going to head back down to the gym and see if everything's all set down there. Shout out in the hall if you need anything." Damian said and he left the room.

"Weird wolf kid." Luna laughed as she pulled the chair over from the desk and sat down on it while she waited for Devon to wake up.

It was late at night when Devon's eyes slowly fluttered open and he moaned from the pain that he felt in his stomach. He turned his head and he saw that Luna was sleeping. Her head was lying on the side of the bed and she was sleeping peacefully, causing a smile to appear on Devon's face and he ran his hand through her hair which caused her to stir and her eyes opened and looked at his smiling face.

"You're awake! Are you alright?" Luna asked worriedly.

"I should be asking you that." Devon replied. "But I'll be fine. I just need a little rest."

"That's good news." Luna said breathing a sigh of relief. "I know everyone was saying that you'd be alright but I wanted to hear it from you before I believed it."

"I'll be fine. I am a vampire after all." Devon smirked. "Are you still mad at me?"

"No, I was being stupid. I'm so sorry. It's my fault you got hurt." Luna sighed.

"Oh no, we're not going to go down this road." Devon sighed and he moved over so Luna could lay down on the large bed with him. He patted the space next to him to tell her she could lie down. Once she did she automatically put her head on Devon's chest.

"But it was my fault. If I wasn't so cold to you we would've been walking around the garden and you and Pryase wouldn't have gotten into whatever argument you were having and he wouldn't have accidentally hurt you."

"Argument? Luna, we were sparing. We were bound to get hurt somehow because our instincts start to get out of control and that's what happened. It's alright and I'm fine." Devon said and he kissed the top of Luna's head.

"Oh. I guess I owe Pryase an apology, I flipped out on him. I walked into the gym just as I saw his hand enter your stomach and you coughed up all that blood. I thought I saw someone else die."

"I'm not going out that easily." Devon chuckled, kissing the top of Luna's head.

"Can I ask you something?"


"When was the first time you met me?"

"That night you came here with your sister and your friends." Devon said. "Why?"

"Then why is there a picture of me on your desk over there?"

"That girl is you?" Devon asked shocked. "Hmm, I do kind of see it now. You seem a lot happier in that picture than you do now."

"That was taken a month before my father was killed and before Mom became abusive towards us."

"I see. Well, I hope that one day you will be happy like you were in that picture. I am excited to see that day."

"I don't know if I will be that happy again. I pretty much lost my entire family that day. Leona is the only one who didn't mentally change that day."

"Well, you're welcome to call this place home and all of us your family if you want to." Devon said and Luna yawned. "Why don't you go back to sleep? You can stay here if you want or you can go back to your room."

"I'm too comfy." Luna moaned, not wanting to get up.

"Here it is then." Devon chuckled as he pulled the covers back and let Luna curl up against him and he pulled the covers back up over them. "Night Luna."

"Night Devon. And I forgive you for scaring me if you forgive me for being such a prick."

"You weren't a prick. You were scared and you're forgiven."

"I was but as long as I'm forgiven I'm happy." She said falling asleep with a smile on her face.

"She'll be the death of me." He chuckled and he settled down on his bed and fell asleep and was content to have the one that he felt such a strong bond he was almost willing to call love safe in his arms.

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